Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 89


The investigation of the case has entered the fourth day. They have found out the method of Chen Yanqiu's revival, and found a carefully planned car accident, but they still know nothing about Chen Yanqiu's death. As of now, no suspect has been identified.

Several people met at the city bureau in the morning and exchanged the progress. Song Wen made the next work arrangement: "Fu Linjiang, old Jia, you continue in your direction, Zhu Xiao, you follow the traffic bureau." Then he turned to Lu Siyu said, "Let's check the lower reaches first to meet the family members of the victims of the car accident. We made an appointment with them yesterday. We will go there around ten o'clock."

What is now confirmed is that there was something wrong with the crash, and it was a big problem. If the real perpetrator of the car accident has no clue, they can only skip this link temporarily. The only people who can be directly contacted at present are the family members of Zhao Youlan, the deceased in the car accident.

Nancheng is too big, with an area of 7,000 square kilometers and a population of several million. The disappearance of a cleaner in the city is basically silent, and people only think about why there is no garbage when they see the garbage on the roadside. people cleaning.

The area that Zhao Youlan was responsible for cleaning was the section of Changshou Road in the west of Nancheng City. The total length is more than 1,000 meters. There are tall plane trees on both sides of the road. It is late summer, and the leaves are still green. In autumn, the streets are full of fallen leaves of the plane trees, and they need to be cleaned two or three times a day.

Every morning, this fast area is divided into two sections by a road. At the end of the section, there are several lively bars. Every night, they revel until three or four in the morning. It is a place of bliss for young people. , but several old buildings of the Republic of China. People have already gone to the empty building for a long time, and passing by here at night, it seems that there will be ghosts and spirits at any time.

Two such extreme places, just separated by a street, appear in such a southern city, like hell and heaven.

Human beings will pay a price for convenient transportation at the same time. Compared with various ways of death, car accidents are the most tragic and painful. It is also difficult to let go of the relatives.

In the early morning of December 25 last year, sanitation worker Zhao Youlan was involved in a car accident and was dragged to death on the spot, without even having a chance to go to the hospital for rescue.

From those archives, we can see her life, Zhao Youlan, female, 54 years old, junior high school education, was a female cleaner of Nancheng Sanitation Bureau before her death. She is ordinary in height and looks ordinary. People don't even look at her when they pass by. Song Wen can't think of a second word to describe her except 'ordinary'. She seems to be living in Nancheng. The ordinary workers are ordinary, ordinary but conscientious.

Zhao Youlan's home is in Jiang Huaishu Community, which is an old community. This is not a prosperous place. Looking south from the community, you can see the Nancheng Tower from a distance. Only at this time can people feel that this place and those modern high-rise buildings are in the same city.

Song Wen could barely remember when he was in a place like this last time. Different from the modern elevator room with bright and clean windows, the windows of this old apartment are small and exquisite, it seems that the windows also occupy the area, and I wish to build a small "Sun" or "Tian". Divide people from people, from home to home.

Zhao Youlan's wife, Zhang Congyun, is a few years older than her and is 60 this year. He and Zhao Youlan's daughter Zhang Lili worked as a cashier in a supermarket. They divorced her husband two years ago. They have a daughter who happened to be at home today. Zhu Xiao's phone call was also her.

As soon as Song Wen entered the door, he showed his identity.

The area of this house is not large, about 50 square meters, mainly a living room and a bedroom. The living room is full of all kinds of rubbish. The stools are old, the table is old, and there is a globe on the table, which is also old. Those furnishings have different styles, some are Chinese, some are European, and some are even a bit Southeast Asian.

Zhang Lili watched Song Wen and Lu Siyu sizing up those things, and pouted, "My mother picked them up back then, how many times I told her not to pick them up, but she likes to turn the house into a garbage dump, and she has many things They are reluctant to throw them away, they just can’t get in, and they always tell me that some things look inconspicuous and can’t be kept in place when needed.”

Having said that, Zhang Lili seemed to think that Song Wen and the others might be wrong, and smiled bitterly: "Now, there are no people, and I am reluctant to throw them away. Don't say, some things are really good. Helpful, once Niuniu's schoolbag broke, I didn't have time to sew it, and I didn't have anything suitable on hand, so I took a large pin from my mother's treasure box and pinned it, it was just right." Then she added Said, "I'm going to pour some water for you. My dad is old and a little deaf. When you talk to him, speak louder."

After she finished speaking, she got up and poured water, leaving them to sit in the living room. The living room and the balcony are connected together. There is no sound or heat insulation. You can even smell the lunch made by the neighbors. At the junction of the balcony and the living room, there is a double bed, and there are many bottles and jars on the ground.

There is a model of the Nancheng Tower on the windowsill, and the early morning sun just shines on the tower, illuminating the model more delicately.

Zhang Congyun was sitting beside the bed at this moment, working through the light coming in through the narrow window.

Lu Siyu turned his head sideways and found that he was repairing a bench. Rather than repairing, he would use two disused benches to piece together a small stool. The old man's hands are a little rough, but very nimble.

Song Wenzheng was thinking about how to speak, when Zhang Congyun raised his eyes from behind his reading glasses and glanced at them, his eyes were a little wary: "Lili just said, you are the police? What are you doing today?"

Song Wendao: "Hello uncle, that, about your wife's car accident half a year ago, we have some questions to check."

The old man raised his head, seemed to recall it for a moment, and asked, "Has my wife's cleaning car been found?"

Song Wen patiently explained to him: "I need to ask the responsible traffic police for cleaning the car. We are criminal police."

The old man's mouth was bulging, he didn't know what was stuffed, and said inarticulately: "We paid the Sanitation Bureau 280 yuan for that car." Then he spit something out, and Lu Siyu found his mouth It contains nails.

Song Wen tried to make the case clear: "This time we found a deceased person, which may be related to the car accident half a year ago, and the car accident may have other hidden reasons, so I came to the family to find out the situation."

The old man lowered his head and continued to study the broken stool in his hand. He measured it with a ruler: "What's the secret? Everyone is dead, can they still come back to life?"

Naturally, people cannot be resurrected from the dead. Song Wen was a little embarrassed: "We're not talking about the hidden situation. The driver provided by the traffic police at that time may not be the one who killed your wife."

The old man frowned and raised his head, and said vaguely, "Ah? Didn't the traffic police say the perpetrator died long ago?"

Song Wen thought about how to clarify the relationship with him: "It was not the perpetrator who died at the time, and the perpetrator may have helped others to take the blame..." He felt a little bit when he said that. No, it's like a tongue twister, Song Wen can only add one sentence, "We are still investigating the specifics."

The old man lowered his head and seemed to have given up understanding: "Oh, I'm so dizzy. What does this have to do with us?"

Song Wen coughed lightly, but was stopped by the question. Chen Yanqiu's death did not seem to have much to do with them. He might not be the direct murderer who killed Zhao Youlan, but just a top-notch person who was fascinated for a while. He continued to ask, "What else do you know about the car accident? You can tell us anything you can think of."

The old man said: "It's been so long, I don't remember."

Song Wen took out a photo of Chen Yanqiu and put it on the table: "Have you seen this person?"

The old man didn't lift his head: "I haven't seen it."

Then he spat another nail out of his mouth and began to hammer it into the chair.

While talking, Zhang Lili brought a few cups over. The cups were like other furniture in the house. The four cups looked like each other, and one of them was broken. Seeing this situation, Lu Siyu didn't mean to reach out at all, Song Wen also said, "Thank you." He took the cup that Zhang Lili handed over and put it aside.

Zhang Lili took the broken glass by herself, sat on the stool beside her, and lowered her head nervously.

The sound of the old man nailing the stool came from the side, and the sound was quite rhythmic. Song Wen gave Zhang Lili a brief account of the case, and began to ask about the specific circumstances of the accident at the time.

Lu Siyu opened the notebook next to him, raised his head from his angle, and saw a photo of Zhao Youlan. The background happened to be the Nancheng Tower. He was a little curious about the photo, and took advantage of the gap between the two of them to ask: "That one When was the photo taken?"

Zhang Lili looked at it and said, "It was taken by my mother when she was young. At that time, the Nancheng Tower was just built and tourists were not allowed to visit, so she took such a photo under the tower. It's a shame to say it, my mother always thought about it. I went there to have a look, I felt that if I didn’t go to the Nancheng Tower, I wouldn’t be a real Nancheng person, but every time I went, I missed it for various reasons, and she didn’t get to the tower in the end.”

In the eyes of outsiders like Zhao Youlan, the tower is a symbol of the city. It seems that if she has never been there, she will not be accepted. Until she died, it became a pity.

Song Wen coughed lightly and began to ask: "Did Auntie go to work in the morning as usual that day?"

Zhang Lili withdrew her gaze and nodded: "... Yes, my mother went a while earlier that day, and left at about 2:40. I was quarreled by her in the middle of the night. She had already said that she wanted to come back to my daughter's party. School activities. Niu Niu practiced dancing for two months and wanted to show it to her grandma, but I didn’t expect…”

"What time did you get the call?"

"It's probably less than five o'clock in the morning. The call was from the police, and the person was sent directly to the hospital. He was out of breath for a long time. At that time, the traffic police said that they had never seen such a miserable drag... "

"Is it the other company that came forward at that time?"

"Yeah, it was said that the driver of the company hit someone and ran away. A person in charge of the company came over to discuss a compensation plan with us. The people over there were very polite. Later, the traffic bureau told us that the driver died of illness... "

"Did you believe what the other party said at that time? Just... didn't you think there was a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem. How could it be such a coincidence? If you die sooner or later, if you hit my mother and die? I said there was a problem with this at that time..."

When Zhang Lili's words came to this point, Zhang Congyun suddenly stood up, and said impatiently: "What are the hindsights being fired now? There are no more people, what can I say?"

Song Wen heard this, and just wanted to explain a few words, but Lu Siyu on the side pulled his sleeve, signaling not to interrupt.

Zhang Lili suddenly seemed to be set on fire, stood up and said: "There's nothing to say, my mother died so unclearly, and the driver who caused the accident didn't know who it was, so you took the money and agreed to privately. It's over! Did you ask me when you signed it? Now that the police came to check and you didn't let me tell you, you don't want to know, who killed my mother?"

The old man asked her back, "What can I do if I know? This is over long ago. It's over! It's been half a year!"

Zhang Lili said: "At least I know clearly in my heart that I haven't even seen the face of that bastard. If I did, if I did..."

The old man snorted and scolded her: "Have you seen it? What do you think?"

Zhang Lili bit her lip and stared at her biological father with a ruthless expression. She couldn't hold back after two seconds, and then she burst into tears: "I have a debt and a debt, at least I have to hear him apologize to my mother. Kowtow before my mother's grave."

The old man snorted: "It's a fart."

Zhang Lili scratched her neck and said, "Anyway, it's a good thing that the police are here now. I don't know who the real murderer is, but I just can't hold my breath!"

The old man stared at her and said, "Do you know what it means to be unable to breathe?"

"At least I can read it to my mother when I burn paper for her! My mother has served you in vain for decades, and you won't hurt when she dies..." Zhang Lili's tears couldn't help falling. I didn't feel that there was anything missing in the family, but in the period after my mother died, her father seemed to be a different person.

She had already lost her mother, and her father's indifference made Zhang Lili's pain even worse. Today, she kept these words in her heart for too long, "Dad, ... I was always bullied by my classmates when I was a child, laughing at my mother for being a street sweeper. , didn't you tell me at that time that as long as you stand upright, there is nothing to feel guilty about, you have to stand up straight, we will not lose to anyone, we will not take the initiative to bully others, but we have to seek justice, now you are old Now, have you forgotten all the things you taught me? You really...really disappointed me."