Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 70


At this time, Lu Siyu looked at the man on the opposite side. The man in front of him was a standard successful man. He looked less than thirty years old, very young and handsome, and he had a refined air. If he hadn't been involved with Bai Luorui and those things, Lu Siyu would have a good impression of such a person, but right now, he only has disgust in his heart.

Lu Siyu continued to ask: "I want to ask, do you know what Bai Luorui did, Mr. Gu?"

"I've been in another province before, and I just came back in the middle of the night last night. No matter which case Miss Bai is related to, it's her personal affairs, and I don't care." Gu Zhibai answered him indifferently.

Before that, Gu Zhibai had been on business trips and traveled to various places. Lu Siyu knew the news, and he was not on the list of resident children in the nursing home. Therefore, the police have always excluded him as a suspect.

Lu Siyu's eyes narrowed slightly, but is everything really that simple? He continued to ask: "We checked Bai Luorui's call records. Although you were not here during this time, Bai Luorui has been in contact with you."

Gu Zhibai turned his head: "We are just communicating at work. Do you think that Bai Luorui will tell me this partner about her crime?"

Lu Siyu continued to ask: "Then, Mr. Gu, why did you build such a retirement city similar to the Wushan Nursing Home?"

Gu Zhibai smiled: "The original design plan was proposed by Bai Luorui. She grew up there and has a lot of affection for it. And I built it because of science. , is built by foreign design experts, it can allow more rooms to have more sunlight, and make the activities of the elderly more convenient, which is why I continue to use this design."

"So, have you been to the Wushan Nursing Home?" Lu Siyu said and took another step forward.

Gu Zhibai looked at him for a moment, then he lowered his head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Officer Lu, what kind of answer do you want me to give you? I understand what you mean and what you are suspecting, but What I can tell you is that you can't find anything."

Lu Siyu heard something else from his words. The person in front of him was confident enough to say such a thing. He continued to ask, "I wonder if Mr. Gu, can you cooperate with our investigation?"

"I can cooperate with your investigation. But I still have a ceremony to be held today, and I have to answer questions from the media and clean up the mess. Now that everyone has been taken away by you, I will always host today's press conference. So, there is still a chance in the future." Gu Zhibai's answer is reasonable and reasonable.

Lu Siyu was silent and did not speak, as if thinking about how to continue the conversation. He regretted his rash act for a moment, but then he thought that if the other party is involved in the matter behind him, this meeting is probably just time. The problem.

Gu Zhibai looked at Lu Siyu quietly. The angle he was standing was a little dark, which made him turn away from the sun. The two of them stood there, and time seemed to freeze at that moment.

At this time, a voice sounded behind Lu Siyu: "Mr. Gu, he just reminded you that as long as you violate the law, we will definitely be tracked down and brought to justice." The door was opened again, Song Wenda He walked over, "So, no matter how big the business is, you must abide by the law."

Gu Zhibai looked at him, recognized that it was the police officer who had just brought someone to arrest Bai Luorui, and nodded, "That's natural."

Song Wen looked at Gu Zhibai and introduced himself: "My name is Song Wen, the captain of the first team of criminal police of Nancheng Bureau, Mr. Gu, I am fortunate to be here today. I think it is very well built."

"Thank you for the compliment. I built this place because it has huge benefits." Gu Zhibai said with a faint smile: "I'm completely different from Bai Luorui. She still has ideals, and I'm just for money."

Right now, no one is staying here, but soon, people will fill it up.

"It's really an honor for Nancheng to have you." Song Wen said again, "I'm a little sorry, but I have to arrest today, I hope it won't affect Boss Gu's stock price and business."

"People are forgetful. There is nothing that can't be suppressed, just not enough money and not smart enough public relations people." Gu Zhibai said solemnly.

Song Wen asked again: "In the past, there were many people doing pension business. Why does Boss Gu think that he will be more successful than others?"

"Because times have changed, people have changed. Twenty years from now, a quarter of the people in this city will be over the age of 60. Even if this retirement city is not important now, it will be just in need in the future. The place." Gu Zhibai paused and continued, "The old-age care model in the past has long been unsuitable for today's society. The old people in the past were the bottom of the family. They were poor when they were young, and they endured humiliation when they grew up. To do housework, take care of grandchildren, their whole life is to pay."

"But soon, those only children are getting old. As a group of people who have grown up with love, they have no siblings, they are more selfish, they love themselves more, they will not invest more in their children, and they will go bankrupt for their children. They can’t afford to buy a house, and they are willing to spend money on themselves. As long as they are given good things, as long as they live longer, as long as their pain is relieved, they can exchange everything for it.”

When he said this, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, it's not them, but us. After a few decades, we will be old."

"The demographic structure of the society is constantly changing. Now we are a deeply aging society, and soon, it will become a super-aging society. The whole process will only take 30 years. We will face an avalanche of An aging catastrophe."

"If the birth rate is high, there will be a baby economy, and with severe aging, there will be an aging economy. Soon, the old pension model will be eliminated, and a new pension model will take its place. At that time, business people who have come to their senses will find that early The market has already been occupied." Gu Zhibai looked out the window after speaking, "This empty city will become a machine for printing money, and I am the hero of the construction of Nancheng."

Song Wen clapped a few times, "Listening to a wise man is to gain insight."

Lu Siyu frowned, wondering why Gu Zhibai was explaining this to them, but he had to admit that when instilling these concepts, there was something moving about that person, which made people feel that what he said was correct.

"Now, I'm going to prepare to deal with the media." Gu Zhibai looked at the time.

Song Wendao: "Mr. Gu, don't bother, we will contact you when we need your cooperation later."

A smile appeared on Gu Zhibai's mouth: "Everyone will always have a chance to meet again."

After going out, Song Wen said, "I'm escorting Bai Luorui downstairs here, and in a blink of an eye, I realized that you were gone." Then he looked at Lu Siyu: "I know you have some doubts about Zhang Peicai's last words, but You shouldn't come here alone to cross-examine."

"What about you? Are you here to listen to his big truths?" Lu Siyu lowered his head a little unhappily. Song Wen's attitude towards Gu Zhibai just now made him feel that he was questioning his judgment.

"You think I'm here to chat with him? I'm here to find you!" Song Wendao said, "What Gu Zhibai said is right, you don't have any evidence, so what if we can prove that he knows? Cover up the criminal without reporting it. You can’t catch his braid and ask anything.”

"I suspect that Gu Zhibai knew all this long ago. He may have known Bai Luorui long ago."

"But he's not on the nursing home list."

Lu Siyu turned his head sideways: "After so many years, the information we found may not be accurate, and the list is more likely to be missed."

"I know you suspect that he is the person behind Bai Luorui, but if you want to prove that there is something wrong with him, you should pry open Bai Luorui's mouth and look for more evidence, instead of directly facing your opponent here. "The tone of Song Wen's words is a bit heavy. Since the two of them have a good relationship, he rarely speaks to Lu Siyu in this tone, tough and irrefutable, "It's not necessarily those with knives who really killed you. The bad guy who rushes to you, the bad guy who is sensible and knows how to advance and retreat is more dangerous, as a policeman, don’t you understand this truth?”

But in the short meeting just now, Song Wen smelled danger from Gu Zhibai's body.

Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen's face, his eyes twinkling. He never felt that he was so close to those people, this feeling of being close to the answer made him a little unable to control his heartbeat, but Song Wen held him back.

He admitted that Song Wen was right, he was impulsive.

"If we don't have actual evidence, if we investigate further, it's not our job now." Song Wen clarified the matter a little more. "Right now, let's close Zhang Peicai's case first." Having said this, his tone softened. down.

Lu Siyu nodded, his heart was clear. Now, he is already in a puzzle, and the further he goes, the more dangerous it will be.

The truth behind the matter may be far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

Before, where did Wu Qing and the others find out

Downstairs in the old-age city, several medium-sized buses stopped, and a lot of old people got off the bus. They were the old people who were invited to visit here. They got out of the bus and looked around at this specially built for them. The city is full of joy one by one, and the smile on his face is like a child who has come for an outing.

Song Wen saw such a scene and couldn't help but stop and watch.

A few decades later, those young people today will also grow old. This is a cycle that no one can escape. Human beings are like this. When someone is born, someone will grow old, and the cycle goes on and on.

How to regulate old-age care and how to let more old people spend their old age in peace, maybe this city still has a long way to go.

Gu Zhibai watched several police cars leave from upstairs. His expression changed completely. From the confident talk just now, he became solemn. His eyes flickered for a moment, and then he took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Hey, don't worry, this place has been completely dealt with, and they can't find anything anymore."

The person over the phone didn't know what to say. After another pause, Gu Zhibai raised his head and said, "Zhang Peicai has already found this place, and they must be stuffed with something to end this matter, cutting this side is considered a gecko's tail. Let Zhang Peicai get the news. It's a pity that we didn't ask about it until the end..."

"The laboratory is gone, and we can build another... Only this time we have to be more cautious."

"Well, don't worry, Bai Luorui can't say anything, because she doesn't know anything at all."

"Yes, at the Wushan Nursing Home, I once asked people to pick up the items below, but I met the police head-on, so let's go back... Don't worry, the person is from Niangniang Yu's side, and I can't find out at all. arrive."

"Well, okay, as long as they don't discover what's underground there for the time being, we're safe."

Soon, after dialing the phone, Gu Zhibai turned around and walked out. There was a grand ceremony waiting for him.

Nineteen years ago, in the Wushan Nursing Home. The setting sun cast a long shadow behind Bai Luo Rui.

She breathed a long sigh of relief after talking to Xia Weiwei just now, feeling that she had done a great thing.

Bai Luorui separated from Du Ruoxin and Wei Hong, and before she reached the door of the ward of her grandmother and grandfather, she saw someone standing in the corridor waiting for her. Bai Luorui ran a few steps and walked in front of the man, who was a teenager in his teens, half a head taller than her, she opened her mouth, and her voice was crisp: "Gu Zhibai, I will take you with me as you said. Let them go and talk to Xia Wei."

"What was the result?"

"What she said to me is the same as what you said before." Bai Luorui spoke with admiration and admiration in her eyes. Gu Zhibai had basically guessed those few links.

"You did a good job." Gu Zhibai took out half a pack of snacks from his pocket, "You didn't tell Xia Weiwei what I told you, did you?"

Bai Luorui shook her head: "I didn't, I said, that's all my thoughts." She lowered her head and took a bite of the snack, then raised her head and said, "That's really my thoughts, you're just helping me out. Some ideas. I'm about to be free, you're right, if grandma dies, I'll be free, thank you."

Bai Luorui really admires Gu Zhibai. He is smart, calm, and mature. It seems that there is no way he can't think of a problem or a problem that he can't solve. He is different from other children in this nursing home, like Wei Hong and Du Ruoxin. Little kids are different. He does not belong here, he is outside. Bai Luorui had seen the man with him, and he and Dr. Xia also knew each other.

Gu Zhibai hummed and looked at Bai Luorui who was eating with her head down.

"You...why are you looking at me like that?" Bai Luorui was eating snacks and looked at Gu Zhibai strangely. He looked at her with complex and soft eyes.

"It's nothing, you look a bit like my younger brother when you eat." Gu Zhibai didn't look too far, and quickly changed the subject. He asked her, "Are you afraid of what you're going to do?"

"I'm not afraid... I want to live a different life." Bai Luorui blinked, raised her head and asked him, "I'm doing this right, right?"

Gu Zhibai nodded: "That's right. From now on, your grandma will be liberated, and you will be liberated, and your life will be much easier."

"I like some old people here, but I don't like this place." In Bai Luorui's eyes, this place is colorless, emotionless, like a dark cage, making her feel depressed and uneasy, she doesn't Know if Gu Zhibai feels the same way as she does.

Gu Zhibai touched her head, like a brother who loves his sister: "You won't stay here forever, you will have a better life. We all have countless possibilities."

Bai Luorui nodded: "If it were me, I would let them live in a better place and have a better life. Let's do this together when we grow up."

Gu Zhibai looked at her and smiled lightly.

Here, is the beginning of everything, not the end...