Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 74


Li Luanfang on the other side of the phone said: "You, how do you say your father, little wolf, wait, your father left a message for you, let me look for it..." The old lady muttered, "Where did I put it..."

At this point, there was a sound of chasing things, Song Wen suppressed his temper and waited patiently, after a while, Li Luanfang seemed to have found it, and read each word according to the note: "Stinky boy, you Before the hair grows, you should be obedient and obey the organization's arrangements. Do you think the case that your father couldn't solve back then was so easy to solve?"

Song Cheng's stay is really not a good thing, Li Luanfang imitated Song Cheng's tone, Song Wen could just imagine the old man blowing his beard and staring at him, he laughed angrily: "Why is the old man so sure that I can't break it and he can't break it? The case? He is afraid that if I really solve the case, he will lose face, right? Also, in order for me not to touch this case, the old man had a meeting last night. "

Li Luanfang said: "Well, I went out at three this morning." This time was a little later than Song Wen got the news. It can be seen that Song Cheng attaches great importance to this case.

Song Wen thought about it and said to Li Luanfang, "You tell that old man..."

Li Luanfang cut off his words directly: "What are you suing, you all come and go, you really think I am a microphone... Your father said that if you are not obedient and insist on investigating, there will be two results. First, he will Go to Nancheng and chat with Gu Bureau, then you will not be a policeman. Second, you will be transferred to the provincial bureau, and you can choose between the two results. "

As soon as these two sentences were said, Song Wen's next move was blocked directly, and these two sentences were considered to save face. If he really wanted to operate, the old man had a hundred ways to treat him. On the bright side, Song Wen is like Sun Dasheng who has entered the palm of the Buddha's hand, unable to turn over the Wuzhi Mountain.

Song Wen is full of anger, and he also knows that at this stage, it is impossible to take back the order after layers of orders, and Song Cheng's approach is understandable from the overall situation. He was just habitually wanting to have a few words with Song Cheng. At this time, listening to Li Luanfang say this, Song Wen frowned slightly, and felt more and more that things were not simple: "As for what? This nursing home is so terrible? Does he have You didn't tell me anything. Could there be an inside story behind this case?"

Although Song Wen has always been disobedient to his father's discipline, the period of rebelliousness has long passed. He understands his father's temper. Generally, Song Cheng just ignores his various behaviors and disdains to intervene.

Song Cheng has a very strong purpose in doing things, and now he is suddenly so deadly, there must be his reasons. Song Cheng wanted to remove him from the case of the Wushan Nursing Home. They haven't pieced together that story yet, and Xia's unknown death is not that simple.

"Your father... He always keeps things in his stomach and doesn't tell others. If you want to inquire, you can ask him yourself." Then Li Luanfang changed her tone and said, "I guess this Wushan Nursing Home The case was investigated by the 519 task force together, and there must be some involvement. Your father is the most daozi and tofu-hearted. He is... He doesn't speak very nicely, but he actually cares about you."

Song Wen snorted: "Don't waste your energy to clean up the old man. How did our father-son relationship reach this point, you watched us call."

"This time, I'm on your father's side." At this point, Li Luanfang's voice lowered, "Little Wolf, listen to what Mom said, don't touch 519, that case is too evil."

Back then, this case made her almost lose her son and husband, and the whole family was in danger. Wu Qing fell from the building because of this case, and other people in the police force died as a result. She still has lingering fears. At that time, Song Wen was still alive. Small, many things do not know the reason, so do not understand the dangers.

Song Wen didn't take it seriously: "You doctor, you are also feudal and superstitious?" He was thinking, after all, it was a case from more than ten years ago. Those bad people who live to this day are only some aunts and old men, many of whom have been arrested. When time is out, how many people can still have the strength to make waves.

Li Luanfang simply said it thoroughly: "Originally, criminal police is a high-risk occupation. Your father and I have a total of your son. You can solve other cases casually. It is a mother's request. This is the only thing that can't be discussed." She thought about it. He added, "Xu Changying is a student passed down by your father. He has more experience than you. All of his subordinates are elites. He has solved several major cases. Ah, right, son."

"In the end, I still can't trust me." Song Wen muttered, but his own mother's words were all about it, and he didn't want to be tough with his parents.

Moreover, Lu Siyu was very obsessed with the previous case, and even became obsessed with some of the things in it. It might be a good thing if we could keep a distance. Thinking of this, Song Wen turned and asked Li Luanfang: "By the way, Mom, I want to ask you something. If you are addicted to painkillers, how can you quit."

Li Luanfang's voice trembled: "You wouldn't be..." Criminal police is a stressful profession, and she is often turned upside down and easily injured. She has been worried about Song Wen. Today, Song Wen's question shocked her.

Song Wen hurriedly said, "It's not me, my colleague."

Only then did Li Luanfang feel relieved and returned to the doctor's attitude. She had been in the emergency department in her early years, and then she was transferred to the clinic. She had seen all kinds of diseases more or less, and paced and asked, "How much does he eat?"

Song Wen thought about it for a moment: "It's probably three or four times the normal amount. The name of the medicine is..." He flipped through it and told Li Luanfang the name of the medicine.

Li Luanfang's voice suddenly increased an octave: "Isn't this nonsense?! Do you want to die? If you take such a large amount for a long time, it will become addictive and cause drug dependence. Moreover, this drug is so overbearing, don't take it again. It doesn't work anymore."

Song Wen almost pierced her eardrum by her voice, and hurriedly took the phone away: "So isn't this a quit?"

"What's the reason for taking the medicine? Is it an injury or an illness?"

"Stomach disease, gastric ulcer, and like to hold on."

"Then this is a slow effort, so you need to take a good rest." Li Luanfang sighed, "First of all, the medicine should be put away, and it should not be put in a place he knows. The person who is sick will want to eat if it hurts a little. The willpower of ordinary people can't bear it. If you put it in a place he knows, he will not be able to restrain himself from touching it. The second step is to control the amount, and give it as much as you say. How much, hold the watch to count the time. Then, you have to let him gradually reduce it, little by little, and he can't stand it any more."

At this point, Li Luanfang suddenly stopped, thinking of something so sensitively asked: "Your colleague, is it a man or a woman?"

Song Wen's head hurt, it's true that everything can go around this: "Men!"

Li Luanfang snorted, and her voice was a little disappointed. She might be a woman's sixth sense, and felt that Song Wen was very concerned about this patient.

Song Wen thought of Lu Siyu's heart, and asked Li Luanfang tentatively, "Would you still be willing to find you a delicate daughter-in-law?"

Li Luanfang was surrounded by him, and whispered in a low voice: "Life is only a few short decades, and I know it well, you are so stubborn, just find me a similar one, as for the rest... It's up to me. Do you choose?" After she finished speaking, she continued, "You have to find out the reason for your colleague's illness, whether it's physical or psychological. Sometimes, the heart disease can't be solved by medicine."

Song Wen nodded: "I know." He knew that Lu Siyu was serious, but he kept secrets about what he buried in his heart. There must be secrets that others couldn't touch, and he had to cover the whole person before entering him. Go to heart.

"If you have anything on your mind, don't hide it from your mother." Li Luanfang said again: "There is nothing that can't be dealt with. After your Uncle Wu broke his leg back then, didn't you survive it?"

As soon as the words were said, Song Wen raised his head and saw Lu Siyu walking out of the conference room. From a distance, he looked tall and beautiful, and the sun shone on his delicate face, giving him a spotless youthful air. , He seemed to hear a voice, and turned his head to look here. Song Wen hurriedly said to the phone, "I see. Thank you Mom." He hung up the phone and walked directly to Lu Siyu, "Why did you come out so late?"

This meeting should have ended long ago. Song Wen went upstairs to chat with Gu Bureau for a long time, and then made a phone call for a while. I don't know what Lu Siyu was talking about with Xu Changying during this time.

Lu Siyu said softly: "I asked about some previous cases. Team Xu is unfamiliar with life and is trying to figure out the situation. And he didn't call me alone. Several people in the team called. You were not there just now, so I didn't talk to you. You said..." Then Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen and asked worriedly, "Gu Ju is looking for you... Is it okay?"

"It's all right, I'm afraid I won't give up power if I think about it." Song Wen waved his hand and said, "He didn't expect that I was getting what I wanted, so I just took two days to move the house."

Gu Bureau suddenly put Song Wen, the captain, out of Xia Unknown's case. People in the city bureau couldn't help but think too much and over-interpreted it, but in fact, this is really not a workplace situation, at most it is a family dispute.

Hearing this, Lu Siyu said: "I also left the information there, and I can go back when I have nothing to do. I'll help you move with you later." He wore a chic white shirt today, a black one. Casual eight-point trousers, the sleeves are slightly puffed up, and the exposed wrists and ankles are very thin.

Song Wen hurriedly said: "Farewell, you are so delicate and fragile, I'll make you sick again when I look back. I don't want to go back to the hospital to visit patients." Then he comforted Lu Siyu, "I don't have many things there, so I won't go back to the hospital. It's almost time. You just stay home and wait."

Lu Siyu responded, and the two made an appointment. Song Wen first went back to pack up, and then moved to Lu Siyu's side when he turned around. Everything went according to plan, and Song Wen's things were packed in the afternoon. The two suddenly moved to live together, which was still a bit of a gossip. Song Wen didn't call anyone, and came over by himself after calling a car.

Lu Siyu wanted to help Song Wen carry things, but Song Wen didn't let him. Xiao Lang saw Song Wen coming, and he was very excited, wagging his tail, looking at the luggage in a hurry, making a circle of confusion.

Song Wen finished moving things, wiped off his sweat, and saw Lu Siyu sitting on the sofa with a pillow in his arms, holding a mobile phone in his hand, but the screen of the mobile phone was black. Right: "What? What are you thinking?"

Lu Siyu was interrupted by his words, so he put down his mobile phone and took a drink from the water glass in front of him: "I'm thinking about the previous case." They were still busy day and night a few days ago, but now they are suddenly busy. When it was time to spare, it was as if a taut clockwork suddenly loosened.

Zhang Peicai's case has been solved, but who killed Xia Zhizhi back then

There are so many mysteries in that case, it's like the first step in a puzzle has been solved.

Song Wen didn't bother Lu Siyu much, and packed up the things in the room. Then, seriously, all of Lu Siyu's painkillers were confiscated.

In the evening, Lu Siyu cooked a few dishes, Song Wen put the bowl in the dishwasher, Lu Siyu took him upstairs and downstairs and went around again, where to put things, how to use the washing machine, and explained It was clear, and then he said: "I have nothing to avoid. You can enter the room as you like, and things are in normal use, so you don't need to say hello to me."

There are a total of four bathrooms in the villa. Song Wen doesn't even know what all the bathrooms are used for. Now that he has moved into the house, there are only two men and one dog in total. Even if they are all using the bathrooms, there is still room. However, there are many bathrooms, so it is very convenient to take a shower. Song Wen was tired and sweaty after moving house, so he threw his dirty clothes into the washing machine and went in to take a shower.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Lu Siyu was still struggling on the bed and didn't fall asleep. The more he was afraid of something, the more he came. From ten o'clock in the evening, his stomach started to ache. A few painkillers went down to solve the problem, but now, the medicine was taken away by Song Wen.

Song Wen just took a shower and came out of the second bedroom next door. He was wearing a generous t-shirt, and his hair was still dripping wet. Then he saw Lu Siyu curled up on the bed, his face abnormally white: "what's the matter? Stomach pain?"

Lu Siyu didn't speak, closed his beautiful eyes, and nodded lightly.

"Have you taken your stomach medicine?"

"I've eaten it." But it didn't work, and the pain wasn't serious, but it was a bit irritating to endure. Lu Siyu didn't know whether his need for painkillers was physical or psychological.

He has been taking that kind of medicine for several years. For him, he can sleep peacefully with that medicine. It is a necessary medicine and a sense of security. Now that it was suddenly put away, his heart began to panic, his brain seemed to be a mess, his eyes were instantly red, his fingers unconsciously stretched to his lips, and he nibbled helplessly.

Song Wen couldn't bear it, went to get a pill, and poured warm water for him: "Today's amount. It's already the highest dose, and there can be no more."

Lu Siyu took the medicine, and his hands were shaking. If he used to take it, he had to take at least two tablets. Sometimes it didn't work. He got up and took two more tablets. But he also knew that those things were poisonous, and eating them could paralyze him to sleep, but it would be fatal for a long time. He knew that Song Wen was doing it for his own good, so he had to stop taking medicine.

Thinking of this, Lu Siyu took the warm water handed over by Song Wen and took the medicine with his eyes closed.

Song Wen looked at him, still a little worried: "Then I'm going to bed. If you feel uncomfortable at night, just call me."

Lu Siyu lowered his head and hummed.