Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 8


Then Lin Xiuran took out his finger and continued: "If it is pierced into the heart, the deceased may die within a few minutes, and there is no time for rescue. This may be the cause of the deceased's death, but because of the lack of internal organs, we cannot rule out some other causes of death, for example, it may also be It is the hemorrhagic shock caused by the abdominal organs, it is also possible that the knife in the neck punctured the artery, or the death caused by other reasons. Moreover, based on the traces on the bones, we cannot be sure that the chest knife is the dead person alive. time was stabbed."

Xu Yao added: "I don't think it is likely to be a knife in the neck. If there is a knife in the neck, there may be a lot of spray-shaped bloodstains, but we did not find a lot of blood reaction on the cut and cleaned blood clothes. That doesn't quite fit."

Lin Xiuran explained: "The above is only a forensic inference, this is the main finding of the corpse, and the rest are irrelevant, such as no bleeding on the back, no intracranial injury, no fracture of the hyoid bone, and no other wounds on the body. , This body is severely mutilated, so no more information can be obtained from forensic autopsy alone."

After finishing talking, Lin Xiuran began to clean up the relevant pictures, and after finishing the clean up, he concluded: "I will sort out my findings for you. Judging from the condition of the body, the time of death of the deceased is from 6:00 pm to 12:00 pm on the same day. During this period of time, because I had been soaked in ice water and lost important information, I could not be more specific about the time of death. The cause of death is suspected to be a stabbing of the heart with a knife in the chest. I think this may be an acquaintance committing the crime, not serial. In this case, judging from the edge of the knife, there should be only one person who dismembered the corpse. He was not very strong, and he was definitely not a strong man, but he could not be very thin, at least an adult with independent behavior. The murderer has certain knowledge about the human body and organs. Understand, there may be a certain medical basis."

Lin Xiuran turned 30 this year, which was the golden age of forensic medicine, a time when he was both experienced and energetic. Calm and calm, clear logic, no nonsense forensic doctor, so that the case can be solved with half the effort. After the analysis was over, everyone had a new understanding of the case.

"I used to call the monitoring route here. Although there is no complete image, it is basically certain that the deceased went home around 8:30." Zhu Xiao gathered all kinds of clues and supplemented the timeline.

Xu Yao also summarized the physical evidence information: "In terms of physical evidence, the previous physical evidence forms have been sorted out. Just like what Director Lin found, the deceased was living together, that is, there was once a person in the house. The hair obtained from the comb and pillow After comparing the results with the DNA extracts, it can be determined that it is the same person. There are many traces in the house, fingerprints are everywhere in the doorknob, toilet, restaurant, and on the knife thrown with the body, we also obtained one Clear fingerprints, matching some fingerprints in the house."

Having fingerprints is undoubtedly good news. Song Wen asked, "Where is the process of obtaining fingerprints?"

"Gu Bureau there."

Now the second-generation ID card has obtained most of the fingerprint data, but it still needs to go through an approval process. After comparing with the household registration information, the identity of the person can be known.

"There are fingerprints on the murder weapon, so can you identify the suspect?" Fu Linjiang asked.

Lao Jia nodded and said, "This person disappeared after the incident. It is estimated that he was hiding. I thought this case would be very difficult. Looking at it now, it is just around the corner to solve the case."

"Show me the murder weapon you found." Song Wen stretched out his hand and asked for the evidence, and Xu Yao handed him an evidence bag with a blood-stained knife in it.

Song Wen looked up and down and put forward different opinions: "I think this may not be a murder weapon. According to the two gaps in the ribs just now, we can get the width of the murder weapon, and we can also simulate the shape. Only a double-edged knife can Create wounds like that. This knife may just be a knife for dismemberment."

Lin Xiuran took the knife and looked at it, then nodded, "Yes, such a knife can only create a scar on a single rib. It doesn't match the knife scar on the chest."

"Is it possible that the murderer used this knife to stab the deceased, stabbing the abdomen, and using another weapon to make up for the knife in the chest?" Fu Linjiang proposed another hypothesis.

Song Wen lowered his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "It's a bit too complicated. After analyzing the case, I can't understand some parts. The corpses have been destroyed like this. Does it make sense to cover up the cause of death? When wearing gloves, it is unreasonable to leave fingerprints and blood on a lost murder weapon. The murderer had to deal with the body all day yesterday. Now that he is wearing gloves, all traces should be cleaned up. The murderer did not deliberately deal with fingerprints in other rooms and left marks on the murder weapon, which is inconsistent with his usual cautious behavior."

The knife appeared so coincidentally that there were fingerprints all over the house, but nothing was found on the main tool for dismembering and stewing corpses. Fingerprints appeared on the knife thrown with the corpse, and it was also stained with blood. Many of these points were not logical. So much so that something seems to have been left to them by the murderer.

Song Wen was silent for a moment, his eyes were sharp, and he said another possibility: "This knife may be deliberately misled by the murderer."

Everyone was silent all of a sudden, in order to mislead the police? So the purpose is to put the blame on Lin Zhenghua's cohabitant

"What's your opinion on Lu Siyu?" Song Wen suddenly raised his head and asked.

"Me?" Lu Siyu didn't notice that he was suddenly called on, and was a little surprised, and unconsciously licked his lips.

Song Wendao: "It doesn't matter, whatever comes to mind."

Lu Siyu flipped through the book in his hand, and hesitated before speaking, "This case is rather cruel. I think the person who divided the body has a strong psychological quality. That kind of division method cannot exclude female suspects."

Lin Xiuran nodded: "Because of the same mentality, when female murderers kill women, they abuse their breasts and reproductive organs less than male murderers. When male murderers kill men, they are less likely to attack male organs, which is rarely the case. , and often because the relationship is a rival in love, using this behavior for emotional revenge, or being born perverted."

The angle that Lu Siyu put forward was something that no one had considered before. Song Wen thought along with his words, and suddenly raised his eyebrows when he realized what it was, and then turned to look at him without expressing any opinion.

Lu Siyu noticed Song Wen's gaze, and he lowered his head again and started to memorize something in the notebook.

Fu Linjiang nodded in agreement: "If it's just for killing people and destroying traces, there's no need to do this extra action. Mincing or stewing may be more reasonable. Moreover, the murderer used a lot of useless effort when dealing with the corpse."

That is to say, such a step is too much for destroying a corpse. The murderer doesn't seem to care if someone else gets the identity of the deceased. But it is deliberately hiding wounds and something, what logic is this

Song Wen turned the swivel chair and made a decision: "Anyway, there has been a lot of progress in the investigation of the case here. The deceased's cohabitant, even if he is not the murderer, should be thoroughly investigated. His fingerprints appear on the relevant knives. The more information you get, the more helpful it will be for the detection of the case. Zhu Xiao, take the time to gather the information of the deceased and clarify the identity of the cohabitant. Fu Linjiang, you take Lao Jia to continue investigating the case. Now I think It is necessary for us to see the family of the deceased." He got up as he spoke, "That is another of our suspects."

Love, this is a thirty-eight-year-old housewife who is Lin Zhenghua's wife. She graduated from a medical school and worked as a nurse in cardiothoracic surgery for one year. She married Lin Zhenghua at the age of twenty-two and gave birth to a son a year later. Not long after the child was born, Zhong Qing quit her job and became a housewife.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Zhenghua owns the outside world, earns a lot of money, loves the inside, and keeps the family in good order. His son Lin Shang has good grades in school and focuses all the way. This is a happy family.

But in fact, they have hidden pains in places that everyone does not know.

Song Wen looked at the woman in front of her. She was in love with her height of about 1.6 meters and was a little thin. She was well maintained and her figure was not fat. Now her eyes are swollen, and she is rubbing the corners of her clothes a little helplessly. Today, she was notified to claim the body.

After signing a series of forms, Zhong Qing was taken to the corpse depository of the funeral home. Lin Xiuran is a professional forensic doctor. Every autopsy will be sutured, and this corpse is no exception. All have been processed as much as possible to make the corpse look less embarrassed.

The cold storage didn't open much, only showing Lin Zhenghua's head, Zhong Qing covered his mouth and nodded, then took two steps back, tears streaming from his eyes.

Song Wen took her out of the cold storage in the funeral home and sat in the special lounge for family members. Song Wen asked Lu Siyu to pour her a glass of warm water, and then handed her the death certificate. Song Wen had seen too many corpse claims, and everyone's reactions were different. They were frightened, unacceptable, crazy, fainted, and indifferent. In comparison, this woman's reaction was more docile.

"Now we are investigating your husband's death, can we ask you a few questions?" Song Wen waited for her love to calm down and asked her. This is a routine investigation and part of the work of the criminal police.

Love held the water glass in her hand, and seemed to need the temperature of the hot water to give her strength, then she straightened up and nodded. Her actions showed that she was a well-educated woman, restrained in both words and deeds.

Seeing her agreement, Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu and motioned for him to start inquiring. This is the first time that Lu Siyu has interrogated a suspect. He looked up at Zhong Qing, and seemed a little nervous. He licked his lips lightly and asked, "When was the last time you saw Lin Zhenghua?"

"About a week ago, he... doesn't come home very often. We are basically separated, and we have our own ways." People are already dead, and now it's pointless to hide those things and pretend that the family is harmonious.

"Do you know that your husband is living with others outside?" Lu Siyu asked again.

Zhong Qing nodded lightly, "I know, since he gave birth to his son, he has never touched me again. He rents a house outside all year round, sometimes he lives outside for several days in a row, and sometimes he comes home occasionally. Look at my son." She took a sip of water and continued, "Their circle is quite chaotic. In recent years, as far as I know, several people have changed. What is the latest one called... "

"what is it call?"

Zhong Qing thought hard for a while, and spit out a name, "What... Hui."

"Do you think any of them will want to kill your husband?"

Love shook his head.

"Has anything unusual happened recently?"

Zhong Qing shook his head again, then nodded as if remembering something, and said, "But he seems to be a little upset recently, and he has borrowed money from me, but the reason is very vague."

"Borrowing money?" Song Wen frowned. The couple really had their own way, so they were divided.

Zhong Qing explained: "After we got married, half of his salary was to be called to me, and he kept the other half for himself. Lin Zhenghua's salary has not been low. In addition to my son's living expenses, I also saved some. Recently He suddenly wanted to ask me to borrow money."

Lu Siyu continued to ask, "Did you lend it to him?"

When Zhong Qing heard this question, he hesitated for a moment, lowered his head, and hummed like a mosquito: "No at first, and later... Call him 100,000."

One hundred thousand is another key point. Could Lin Zhenghua's death be because of money? In addition to the ones he has on hand, it is estimated that the money is more than that. He asked Zhu Xiao to check Lin Zhenghua's income, which is about 500,000 a year. But for the money, why is there no sign of robbery in the house, and the victim's mobile phone and wallet were not lost.

"From 8:00 to 12:00 on the day of the crime, where were you and what were you doing?" After Zhong Qing looked embarrassed, Lu Siyu didn't delve into the money issue, but instead asked other questions. .

Zhong Qing recalled it and twisted the strap with her hand, "That night, my son had a cram school, and I took him to it, starting at 8:30."

"How many make-up students are there in the class?"

"It's a small class with eight people in total."

There are few people in the cram school. If she said she went, she should not be able to make a fake.

"It starts at 8:30 and when does it end? What are you doing when your son is in the cram school?"

"From 8:30 to 10:30 in the evening, two hours of English class. I waited for him at a nearby cafe. Because I go there often, the clerk over there knows me."

After asking about a dozen questions, Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen, asked for his opinion, and saw if there were any questions he wanted to add. Song Wen asked Zhong Qing aside, "Do you love Lin Zhenghua?"

Zhong Qing didn't seem to expect that the captain of the criminal police suddenly asked a question, and the question was such a sharp question that he was speechless for a while.

Song Wen took the usual smile on his face, his eyes were calm, his words were not surprising, and he continued to ask her: "Marrying a gay man, life is not harmonious, have you ever thought about getting a divorce?"

When has Zhong Qing been asked such a question, and she has been reluctantly put on the table, making her face flush: "I... I... "

Song Wen looked directly into her eyes, pressed step by step, pursued her relentlessly, and asked her word by word, "Don't you hate him?"

Lu Siyu glanced sideways at Song Wen, the man's eyes were as sharp as swords, his question was relatively mild, but Song Wen now pointed directly to the core.

Hearing the last question, Zhong Qing suddenly felt like a snake had been hit by seven inches, and the whole person became out of control. Big drops of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, but he was trying to smile with the corners of his mouth raised. A contradictory expression that contorted her face badly...