Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 86


After Zhuozhuo left, Song Wen and Lu Siyu sat in the car, there was still some distance from the city bureau, Song Wen started the driveway: "If the woman just told the truth, if Chen Yanqiu participated in part-time work, then last year Something must have happened from Christmas Eve to the next Christmas morning…”

It was more than half a year ago, in this city, there were so many corners, rummaging around in the past was like finding a leaf from a wood full of dead leaves, like rummaging through a grain of sand in the desert, and like Looking for a fish in the sea is very difficult.

Modern technology is still limited. Even with various monitoring and information methods, it is not enough to see the truth through time and restore all the past.

Lu Siyu lowered his head and bit his nails habitually: "I think this matter can be pushed back."

Song Wen thought for a moment and said, "The woman said just now that she needs a driver's license, so she must be driving or driving."

Lu Siyu nodded: "The whole process is completed within a few hours, and the location must not be too far. If you are an employer, what would you need a terminally ill patient to do?"

"To spend so much money, suddenly find a terminally ill patient to work... And it's a short time, urgent..." Song Wen lowered his brows and pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice, "Then it's nothing more than killing, overtaking goods, committing crimes, and transporting drugs."

Employers are not fools. The money they spend will definitely be worth it back. The more money, the higher the risk. If they want to ask a terminally ill patient like Chen Yanqiu to do things, it must be because ordinary people are unwilling to do it and need to take extreme risks. big risk thing. Even if you don't want to admit it, these dark places are always unavoidable.

Lu Siyu sat aside and nodded again.

Song Wen quickly made a plan: "It seems that we need to check all the relevant criminal cases, traffic conditions, and the movement of the anti-drug team during last Christmas..."

The car was driving all the way, and Song Wen was on the phone. After all, he had been in Nancheng for several years, and there were some people he knew from various departments. After three calls, everything was settled.

Song Wen hung up the phone and said, "I hope I can get something from the net this time... Others, do you have any other ideas?"

Lu Siyu said: "I just analyzed it from the perspective of the employer. I think it can also be considered from the perspective of Chen Yanqiu."

Song Wen nodded: "I also noticed a detail just now. Zhuozhuo said that Zhang Rui initially promised her, and Chen Yanqiu didn't sign up."

Lu Siyu calmly analyzed: "Well, from our analysis of Chen Yanqiu's data, he followed the rules and received a good education in the first half of his life. In comparison, Zhang Rui is obviously more suitable to be a desperado."

In his opinion, Chen Yanqiu is a person who has gone astray with one thought. He is not a bad person in the traditional sense, but he may have greed and do some bad things for a while. Therefore, for such people, general reasoning methods should not be used to reason. But often the more such a person is, the more variable and unpredictable his actions are.

Song Wen thought along his line of thought: "Chen Yanqiu, as a terminally ill patient, his needs are nothing more than two points, first, to survive by himself, and second, to arrange for his sister... So, either he was doing things at that time. At that time, he didn't think there was any danger, or he was being coerced."

As he said this, Song Wen's cell phone rang. After he connected, he asked a few questions, then hung up and looked at Lu Siyu: "Last Christmas morning, there was a serious traffic accident. The person responsible is Chen Yanqiu, who escaped on the spot."

Lu Siyu frowned slightly: "Why didn't the records we checked before have this incident?"

Song Wen had had some work exchanges with the traffic control department for a long time, and was familiar with the situation inside: "Because Chen Yanqiu escaped on the spot, he needed to call for surveillance to confirm the driver's identity. A few days after that, Chen Yanqiu was registered as dead, and he didn't live at all. Fifteen days after the accident responsibility was identified, the incident was not recorded in the system."

This time is a special case, in fact, such cases are very rare.

In Nancheng, the entire government system is huge. Although everyone belongs to the police, they cross departments. Sometimes internal coordination takes more time than external coordination, not to mention various regulations and procedures. This happens when information is not communicated in a timely manner.

When Song Wen and Lu Siyu arrived at the traffic control bureau, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon. After confirming that an accident had occurred that day, Song Wen's senior brother took him to the traffic control detachment accident team after a few words of greeting, and then went to Busy with my own business.

The traffic control detachment is in charge of Captain Wang. After they arrived, they called the traffic police Li Yiheng and the assistant police officer Xiao Zeng who dealt with the accident to the side to explain the situation. The tone of the traffic police here is not so friendly.

It was a traffic accident half a year ago. It was long overdue and the case was closed and filed, but suddenly someone came over. It wasn't the victim's family who came here, but the criminal police of the brother's department. Not too quiet.

About the accident, Xiao Zeng still has a fresh memory in his memory, because it happened to be Christmas, and the weather was extremely cold in the early morning.

Then the deceased victim was a sanitation worker. He was hit so badly at that time that he was not only hit badly, but also dragged for a long time, and his whole body was bloody.

At that time, Xiao Zeng had only been working for a while, and almost vomited when he arrived at the scene. He was with Officer Li that day to deal with it. The entire traffic control team said that the incident was evil. Xiao Zeng had nightmares for a long time later.

"... This, the accident happened in the early morning of December 25 last year. At that time, a middle-aged woman was killed. The occupation was a sanitation worker. The driver fled on the spot. It is stipulated that a site survey was carried out. After the driver escaped, we have been confirming the identity of the driver. When we issued the letter of responsibility for the traffic accident, we received the news that the person had died and was cremated... After the incident, the perpetrator's company came forward to carry out The follow-up compensation." Captain Wang introduced here and said, "We dealt with it according to the regulations, I don't know what the Song team came here for this time?"

Song Wen flipped through the responsibility book, and handed a few photos of the accident to Lu Siyu: "This traffic accident involves a victim of a criminal case on our side, and we suspect that he is guilty of this accident. Suspect."

Officer Wang couldn't understand a little, he opened the responsibility book, frowned and said: "In the traffic accident responsibility book, all faults are written in detail, Chen Yanqiu is a driver hired by a company, at 3:55 in the morning on the 25th According to the company's arrangement, he sent some of the costumes that were urgently needed for the next day's event back to the company. When passing Xilian Road, he collided with Zhao Youlan, a sanitation worker who got up early, resulting in Zhao Youlan's death. Later, we found out that Chen Yanqiu died in the following week. He died of an internal illness. But... what do you mean now... the perpetrator was the one to blame? And he didn't die afterwards? Then he was killed, and the case went to your side?"

"He didn't die. He used his roommate's body to cover the bag." Song Wen explained, "Did you suspect that the perpetrator died so recently?"

"This, we also obtained the information from the police station." Li Yiheng was a little embarrassed. "Everyone has been identified as dead by the police station. What can we do with the traffic police?"

This sentence obviously brought the ball to the grassroots police station. The police station received a report at the time and issued Chen Yanqiu's death certificate.

Layers of loopholes caused this case. And the truth is getting more and more confusing.