Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 99


In the early morning of the southern city, the sun shines down, reflecting the light on the glass curtain wall, like a jungle made of steel.

Just after the morning rush hour, a row of police cars set out from the city bureau and drove towards the city center at full speed. The alarm bell rang through the sky, indicating that it would be an uneasy day.

Even if you drive at the fastest speed, the journey will still take 12 minutes. In the command car at the beginning, Song Wen and Zhu Xiao are sitting on one side, and Xu Youyou and Xu Changying are sitting on the other side.

Xu Youyou was in charge of liaison in this mission. The girl bowed her head and was busy for a moment, then raised her head to report: "Team Xu, there are already snipers and EOD personnel coming here. Based on the road conditions, it is expected to arrive within 18 minutes. Under the South City Tower."

"This speed may not catch up." Song Wen stared at the electronic touch screen held in Zhu Xiao's hand, and the black car that was speeding was completely locked. Its running position appeared on the electronic screen, and kept flashing, because the speed of the car was so fast, the intercepting team tried twice without success, and was thrown off by it.

Xu Changying said: "It's best to evacuate the crowd as soon as possible as the care bureau said."

Xu Youyou asked, "Are you telling the Nancheng Tower to close it directly?" If the tower is closed, then Zhang Congyun will undoubtedly be unable to go up.

Song Wen shook his head: "In our early investigation, the Nancheng Tower was the obsession of Zhang Congyun's dead wife. It's useless to close the tower. He should climb up and climb up."

It is not only the symbol of Nancheng, but also a holy place for those who committed suicide in Nancheng. Those outsiders don't know much about the history of Nancheng Tower, and they don't know much about the obsession of Nancheng people to die on the Nancheng Tower.

Xu Changying agreed: "Now we can't be sure how destructive the explosives are. Recklessly closing the tower may anger the suspect, and if the explosion occurs under the Nancheng Tower, it will also cause casualties." Then he turned to Xu Youyou and said: "It's better to wait for the special police to arrive. The crowd on the Nancheng Tower will speed up the evacuation, leaving them an empty tower."

Now, we can only hope that the destructive power of the explosives is not strong enough to directly blow up the tower body and cause a collapse, so that Zhang Congyun's climb to the tower will be more controllable.

Xu Youyou nodded and made a phone call, then turned to Huihui to report: "It will take about five minutes to evacuate the crowd." Then she looked at the time and said, "That is, when we arrive nearby, the evacuation will almost be completed."

Song Wen added: "The tower of the Nancheng Tower is 333 meters high, and the terrain is special. The live broadcast hall is located on the eighteenth floor. We are here to collect the architectural drawings and other related materials of the Nancheng Tower."

Xu Changying said: "At that time, we will meet with the SWAT team and formulate an assault plan."

Song Wen added: "In addition, I suggest contacting the nearby hospital to make emergency preparations."

Xu Changying nodded, and Xu Youyou hurriedly started to contact.

Now it seems that the form is not very good for them, but what can be done has already been prepared. This is like a battle. There is no smoke at the moment, but danger may come at any time.

Several people in the car were silent for a while, only the keyboard sound of Xu Youyou communicating with the other party, and Zhu Xiao's mouse click, Song Wen took out his mobile phone, checked the time, he hesitated, whether to talk to Lu Siyu He made further progress, but felt that telling him would not change the current state of affairs, and instead caused him to worry in vain.

Thinking of this, he put the phone back in his pants again.

The car has been moving fast, racing against time. Seeing that there is still an intersection to go under the Nancheng Tower, Zhu Xiao raised his head and said, "Zhang Congyun's car stopped, and it stopped under the Nancheng Tower."

Xu Changying asked, "How long until we arrive?"

Zhu Xiao answered him: "In less than a minute."

Xu Changying was dissatisfied with the answer: "Be precise."

Xu Youyou looked at the distance, and the Nancheng Tower was already in sight: "About thirty seconds."

Xu Changying nodded: "Notify the police car behind to encircle the target vehicle with a safe distance of 20 meters. Everyone is ready."

Xu Youyou looked at the time again, "The SWAT is expected to arrive in a few minutes, shall we go first?"

Xu Changying said solemnly: "Depending on the situation, don't act rashly first. Be adaptable." Then he said, "I hope Zhang Congyun is still in the car..."

Thirty seconds just passed between these few words.

With a thud, the high-speed police car suddenly stopped in the parking lot under the Nancheng Tower. The tires, which had already been worn hot, raised a puff of smoke and dust, and other police cars braked one after another, forming an encirclement, locking the black target car in the center from all directions.

Quiet, the air was stagnant for a while.

Song Wen opened the car door and jumped down first, followed by Xu Changying. The movements of the two were almost the same, and the guns from their waists were drawn and aimed at the target vehicle. Others also got out of the car, and for a while, the car was surrounded by more than a dozen criminal policemen.

Everyone was holding their breath to pay attention to the movement in the car, but at this moment, the car door that was surrounded by it suddenly opened.

After that, a fair and slender arm was exposed in the car, and then Zhao Liuer's pear blossomed and rainy face came out. She cried and shouted: "Help, help me..."

Song Wen clenched the gun in his hand, while Xu Changying shouted, "Is there anyone else in the car?"

"They... they got off the bus." Zhao Liu'er cried, "Just now that old man pulled Huo Shaoqing... they went up the tower... "

Xu Changying couldn't help but stare at the Nancheng Tower. This was the first time he had seen this tower with his own eyes.

Xu Youyouhui reported: "The SWAT team will arrive in four minutes, and the ambulance is on the way. Now most of the people in the tower have been evacuated. The elevator has been stopped. To get to the tower, you need to climb at least ten times. It takes eight floors of stairs to reach the live broadcast room..." Her meaning is self-evident, hoping that this journey will buy them some time.

"Help!" Zhao Liu'er cried again at this time: "I have a bomb on me, and there are still two minutes... woo woo... help... help me defuse the bomb... "

Xu Changying's expression froze, and she hurriedly turned her head and shouted, "Can anyone defuse bombs?" Compared to the headache of the problems in the South City Tower, it seemed that the current situation was even less optimistic. The time bomb that was about to explode in only two minutes meant that the bomb disposal personnel had no time to arrive, and the girl was afraid that she would be killed in front of everyone.

"I'll come." Song Wen said, put away the gun in his hand, turned around and took out a toolbox from under the seat in the car.

Xu Changying did not expect Song Wen to stand up at this time, frowning: "Song Wen, how sure are you."

"Generally speaking, there's no problem, as long as it's not a special bullet." Song Wen said, and strode directly towards the car.

Xu Changying's brows were already wrinkled, but although he was brave and capable, he didn't know anything about bomb disposal. He could only watch Song Wen go up and instructed: "Be careful, don't act recklessly if you can't."

While talking, Song Wen had already walked to the side of the car. Zhao Liuer sat on the side and lifted her clothes. Song Wen checked the bomb on her waist. In fact, when he was studying bomb disposal in college, he had an elective course. Learn some basic theory, and finally have a practical exam. However, Zhang Congyun specializes in chemistry. The power of the fire may not be small, but he should not be able to make any high-tech fire.

At this time, Zhao Liuer had been controlled by Zhang Congyun since last night. After a sleepless night, she was frightened again in the morning, and she was already on the verge of collapse. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, and she kept sobbing.

Song Wen looked at the time, the beating number on it was still two minutes and thirty-two seconds, and then he used the screwdriver in the toolbox to screw the screw on the device box: "My bomb-discharging teacher taught me, when I encounter a time bomb The first tip is not to panic. When I was in school, I complained in my heart... Isn't this nonsense, don't panic when you encounter other bullets... Now... I think this one seems to be quite practical. So, in short, if you want to live , don't panic."

As Song Wen spoke, the movements on his hands were steady and fast. He removed the two nuts, tucked them into the palm of his hand, and began to screw the third one.

"I-I-I... I'm afraid..." Zhao Liu'er trembled, tears dripping from her cheeks.

Song Wendao: "Don't be afraid, it's different from the movie, it's not slowly torn apart, this size will basically die immediately, without any pain. Moreover, I will accompany you." Here, Song Wen suddenly thought of Lu Siyu, and then thought of his parents, his eyes fixed for a moment, and then he became more determined, "Don't worry, I will try my best to live for the important people in my life. "

Zhao Liuer stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears. She saw the power of the bomb yesterday. Zhang Congyun deliberately tied it to a dog. When the switch was pressed, the dog was instantly blown to pieces. When she heard Song Wen's first two sentences, she was even more scared, but when she got to the back, it made her feel warm again.

"How did you get hijacked before? What do you see or remember? Tell the person on the other side." Song Wen handed the communicator to Zhao Liu'er while dismantling the bomb. He must leave clues and information before he can be sure that the bomb can be defused successfully.

Zhao Liuer sobbed, choked up and said to the communicator: "I... what I said during the live broadcast just now is true... Then... six months ago, a voice called Yueyingsheng suddenly appeared in my live broadcast room. The man who always tipped me, and was always at the top of the tipping list. Just last night, he suddenly asked me to meet. I went there without thinking about it... I didn't think he was the cleaner we hit and killed at that time. my husband, he kidnapped me yesterday and took me to a house he rented in the countryside, where he coerced me, put this device on my body, and asked me to contact Huo Shaoqing and said we were going Pick him up... Just now... When we were about to get out of the car, the old man asked me to handcuff a box to Huo Shaoqing's hand. He was holding the remote control. He said that it was also fire powder... "

Song Wen had already unscrewed all four knobs at this time, opened the device, and carefully looked at the various circuits inside. Xu Changying on the side of the communicator heard that the color inside became more and more solemn, which meant that the Huo Shaoqing's side of the fire might be more complicated and the equivalent was larger.

Song Wen understood this information. Presumably, Zhang Congyun used Zhao Youlan's car accident compensation to carry out these operations. He inquired about the news and rewarded Zhao Liuer to let her relax her vigilance. materials, and experimentation, and to this day, the arrow is on the string…

Zhao Liuer continued to tremble: "At that time, when the live broadcast stopped, the old man was very angry... Later, he drove to the Nancheng Tower, and when we arrived at the tower, he put me here. Others, other me I don't know... I... I was wrong, if I can survive, I'm willing to go to jail... As long as... as long as I can live... anything else, I can't remember... "

Between the words, the countdown was only one minute and ten seconds. The fate of the two of them was in this moment. Every second of tremors caused Zhao Liuer's great pressure, and her breathing accelerated involuntarily. The girl looked at Song Wen who was busy and couldn't help but ask him, "...How many years have you studied bomb disposal?"

"I learned about it for a week, but I can't help it. The special police can't come over in time, so you can just leave. As a person, the memory in my brain is not the same as other people's. When I see things in my eyes, it looks like a photo. So, this is The circuit diagram in the bullet, I memorized it at the time."

Song Wen smiled and glanced at Zhao Liu'er, "The exam results were not bad at that time."

As he spoke, his eyebrows and eyes curled up, giving Zhao Liu'er a sense of security. She lowered her head and looked at the device on her body. At this time, the timer turned on, revealing a piece of wiring, which reminded her of the classic problem in the movie.

But the lines in front of them didn't look like the difference between red and blue, they were almost the same color.

Zhao Liuer held his breath, time seemed to stand still in an instant, Song Wen's brows froze, his hands up and down, his movements were very fast, and each thread was broken in an instant. After the scissors fell, the countdown did not stop, and the countdown continued. Zhao Liuer did not expect this change, her face paled instantly: "Why..."

At the same time, there was a buzzing sound in Song Wen's trouser pocket.

At the moment of returning to zero, Zhao Liu'er only felt a tremor all over, holding her hair and screaming: "Ah ah..."

Everyone present was extremely nervous and had been paying attention to the dynamics here. Xu Changying was even more nervous, and when they heard Zhao Liu'er's scream, everyone fell down instantly.

The expected explosion did not occur.

Song Wen looked embarrassedly at the female anchor whose eyes were closed, and then looked at his teammates and shouted, "It's alright, the crisis is over, relax, have a little confidence in me, my phone rang just now and it just scared her. ."

Song Wen then explained: "I removed the connector, and now the ignition device has nothing to do with the countdown." As he spoke, he slowly removed the bomb from Zhao Liu'er's waist. His words were easy, but his back was soaked with sweat. No one knew how much pressure he was under just now. As long as he made a mistake, he and the girl in front of him would both die here.

"Then... Then I'm fine?" Zhao Liu'er burst into tears again, but this time she burst into tears. The fire bullet, which had been tied for a day, finally left her body, but she still didn't dare to move around easily.

Song Wen: "Yeah." With a sound, "Go there."

Then Zhao Liuer stood up immediately and ran to the police car. Seeing that she was at a safe distance, Song Wen let out a long sigh of relief, carefully placed the bullet on the ground, walked back, and said to Xu Changying: "Wait for the detonators to come, let them recycle and transport them away."

Xu Changying almost didn't have a heart attack because of the accident, so she took out the handcuffs and put them on Zhao Liuer. At this time, he watched Song Wen come back safely, and then he let go of his dangling heart, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he whispered, "It's hard work."

"That device is not too complicated." Perhaps Zhang Congyun's time setting was a little off, just long enough for him to defuse the bomb, Song Wen said and reached out to take out the phone in his trousers, "I just came to WeChat when it was critical. I don't know who it is."

As he spoke, Song Wen turned on the phone, but his face suddenly changed, and the hand holding the phone was trembling so much that he could barely hold it.

A moment ago, Xu Changying watched Song Wen lightly laugh at the timing of the fire, but at this time, he didn't know what made him so panicked, so he frowned and asked, "What? Is there a situation?"

Song Wen hesitated for a moment, then said, "It's Lu Siyu." He paused and said, "...He's on the Nancheng Tower."