Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 90


The atmosphere was awkward for a while, the old man passed in front of the three of them unhappily, walked into the only bedroom in the room, and slammed the door shut.

Zhang Lili cried until her lips were shaking: "My mother's life is not easy, she has worked hard all her life, and she will retire within a year..."

Song Wen handed over a few tissues, Zhang Lili covered her eyes with the tissues, and kept complaining in her mouth: "I made you laugh, and they all said that domestic shame cannot be made public, but I... I really can't stand it anymore, I My mom just left for a month, but my dad forgot about my mom. He's not at home every day. He holds his phone while eating and sleeping, and he goes out to hang out at night. Ask me, let me take care of my dad..."

Zhang Lili wept and wiped away her tears, as if the police in front of her could be the head of their family.

Song Wen was a little embarrassed for a while, not knowing how to comfort her.

However, Lu Siyu looked at the place where the old man sat just now. The small bench has already taken shape. Such a small bench is definitely not for adults to sit on, but it is suitable for children to sit on. The old man still loves himself. granddaughter's.

The door used in the house is very ordinary, and it is undoubtedly not soundproof. Zhang Lili said these words just to let Zhang Congyun hear, but the door was extremely quiet, as if the people inside the door had not heard anything.

Zhang Lili complained a lot, crying and talking. After her mother died, she had to work, buy food, cook and take care of the children. It was so hard. Her father didn't know what he was doing every day, he didn't care about her, and he came back often. Later, I also found that there were bowls soaking in the sink.

Zhang Lili cried and said, "My mother dragged my father downstairs every day before her death, and my father didn't accompany her. My mother went downstairs to dance alone at night. When she went, my father went out more diligently than anyone else..."

Lu Siyu asked along the way, "Does Auntie like to dance square dance?"

Zhang Lili nodded: "Dancing, the old lady has that little hobby. She said that she was usually dressed as a cleaner, and people looked down on her, but when she danced at night, she put on a beautiful dress, and the retired nurses Ah, teacher, there is no difference. By the way, it was my mother's idea for Niu Niu to learn dance. She said that the little girl is in good shape when she learns to dance, so I saved money and asked me to enroll in Niu Niu's class... She said that even if the family is poor, they can't be poor anymore. child… "

Speaking of this, Zhang Lili's eyes became hot, and tears flowed down, "I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm a little too sad... When my mother died, I was completely stunned, being pushed around by various things, then I didn't feel too sad at the time, but after a while, in the dead of night, I suddenly thought that I lost my mother, and I felt very sad."

When her words came here, there was a cough in the back room where Zhang Congyun was.

Afterwards, there was silence inside and outside the house, and when Zhang Lili's mood calmed down a little, Song Wen asked some more about what happened after the car accident.

The other company has determined to compensate them 1.2 million, which is a relatively high amount of compensation in the same accident. After this, the other company has no contact with them. Zhang Lili later also recognized Chen Yanqiu's photo, saying that she had never seen this person from beginning to end.

After asking in detail for more than an hour and asking all the questions that came to mind, Lu Siyu and Song Wen came out of each other's house. Zhang Lili sent them out and out of the corridor, Lu Siyu suddenly turned around and asked her, "What did your uncle do in the past?"

Although Zhang Congyun's file has records, it is safer to ask. He was afraid that Zhang Congyun would get suspicious, so he deliberately went outside the door to ask Zhang Lili this question.

Zhang Lili said: "My father used to work in the factory as a forklift operator. Later, the factory closed down, so he came out to work as a construction worker for a few years. Later, his ears became more and more back, so he stopped doing it."

"Has he worked in Henanhua in Qing Dynasty?" Song Wen asked again along with that question. That was the place where Chen Yanqiu's body was found. If he had worked there, Zhang Congyun's suspicion would increase.

Zhang Lili shook her head: "I seem to have changed a few jobs. I worked at Chengfu Chemical for a while at the earliest, but that was before my mother got married. I still listened to them later. I haven't heard of this Qinghenan Chemical Plant. Pass."

Lu Siyu said: "Then I'll leave you a contact information. If you think of anything in the future, or if you have any difficulties, you can contact me."

Zhang Lili nodded and recorded his mobile phone number.

Going outside, Song Wen took a few deep breaths. The house was too small, like a bird cage. Only a few people stayed in the living room, which made the air feel thin.

The two got into the car, and Lu Siyu asked, "Do you think this family has anything to do with Chen Yanqiu's death?"

Song Wenli thought for a while and said: "I think Zhang Lili's attitude is normal, but Zhang Congyun is a little strange, and there are a few things that are not common sense. First, his behavior has changed after his wife's death, this The changes make me not understand. Why does an old man who used to stay at home often come back late? Where did he go? There is one more thing I can't figure out. Why did he choose to be private? Is it for money? But What about the money? Is it stored in the bank for interest? That money is enough for such a family to change a house. Even if they don’t change a house, at least their living conditions can be improved. Why do they still live in such a place. Also , he said that knowing the real murderer is useless... This is useless, is it because he knows the real murderer or is it just his own guess?"

When Song Wen said this, he suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, how do you know that Zhang Congyun may have stayed in a chemical factory?"

"Some of the traces on his hands are only left by contact with chemicals. In the past, many chemical plants used forklifts to transport materials." Zhang Lili's answer should also correct his thoughts. At this point, Lu Si sighed. He breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just a pity that the factory where it is located is not Qinghenanhua."

Song Wendao: "I think, although he has never worked in Qinghe Henan Chemical, but because of this, he can't feel that he has nothing to do with there. At that time, workers would often deliver goods between some chemical plants, and there would also be Various exchanges, he may have been to Qinghenanhua when he was young. If it is said that the suspect himself worked in Qinghenanhua, I think it is too coincidental. "

Lu Siyu bit his nails and frowned slightly: "By the way... Also, when we mentioned Chen Yanqiu today, Zhang Congyun was obviously impatient."

Song Wen recalled: "At first I showed him Chen Yanqiu's photo. A normal person would look at it and deny it, but he denied it directly. I thought he was a little bit angry at first, but now you say that, that's your reaction. It's a little suspicious." He paused and said, "Even the subsequent departure was a bit deliberate."

Lu Siyu said: "I think there are several possibilities." He tried to reason, "The first one, after Zhang Congyun really took the money, he didn't care about the truth of Zhao Youlan's death; the second one, he actually cared, he I know some of the hidden secrets in the middle, so I don't want to mention it impatiently."

Intuition tells him that Zhang Congyun is very nervous, and seems to be using his anger to cover up his nervousness, but what is he nervous about? What was he afraid they would find? Are you afraid they will find out the truth of Chen Yanqiu's death

Song Wen snorted, and Lu Siyu continued to analyze, "Is there such a possibility, he doesn't know about Chen Yanqiu's guilt, and thinks it is his wife who was killed by Chen Yanqiu. After learning of the perpetrator's death, he I didn't believe it, but by chance, he discovered the trace of Chen Yanqiu. At that time, Chen Yanqiu happened to be weak, and Zhang Congyun killed him angrily..."

Song Wendao: "To tell the truth, before I came here, I made up my mind about the story of killing Chen Yanqiu because of the family's indignation, but looking at it now... um... It's hard to say... "

Zhang Lili is a woman with a petite figure. Although she has hatred for Chen Yanqiu, it is difficult to kill her. She should have inherited it from her mother. As for Zhang Congyun... Such an old man is a bit dull and unreasonable. Even if Chen Yanqiu is a terminally ill patient, he probably won't have the ability to kill him with a knife. The knife that pierced into the chest required a lot of strength, and it was hard to imagine the hand of such an old man.

Lu Siyu also closed his eyes, shook his head, and denied what he just said: "No, it's not quite right... and there is absolutely no evidence... "

Where did his reasoning go wrong

Lu Siyu leaned against the car window a little discouraged. The coincidence of this reasoning is too high, and there is neither theoretical basis nor actual physical witness evidence.

Song Wen saw that his face was not very good, and asked him with concern: "Are you alright?"

Lu Siyu still closed his eyes and said, "It's okay."

He couldn't tell what was wrong with him either. It's been like this since he stopped taking drugs. He couldn't tell what was wrong with his body, but he couldn't concentrate on thinking. He always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something very important, but what was it

Seeing that Lu Siyu was silent, Song Wen said, "Don't be too anxious, sometimes haste is not enough, let's go and see Chen Yanqiu's relics. Now, we have found the hotel where he last lived, we can try it out. Going for a reset.”