Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 71


The three suspects Du Ruoxin, Bai Luorui and Wei Hong were all arrested. As soon as he heard that the arrest operation was successfully completed, Bureau Gu hurriedly went downstairs from the director's office to learn about the situation. After confirming that the procedures for confirming the three suspects had been completed, Bureau Gu finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at everyone: "This is The case is almost done, and it can be transferred to the detention center for custody, and the follow-up trial will be completed there. Today, the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone should stop working overtime, and go back to accompany your family early."

After the case was solved, the prisoner fell under the law. For a time, the atmosphere in the office became more relaxed. Since this case, everyone has been tense, and now, they can finally get out and take a breath.

Song Wen smiled and said: "Gu Ju, you are very kind today, it's not because you want to go home."

Gu Ju smiled: "Eat a few more dumplings at night, you won't be able to shut your mouth."

Jokes aside, Song Wen knew that the case was personally supervised by Gu Ju, and it was related to the black gauze hat on his head, especially in the middle of the case. The case involved the Wushan Nursing Home, Gu Ju visibly lost a few pounds, and his back He hunched up a little, so he looked like an ordinary old man. Fortunately, the case was solved in time, and the impact was only within a certain range. This result is very satisfying.

With the big leader speaking, the little police officers below moved faster than each other, and they were not so efficient when they dispatched the police. Just when he was packing things here, Song Wen suddenly smelled a strange unpleasant smell, and couldn't help frowning: "What is this smell? What are you doing over there? already?"

The smell came with the wind, presumably the corridor and the book center were the hardest hit areas.

"Captain Song, you have suffered from an occupational disease, and everything smells like a corpse." Old Jia just came over from there and shook his head: "This is not a corpse, it smells worse than a corpse."

Everyone is more curious now: "What is that?"

Only then did Lao Jia reveal the mystery, "It's the silt dug out of the underground ditch of the Wushan Nursing Home!"

"Sludge?!" Song Wen was surprised, and was baffled by the news.

Old Jia said: "Yes, Lin Xiuran salvaged five buckets of silt in order to check whether there is any important physical evidence in the sewers over there. Now the entire physical identification department is like being attacked by chemical weapons. If you stay for a long time, it may be life-threatening. Oh, not much to say, this smell is unbearable, above, I have to go out for a breath."

After listening to his words, for a while, the office began to talk a lot.

"I think Section Chief Lin may have used the wrong strength this time. What can be found in the mud in the sewers?"

"Maybe, there is some important evidence hidden in the mud."

"Oh, don't say it, I heard that some things were fished out yesterday."

"What did you get out?"

"A lady's shoe, but the cloth is almost rotten, and only the sole remains."

"What kind of evidence is that? It's probably a nurse or an old man who fell into the sewer in the past, right?"

"The evil door is the evil door. There are fine meshes on those well covers. If you don't open the entrance of the sewer, it is impossible for the shoes to fall. So... these shoes are in the sewer, where did the person go?"

"In that place, so many people have died, it's not uncommon to see ghosts."

Those policemen were gossiping, but they didn't delay their work at all. In a blink of an eye, only Song Wen and Lu Siyu, who was slowly packing up, were left in the big office.

Song Wen turned to look at Lu Siyu, but he was indifferent, as if his nose was just a decoration, and he couldn't smell the unpleasant smell at all. Before Song Wen could speak, Lin Xiuran, who was fully armed, walked in quickly, with an unspeakable stench on his body, Song Wen covered his nose and said, "Alas, Brother Lin, Gu Bureau rarely grants amnesty today, you Hurry up and take a bath, the people from our side have smothered you and ran away."

In order to make it easier for colleagues to work overtime, the police station was renovated and renovated the year before last, and Bureau Gu also specially modified a shower room to facilitate taking a bath.

Lin Xiuran raised his eyes and looked at the empty office. He reached out and took off his gloves and took off his mask. "Fortunately, you are still here. Come with me to the Wushan Nursing Home."

"What's the matter?" Song Wen frowned slightly. Now that he mentioned this place name, he had an ominous hunch.

"We found this in the mud." Lin Xiuran handed over a physical evidence bag, which was a pearl earring. It has been rinsed and placed in an evidence bag.

Song Wen looked familiar, but before he could speak, Lu Siyu suddenly stood up from the side, stretched out a white jade-like hand to take the evidence bag, and concluded softly, "Xia is unknown."

Song Wen remembered the photo album he had seen in the nursing home before, and the few photos that Xia Weiwei had appeared in, all with earrings of this style. The density of pearls is lighter than that of silt, so it floats out.

"It seems that there is nothing in the mud in this nursing home." Song Wen looked solemn and discussed with Lin Xiuran, "Do you want to tell Gu Ju?"

Lin Xiuran waved his hand, "Forget it, let's go over first. Now the old man is happy. When the big fish is really caught, I'll tell him." Having said this, he sighed, "Let him take a breath first, If you do find it, give him a Dragon Boat Festival surprise."

Song Wen's team had a holiday, but the Wushan Center did not have a holiday, and the team came to the Wushan Nursing Home again. The last time their salvage area was just a small piece of sewers in this nursing home. This time, Lin Xiuran and Song Wen decided to expand the search scope. The manhole covers of several sewers were all pried open, and the entire backyard stinks under the sunlight. Lin Xiuran and several forensic doctors wore protective clothing and gas masks.

The protective gear is limited, Song Wen and Lu Siyu wore protective masks. Still can't hide the choking smell.

There has been a lot of rain recently, the water level in the sewer has risen a lot, and the silt that has been deposited for many years has been washed away by the water and moved away. Lu Siyu found a picture of the underground structure of the former Wushan Nursing Home. Song Wen measured it with a ruler in the yard several times according to the drawing. He came to the entrance of another sewer, and greeted Lin Xiuran, "This may be the outflow of the sewer. Export."

Although the sewers here are a bit complicated to set up, after all, they were built relatively early and used early drainage systems. The sewer is mainly for domestic water and rainwater. There is a reservoir where the drainage system meets the outside, leading to the main outside.

Lu Siyu observed for a moment, then crouched down and said softly, "I think, I probably know what they want to take away from here."

Song Wen followed his gaze and looked down at his feet. Under the sunlight, something like a shell appeared in the mud. Under the sunlight, it gave off a yellow light—it was a piece of white bone that was washed out.

For more than ten years, the corpse has slowly decayed in the sewers where the sun is not seen, accompanied by various insects and mice. Now, it has completely turned into bones.

Song Wen was so smoked by the methane gas that he couldn't open his eyes, but he still tried to look down, covered his mouth and muttered: "Can you confirm that it is a human bone?"

Lu Siyu nodded and said, "It looks like a human pubic bone."

Lin Xiuran wore waterproof plastic pants and a gas mask to go down first, and illuminated the wall of the sewer with a flashlight to observe the environment. The underground is dark, with sewage and silt under the feet, and the smell is more intense. There is a reservoir here, and there is a filter screen below, so those bones were washed here, and they were not washed out again.

In the past 18 years, the sewer of Wushan Nursing Home has experienced many winds and rains. The bones that were originally in the sewer were washed to pieces with the changes of time and water flow, and finally were led to the outside world by the reservoir. Mainnet blocked. And the original sinking spot... probably where there were pry marks.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiuran took a few steps forward and flashed his flashlight on the wall of the biogas tank below the other exit. He shouted, "There are deep nail scratches on the top of the tank wall, the victim may have been pushed down alive. ."

"This is really a big fish..." Song Wen straightened up after hearing this, "I'll call Bureau Gu."

At 9 o'clock in the evening, they finally fished out 27 bones in size. According to the two largest bones, it was determined that the victim was a woman about 167 in height, aged between 32 and 35 years old.

Dragon Boat Festival squatted beside the sewer to help, muttering: "From the perspective of time and height, it is very similar to Xia Weiwei."

The forensic doctor Xiaozhang on the side was taking pictures, when he whispered: "Until you decide, you can't talk nonsense."

Just as he was talking, Bureau Gu and Song Wen came over from behind. Bureau Gu hurried over after hearing the news. At this time, he gave an order with a solemn expression: "You must do a DNA test as soon as possible to determine the identity of the deceased. Before that, notify the Internet police to block the news.”

This corpse may be unknown to Xia. Almost everyone has thought of this. When the 519 task force arrested Xia unknown, she suddenly disappeared from the siege of the police. This is a strange thing.

In the past 18 years, the police have carried out various search and arrests for Xia unknown. But they never imagined that the corpse might be at the feet of everyone, in this Wushan Nursing Home.

This may be the so-called darkness under the lamp, and the shadow of the lamp in the hand blocks the illumination of the light and conceals the facts and truth.

Afterwards, Gu Ju sighed and said, "This case still can't be bypassed..."

Originally, Gu Ju was still happy that Zhang Peicai's case was successfully concluded, and how he was going to celebrate, but no one thought that the case was closed, and the case from 18 years ago was still pulled out.

It's been a busy day, from the morning capture to the afternoon bone salvage. It seems that a puzzle has been solved, but a new puzzle is placed in front of them.

After a tossing, it was ten o'clock in the evening. When Lu Siyu returned home, there were a few packets of ingredients ordered from the Internet before, and a pigeon in a cage, which was the dish he ordered at noon. When he went out today, he really didn't expect to be delayed for so long. He only ate a few biscuits in the middle, and his body seemed to be numb. Now, he finally felt hungry.

Lu Siyu thought for a while, and called Wu Qing first. The person on the other side hadn't slept yet, he quickly picked up the phone, and a voice came: "Hello?"

Lu Siyu took a breath: "Teacher, I went into the ancestral house and cleaned the sanitation inside."

"and then?"

"Several ants were found."

"This season is when the ants are active. You haven't found the ant nest yet. As long as the ant nest exists, it may bite the entire house into an empty shell."

"One of them was found to be somewhat large and had been dead for a while."

"These ants don't grow in a day, and don't think that they can be cleaned in a day. Soon, someone will come to remove the ants." After a few more greetings, Wu Qing hung up the phone.

Lu Siyu was sitting on the sofa, holding his mobile phone, but thoughtful. He wanted to ask the teacher if Zhang Peicai had anything to do with him, and if he had disclosed some information to Zhang Peicai, so as soon as Zhang Peicai died, he got the news and told himself to follow this case.

How could Zhang Peicai, an ordinary investigative reporter, know such a detailed list? He may have just been a little curious about his wife at first. Who gave him the news

Regardless of the truth, in the end, he was like a bait, thrown into the sea, and then led out the underwater monsters competing for food.

Someone is stirring the bottomless water of the Nancheng, so that those sins can be seen again, and an earth-shattering is about to come.

He remembered that Wu Qing told him that in order to start a battle, there would be sacrifices. So, was Zhang Peicai sacrificed

After being stunned for a while, Lu Siyu felt that he should eat something to fill his stomach a little bit, so as to avoid trouble with that delicate organ, he simply washed a few vegetables and soaked it, then stretched out his hand to the pigeon.

The pigeon didn't seem to know its fate yet, and after cooing a few times in the cage, he reached out and took out the little thing, and touched the pigeon's fur. Then Lu Siyu stuffed the pigeon's body in the ice water. The bird was still struggling at first, but it stopped moving after a while.

Lu Siyu looked at the pigeon coldly. The slaughtering process was clean and neat, but it was still a bit cruel. They all said that the blood of pigeons was a great supplement, but Lu Siyu didn't like it very much. He quickly let out the blood and went to Overhaired. He put his hand into the abdominal cavity of the pigeon, and took out the soft dark purple internal organs from it. Those organs were still warm, and the touch in his hand was no different from that of a dead person.

The little wolf came out of the room and glanced at him, Lu Siyu was silent, and looked back at it with cold eyes, the little wolf whimpered, shivered, and ran away with his tail tucked. Only at this time, its owner made him unfamiliar, as if it might be stewed into a pot of braised dog meat in the next second.

Then Lu Siyu put the washed ingredients into the pot, the water boiled, and started to cook the pigeon soup. Lu Siyu lowered his head and looked at the pool and the pigeon blood on his hands.

Finally, Lu Siyu turned on the faucet, and all the blood was washed away by the warm water.

The pigeon soup was cooked quickly, and it gave off a delicious aroma. It was amazing. The corpse that was full of fishy smell just now has become a delicacy in the world. The rice cooker made a burst of pleasant music, and he cooked two more simple dishes. Two dishes and one soup, enjoyed by one person, is a bit extravagant.

Completely done, it was past eleven o'clock, Lu Siyu arranged the dishes and soup on the table in a neat row, and then he took out his chopsticks, with a strong sense of ceremony.

Maybe it's because the mood is so ups and downs today that the soup can't taste in the mouth. It should be delicious.

During the day, Lu Siyu's whole body and mind were embedded in the case, as if he had been drained of his mind. At this time, he felt powerless.

After dinner, he carried the little wolf upstairs, opened the medicine box and took a few painkillers, and finally fell into a drowsy sleep.

Between half-dreams and half-awakes, there are mists, layer upon layer, endless, as if in a lost city, and as if in the eighteenth floor of purgatory. This time, Lu Siyu slept extremely badly, his heart was beating so fast, and he felt that his chest was suffocated and he couldn't breathe.

Then he discovered a terrible thing. His stomach started to hurt again. It was a thread at first, and then it became more and more severe. It made him unable to rest. Lu Siyu was woken up by the pain, and he used his hands Hold down the pain in the abdomen, but even if he tried his best, the pain did not weaken in the slightest, but intensified. It was like a snake was gnawing at the internal organs, and it was like a knife was repeatedly twisted inside. He bit his lip tightly, cold sweat on his head.

I don't know if it was because I ate too late for dinner yesterday, or because I experienced too much yesterday. The painkillers I took before had no effect at all.

Lu Siyu was a little panicked. He didn't know what time it was, or whether it was dawn.

He wanted to call 120, but he didn't want to be seen by others, and he didn't have the strength to open the door for others. He picked up his mobile phone and hesitated for a long time about who to call. He had no relatives or friends. Then he thought of Song Wen and dialed his cell phone.

"Hey..." The phone rang a few times before being picked up. Over there, Song Wen's voice came in a daze, "What's the matter? The test results are out? Or do you need to call the police?"

Lu Siyu's hands were shaking. He closed his eyes and endured the pain for a while, licked his bitten lips, and said in a trembling voice, "Song team... I... have a stomachache..." He thought that he should explain something. What, but a low moan blocked his throat, making him speechless.

Song Wen's voice over the phone became clear: "Wait for me fifteen minutes, I'll be there soon."