Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 73


At ten o'clock in the morning, on time, Song Wen and Lu Siyu appeared in the conference room of Nancheng Bureau.

Since it was a rest day, the police station was still quiet, but all the relevant team members were there.

Song Wen sat down and directly presided over the meeting and said, "Let's first summarize the circumstances of Xia's unknown death case. Can the cause of death be determined now?"

Lin Xiuran's eye circles were still dark, obviously he hadn't slept all night. He projected a picture of the bones on the slide, and it can be seen from the above that the bones that were put together were still very incomplete.

"After an overnight salvage, we finally recovered more than 100 pieces of white bones, such as stapes, phalanges and other smaller and lighter bones, which are estimated to have been lost. Eighteen years, the body has been completely ossified, and the bones Incomplete, the cause of death has not yet been determined. In the early hours of this morning, we found a broken fingernail from a crack in the sewer wall. This fingernail was located at a relatively high position, so it was well preserved. "

As he spoke, Lin Xiuran pulled out a few photos. One of them was on the wall of the sewer, with various scratches intertwined on it. Those were the marks he had dug out from the wall with his hands.

The photo has been lightened and processed to look more horrifying, making people a little scalp numb.

That woman used to be in this dark underground, tortured and finally died.

"In addition, we found a small butterfly knife, which is suspected to be the murder weapon. However, it is clear that the weapon did not kill Xia Weiwei. She was probably pushed into the sewer after she was unconscious." Lin Xiuran was talking on the projection. A small butterfly knife was projected on the instrument.

Lin Xiuran continued to summarize the situation: "We can basically confirm that the victim, Xia Weiwei, was lured to the entrance of the sewer on the night of September 12, about eighteen years ago. The deceased may have been injected with drugs, or it is possible that She was seriously injured. Later, the suspect threw Xia Weiwei into the sewer. Xia Weiwei woke up in it, struggled for about an hour and a half, and then died. During this period, no one heard the call for help or found her. And this It happened to be a blind spot in the nursing home, so no one searched here later."

Lin Xiuran pointed to a photo and said: "Then we talked about the nail, this is where we found the nail of the deceased, there is good news, the nail is in a higher position, and it is a concave place. I have detected a drop of blood that does not belong to the victim on this fingernail. It is a pity that, because the blood of the victim and the blood of the suspect are mixed together, the current The DNA of the suspect has not been analyzed yet, and the technical department is trying to separate it. But don't hold out too much hope. The blood sample is seriously contaminated. With the current technology, it may not be possible to separate it. It's male."

Sometimes the evidence at the scene is so miraculous that after fifteen or twenty years, as long as there is half a blood spot, the murderer or the suspect can be found out. However, in murder cases, the pollution caused by the fusion of blood has always been one of the difficulties in criminal investigation, and the blood on the nails is very rare, and the number of tests that can be carried out is limited. This precious blood cannot tell them who the murderer is. .

Listening to the results of the forensic examination, Fu Linjiang pressed his temple: "So did the eyewitnesses lie back then?"

Song Wendao: "It has not been ruled out in front of me, it is also possible that the man killed Xia Weiwei."

Zhu Xiao has already started to contact the witnesses of the year, but... It is difficult to contact them. After contacting them, there are very few who can provide effective information.

Xu Yao showed a few pictures as a tracer: "The sewer covers in the past were not the same as they are now, they were all metal and had a certain weight, but the covers of the sewer entrance of the Wushan Nursing Home were not big, and the covers were old-fashioned. Yes, with tools such as a stick, an adult can pry it open, and even a stronger minor can do it."

"At least this fingernail, this butterfly knife can prove that Xia Weiwei died of homicide." Song Wen said, resting his hand on the table, "What do you think about the murderer's reason for the murder."

There is so little known information that we need to rely on brainstorming, or even speculation.

Fu Linjiang said, "I don't think it can be ruled out that accomplices kill people."

Lao Jia added: "Is it possible that this Xia Weiwei is not the murderer of the old man, but the man in charge?"

Song Wen shook his head: "I believe in the judgment of those police officers back then, at least from the evidence chain, Xia Weiwei is at least the insider and operator. This is also consistent with Du Ruoxin's testimony, she cannot be completely innocent." He thought about it. Want to say again, "One possibility cannot be ruled out. It is also possible that because of the police investigation, some old people know that some of them died of murder, and they have the idea of avenging the deceased, and then kill Xia Weiwei."

As the old people in the nursing home, their lives and their relatives were threatened, and they had the most reason to kill and take revenge. In the end, it was an old woman who claimed to have seen Xia Wei go downstairs, and her husband also died in the nursing home. If the old people united to kill Xia Weiwei and pushed her into the sewers, then some of the testimony from that year would not even be accepted. And how many of those old people who were already dying back then are still alive today

If the murderer is already dead, then the difficulty of the case will be added a bit more.

Song Wenli thought about it and said: "No matter what happened at the time, whether the suspect or the witness, they all had something to do with the people in the nursing home at that time..."

As soon as he said this, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open from the outside. Song Wen raised his head and saw Gu Ju standing outside the door with a serious expression. Lu Siyu also stopped recording and looked at them.

There were four or five people behind Gu Ju, and his expression was serious. As soon as Gu Ju arrived, Song Wen automatically stepped aside. Gu Ju stood in front of everyone and said solemnly: "Today, everyone worked overtime here early in the morning. It's really hard. Here, I have two news to tell you."

He cleared his throat and announced, "The first thing, Bai Luorui committed suicide in the detention center."

This sentence seems to have caused a thousand waves. Lao Jia couldn't help but shout directly: "How is it possible?" They tried their best to arrest people yesterday, and it was only one day before something happened.

Zhu Xiao also frowned and said, "Impossible. When I escorted her to the detention center, I had already searched her body and changed her clothes."

Lin Xiuran and Song Wen looked at each other and shook their heads lightly, apparently he didn't know anything about it either.

Gu Ju continued to explain: "Bai Luorui excused that she wore the bracelet for too long and couldn't take it off. She was in the detention center, and the bracelet was brought into the house by her. She hid a poison in the bracelet and was in the detention center last night. Inside, while everyone was not paying attention, he committed suicide, and news just came from the hospital that the person was already dead."

Song Wen frowned slightly when he heard this. When he arrested Bai Luorui, he had observed the bracelet. Her bracelet was obviously worn since she was a child. Who would have thought that the bracelet could be It was opened, and Bai Luorui hid the poison there again...

Song Wen asked, "Did you interrogate the person who was in contact with Bai Luorui last? Is it possible that he killed him?"

Gu Ju shook his head and said, "The detention center has already investigated and the surveillance video has been obtained. No one was active nearby during the time she died. They concluded that the prisoner committed suicide."

In an instant, Song Wen understood what Bai Luorui's last sentence meant - if I also arrive on that day, I will definitely end my life cleanly and never drag others down. As proud as she is, as determined as she is, maybe since then, she has chosen death to end it all.

After hearing the news announced by Gu Bureau, Lu Siyu put the pen in his mouth and bit it bit by bit.

Only dead people are safest, and now many answers will become secrets with Bai Luorui's death.

"Second thing... This morning, I have reported the news of Xia Weiwei's death to the Provincial Bureau, so the Provincial Bureau decided to conduct a special investigation into the Wushan Nursing Home incident, and Xu Changying assigned by the Provincial Bureau was in charge of the case." said Then, Gu Ju pointed to a tall and thin man behind him.

The man looked to be in his early thirties, with a straight body and sharp eyes like eagles. He stepped forward and said hello: "Hello everyone, my name is Xu Changying."

Gu Ju said again: "Song Wen, your team has done a good job in solving the case this time, but then you should rest for a while, don't be too tense, you wait and hand over to the task force." Then he turned to look at Lin Xiuran, " Director Lin, you cooperate well with Captain Xu's work. Starting today, Captain Xu will turn this small conference room into a temporary office, and will work with everyone for a period of time. Afterwards, everyone will take care of and cooperate more..."

Gu Ju's second news was as shocking as the first news. This means that Song Wen's team will withdraw from this case.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion below.

Lao Jia couldn't help but pouted and muttered in a low voice, "Here comes the peach picker..."

Before Zhang Peicai's case was always in charge of Song Wen, but now many years of suspicious cases have been involved, and it has been proved that the suspect is dead...

So at this time, in the eyes of some people, the truth is no longer important. In the case of more than ten years ago, the suspect died, as long as a convincing murderer is found, the case can be closed. Careful people may also check who killed Xia Zhizhi. If you are careless, you can report the names of several dead old people and press the suspects, and the case can be closed.

Lu Siyu had a completely different opinion from Lao Jia. He secretly took his mobile phone and checked the map. The provincial bureau was a three-hour drive away from them. Obviously, this group of people rushed over after hearing the news this morning.

Xu Changying, the name of Lu Siyu has long been heard. The provincial police chief, 33 years old this year, has a strong integrity, and has repeatedly solved various major cases. He is also the favorite general of the Song Bureau. This multi-year unsolved case is also appropriate. Since the provincial bureau sent him down, it doesn't seem like they want the gourd monk to break the gourd case.

Lu Siyu bit his pen cap and raised his head to look at Xu Changying. He seemed to notice that Lu Siyu was looking at him. Then Xu Changying also turned his head to look directly at him, and Lu Siyu hurriedly avoided his eyes. The man's eyes were sharp, like a hunter, which made him a little uncomfortable.

When Fu Linjiang heard the news, he frowned and thought. The above may think that their team is too young and their seniority is low, and they don't want to hand over the case of the Wushan Nursing Home to them. It's just that in this case, they will also let their team join the task force to investigate together. Now Bureau Gu directly asks Song Wen to take over. It's unreasonable to say that this matter is a bit like occupying a magpie's nest, which makes people uncomfortable.

As soon as this order was issued, everyone in the seat was full of thoughts. This meeting could not go on. Gu Bureau introduced a few words to the other members of the task force, made work arrangements, and then looked at the people standing beside them. Song Wen called him and said, "Song Wen, come with me."

Song Wen knew that Bureau Gu had something to explain, and followed him all the way to the director's office of the Municipal Bureau.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Ju entered the door, he went straight to the point: "Bai Luo Rui's death is not your responsibility. She happened in the detention center after being escorted. Don't think about it too much. Don't feel pressured because of it."

Song Wendao: "I'm always to blame for not finding out the poison."

Gu Ju sighed: "It's not just that you didn't see it, I didn't see it either, neither did the staff at the detention center, nor did the on-duty staff pay attention to her abnormality, everyone is responsible. In short, this Let's talk about it later, at least Du Ruoxin and Wei Hong are still there, Zhang Peicai's case will be slowly investigated." He paused and said, "You have solved this case well."

Song Wen didn't say a word, and the more Gu Ju praised him, the more he knew that this was just a foreshadowing, and the matter of handing over the case would be discussed later. Gu Ju was afraid that he would have resentment in his heart.

Gu Ju took a sip of tea and said, "As for the Wushan Nursing Home case, it has too much impact and involves a lot. Back then, Wu Qing broke his leg in order to investigate this case. Although it was more than ten years ago, there is still no danger if it is not properly secured. After I reported to the provincial bureau early this morning, the provincial bureau said that we should make arrangements. Now the bureau has directly sent someone to take over, which is not a bad thing. We can just get rid of this hot potato. After all, you are still young. This kind of scheduling is normal, don't think about it too much."

Song Wen raised his head and said, "I understand, I obey the arrangement of my superiors. If the case is in the hands of other captains, I will be asked to come over. I will bring someone to gather the information later."

Gu Ju knows Song Wen's temper. Although he is usually easy to talk, he is sometimes very competitive. This time he took the case from Song Wen in front of everyone. Gu Ju has been worried that he has an idea in his heart. But what Gu Bureau did not expect was that Song Wen cooperated so much this time, saying that the case should be handed over, and it was handed over immediately.

Gu Ju leaned on the swivel chair and said: "You just solved the case, you are the hero of the city bureau, after the handover, you can take your people and take a two-day break. Anyway, the Dragon Boat Festival is not over yet, so don't be so tense. The case is always unsolved. If there is a new case later, I will assign it to you."

Song Wen sighed: "Then Gu Ju, if there is nothing else, I will go out."

"Uh... I have nothing here." Gu Ju said this, but his heart became more and more strange, but from Song Wen's expression, he couldn't see the clue at all, and he could only hope that Song Wen was as it appeared on the surface Calmly.

Song Wen walked out of Bureau Gu's office with his hands in his pockets, went to the hidden place on the corner of the corridor on the first floor, and called Li Luanfang. As soon as Li Luanfang was connected, Song Wen said directly: "Mom, don't think I don't know. Who is behind the scenes?"

He didn't get angry with Gu Ju because he knew what happened and Song Cheng's temper. This must be Song Cheng's stumbling block. Without the direct order of the provincial bureau chief, Gu bureau would not make such a decision. Now it's like sending someone to pull their team out of this case.

The reason why Song Wen agreed so quickly was because he knew that this was Song Cheng's arrangement, and the other was because Lu Siyu paid too much attention to this case, which might be a good thing.