Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 78


"I thought it was the walking dead, but I didn't expect the mummy to return." Song Wen settled the witnesses and walked over to the corpse. He took out his mobile phone and took a light. Under the irradiation of white light, the white powder on the corpses Reflecting a little light, Song Wen squatted down and looked at it, "What was originally stored in this pit? Is it poisonous? You must be careful."

Lin Xiuran said: "I have checked it, and it is industrial salt, which is nitrite." Salt can quickly make the moisture in the meat disappear, no wonder it will form a mummy.

Song Wen took a flashlight and frowned and asked, "Won't nitrite cause death after eating it? This dangerous material is just stored in this old factory, and no one has dealt with it?"

Lin Xiuran sighed and said, "This factory has been shut down for a long time, and the responsible person may not be able to find it. These industrial salts are heavy and worthless, and the workers are unwilling to move them away."

"I'll make an application later, and see if I can deal with it specially." Song Wen finished his rationale: "That is, after this brother was murdered, the body was abandoned here..."

Lin Xiuran pointed to the bags stacked in the corner, among which were several empty bags marked with nitrite: "This place may have been empty, it should be after the suspect murdered, poured out these industrial salts and covered them. Corpse. Industrial salt absorbs the water in the body, corrodes the skin, and prevents the corpse from rotting. In terms of time, it should be winter or spring, and at a lower temperature, mummy is formed.”

Song Wen asked: "Can the identity of the victim be determined now?"

Lin Xiuran shook his head and fiddled with the corpse: "The face has long been unrecognizable. After the murderer dumped the corpse here, he took off the corpse's clothes, and then sprinkled it with industrial salt, so what we know is what we see now. So much, the rest, it is estimated that we will be able to know after the autopsy."

Abandoned factories, naked and anonymous male mummies whose identity is difficult to identify, and the identity of the deceased cannot be identified, this puzzle is before their eyes. Song Wen made a judgment: "Then let's look back at the male missing persons within a year."

Seeing that the initial inspection here is almost done, Lu Siyu stood up and recorded the scene. He raised his head and looked around. It was quiet and remote, and the light that was not too bright was shining on his face and refracting on the lens. There was a light, and he lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking, took off his gloves, and moved his slender fingers.

Song Wen turned to Lin Xiuran and said, "What, let's take this 'bacon brother' back first."

When it was time for physical work again, Lin Xiuran went to the car to get a body bag. Lu Siyu automatically took two steps back without causing them any trouble. Song Wen, Lin Xiuran, and the two assistant police officers who helped were careful not to get the powder on their bodies, and finally worked together to put the body in the bag.

Xiao Cheng has taken many pictures of the scene over there, and other physical evidence traces have also summarized the traces of the scene. There are often bands here for rehearsal, so there are many marks on the ground, and the time of throwing the body was a few months ago. Many clues are unavailable. The little girl was there with a frown, and Lu Siyu walked over and asked her, "Have you brought luminol?"

Luminol, also known as luminol, can chemically react with human blood and sperm spots, showing fluorescent colors in the dark. It is especially noticeable under ultraviolet light, and is often used by forensics and physical evidence to find bloodstains.

"Bring it, but this place is so big..." Cheng Xiaobing frowned. They didn't know the route the suspect walked. In such a big place, dozens of bottles of Luminol were not enough to spray. She also thought of testing blood traces just now, but it was impossible to start because the place was too big.

Lu Siyu stretched out his hand and said, "Give me a bottle."

Cheng Xiaobing found a bottle for him, and then gave him a UV lamp. She looked at Lu Siyu curiously, not knowing how he was going to use this thing. Lu Siyu looked back at the terrain here again, and chose the entrance on the left. Then he walked all the way, walking very slowly, spraying twice with the things in his hand from time to time.

At this time, outside the factory gate, Lin Xiuran and Song Wen worked together to lift the corpse onto the corpse carriage. Song Wendao: "I thought you would cooperate with Xu Changying to investigate Xia's unknown case. Why are you free today?"

Lin Xiuran said, "That's just what Gu Ju said casually. Xu Changying brought her own forensic doctor, a woman, who arrived yesterday afternoon, and then sent Xia Weiwei's bones to the past, saying that there was an accident in the past few days. A post-mortem report."

Song Wen chuckled. Lin Xiuran had already prepared the report in various ways. Xu Changying seemed to want to re-examine it: "No one can trust those people from the provincial bureau."

"Naturally, after all, it's a big case, and there is no room for mistakes. For them, the safest way is to find someone they believe in to check it again." Lin Xiuran took off his gloves as he spoke, "People who have been dead for more than ten years. , there are only dry bones, and they have been soaked for a long time, the autopsy is very difficult, I am happy to relax, by the way, do you know that they are going to transfer people from the city bureau?"

Song Wen shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, and I didn't pay attention to this." Gu Ju asked him to rest in the past few days, and he really rested for two days. Yesterday, he packed his things, and put his desktop computer in Lu Siyu's study, and played a few games to relax.

Lin Xiuran wentssips with him: "I heard that there are not enough people brought in, so I will select people from the city bureau to join the task force. When the case is over, it may be transferred directly to the provincial bureau."

Song Wen replied casually: "That's a steady step forward. I'm afraid there are many people who want to rush to go?"

"Yeah, I heard that Zhao Li from the second team seems to have taken the initiative to ask Ying, and then it was a tragedy." Lin Xiuran added, "Ordinary people, the elites of other provincial bureaus may not like it." Then he said something again. He stopped, but he seemed to feel that he was not loyal enough without reminding Song Wen, so he started a conversation, "Guess who the surname Xu is interested in?"

Song Wen read out the meaning of these words, thinking of Lu Siyu's hesitant appearance from the conference room before, an ominous premonition suddenly surfaced in his heart: "It can't be... the little ancestor in my team, right? "

Lin Xiuran nodded, pouted at the factory building, and then made a silent motion to signal Song Wen not to be heard.

Song Wen scolded, "I dug into the head of the young man!" He didn't care about the case that he was seized, he regarded it as a disappointment in the workplace, and he thought that he would be able to move a step closer to living in Lu Siyu's house. , I didn't expect to kill someone with the surname Xu halfway through. Lu Siyu is not short of money, and he has no interest in fame. If he is a hobby, he can only investigate cases. Especially for some cases, he has a strange obsession. If Xu Changying uses this to tempt him, he will be kidnapped and run away. .

Seeing Song Wen's reaction, Lin Xiuran asked in a low voice knowingly, "Didn't Lu Siyu tell you?"

Song Wen narrowed his eyes and straightened the whole thing out: "He didn't tell me, maybe he's still hesitating. I'll talk to him later. Thank you, Brother Lin." Then he took out his phone and checked the time. It was nearly nine o'clock, and it was estimated that it would take more than ten o'clock to go back. "Let's go and have a look first. Come here first today, or you will have to go back all night for an autopsy."

The two closed the back door of the corpse car and returned to the factory. Song Wen still lifted the blockade and walked in and asked, "How is everyone doing?"

Lu Siyu had been busy for a long time just now, when he spoke, a clear voice sounded behind Song Wen: "Song team, turn off the lights."

Song Wen was puzzled and looked back at Lu Siyu. The man was looking at him sideways, as if waiting for his action. Song Wen looked up and saw that the switches for the searchlights were on his side. Not far away, he reached out and pressed the junction box that was pulled out.

The entire factory was suddenly shrouded in darkness, with only a little moonlight shining in from the window.

The air was so quiet that it was about to freeze, and then a purple light appeared. It was Lu Siyu who turned on the purple light in his hand. Everyone hurried to see it. fluorescent color. In this dark factory building, it is indescribably eerie and beautiful, like a dream.

With the movement of the light, a fluorescent-colored "blood road" appeared, with half a blood-colored palm print on the edge of the industrial salt pit.

"Ah!" Although it was only an incomplete palm print. But also extremely valuable. Cheng Xiaobing took a few steps quickly, wanting to see more clearly. Song Wen suddenly pulled her arm, "Be careful!"

Cheng Xiaobing lowered her head, and then she saw clearly that she had already walked to the edge of the salt pit at this time. If Song Wen hadn't pulled him just now, she would have fallen into the salt pit. into the pit. I took a few photos. The palm print was left by wearing gloves. It can be seen that the base of the middle finger of the right hand is thicker than the other fingers.

Lu Siyu squatted down and stared: "The suspect may have a ring on his middle finger of his right hand. This ring seems to be quite small..."

Cheng Xiaobing asked curiously, "Lu Siyu, how do you know where there will be bloodstains?"

The entire factory building is huge, and finding bloodstains here is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"The person who dumped the corpse should be very familiar with this place. His original plan was to throw the corpse into this pit, so after he entered, he did not take a detour and went directly here. Moreover, the victim was tall and the body of the person who dumped the corpse was tall. He was smaller than him, so the corpse thrower rested for a while on the platform on the right, stopped and walked, and threw them into this pit with their backs on their backs." After explaining this, Lu Siyu took another photo of the few people beside him. There was also some blood on the bag where the industrial salt was placed. "He rummaged for chemicals there, threw a few bags, buried the body, then took the body's clothes and wiped off some of the blood with that clothes." So , there are some bloodstains that are just blurry, not very clear.

"It moves slowly and is relatively short." Cheng Xiaobing pursed his lips and asked, "So, the corpse was thrown by a young man who had been here before?"

Lu Siyu shook his head and thought about it sideways: "Knowing the layout here and the location where the chemicals are stored, I think this person is more likely to be someone who worked here in the past, maybe he is old, so Physically weak."

Song Wen nodded in agreement, "He just knew that this was an old factory, but he didn't know that it had become a gathering place for those young people. If he knew that there would be so many people coming and going here, he wouldn't put the corpses here. It's gone." The murderer dared to use this place as the place to throw the corpse, because he must have thought it was secret enough, and he had completely destroyed the corpse, thinking that no one would be able to find out the identity of the deceased.

If it weren't for those underground bands gathering here, no one would find this body in ten or eight years. Song Wen thought for a while and then said, "I think there is a possibility that the time to throw the corpse is before those underground bands use it here."

Lin Xiuran also said: "I asked those young people just now, they started using this place about five months ago, so the time of death, the time of throwing the corpse may be earlier than the time when they found this place, and this time is also consistent with the condition of the corpse. Said that the deceased died, at least five to six months ago."