Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 94


At this moment, Zhu Xiao and Cheng Xiaobing have come to an old car yard in the suburbs of Nancheng based on the information provided to them by the traffic bureau.

This place is very large, and you can't see the edge at a glance. You can see all kinds of dilapidated cars parked. Some cars have been disassembled, and some are still intact, like a huge tomb of a car.

Those cars were lit by the sun, and the steel reflected the heat, turning the place into a giant steam oven.

Zhu Xiao blocked the dazzling sunlight with his hand, and explained to Cheng Xiaobing: "Although this is not a waste car factory listed by the DMV, it is the largest recycling center for used cars in Nancheng."

Cheng Xiaobing said: "Then the traffic management bureau is not all sticks. It found the suspected car that caused the accident so quickly. Isn't this very cooperative with our work?"

Zhu Xiaodao: "Oh, that's what you didn't know. That group of people was swept up by Team Song and pointed out the flaws in their work. Now they are thinking of taking the blame and making merit."

During the conversation, a staff member here led the two of them to their positions and pointed to a driveway with only a shelf left: "It should be this one."

Before arriving at the scene, Cheng Xiaobing felt that it was an exaggeration for the people from the traffic bureau to say that they had found the wreckage of the car, but when she got here, she had to admit that the car had been dismembered.

In the car in front, almost all the trim has been removed, the license plate is missing, the four tires have been removed, and the steering wheel and seat have not been left. All that was left of the car was a steel frame, thick with ash, waiting to be thrown back into the furnace.

Cheng Xiaobing was carrying the identification box, her eyes were a little straight: "Are you... Are you sure it's this one?" In her opinion, many car frames here look exactly the same, and she doesn't know how the staff saw this car from it. It's the car they were looking for.

The little brother who works here said: "Absolutely right. The time is more consistent with what you said. At that time, the car was overturned several times, and the auto repair company was in a hurry to sell it, and the price seemed to have an accident. Here we are. There are too many cars, and you have to queue up to deal with them. You are lucky, if it is another half a month later, the car will probably be pulled away."

Cheng Xiaobing asked curiously: "I think these cars are almost dismantled, how did you recognize them..."

The little brother touched the ash on the car, showing a bit of the original blue, "The art is specialized, Porsche's craftsmanship is still good, this paint feels different from other cars, I will not admit it wrong. We work here, what kind of old cars have we never seen, and to be honest, we have more research on cars than those from the DMV.”

Zhu Xiao asked, "Can the other parts of this car still be found?"

The little brother shook his head: "I can't find them, those were not dismantled by us, they were dismantled by a previous auto repair company. When they were sold to us, they were just a shell. Those parts may be recycled now and installed in other places. in the car."

Zhu Xiao was curious: "This light can be sold for money even with an iron shell left?"

"Not much, it's better than scrap iron. The key is that we deal with it, so we don't have to bother with them." The little brother wiped his sweat and said, "Look at it slowly, just say hello to me when you go out. ."

When the staff walked away, Cheng Xiaobing reached out and touched two pairs of gloves from the evidence box, and handed one pair to Zhu Xiao: "Let's start work."

Zhu Xiao nodded. Recently, there was another major case in the city. The physical evidence and forensic experts were very busy. Today, he could only find Cheng Xiaobing, who was on duty.

The strength work is obviously not suitable for girls, Zhu Xiao helped open the deformed door of the car, and then went to the back to open the trunk. Although the car is very dirty now, it can be clearly seen that it is dust falling later. The car has been disassembled and cleaned before delivery, and many traces on it have been erased.

Cheng Xiaobing circled around the broken car, thinking about how to extract favorable physical evidence.

Zhu Xiao stood aside, still interested in this place.

He took out his mobile phone and put it on the POSE to take a few pictures, but he didn't think it was enough. He said to Cheng Xiaobing, "Hey, your camera is good, take a few pictures for me and pass it back to me."

Cheng Xiaobing looked at him, raised the camera reluctantly, and reluctantly pressed the shutter a few times: "What is there to take pictures of this broken place?"

Zhu Xiao opened his arms and said, "Don't you think it's cool? So many scrap cars are the outdated products of human evolution. There is a natural sense of wasteland here. It's like the set of the sequel to "Transformers". I stand Here, it's the male lead."

"Isn't it Optimus Prime for Transformers?" Cheng Xiaobing pouted and whispered: "Just like you, this movie is going to hit the street. If it's Team Song and Lu Siyu, it's more or less the same, it's better to have two male protagonists. ."

Zhu Xiao leaned on the car and whispered, "Hehe, handsome guys belong to handsome guys, not yours, so hurry up and start work."

The photo was almost taken. Cheng Xiaobing put away the camera, got in through the open car door, and carefully looked at the marks on the frame.

The next step is the long and patient forensics work, but this place is really clean, Cheng Xiaobing is looking at it with a magnifying glass.

There are no conventional traces such as fingerprints and footprints, and the car should have been deliberately cleaned of modification marks, and many iconic things have been deliberately removed.

She looked inside and outside the car and found only a few very small bloodstains. After looking at it for more than half an hour, Cheng Xiaobing rubbed his painful waist and got out of the car in frustration and said, "I've seen it almost, except for a few suspected bloodstains, not to mention clues here, not even a spider. …”

Zhu Xiao talked and teased her, pointing to a position beside the car door, "Who said no? Look, spider!"

Cheng Xiaobing was startled by him, and her body shrank back subconsciously. She is not afraid of corpses in life, but she is quite afraid of spiders. Then she followed Zhu Xiao's finger and looked over there. There was only a sticker, she He took a photo and said, "Your joke is cold enough, how can this be a spider."

Zhu Xiao was very satisfied with her response: "This is Spider-Man, why is it not a spider?"

Cheng Xiaobing took a closer look. The sticker had been washed and sun-dried many times, and only half of the white glue was still stuck in the car. She recognized the little bit of red and asked curiously, "You How did you see this?"

"Isn't this the classic action of Spider-Man?" Zhu Xiao squatted on the ground as he spoke, his fingers pointed forward, and he made a gesture of ejecting spider silk, "I have a specialization in surgery, so I can recognize the little brother just now. It’s the same as a car model. People like me who watch a lot of movies are more sensitive than the average person.”

Cheng Xiaobing was amused by him, "But... this thing looks familiar... Wait, I remember..." After speaking, she sat on an old tire beside her and checked it with her phone.

Zhu Xiao thought that she was just too tired to take a break, but Cheng Xiaobing didn't move the nest after sitting there for five minutes: "Hey, as the only physical evidence officer at the scene, can I trouble you to hurry up? Put away the gossip and start Scan your fingerprints?"

"I want to scan it, but the premise is that there must be fingerprints... The only fingerprints on this car are those left by the little brother just now." Cheng Xiaobing just turned it over as he spoke, and took the phone to Zhu Xiao to see, "Look, Is this the car?"

It was a photo of an Internet celebrity. The photo was of a luxury car. A beautiful woman was sitting in the car with her dog in her arms. The angle of the selfie just showed a little bit of the car logo, which made it possible to see that it was an expensive brand car.

Zhu Xiao looked at the photo and said, "Isn't this just a selfie of a beauty? Can you tell what kind of car it is? Oh, this girl is called Zhao Liuer, right? I remember being an internet celebrity, and I have seen a few of her scenes. Live broadcast, this model looks a bit like…”

Cheng Xiaobing said, "Take a closer look, this photo was taken last year."

Zhu Xiao zoomed in on the picture. On the steering wheel of the car is the Porsche logo. The lower right corner of the photo, inside the car, is half a sticker of Spider-Man. "Damn it, the stickers are the same! Good job! How did you find out?" The car model is the same, the sticker is the same, this kind of coincidence is too small, Zhu Xiao can basically conclude that this car is the one in front of them . Now that the photo has been confirmed, it means that the Internet celebrity anchor has been found, and it is also possible to know who is the owner of the car.

Cheng Xiaobing chuckled: "There is a specialization in the surgery industry. Don't underestimate a woman's ability to gossip."

Zhu Xiao gave her a thumbs up: "Well, I think when you gossip, your appearance has increased."

After packing up all the tools here, the first thing Cheng Xiaobing and Zhu Xiao did when they returned to the city bureau was to report the progress to Song Wen.

"The car has been specially cleaned, and there are very few traces left. There are a few small blood spots in the car and outside the car, and we have to see the results of the later test. There is a sticker on the door, which is suspected to have been in a person named Zhao Liu. It has appeared in the photo of the Internet celebrity anchor of my son." As soon as he entered the door and did not care to sit down, Zhu Xiao hurriedly reported.

Song Wen took the phone, looked at the pictures posted on the Internet, and looked at the live photos that Cheng Xiaobing typed: "It does look like the same car."

"If this is the real car that caused the accident, then the car owner must have something to do with Zhao Youlan's car accident." Zhu Xiao unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Cheng Xiaobing: "I need to call the anchor and ask. Whose car is it?"

Song Wendao: "Don't be in a hurry, let's summarize the information first, and also check the specific information of this Zhao Liuer."

"Well, this anchor is quite famous, and she has a lot of information on the Internet. She often broadcasts live broadcasts, and she was known as the first sister of a certain Internet celebrity platform for a while." Zhu Xiao opened his laptop and searched for a while. It will be presented to Song Wen, "Look, it's the same as what I said, and this information can't be found on the Ministry of Public Security's website."

Song Wen walked over and looked at the information on the Internet. Although there are some elements of gossip in these materials, they also have a lot of reference value.

The Internet has memories, even if people sometimes forget, but the words said on the Internet, the uploaded pictures and videos are still preserved.

Cheng Xiaobing drank the water and said, "I was able to find that photo because the anchor had an affair with a man for a while, and a star-chasing girl turned up this photo and wentssips about whether this was the star's car. , and someone seems to have found the real owner..."

"There are so many situations to compare. We can basically determine the original license plate number based on the purchase list of the same car provided by the Transportation Bureau. This should be the owner of the car." Zhu Xiao said, and pulled out the list. "Huo Shaoqing."

This time, Lu Siyu, who had been standing by the side without speaking, bit his finger and said, "I seem to know that this person is from a rich second-generation family with a lot of money." He doesn't like gossip, but he is never closed. .

"Yes," Zhu Xiao nodded quickly, "his father was a well-known developer. He relied on his family's wealth, he had a propensity to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble, and he also liked to sleep with various small Internet celebrities. Such people, go to bars. It's pretty normal to have a car accident, and... it's more likely to be drunk or drugged."

Song Wen turned his head and said to Lu Siyu: "Anyway, it's good news, maybe Chen Yanqiu had some evidence about the car owner, and the car owner killed him in order to silence him. Now, the case has finally moved forward, and There is a decent suspect."

"I think there are still some problems, but I think at least he should have something to do with Chen Yanqiu's death." Lu Siyu rubbed his temples, and he tried his best to concentrate on Song Wen: "Now, the most important thing is to find Huo Shaoqing and ask as soon as possible. Happening."