Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 91


Chen Yanqiu's relic was brought to the city bureau by Fu Linjiang the day before, and the registration has been completed at the Wujian. After lunch, Song Wen went through a process and took some things out of the evidence room.

All the items were stuffed in a half-person-high suitcase. It stands to reason that after registering, taking photos and verifying, they would return the items to Chen Sixue as relics, but because the case has not yet been solved, the items will be temporarily kept for safekeeping.

Lu Siyu felt that Song Wen's theory of conducting a review was correct, and they needed more clues now.

A review is undoubtedly the best way to get them closer to Chen Yanqiu. To find out what happened in his life at the end, we must first understand what kind of person he was.

Song Wen put on his gloves and first recalled the image of Chen Yanqiu in his mind. It was a handsome young man who was not too tall, with a shy smile and a small tiger tooth. He was kind and loved his sister. I'm very afraid of bothering others, and I haven't had much trouble with people in work and life. For the first half of his life, he has always followed the rules. If you meet such a person in life, everyone must be willing to make friends with him, and they will have pity on his tragic experience.

The turning point of the matter was the car accident of the top bag.

What will he experience before he dies

Lu Siyu didn't speak, and looked down at the suitcase. The suitcase was very ordinary, just like Chen Yanqiu. Chen Yanqiu was like an office worker who passed by on the subway in the morning, like an ordinary patient that can be encountered in the hospital. , like a colleague you can meet at work.

This ordinary young man, unlike those crazy, perverted murderers, is beyond the scope of what he is familiar with and good at.

Song Wen stretched out his hand and opened the zipper. Inside were some commonly used items for young people. As Fu Linjiang said, the clothes were folded very neatly. He likes to wear simple clothes, most of which are simple styles. There is a book in the schoolbag. Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

"This book is not very easy to buy now." Lu Siyu took the book over and flipped it over to confirm that there was nothing in the book, and then handed it to Song Wen.

Song Wen opened it, flipped through a few pages, one page was slightly creased, he opened it and read: "'During your death, your spirit and virtue should still be shining brightly, like the sunset around the earth, or else you death is unsuccessful.'"

Lu Siyu said: "For terminally ill patients, Nietzsche's madness is equivalent to a placebo, which can give them courage. I prefer this version of the translation." Deviation.

In addition to books and clothes, there are two old towels, a cup, and a pair of slippers sealed in the bag. Even though he was staying in a hotel, Chen Yanqiu still brought these things. Ready for a long stay. When he finally set off, he left the charger and power bank for his mobile phone, but the mobile phone disappeared. Obviously, he had no plans to come back.

Song Wen took another look at the previous registration form for the physical examination, and called the compartment of the schoolbag, which contained some documents and a few boxes of medicine.

Some of the documents belonged to Zhang Rui and were directly used by him. For a terminally ill patient like Chen Yanqiu, medicine is undoubtedly very important, and he relies on these things to prolong his life. Song Wen took the medicine bottles and checked them, unscrewed the caps and looked at the white pills inside.

Seeing those medicines, Lu Siyu couldn't help but get nervous, licked his lips lightly, and turned his head away.

"This box of medicines is a bit strange." Song Wen studied for a while, and put a box of antipyretics aside, "I only took four tablets of this medicine, and then look here."

He pointed to the production date above, "The production date of the drug is December last year, which is obviously later than other drugs. This bottle of drug may have been bought after he used Zhang Rui's identity. And this drug... is a prescription drug. ."

Lu Siyu picked up the medicine box and looked at it carefully. There was a purple sticky note sticking to it in an inconspicuous place, and the dosage was marked on it. He said, "This way of marking medicines is different from that of hospitals and pharmacies. Chen Yanqiu has replaced Zhang Rui's identity, so he should be very cautious and will not go to places with many people. His range of activities is limited, it may be a small clinic near the hotel."

Song Wendao: "Maybe we are lucky and can find where this clinic is."

The two packed the suitcase inside and out again, and found no other clues. Song Wen returned the box and took Lu Siyu to Maochang Street in the west of the city.

Maochang Street is located in the north of Nancheng. It is a bit like a shantytown in the old city. Song Wen looked for a while before he saw the sign of a Ruyi Hotel. He drew an arrow pointing to an alley, and he parked his car in the alley. Outside, go further inside, and there is no place to park.

There is still a rare brick land in the alley. There are two-story buildings on both sides, but they have been built for some years and are relatively simple. Many of them are not necessarily lived in by the landlord, but are rented out as low-cost housing.

Many people who work from other places live here, and even recruit fellow villagers to share rents. There are children who have just finished school running around in the alley, making the place even narrower.

As a corner of Nancheng, it is completely different from those rural or urban areas. The population density here is obviously larger than those in those places. Moreover, the people here are closer to the bustling city. There are piles of domestic garbage in the alleys, and cigarette butts falling on the ground. In a good way, there is a breath of life. In a bad way, there are too many poor people, and it is difficult to improve the quality, especially here and in the city. There is a huge gap. Disappointing.

The Ruyi Hotel didn't look like it at all. The signboard had been washed away by the rain so that the color could hardly be seen. It was difficult for Fu Linjiang to find it here before.

Lu Siyu kept frowning when he entered the alley. He was disgusted by the smell here, as if there was a lingering smell of sweat everywhere, which made him a little nauseated. Not far from the alley, there was an old lady swearing in her native dialect, which made his head hurt even more.

Song Wen walked into the Ruyi Hotel, and a chubby lady boss came to open the door and led them into the yard. Song Wen showed her credentials, and the female boss said, "Ah, I know, your colleagues just came and took things away yesterday."

She looked at Song Wen and Lu Siyu, her eyes flickering and vigilant, "Did that person commit a major case? Or is it worth your visit to check it over and over again."

Song Wendao: "The young man was killed, and it has nothing to do with your side. Let's check the situation. Just tell me what you think of."

Song Wen didn't rush to ask about the medicine box, he casually took the house, and let the female boss take them to see the room where Chen Yanqiu lived before his death.

The room where Chen Yanqiu lived in the past happened to be empty. Lu Siyu stood outside the door and looked at it. The environment here was not very good. The room faced north and leaned against the shaded side. It also had an airtight smell on a hot day.

Looking at this, Lu Siyu was suddenly very sad. The young man's last time should feel desolate. He was already seriously ill, and he isolated himself from his only relative, and made himself into one. Kite with only broken string.

Song Wen continued to chat with the proprietress over there, and then began to ask Chen Yanqiu's work and rest habits, what he liked to do, and what he liked to eat.

The female boss thought about it and replied: "He occasionally goes out for a walk, basking in the sun, either ordering takeout or eating at a nearby small restaurant. He likes to eat wontons at the end of the street, and he often goes there. That is a very quiet one. Young man. He doesn't talk much, he's easy to talk, and he didn't drag our hotel money." She thought for a while and added, "I think he didn't belong here originally, and he's not familiar with the people here. He lives here. During this period of time here, I have less contact with people here.”

Song Wen asked again, "Has anyone seen him?"

"I didn't pay attention." The female boss said this sentence, and suddenly thought of something, "However, it seems that once, when I saw him coming out, a man was waiting for him at the entrance of the alley."

"Men? Are there any more clues? For example, age, height, etc." Song Wen asked again, which was a new discovery.

The female boss could see that she was trying to recall: "I... I didn't see it very clearly, but I only saw a back. It should be a man, with a hunchback."

After chatting for a few more words, Song Wen saw Lu Siyu standing by and his face turned pale, knowing that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he took out the medicine box from his pocket and asked the real question: "The boss asks again. Come on, are there any clinics around here that are marked with this label?"

The female boss glanced at it and said, "This is from the Li Mei Clinic. It's just on the east side of the road. We basically go there to see when people are sick. You go to the front and there's a small supermarket, just walk over there."

Song Wen thanked the boss and pulled Lu Siyu out. When Lu Siyu arrived outside the hospital, he squatted down, covered his mouth and retched. He closed his eyes, rolled his throat a few times, held it back, and paused for a few seconds before he dared to breathe.

Song Wen waited for him for a while, then went to the stall on the road to buy a bottle of mineral water and handed it to him: "Isn't it a hotel, it's very clean, Chen Yanqiu has been staying for more than a month."

Lu Siyu shook his head: "The smell of living beings is too heavy..." There was a problem with the layout of the hotel. There were too many rooms divided, and the bedding felt that it had not been washed for a while, perhaps because Chen Yanqiu lived there, and he still Smell sickness and despair. If he stayed any longer, he was almost overwhelmed by the smell.

Lu Siyu took the mineral water and rinsed his mouth, then closed his eyes and rested for a while, feeling better. He is completely different from Song Wen. No matter who he sees, Song Wen can chat a few words, but he just wants to stay away. After so many years, he doesn't hate being able to get close to him. It seems that it is Song Wen.

Song Wen didn't dare to urge him, and when he slowed down, he walked to the clinic as the proprietress said. This time, he didn't let Lu Siyu in, and let him wait outside.

The clinic was opened in Ludong, and when I walked in, I found that it was crowded with people. There were several elderly people who were infused here, and a middle-aged woman wearing a mask and the doctor's pattern saw them come in and walked over and said, "It's hard to see a doctor. line up."

Song Wen shook his credentials and whispered, "I'm a policeman, and I want to ask about the situation."

The woman just walked outside, looked at Song Wen and Lu Siyu who was waiting outside, took off her mask and frowned and asked, "I'm the person in charge of this clinic, what are you asking? Although my place is simple, I never Doing illegal things, one of those who asked me for an abortion didn't do it..."

Song Wendao: "It's not about the operation of the clinic." Then he took out the box of medicine and showed it to the woman, "Is this box of medicine you prescribe here? I want to know the situation."

Li Mei looked at the purple label: "It's from me, but this medicine is a commonly used medicine. I don't know how much I need to prescribe every month, so I won't necessarily remember it."

Song Wen took out another photo of Chen Yanqiu, "Do you have any impression of this young man?"

Li Mei thought for a while, then nodded: "I have some impressions."

Song Wen suddenly came to his senses: "This is the key person in the case we are investigating now. What happened when he came to the clinic, please recall it."

Li Mei recalled for a while and said, "It seems like it was the end of last year. It was more than a month. One day, it rained heavily and there were not many patients. Then an old man brought this young man and came to me. The young man was very weak and had a fever. At that time, I couldn't judge his condition, so I could only give him some medicines to reduce fever. I told him to go to a big hospital. "

"Old man? Is it his family or what?" Song Wen frowned and asked. In the previous words of the proprietress, a man was also mentioned. Is that man and the old man the same person

Li Mei said: "I don't know very well. I thought it was his father at first. Later, the young man was called the old man's uncle, and then the old man didn't say a word during the treatment. Later, after seeing it, the two left. Then the second time was about half a month later, the young man had a high fever again, and the old man came looking for the prescription from last time. I gave him another box of medicine at that time, and told them again to go. The hospital, the old man promised well at the time, and I don't know if he went to the hospital later."

After only a few words, the patients in the room could no longer sit still, and there was someone looking at the door and calling, "Dr. Li..."

Li Mei turned back and said, "Wait a minute, soon."

Song Wen continued to ask, "What does the old man look like, and do you have any characteristics?"

Li Mei shook her head and pointed to the room: "You have also seen how many patients I have here a day, I can remember them because it was a little strange to see the young man, as if he was seriously ill and knew his condition, but he didn't Let me check in detail, the old man who accompanied him is an ordinary old man of old age. I can't remember any features or height. Even if I look at the photos, I may not be able to recognize it. "

Song Wen asked a few more questions, but Li Mei said that she couldn't remember it. The patient inside was so rushing that Song Wen had to let her go back, gave her a business card, and told him what relevant information she thought of to tell him.

At the end, Li Mei asked him, "What happened to that young man?"

Song Wendao: "He was killed."

Li Mei was stunned for a while, ahh, her expression was a little sad and regretful, and went into the clinic.

Song Wen walked down the steps of the clinic. Lu Siyu asked him, "Who do you think the old man will be?"

Song Wendao: "We checked before, Chen Yanqiu's relatives are not here, and he has no friends. Maybe... is also a patient?" Then he shook his head and denied the possibility, "It's not like a patient, if it is a patient , at least I can help him to prescribe medicines instead of taking him to a small clinic to prescribe antipyretics."

Lu Siyu licked his lower lip. He had a bold idea in his heart, but because he was too bold, he didn't dare to say it easily, and there were still too few clues.

Song Wen looked at the time, it was 4:30 in the afternoon, and when he went back to the city bureau, he was about to get off work, let's go straight to get off work, it was a little early, he put his hands in his pockets, thought for a moment, and said, "Let's go, let's turn around nearby. change."

Lu Siyu didn't speak. He was a little embarrassed to stay here for a long time. Fortunately, as he left the alley, the taste was much better.

Song Wen didn't seem to be in a hurry. He walked around and looked around, feeling like killing time. The two walked along the street all the way to the end of the road. Song Wen pointed to the wonton stand in front and said, "Go, go over and ask again."

The stall was small, with only two tables and a few round stools. The owner was quite enthusiastic. Song Wen didn't dare to let Lu Siyu eat indiscriminately, so he ordered a fresh meat wonton and asked Lu Siyu a cup of warm water.

Seeing the boss busy at the side, Song Wen whispered to Lu Siyu: "When I was a trainee police officer in the past, searching was my favorite part. Although data work in solving cases is very important, I shouldn't sit in the office. , Only when I get in touch can people feel that this is a living person. At that time, the old policeman who brought me always told me not to worry, the clues are in life, and sometimes there will be unexpected gains. At that time, I just learned criminal investigation portraits not long ago, I like to carry a sketchbook at any time, and I will draw when I see interesting-looking people." Song Wen took a pair of disposable chopsticks and broke them apart, recalling, "The old policeman often said that In a word, if you can't read people, you won't be able to solve the case."

After a while, the boss cooked the wontons and served them up. Song Wen tasted one and nodded, "Oh, don't say it, it's really delicious. Would you like to try it?"

Lu Siyu hesitated for a while, as if he was worried about the hygiene here. Seeing that Song Wen was eating deliciously, he finally took one of the chopsticks and ate it in his mouth. , I can't say how amazing it is, but it reminds me of the taste of home.

Lu Siyu sat aside, holding a disposable paper cup in his hand, feeling the temperature of the water in it, and the scent of wontons in his mouth.

At this time, the sun was setting, and the sky was gradually dimming. All kinds of working people got off work, talking, laughing, slapsticking, and gradually gathered here from the bustling part of the city.

Lu Siyu looked at it so quietly, and suddenly felt that it was not so annoying and unbearable here.

They are really doing their best now to get close to Chen Yanqiu, even though he died half a year ago, they went to the hotel where he stayed, walked the road he walked, went to the clinic he went to, eat Chaos he ate.

I just hope that I can get closer to him, understand him, and discover the real cause of his death.

After Song Wen finished eating the wontons, he went to show the photo of Chen Yanqiu to the boss. The boss nodded and said, "Yes, this person, last winter and before the New Year's Eve, often ate at my stall, sometimes alone, sometimes alone. There was also an old man with two people. Later, I didn't know what to do, so I didn't come again." Having said that, he showed the photo to the owner of the stall next to him, "It's this person, do you still have any impressions?"

The boss is a small toy business, and he put a few toys in front for people to lap. He frowned and said, "It looks familiar, but let me think about it."

Song Wen generously took out ten yuan: "Come three circles, think about it slowly."

Then Song Wen stood in front of the line and threw two of them, but they didn't get caught. Holding the last circle, he turned around and smiled at Lu Siyu, "Want to try it?"

Lu Siyu was stunned for a moment. He reached out to take the circle and looked at it. The circle was small and light, and it was extremely easy to throw it away. He never played with it since he was a child. I think this is a trick of the stall owner to deceive people, and it fails nine times out of ten.

Song Wen's kindness was difficult, so he threw it casually, and the circle in his hand flew out, hit the head of a little white rabbit doll, shook it, and then caught it.

Lu Siyu didn't report any hope at first, but after being thrown like this, the whole person was stunned.

Song Wen smiled and said, "Boss, you got hit, give something."

"Hey, what good luck!" The boss smiled and handed the toy to Lu Siyu. Lu Siyu was a little caught off guard, looking down at the toy in his hand, but it didn't look like something he would buy. The toy bunny was made of felt, fluffy all over, squinting and sticking out its tongue.

Song Wen looked at him and whispered, "It's so cute."

Lu Siyu still didn't react a little bit. He hugged the rabbit with one hand and said, "It's quite cute. I don't know how I got it. I'll use it as a toy for the little wolf when I go back."

Song Wen snorted, but thought to himself, he wasn't talking about a rabbit.

The stall owner suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, the person you mentioned, I remembered, they also made a circle here. At that time, the young man kept looking this way when he was eating wontons. Later, they had a total of I bought ten laps and took away a model of the Nancheng Tower, which was the only one, and I was always distressed at that time."

"Nancheng Tower?" Song Wen was slightly taken aback when he heard this. He and Lu Siyu looked at each other, and both of them suddenly remembered something. There was no such model in Chen Yanqiu's relics. They had seen the same model in another place - on the windowsill of Zhang Congyun's house.

Song Wen pulled out Zhang Congyun's photo and showed it to the stall owner.

The stall owner nodded and said, "That's right, it's this person. I said at the time that this is very interesting for father and son."

Hearing this, Song Wen and Lu Siyu's expressions changed.

One of the two people is the family member of the victim of the car accident, and the other is the victim of the car accident.

More importantly, Zhang Congyun was lying before!