Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 96


When Song Wen returned to Lu Siyu's house, it was nearly nine o'clock, the lights were on, the food was placed on the table, and he left tableware and chopsticks for him.

In the small villa, it is as warm as an ordinary family.

Lu Siyu fell asleep on the sofa, his body still curled up insecure. Song Wen looked at his sleeping face. From this angle, Lu Siyu stretched out a forearm with a slender wrist. His profile was white and delicate, but his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was dreaming.

Song Wen got up and went upstairs to get a summer quilt, and put it lightly on Lu Siyu. Before he could lift his hand, Lu Siyu's eyelashes suddenly trembled, and he opened his eyes. The two looked at each other.

"That... I'm making you sleep." Song Wen said apologetically.

Lu Siyu rubbed his eyes: "No, I just woke up." Then he pointed to the food on the table, "I've eaten it, do you see if it's cold?"

Song Wen got up and touched the bowl on the table: "It's still warm, don't be so troublesome." With such an opening, he couldn't ask Lu Siyu how he decided to stay.

Lu Siyu lay down for a while, and when Song Wen had almost eaten, he turned over and sat up on the sofa: "Why did you delay so long today? Is it going well?"

Song Wen tidied up the table and said: "Zhao Liu'er has been confirmed, and we have an appointment to meet with the city bureau tomorrow afternoon. Huo Shaoqing's return time is at 2 p.m. the day after tomorrow. We will arrest him as soon as he comes back. The application has been made and the arrangements have been made. By the way... Gu Bureau said that it is better to go through the traffic bureau." At present, although there are many things, the progress is going smoothly.

"As the leader, Bureau Gu is naturally thinking about how to deal with the problem." Lu Siyu bit his nails and asked, "No news from Gu Zhibai?"

Song Wen stopped and said, "Anyway, when I left, I hadn't released anyone yet."

Lu Siyu sighed and said, "After Xu Changying catches him, he will be more careful to erase all clues."

Lu Siyu's mind kept going through his head. From the beginning to the end, he felt that Gu Zhibai was involved in those matters. The incident at the nursing home, and Bai Luorui later, all these things involved Gu Zhibai invariably. Not a coincidence.

He even had a hunch that this time the car accident would have something to do with Gu Zhibai

Those people are organized and purposeful to do things. Who is Gu Zhibai's online

After so many things have happened, will they make the next move and how will they respond to the police investigation

Lu Siyu wanted to clarify these issues and relationships, but the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt.

During this period of time, Song Wen cleaned up the kitchen and waited for her aunt to clean it up tomorrow. He went to add dog food to the little wolf's food box. After washing his hands, Song Wen saw Lu Siyu sitting on the sofa not talking, so he couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his hair: "Go to rest early."

Lu Siyu took his hand and said, "Can you accompany me today? Sleep on my side."

Song Wen snorted: "I'll go up when I'm ready."

Lu Siyu went upstairs, washed briefly, and then lay on the bed. Sleeping became a pious ritual, and the demarcation between day and night became less clear. He seemed to be able to see glimpses of light with his eyes closed, like in a dream, but also awake. He didn't know when Song Wen would be there He didn't know when he slept in the bed, and finally he woke up because of stomach pain. When he opened his eyes, he found that it was already bright and the sun was shining through the window. Then he looked at his phone. , it's almost eight o'clock.

Song Wen walked in from outside to get something, saw him open his eyes and said, "I made breakfast for you. The dog has also walked. Today is really rare. You woke up later than me."

Lu Siyu wanted to get up, but suddenly felt another cramp in his stomach. He unconsciously pressed his hand on the sore spot. Song Wen felt that something was wrong with him: "Aren't you feeling well?"

Lu Siyu said: "It's just a bit of a stomachache. Actually, I slept well last night." For some reason, as soon as he woke up, his right eyelid kept twitching.

"I'm going to get you some stomach medicine." Song Wen saw that he was not in a good mood. "You can take a leave of absence today. Don't push yourself too hard. Anyway, the investigations are almost done, and there should be nothing to do."

Lu Siyu didn't insist this time, and lay back again. After thinking about it, he still couldn't let go of the case, and said to Song Wen, "Then I'll sort out the case at home, and you can call me later if there is any situation."

He had a strange feeling in his heart, as if the case became more stable now, the more uneasy it made him, as if something was hidden under the current calm and was about to emerge from the cocoon.

Song Wen watched him take the medicine, nodded and promised him: "Okay, I'll tell you something later." After he took the things, he warned again, "Breakfast is still hot, if you wake up, remember it later. Eat the rice, as you said last time, my porridge cooking skills are pretty good."

After settling the little wolf, Song Wen walked out the door. It was the end of summer, the heat had dissipated, and the sunlight outside was a bit dazzling. It is the morning rush hour, and there is a little traffic jam on the road.

Song Wen drove all the way until he was about to get on the overhead, when Fu Linjiang's phone suddenly came, and his voice was a little anxious: "Song team, Zhu Xiao just checked, Huo Shaoqing suddenly changed the plane yesterday, changed it to today, and still There are forty minutes, and it will be landing soon."

Song Wen was a little surprised and said, "How come?!" This change caught them off guard.

Fu Linjiang said: "Zhu Xiao said that Mr. Huo's information had not changed when he got off work yesterday. Who knows that he temporarily changed the itinerary. Damn, someone from the traffic bureau must have leaked the news."

Fu Linjiang, who has always spoken softly, couldn't help but swear. The fact that they want to arrest Huo Shaoqing is only known to both the Municipal Bureau and the Transportation Bureau. It is very likely that someone from the Transportation Bureau has leaked the news.

Song Wen suddenly reacted. In the case of Chen Yanqiu's top bag before, changing the video records of those cameras looked like hackers, but how could the hackers be so familiar with the way of archiving by the Transportation Bureau? And Huo Shaoqing's drunk driving record, how could it disappear inexplicably? This may be... it's a robbery!

After realizing this, Song Wen immediately calmed down: "Don't worry, don't worry about the traffic bureau, just take a few people to the airport. The city bureau is about half an hour away from the airport, although it's a bit rushed, it may not be too late."

Song Wen thought for a while and then analyzed, "Be careful, since the Huo family got the news, they didn't choose to hide in other cities or abroad, or chose to land in Nancheng, there must be a way to deal with the police, the Huo family received it. Huo Shao, I will definitely let him meet Huo Chen."

Having said that, Song Wen turned the car around and said, "I'm still on the overpass, and it's definitely too late to get to the airport. You ask Zhu Xiao to send me the address of Huo's family, and I'll go directly to Huo Chen to chat." He Originally, I didn't want to move the line of Huo Chen, but now, there is only a showdown with each other.

Fu Linjiang said, "Understood, I'll take someone out here immediately."

Lu Siyu got up after Song Wen walked for a while, changed his clothes, and had breakfast. He slept all night yesterday and felt much better, but his stomach pain continued, which made him a little uncomfortable.

The sunshine outside the window was just right, Lu Siyu sat at the desk, clenched his left fist against his stomach, and opened the notebook with his right hand to start transcribing the investigation report of this case.

Since the investigation of the case, it was the first time he was doing the sorting out. From the beginning of this case, they were relatively passive.

The police's investigation started with the discovery of Chen Yanqiu's body, found out the truth about the revival of the body, and found a group of patients who used terminally ill patients. Later, they found that Chen Yanqiu had participated in a car accident topping case, and now they are looking for the real culprit of the car accident. The order of their investigation is completely different from the order of events.

Lu Siyu looked at the analysis report and noticed that they were being pulled away by clues, but ignored the case itself.

He began to try to conduct a review and calculate according to the normal time line: the car accident happened, Zhao Youlan died, the Huo family found someone to plan a way to get out of the crime, Chen Yanqiu participated in the top package case, Zhao Youlan's death reached a compensation settlement, Chen Yanqiu used Zhang Rui's body was revived, Chen Yanqiu and Zhang Congyun met, and Chen Yanqiu died.

This is the sequence of events. What they still don't know is, what did Chen Yanqiu do when he died, and who killed him? What would be the motive for the murder

There are also the two parties who reached a settlement. Lu Siyu wrote the names of Zhang Lili and Zhang Congyun, and then wrote the names of Huo Shaoqing and Huo Chen. The 1.2 million is undoubtedly from the Huo family, separated by Chen Yanqiu, one is the victim of the car accident, and the other is the suspected perpetrator.

Huo Shaoqing's side has more clues, and the investigation is smoother. Compared with the Huo family, the Zhang family has almost no actions and reactions. Are they really ready to settle down after receiving the money

He suddenly thought of the doubts he and Song Wen discussed when he went to Zhang Congyun's house last time and interrogated Zhang Congyun again. What if what they saw now was just an appearance

Lu Siyu raised his head again and looked at the table in front of him. He pursed his lips, moved his slender fingers, and changed the position of the victim and the perpetrator.

The identity of the victim or the perpetrator is just a word difference. The methods of investigation are completely different. When facing the victims, they are sympathetic and the investigation will be more relaxed.

Lu Siyu bit the nail of his thumb and looked at Zhang Congyun's file again.

Last time, he looked at this file as the file of the victim's family, but now he considers it as a suspect. Zhang Congyun is very smart. He was admitted to a chemical university in his early years, but he was dismissed for not finishing his studies. Now that I think about it, I might have done something illegal at school.

He initially entered a chemical factory and left soon after because he had no college degree and a low salary.

Zhang Congyun was once unemployed, and his resume was blank. Later, he had an urban hukou and suddenly married Zhao Youlan, who was born in the countryside.

Many overlooked details are shown one by one, and his previous profile of this person was incomplete.

Zhang Congyun has a motive for a crime and the conditions for a crime... More importantly, he absolutely loves Zhao Youlan.

Zhao Youlan's death may greatly stimulate Zhang Congyun.

Zhang Congyun once met Chen Yanqiu, and got some information about the top bag case from him...

A widower with a dead wife, an outlaw who is dying of illness...

Thinking of this, Lu Siyu hurriedly called Zhang Lili, "Hello, I want to ask if your father is there? I have a few questions to ask him."

The woman over the phone was a little flustered: "Officer Lu, my father, he went out yesterday afternoon, and said he didn't want me to wait for him for dinner, and then he didn't come back all night... I just called him this morning, and the phone was It's turned off. I was a little hesitant before, should I call the police?"

"Don't worry." Lu Siyu's right eyelid jumped again: "Do you know where your father may have gone?"

Zhang Lili hesitated for a moment and said: "He didn't say it, and he has been mysterious lately. I think he seems to be hiding something from me..."

Lu Siyu continued: "I saw your father's file earlier that he was fired from the first factory. Did something happen at that time?"

"Then... It was before my dad got married. I still heard from my mother later. Once the factory adjusted wages, he was not satisfied with the result and stabbed the factory leader. Of course, it was not serious... So we negotiated later, just He was fired. He used to be more irritable, and it was my mother who comforted him... Recently my mother was gone, but he was very quiet... " These experiences are not very glorious things, so the files are vaguely written. Last time she Did not take the initiative to mention.

"Then during the blank period of the file in the following year, do you know what he did?" Lu Siyu read Zhang Congyun's file before and found this paragraph. It said that he was on leave due to medical reasons. He is now a little suspicious.

"I was working in a black workshop in my hometown, where fireworks, firecrackers, and other prohibited items were produced there..." Zhang Lili paused here, and she also realized the problem, "I... I'm a little worried about my father now. ."

Lu Siyu frowned slightly, he suddenly remembered something, and asked Zhang Lili, "Help me take a look, are the bottles that your father put on the balcony still there?"

There was a rustling voice over the phone, obviously Zhang Lili was rummaging for something, "... There are many empty bottles in it. It's strange. When I cleaned it the other day, it was obviously full..."

Lu Siyu's sweat subsided instantly, and he tried to calm down: "I see, I will report to the leader here to help find your father. If you contact your father, please tell me too."

Lu Siyu was cold all over for a while, and he immediately pressed Song Wen's number: "Song team, I have new news here."

Song Wen said on the other side: "Well, you say."

"I called Zhang Lili just now. Zhang Congyun hasn't come home since he left the door yesterday. Now his mobile phone is turned off and he is nowhere to be seen. Besides, he may have dangerous goods..."

Then Lu Siyu continued in a trembling voice: "When we were thinking about it before, we got into a misunderstanding, thinking that the Zhang family is the victim's family, and we ignored the possibility that they might harm others. I began to think that he was older Becoming peaceful and stubborn, thinking about it now... Maybe Zhao Youlan is the key. Before contacting Zhang Lili, Zhang Lili said that his father behaved strangely after his mother died. I think... Zhang Congyun... may have been planning something... "

They have been investigating the crimes that have happened before, but they have ignored the blood that may happen soon.

In life, Zhao Youlan may be Zhang Congyun's fire extinguisher. The hatred of losing a loved one is like a saw stabbing flesh. The darker the night, the more torturing every nerve.

Sometimes, it's fine when you get out of your temper, but if you keep it in your heart, it will accumulate and turn into anger. The more calm Zhang Congyun became, the more terrifying it became.

"Zhang Congyun used to have fights and hurt people when he was young, but he didn't write much about it in the file. He has criminal tendencies, and once worked in a black workshop, he may have mastered the technology of disposing dangerous chemicals. And he told Zhao Youlan. The relationship between him and Chen Yanqiu is very deep. His acquaintance with Chen Yanqiu has made him know the truth hidden in the Dingbao case. They may have been investigating the truth from a long time ago." Lu Siyu recalls now that Zhang Congyun has been hiding it. His purpose was to play down his sadness, but that emotion was revealed in his abnormal behavior.

An ominous premonition also appeared in Song Wen's heart: "Do you think he might go to Huo Shaoqing to take revenge?"

Lu Siyu nodded: "He wants revenge."

"Killing for life." Lu Siyu was silent for a moment, spit out the word on his forehead, such an old man might do everything without bottom line, "I noticed a detail, do you remember? We went to Zhang Congyun last time. At home, I saw a lot of bottles and cans on the ground. I thought it was the garbage collected by Zhao Youlan, but then I thought, in such a messy home, the bottles are very neatly arranged... I asked Zhang Lili just now, those cans, All of a sudden it was empty."

After talking so much in one breath, Lu Siyu's stomach started to hurt again. He took a breath and said the worst result: "That may be a dangerous chemical. It's not a fire drug, or it's a highly toxic chemical, so many The total amount of bottles may not be small. I think he may have been waiting for Huo Shaoqing to return to China. "

Zhang Congyun has been silent for half a year and has been planning for half a year. He seems to be sharpening the knife in his hand, waiting for an opportunity. The investigation and visit of the police may have stimulated Zhang Congyun even more and made him step up his actions.

In this way, everything makes sense.

"I'll ask Lao Jia to take someone to Zhang Congyun's house to see if the bottles have been filled with dangerous chemicals, and if so, what are they." Song Wen said and made arrangements. He thought about it for a while and asked Lu Siyu, "I still don't understand, how did Zhang Congyun know the specific whereabouts of Huo Shaoqing?" Song Wen felt that there was a missing link. After a beat, the horn behind the car beeped.

"I still haven't figured out these doubts. Maybe there are hidden things in it. Now it seems that we must find Zhang Congyun as soon as possible." Lu Siyu heard the loudspeaker on the opposite side and asked, "You haven't arrived at the city bureau yet?"

It has been more than half an hour since Song Wen set off, and it stands to reason that he should have arrived at the city bureau long ago.

Song Wen told him: "There is a change here, Huo Shao came back early, Fu Linjiang has already rushed to the airport to detain him, I'm going to see Huo Chen now." He paused and said, "If Zhang Congyun really wants to If he wants to take revenge, he may have known the news a long time ago. He has been in action since yesterday, so he didn't return all night last night. Now it depends on the Huo family, the police, and Zhang Congyun who can find Huo Shaoqing first. "

Lu Siyu said, "Well, be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Siyu thought of Song Wen's last question, how did Zhang Congyun confirm Huo Shaoqing's return information? Thinking of this, his right eyelid jumped again, Lu Siyu licked his lips, and suddenly thought of a possibility... Unless...

Since this case, he has always been unable to concentrate due to physical reasons. At this time, all the clues are finally connected.

Turns out it wasn't enough to see through the evil, and they didn't even have enough time to stop it...

Lu Siyu couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up and wanted to go out, but he got up in a hurry, but suddenly fell to the ground.

Then Lu Siyu thought that all his painkillers had been taken by Song Wen... Thinking of this, his stomach suddenly cramped, and Lu Siyu rested for a few seconds before staggering to his feet. Dependencies swelled to the extreme in an instant.

His breathing suddenly became difficult, his heart beat to a standstill, and his body seemed to have reached its limit. He had never been so thirsty for those potions.

What was in front of him gradually blurred and tilted. Lu Siyu walked into Song Wen's room clutching his stomach. He didn't care, he rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find those medicines, no... or no.

The cold sweat kept breaking out, and Lu Siyu felt a throbbing pain in his abdomen. He couldn't help lying beside the bed and coughed low, the blood smelled from his mouth, and his body seemed to be scratched by a claw, dripping with blood.

At this time, he desperately needed those medicines, even if it was poison, he wanted to swallow it...