Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 92


On the fifth day after Chen Yanqiu's body was found, Zhang Congyun was taken to the interrogation room of the Nancheng Bureau. He is also the first suspect in the case.

Song Wen looked at the old man in front of him through the glass window of the observation room. Under the light of the interrogation room, his face was tense, and the wrinkles and ravines on his face were more obvious, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

Today Song Wen asked Fu Linjiang and Lao Jia to go in and ask questions. Compared with him and Lu Siyu, who looks gentle, Fu Linjiang looks more like a policeman in the perception of ordinary people. Because of his old age, Lao Jia is not so easy to talk. He hopes Can give the old man some coercion.

The interrogation did not go well. It has been more than two hours since the interrogation started, and the information provided by the old man is very limited. When Fu Linjiang asked many questions, he was silent. He asked in a hurry and said he didn't know.

During the intermission, when Lao Jia came out to pour the water, he said: "Song team, this old man is just pretending to be deaf and dumb because of his age. He doesn't know anything when asked."

Lu Siyu bit his nails and looked at the white record book in front of him. From morning to now, he has not recorded anything of value.

Zhu Xiao knocked on the door and entered the interrogation room: "Song team, you asked me to check the whereabouts of Zhang Congyun during the time of Chen Yanqiu's death. Then I found this." He handed Song Wen a piece of printing paper on it. Zhang Congyun's round-trip ticket to his hometown for Chinese New Year.

Song Wen opened it and took a look. He went back with Zhang Lili and his granddaughter: "Have you checked the information?"

Zhu Xiao nodded and said: "I checked, he was in his hometown during that time, I went to call his relatives to verify, Zhang Congyun's hometown is in Lizhou, and it takes more than ten hours by train to go back and forth. never left."

Chen Yanqiu's body had turned into a mummified corpse, and the police could only draw an approximate time zone based on the results of Lin Xiuran's autopsy and the results of Fu Linjiang's search for the hotel owner to prove that he was killed during this time.

Now, Zhang Congyun's travel information just covers this period. This finding means that Zhang Congyun has sufficient alibi to prove that he was not the murderer of Chen Yanqiu, or at least not the direct murderer.

Lao Jia also came over and looked at the information: "I haven't figured out one point. Since he is not the murderer and has sufficient alibi, why did we interrogate him for so long and he didn't say anything? This is not a waste of each other. time?"

Lu Siyu thought for a while, then looked at Zhang Congyun who bowed his head in the interrogation room and said, "He doesn't need to justify himself on this point, probably because he doesn't know the exact time of Chen Yanqiu's death."

Lao Jia said, "So, this old man is really not a murderer?"

"I checked their information. Zhang Congyun once had a son who died young, and Chen Yanqiu also lost his father at an early age. Perhaps the two people developed empathy during the delicate communication process." Lu Siyu was talking and fiddling with the pen in his hand. He said softly, "We can question the strangeness of this relationship and feel that his behavior is suspicious, but without direct evidence, we can't say anything from a legal or professional point of view."

Zhu Xiao asked: "That is to say, if the communication between Zhang Congyun and Chen Yanqiu is not directly related to Chen Yanqiu's death, even if Zhang Congyun is suspicious, we can't detain him for too long?"

Song Wen nodded, "If Zhang Congyun wasn't the murderer, detaining him for a few hours would be the limit." Having said that, he frowned slightly: "I still can't figure out something, why did he lie before?"

From the bottom of his heart, Song Wen didn't want to let Zhang Congyun go easily, he always felt that this person still had doubts that could not be explained.

As a case-related person, the testimony of witnesses is often mixed with lies, and identifying lies is also one of their daily tasks.

But people lie, and there's always a reason.

Some people, timid, afraid of things, were told or threatened. Things may not involve them, they think that if they don’t mention it or say panic, they will not bring disaster; some people lie to hide information, protect family members, protect relatives, or have other purposes; This is the most irritating situation, but it is also very common. Those people don't tell you for no reason. It seems to cause trouble to other people's work, and they can get pleasure. They are purely hostile to the police, with hatred and do not want the case to be solved.

What kind of situation does Zhang Congyun belong to? What are his concerns, his reasons for concealing the truth

Song Wen thought for a while, then stood up and stopped Lao Jia who was going back to the interrogation room, "I'll ask myself this time."

Lao Jia nodded and was happy, Song Wen took the hot potato, turned around and went out, pushing open the door of the interrogation room.

Seeing him coming in, Zhang Congyun raised his head and looked at him. The interrogation room was silent for a while, except for the humming of the exhaust fan.

"I know that you may not be the murderer who killed Chen Yanqiu, but..." Song Wen put a stack of surveillance photos taken from the Ruyi Hotel on the table: "There are personal and physical evidence, you still want to say that you don't know each other. Is it Chen Yanqiu?"

Zhang Congyun sat there quietly, looked down at a few photos on the table, and finally said, "The previous photos are not very clear. I am old and have a bad memory, so I forgot."

The light of the interrogation room shone down from the top, and his eyelids drooped, casting a shadow over the lower edge of his eyes. He wasn't as grumpy as before at home, but he could still tell from his words that he was unwilling to cooperate.

Song Wen sat next to Fu Linjiang, "We are just investigating the cause of Chen Yanqiu's death now, you are someone he had contact with before he died, someone who knew that he was still alive, if you are not the murderer, I hope you can provide us with it Relevant clues. Let us solve this case." This opening was frank enough, Song Wen showed almost all the cards, he paused and asked, "When did you know him?"

This time, Zhang Congyun was silent for a moment and replied, "It's after the car accident."

In the observation room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Lu Siyu finally started recording. As long as Zhang Congyun was willing to cooperate, he could ask for some information.

"... Did he approach you as Zhang Rui?"

"No." Zhang Congyun shook his head to deny this, "I know that he has something to do with my wife's car accident. I also know that he was not the one who really killed my wife."

"How did you know?"

"It was he who told me." Zhang Congyun's voice was calm and hoarse, as if he had no emotion, "After my wife died, one day, I suddenly received a phone call, and the person on the phone said, can you tell me The secret about my wife's car accident. I went, and this person appeared." Zhang Congyun said here, pointing to the photo on the desktop, "Then I saw the young man, and he told me the whole process of the car accident. He It was in a group, and he received this task, and he did not expect that things would develop like this."

"Then what?" Song Wen asked.

"At first I hated him, and I wanted to beat him or kill him. Because of his existence, the real murderer who killed my wife was not punished. I don't know now, which bastard killed him. My wife's death should not be used as a way for him to make money." Zhang Congyun said here, leaning back in his chair, "He said he was willing to compensate me, but I didn't. I asked him who the murderer was. Who. But he, like me, doesn't know much about the whole thing. And before I hit him, he passed out by himself. I couldn't help it, so I took him to a nearby clinic."

"So, you just forgive him?"

Zhang Congyun looked down at his hand: "I know that he is very ill, and he will die sooner or later, what can I do? My wife has died, and I have also received compensation. I can't stay in that car accident forever. I have a life of my own."

Fu Linjiang asked, "I know that someone was to blame for the car accident at that time, why didn't you call the police?"

"How do you know I haven't been there?" Zhang Congyun looked at Fu Linjiang and said with a sneer, "I went to the traffic bureau and said there was something wrong with the car accident. You know what people there asked me." He paused. After a while, he continued, "They didn't ask me where I learned about it and what evidence I had, but asked me if the compensation wasn't enough."

This result is indeed heart-wrenching.

Song Wen continued to ask: "You took Chen Yanqiu to the clinic to see a doctor, it seems that you have been there more than once."

"The second time was because he fell ill in the small hotel and felt that he was about to die. He called me and begged me to forgive him before he died, otherwise he would not feel at ease. I feel a little sympathetic to him, for He didn't know about the top bag at first, and... he was still a child, a little younger than my daughter. I can't just die."

"Where did the model of the Nancheng Tower in your house come from?"

Zhang Congyun raised his head and looked at Song Wen: "Officer, I know what you're thinking, we're not that close. After I bought him medicine, I saw that he was finally getting better. I told him that day that my wife will die even after death. I refused his financial compensation for not climbing the Nancheng Tower, so he wanted to buy one to compensate me." Having said that, Zhang Congyun's eyes finally moved, "Actually, it was only yesterday that you asked me for it. I know he's dead. His death has nothing to do with me."

Song Wen asked: "Last time we went to your house, why did you lie to us?"

"Because I don't want to let these things disrupt my life. Also, I'm a little scared..."

Song Wen asked, "What are you afraid of?"

"Isn't it scary for someone you know, who talked to, and who had dinner together, suddenly someone told you that he died, and it was unclear and who killed him? People's instinctive reactions are to say that this matter has nothing to do with them, right?" Zhang Congyun raised his head and looked at them, "Besides, you policemen. Shouldn't we go and find out who is the murderer who killed my wife?"

Song Wen looked directly at him and said, "When the case is in my hands, I will investigate it clearly. I will investigate the death of your wife and Chen Yanqiu's death clearly and clearly."

"Huh." The old man looked at them, as if he didn't believe Song Wen's words, and let out a sneer. Song Wen didn't speak, but he understood his frustration. The case happened half a year ago. At that time, he might have hoped that the police would give him an answer.

"Is what you say now true?" Fu Linjiang didn't believe him.

Zhang Congyun raised his head slightly: "Did my answer make you dissatisfied? You can torture me severely and let me admit that I was the murderer who killed him."

"What else do you know?" Fu Linjiang continued to ask.

"My story has been told, and the rest, I really don't know anything." Zhang Congyun closed his eyes and opened them again after a while, "Can you tell me how he... died?"

Song Wen hesitated for a moment and told him: "At the end of last year, just before the Spring Festival, he was stabbed in the chest with a knife, and he was found in a chemical factory after his death."

Zhang Congyun nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After being detained for six hours, Zhang Congyun signed and was allowed to leave.

Lu Siyu sent him out. It was summer, and during the day, he was wearing a top and trousers. After leaving the city bureau's door, Zhang Congyun walked all the way to the opposite bus station, and then sat down. It really makes people feel that he is just an old man with a dead wife.

Across the traffic, Zhang Congyun looked up at Lu Siyu who had sent him out, and their eyes met for a second. At that moment, his eyes were full of vicissitudes and fatigue, but after that, there was a kind of stubbornness as sharp as a sword.

Lu Siyu wanted to see more clearly, but was blocked by a few cars coming. When those cars left, the platform opposite was empty.

At the same time, in the Nancheng Bureau, Song Wen had just sorted out his things and came out of the observation room of the interrogation room, when Zhu Xiao came over and said, "Song team, I just saw that the transfer list from Xu team seems to have the name of Lu Siyu. write it down..."

This Xu Changying couldn't get around no matter what, Song Wen got up and said, "You guys continue to investigate the case, I'll go to the task force to communicate."