Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 7


Song Wen just wanted to ask more details, but Zhou Yi Ning moved. He packed up the documents on the table and was about to get off work. His tone became relaxed, as if what he just said was just an innocuous joke: "However, that's just one of them. Maybe it’s just my overthinking, maybe it’s not that serious. Officer Song can listen to it as a story, but with a rigorous attitude, I think I should tell you that under this leadership, it’s always right to guard against small things.”

Song Wen thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry Dr. Zhou, I'm still here, and no matter how abnormal it is, I'm just an intern police officer. I'll be in jail here, and nothing will happen."

Song Wen has a habit of envisioning the best outcome, and then the worst outcome, so that no matter what happens next, it will be between these two situations, and there will be no unprepared situation. . He rubbed his forehead, and the figure of Lu Siyu appeared in his mind. He looked like a little angel, but he might actually be a little devil. Although the current situation is a little unusual, he judges that he should be able to handle it.

"By the way..." Zhou Yining's hand paused, he no longer wanted to dwell on Lu Siyu's question, but changed the subject, "Tian Ming complained to me when he was doing an interview before, saying that the pressure was high. Team Song, you used the routine. His routines are deep enough, let him let go if he can."

"I even sent him a suspect today, how can I let him go?"

"Did you deliberately release water during the test last year? Let him think that you are inferior to him, and only use your real skills during the official test. This thing has made him sick."

Song Wen's mouth twitched, neither denying nor admitting it.

Zhou Yining continued: "It seems that Tian Ming is the one who cares the most, but in fact, you are the one who is the most nervous. It's okay to forget to sleep and eat, don't force your subordinates to do the same, others can't do like you. Your Being strong can sometimes put pressure on them. And covering up your inner anxiety with being strong is not a good option.”

Song Wen spread his hands and refused to admit: "What am I covering up?"

"Your fear. Sometimes, fear is not a physical hostility, but a self-protection mechanism. I don't know what caused your fear, but I can feel that you hate weakness." Zhou Yining thought for a while and added He said, "These must be related to your childhood experiences. I think these emotions may originate from your father's experiences..."

Song Wen knew that Zhou Yining was suffering from an occupational disease this week, and the doctor was bitter, but he didn't want to hear it: "Forget it, Doctor Zhou, I'm not here to talk today. I haven't had dinner yet, so I don't want to drink chicken soup."

Zhou Yining said: "Song team don't be so rude, this is just a friendly follow-up to friends, and it doesn't charge by the hour."

The two were talking when the little nurse outside knocked on the door: "Doctor Zhou, your flower has arrived."

Zhou Yining shouted to the door: "Let's put it outside first, I'll come out right away."

Song Wen raised his eyes and asked, "Date again?"

This is not the first time he has encountered Zhou Yining on a date. Some people regard love as a remedy, and this Doctor Zhou obviously regards love as a necessities like breathing and eating. He is not married, but he has a lot of people on dates. No matter how busy he is with his work, he will meet in the evening and have a sweet night.

"Love is the best way to study the relationship between human beings." Zhou Yining continued to speak earnestly, "Officer Song, let's talk about love too, love can make people better, emotions can change people, promote hormone secretion, regulate the mechanism of the body."

Song Wen only found out today that this week, the doctor is not only alarmist, but sometimes more nagging than his own mother, and replied: "I really don't have time, I encountered another case of dismemberment today."

Zhou Yining replied without hesitation: "You don't need the murderer to give you instructions to take a holiday when you are in a relationship. In your opinion, do all police officers have to be mitotic?"

Song Wen smiled: "If there is this service option, I will be the first to buy it."

Early the next morning, Song Wen stepped on the dot to the office as usual, raised a bag of buns in his hand, and greeted generously: "I bought the buns on the way in the morning, I didn't eat earlier to get them."

Walking to the desk, Song Wen saw a survey report sitting upright on his desk. Song Wen opened the plastic bag, took a bun from the bag, took a bite, and flipped over with the other hand. .

At first glance, the report was written neatly and neatly. After reading the content carefully, it was detailed and truthful. All the information was detailed and recorded clearly. Even the physical evidence forensic work that was not my job was recorded. The physical evidence forms have been sorted out to facilitate the later work of the identification center. Seeing such a report, Song Wen was in a better mood, and felt that even if Lu Siyu had a big secret, it would be worthwhile to stay for the unique skill of sorting out the information.

He was about to praise him, but when he looked up, he found that Lu Siyu was not in his seat.

The work efficiency of personnel is quite high. Lu Siyu's office is opposite Song Wen, and the badge is printed and hung. At this time, there is no one, only a bag is placed in the position, indicating that the person has arrived. The desktop was just like his people, it was clean and tidy, and all the office supplies were lined up from left to right, from high to low, setting off other people's desktops in a mess.

Lao Jia came over unceremoniously and took two buns, occupying two hands: "Team Song has been generous these days."

Zhu Xiao glanced at him: "Old people are bold, I don't dare to eat it. If the landlord's food is eaten, it must be returned."

Song Wendao: "No, I really don't need to think about it, I just celebrate that I don't have to worry about writing a summary anymore."

Fu Linjiang smiled: "Don't you rely on squeezing new colleagues?"

Lao Jia looked at the steamed bun in his hand and said suddenly, "It turns out that we got someone's light."

Just as he was talking, Lu Siyu came in with a glass of water on his face, holding a stack of notebooks he just received and office paper with his head printed in his hand. He didn't know how much he had heard before. The steamed bun in his hand greeted, "Little Lu, come and have breakfast."

Lu Siyu declined indifferently and politely: "Thank you, I've eaten it."

Lao Jia took a bite of the bun and sighed vaguely, "That's a pity, this is your bun."

Lu Siyu didn't know if he didn't understand or didn't understand, he raised his head, and the blank expression appeared on his face again.

Song Wen walked over and kicked Lao Jia directly: "A dog can't spit out ivory."

Fu Linjiang smiled and shook his head, watching these people joking, he picked up the cup and took a sip of the freshly poured tea.

Song Wen saw that the time was almost up, got up seriously and said, "Are you all ready? Let's go to the conference room and have a meeting with the appraisal department." Seeing Song Wen's words, everyone no longer dared to laugh, and hurriedly began to pack up and gather in the conference room. Song Wen walked to Lu Siyu's desk and tapped the desk with his pen to remind him, "Remember to make meeting minutes."

The people who were there yesterday arrived one after another, and nearly ten people filled the small conference room. The atmosphere was serious, Song Wen sat down in the main seat, and started briefly: "Everyone, summarize the new situation and clues."

Lin Xiuran got up: "I'll talk first."

The corpses arrived too late yesterday, so Lin Xiuran did a half-night jigsaw puzzle in order to identify the locations of the corpses. He slept on the camp bed in the forensic room at night. It was time for the results to be displayed. He fiddled with the equipment and projected the Yi showed a picture of a barely assembled corpse.

Lin Xiuran first said something surprising: "First of all, let me tell you a discovery that the contents of the condom were not left by the deceased. That is, there was another man in this room before."

All the people present except Lu Siyu showed surprised expressions. Lu Siyu was not surprised. He lowered his head and spread out the small book, and neatly began to record the minutes of the meeting.

The conference room was quiet for a while, only the exhaust fan above his head was buzzing softly. After a moment of shock, everyone understood what Lin Xiuran meant and calmed down.

Only Zhu Xiao didn't quite understand it, so he raised his head and asked: "There is another man, what do you mean? Is there another woman?"

Lin Xiuran put his hands on the table, looking like a professor who was lecturing as gentle and elegant: "It literally means, although the deceased has lost his organs, but based on the clues, I can still judge that he is a comrade." He is a comrade. The forensic doctor, who is used to seeing life and death, can't surprise him no matter how outrageous things are, and his voice is as calm as ever.

"Gay?! But he has a wife?!" As a standard straight man, Zhu Xiao was extremely shocked.

Song Wen continued to turn the pen in his hand: "Why can't you be gay if you have a wife? Many gays get married. It's just that this approach is immoral."

This orientation has always been a taboo topic for everyone.

Lin Xiuran also explained academically: "Homosexuality is one of the three courtship tendencies of humans and even mammals: heterosexual courtship, same-sex courtship, and bisexual courtship. That is what we often say: heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality. Scientific investigation It shows that homosexuals account for about 5% of human beings, and bisexuals account for 1%. That is to say, among the relatives and friends you have been in contact with since childhood, there must be homosexuals, but you may not know it. Of course I think This is only one of the factors in this case, not necessarily the whole point." Lin Xiuran interpreted it seriously. These things are normal in the first place, but ordinary people seem to think that homosexuality is far from their lives. Zhu Xiao is obviously such a person, as if he does not believe or accept that such people exist in this world.

Fu Linjiang also said: "What makes people feel terrible should not be those comrades who are honest and harmless to society, but more people who dare not face their sexual orientation due to the persecution of their parents and the influence of their living environment. They put on a cloak of heterosexuality, suppressing their own nature, and instead let themselves become monsters hiding in the world. The AIDS problem and the promiscuity problem brought about by this are even more dangerous."

Zhu Xiao rationalized his thoughts: "So, this comrade died at home after talking to someone?"

Lin Xiuran said: "The deceased is married. Whether the person who used the condom is a short-term lover, a long-term lover, or just find someone to make an appointment, it is up to you to investigate." Then he turned sideways and pointed to the projector. The picture, "Let's take a look at the corpse: the head of the deceased, the limbs were separated, the torso was cut open, and the internal organs were minced, all of which were found at the scene. The scars on the head and neck of the person found in the refrigerator were messy, basically all It was a post-mortem injury, and we found some body parts, most of which were ribs and related parts of the abdomen, because there were many muscle traces that had been stewed and unrecognizable, we took out the bones and spliced them."

Reconstructed drawings of the sternum appeared on the slide projector, and those sternums were assembled on a clay model that was modeled after the body of the deceased. Except for a small number of missing pieces that have not been spelled out, most of them have been compounded.

"We can see that most of these sternums are divided into four or five sections, and this is the only position..." Lin Xiuran drew a red circle on the center of his left chest as he spoke, "The bones here are more broken."

"Cover up the wound?" Song Wen asked softly with a slight pause as he turned the pen. If there is a knife scar there, and you want people to not see it, the best way is to add another knife to the scar, but probably the person who dismembered the body did not expect that after the restoration, such behavior would make this much more difficult. The two knives that came out were abrupt, as if they were superfluous.

Lin Xiuran put on gloves, and took out two pieces of sternum to show Song Wen: "That's it, the murderer cut the ribs one by one, and then chopped them apart, so every cut mark is a vertical force, a fracture. It is almost flat. And there is an arc between the human sternum itself..." He said, and gestured the two ways of cutting the knife, "So even though the murderer put the knife up and down at the same position, it still hasn't been damaged. Go to those two traces."

Following Lin Xiuran's fingers, there are two shallow gaps on the two short sternums, which are hard to find if you don't look carefully: "These two marks are on the fourth and fifth of the left sternum, two oblique openings. If there is one such mark, it can be said to be a coincidence or caused by other reasons, but on the curved sternum, there are two scars that completely echo the position, it is definitely not a coincidence , It can be determined that this should be the penetration point of a murder weapon."

"What are the consequences of a knife piercing from here?" Song Wen asked.

After hearing this, Lu Siyu stopped recording and raised his head, then he turned to look at Song Wen, but unexpectedly Song Wen was also looking at him firmly, the eyes of the two met for a moment, Lu Siyu hurriedly He bowed his head and avoided, the pen in his hand poked a point on the notebook.

"If it's long enough, it will directly pierce the heart." As he spoke, Lin Xiuran pulled over a small human anatomy model in the conference center, made two knives close together, and pierced the model's rib, slender fingertips like A sharp weapon that passes through the chest cavity to the heart.