Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 83


Song Wen and Lu Siyu returned to the office and told several team members what Chen Sixue said, but skipped the part where she cured her eyes.

Fu Linjiang lowered his head to digest the information Song Wen said, and sorted out his thoughts: "The current case progress, that is to say, the real Chen Yanqiu, he took Zhang Rui's mobile phone and documents. He lived more than a month since New Year's Day. Later, he was killed and thrown into a chemical factory. Chen Yanqiu... This person is terminally ill, right? He also has a younger sister, so why did he do this?"

Song Wendao: "His behavior like this should be related to his previous 'part-time job'. Now we don't know what the specific content of his part-time job is."

"What else? It must be something illegal or criminal." Lao Jia said, "The kid got scared after finishing his job, so he changed his identities as his roommate and pretended to be dead."

Song Wen didn't know how to analyze the deceased's behavior. He looked up at Lu Siyu. Lu Siyu bit his nails and thought very intently. After a while, he opened his mouth and said four words: "Jinchan escapes."

After the two exchanged their identities, Chen Yanqiu must have done something with Zhang Rui's identity in one to two months, and he hoped that others would think he was dead.

Song Wen asked Zhu Xiao again: "How are you doing with the social investigation of the deceased Chen Yanqiu?"

Zhu Xiao took out several stacks of documents: "All the information I found is here." He hesitated and said, "What should I say... This person is a good person."

Seeing everyone showing a puzzled look, Zhu Xiao explained.

"Wherever I call and ask this person, this is the evaluation. Then they feel sympathy and regret for his illness and death."

Zhu Xiao further visualized the incident: "This person has always been excellent in both character and study. When he was in elementary school, he was a three-good student, and he has won some gold medals. When he went to junior high school and high school, he was a moral model of five and four beauties. When I got to the university, I was the president of the student council for their term."

"Shortly after graduating from college, he has been volunteering for more time than many old volunteers who have worked for a few years. Before he got sick, he donated blood 5 times. Even when he got sick, he was positive and optimistic. In the mutual aid society, he used his example to encourage other patients, and often let them live in the basement he rented for free. When he was rich, he would lend money to the patients who were in difficulty, and he would take the initiative to help them. All patients, doctors , nurses, they all commented that he was a gentle, kind, empathetic person..."

Zhu Xiao sighed, "Seriously, if all kinds of data and evidence are not in front of you, just listening to others say this, I would doubt that there are such people in the world..."

After hearing his words, everyone was silent for a while.

God is not fair, such a young man has a terminal illness...

No one knows what happened in the last hours of his life. Why did he finally die

Looking further down, all kinds of data and analysis can't help them much. After Chen Yanqiu turned into Zhang Rui, he only sent a few text messages. Those few text messages were proof of Zhang Rui's survival, and Chen Yanqiu was covering it up. The truth about Zhang Rui's death.

Under the pretense of being a friend, a "dead" person has quietly infiltrated human society...

He didn't use his bank card anymore, he may have stayed in a small hotel, or rented a house, but there is no record left.

That young man, who cut off all communication, turned the last two months of his life into a mystery with his own hands.

Song Wen gave the Q group number to Zhu Xiao. There are still more than 200 people in the group. Through various information, Zhu Xiao quickly determined the numbers used by Zhang Rui and Chen Yanqiu. Although they have passed away, they The numbers are still in the group and have not been kicked out for a while.

If you want to get more information, entering the Q group is undoubtedly the fastest way.

Song Wen asked: "Can you decipher their numbers and log in to see what's going on in the group?"

Zhu Xiaodao: "There should be no problem, I will apply immediately. By the way, if I can check the past records in the group, but these will take some time."

"It's best to bring them out together." Song Wen thought for a while and said, "But these people are very cautious. The details about part-time jobs may not be revealed online. You can find out all the information you can find first."

Song Wen arranged the work here, and when he turned around, he saw Lu Siyu standing in front of the whiteboard in the office, staring at the information posted on the board.

With the confirmation of Chen Yanqiu's identity, they now know more and more information.

When Zhang Rui died, the forensic doctor also conducted on-site investigations and took a few photos, but it was treated as an illness at the time, so it was not very detailed.

Lu Siyu lowered his head and stared at a few pictures of the scene, which were left when he dealt with the corpse in the basement before. The corpse in the photo had long since decayed, and his face was completely unrecognizable, but he could tell that it was a man in winter clothes.

There are also a few photos of the indoor environment, which are two dark basements, only the south side has a row of small ventilation windows. In such an environment, the sun may not be visible all day, and the basement is very dark. Messy, all kinds of furniture are old and old. Through the photo, you can smell the musty smell of the basement.

Lu Siyu's fingertips paused on a photo. It was a small desk with pen and paper on it. Above the desk were two rows of bookshelves. Zhang Rui's education level was not high. As for Chen Yanqiu, it can be seen that he prefers books on philosophy and travel notes.

There is no kitchen in the house, but there is a small worktop with an old rice cooker on it, a microwave oven, a chopping board standing next to it, and a simple knife holder.

"It seems that there is a fruit knife missing from the knife holder." Lu Siyu pushed the photo to Song Wen, and there was a vacancy next to the kitchen knife.

Song Wen remembered something: "Lin Xiuran's previous forensic report said that Chen Yanqiu... was the deadly weapon of the mummified corpse. It seemed to be a knife about fifteen centimeters in size, but it was somewhat similar to this fruit knife..." Then he shook his head again. He shook his head and denied his own thoughts, "This kind of knife is too common, even if it is similar, it can't prove anything."

Although there has been some progress in the identification of the victim, the next action has to wait for the results of the next investigation. Song Wen and Lu Siyu were half an hour late and got off work on time.

After entering the door, Lu Siyu took a few steps and fell on the sofa. The sequelae of the reduced dose had completely disappeared. Yesterday, he only slept for a few hours, and his mind was like a paste. After a busy day , Lu Siyu felt that every cell was overloaded and didn't want to move at all.

Song Wen had already seen that he was uncomfortable, but he gritted his teeth and didn't say anything. He walked over and asked him, "Would you like me to cook dinner?"

Lu Siyu raised his eyes to look at him: "Song team, don't make trouble, I still want to have a good meal."

Song Wendao: "Well, I'll help you, you teach me." Lu Siyu couldn't see it himself, but he noticed that the man's face was abnormally white, and even the color of his lips lightened.

Lu Siyu thought about it for a moment, but really didn't have the strength to get up. He moved his fingers and compromised: "Then let's make porridge..." After he finished speaking, he curled up on the sofa, feeling thick from the inside out. tiredness. He threw up all the food he had eaten in the morning, and didn't eat much at noon. He should be hungry now, but his stomach was empty and he felt nothing, as if the organ was not his own for a long time.

Song Wen put the rice in the rice cooker, thinking about not being too fooled, and made two more dishes. When he had his things set up, he came over to greet Lu Siyu.

Lu Siyu still closed his eyes, but he was obviously still awake. He seemed to have no bones. Song Wen shook him gently: "No, you have to eat something before going to sleep."

Lu Siyu's face was pale, his eyes could not be opened, and his voice was a little crying, like a child's coquettish: "Officer Song, I'm uncomfortable, I have a headache... Let me sleep for a while... Don't touch me... "

Lu Siyu's voice was almost pleading, and he called Police Officer Song again. Song Wen was stunned, straightened up, and tried to check his pulse, for fear that his body was too weak and would cause shock. Lu Siyu brushed off his hand: "It's okay, I'm just... a little tired, you let me take a break... "

At this time, the little wolf put up his ears, leaned over, and licked Lu Siyu's hand.

Song Wen saw that Lu Siyu was breathing smoothly, but he was very weak. He stretched out his hand and pulled the dog away, made a silent motion at it, then hesitated for a while, instead of holding Lu Siyu up, he He took a thin quilt from upstairs, put it on him, and sat on the sofa beside him.

Lu Siyu was dazed and groggy for a long time, feeling as if he was sinking somewhere, with all kinds of voices and all kinds of people surrounding him. For a time, it seemed as if he was in a dark cabinet, and his brother put him in it, and he said to him, "Don't make a sound, don't make a sound." At another time, it seemed like he was in a classroom, and the teacher's mouth twitched. Zhang Yihe couldn't hear what he said; for a while, he seemed to be sitting in the forensic room, facing a corpse.

This is purely a self-protection mechanism activated by the body when it reaches its limit. Lu Siyu seemed to have fallen asleep for a while, his head didn't hurt so much, and then he woke up hungry.

Lu Siyu struggled for a while. He felt that Song Wen might be right. If he went to bed after dinner, he might not be woken up by hunger.

Song Wen found that he was awake and turned to look at him.

Lu Siyu opened his eyes, his eyes were still red, like a cat just woken up. He adjusted to the lights in the room and asked, "What time is it."

Song Wendao: "After two o'clock, you slept for almost five hours."

Lu Siyu only thought it was a short while, but he didn't expect that after so long, he got up and said, "I'm much better, you haven't slept?"

Song Wen got up and put the dishes in the microwave: "I'm waiting for you to eat."

Lu Siyu looked up and saw that the tableware was the same as when he was asleep, and didn't move at all. He sat up with his forehead, and said in a hurry, "You idiot, what are you waiting for..."

Lu Siyu was a little worried that Song Wen was hungry and fell into a drowsy sleep. He was a little unsure of what to say. After speaking, he was a little embarrassed, and covered his face and reflected for a while.

Song Wen didn't mind, but still retorted: "Uh, don't say that about your immediate leader, I also ate two packets of bread and a box of potato chips. And it's not all to wait for you, I'm squatting on the Internet for clues. "

Lu Siyu still had no strength, but his mind turned around: "Is there a clue?"

Song Wendao: "The terminally ill group, I finally entered."