Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 111


Luoshui Lake is located behind the entire group of rocky mountains. The place where the orcs hunt is on a beach formed by the impact of the lake. Looking at the clear and magnificent Luoshui Lake that can't be seen at a glance, Chen Qi feels that it is not so much The lake is more like the sea.

But Chen Qi knew that no matter how big Luoshui Lake was, it was not a sea.

According to the area of the Dora Plain, the schist mountain belt where the Luoshui tribe is located can only be located at the edge of the plain. Further forward, it is still a boundless plain. At the end of the Luoshui Lake, there will eventually be a river, which will bring The lake water of Luoshui Lake finally flows into the real ocean.

Although he has never received information about the ocean, Chen Qi feels that there is an ocean in this world.

Females wearing short-sleeved animal skins gathered around on the beach. This beach was very similar to the beach in Chen Qi's previous world. The soft sand was a beautiful golden yellow. The ten nails on the hands of the females are completely animalized, and they look seriously at the water surface some distance away from the beach.

A loud "bang" accompanied by a splash of water soaring into the sky attracted Chen Qi's attention. The thick giant tree hugged by several people was plunged into the water, and two serious faces squatted on the other giant tree floating in the water. The female's black hair was wet with water, and it was tightly attached to her forehead. Water droplets slid down her hair and dripped onto her beautiful bronze skin.

"Bang", there was another loud noise hitting the water surface, another giant tree was floating closer to the beach, and a tall middle-aged female was entangled in the vines of another giant tree with no one in the water Pulling back, when the giant tree was pulled to his side, he bent down and hugged it easily, but the giant tree under his feet sank a little due to the sudden increase in weight, half of his ankle was soaked in the water, but the female His body shape didn't move at all because of this change, as if he had merged with the giant tree.

The middle-aged female's blue eyes were extremely bright because her back was facing the sun. He inserted his sharp nails into the thick giant tree, supported the giant tree with one hand, and raised the giant tree above his head with the other hand. Because of the force, the muscle contours were tensed, and with a force, the giant log was smashed into the water again.

The water spray soared into the sky, and when it landed again, the middle-aged woman was splashed all over her head and face, but the other party obviously didn't care.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the strange behavior of the girls, Chen Qi asked A Xu, who was leading the way, suspiciously.

A Xu did not bring a few people to the beach, but in a raised rock pile, this position can reflect the whole beach.

"They are driving the whale shark out." A Xu explained.

"Whale shark?" Isn't Luoshui Lake a lake? Why do whale sharks appear

Before Chen Qi could ask carefully, a huge black shadow knocked over the giant tree of the middle-aged female, and the middle-aged female staggered for a moment. He quickly let go of the vine in his hand, held the vine tied around his waist with his backhand, and The nails of one hand sank deeply into the giant wood that was standing just now. After stabilizing her body, when the black giant shadow was about to overthrow him again, the middle-aged female turned over to avoid it, and then nimbly jumped to the black On Ying's back, the fingernails clasped the opponent's back firmly, and a bloodshot was drawn out, which was then washed away by the stirring water around him.

The whale shark suffered pain, twisted its body and dived into the water, trying to get rid of the orc on it.

Because the strong vines at the orc's waist were tied to the giant tree, the whale shark started to swim away, and even the giant tree was dragged into the water. The clear water of the lake was forcibly torn out by the giant tree, as if a gap had been torn open.

There are also many huge tree trunks floating around the periphery of the whale shark's swimming, and each trunk is entwined with vines, like a water channel.

As the whale sharks wanted to escape to the center of Luoshui Lake, the orcs who had been quietly watching on the beach also moved quickly. Their waists were wrapped with long vines, and they formed groups of two and moved flexibly. He jumped along the giant wood in the water to the outermost edge, picked up the trunk that was already in the water, and inserted the trunk into the water hard to block the retreat of the whale shark.

At this time, the water in Luoshui Lake had begun to recede slowly, and Chen Qi could slowly see the bright white spots on the back of the whale shark, which were very conspicuous dotted on its dark back.

The middle-aged female who was dragged into the water and shut up for a long time came out of the water, took a few breaths, and then jumped from behind the whale shark to its neck, her nails tightly grasping the back of the whale shark, preventing it from throwing itself Lose.

The violent current hit the middle-aged female, and he couldn't help but bared his teeth. He yelled, and two more females jumped onto the back of the whale shark, holding the whale shark tightly one behind the other. The body was swinging wildly, and the middle-aged female took advantage of this gap to climb the whale shark into the opponent's belly, and the sharp nails easily scratched the opponent's soft belly.

Another female wrapped the vine around the whale shark's tail a few times before quickly retreating to avoid being hit by the whale shark's tail.

The internal organs were mixed with blood and the surrounding water was dyed red. The females stood on the giant log and waited quietly for the whale shark to stop struggling.

The middle-aged female washed off the dirt on her face with water, as if sensing the gaze from here, she raised her head to look in the direction of the people on the rock, and grinned.

"It's over, let's go."

A Xu took a few people down to the beach, and the orcs had already started to pull the vine shark to the shore, which was no longer moving.

"Father." As soon as Ah Shu saw the middle-aged female, she went up to meet her, and hugged her arm affectionately.

The middle-aged female pinched the other's little face, "It seems like I've grown up again after not seeing you for a while."

"I've grown up a long time ago." Ah Shu slapped the opponent's hand away dissatisfiedly and retorted.

The middle-aged female laughed haha, and looked at those unfamiliar faces, "Are you from the Yanshan tribe?"

Ah Xu nodded, "We have changed our name to Qize City. From now on, the Yanshan tribe can only refer to those people who merged with the lion and wolf tribe."

The middle-aged female nodded knowingly, "My name is Achu, the patriarch of the Luoshui tribe."

Ah Xu also introduced himself and others. Seeing that Chen Qi had been staring at the whale shark not far away, Ah Chu asked, "Is this the first time you've seen a whale shark? Would you like to take a closer look?"

"is it okay?"

"Of course." Ah Chu smiled and led the way for them.

Before, I couldn't feel the size of the whale shark when I looked at it from a distance, but when I got closer, I realized that the whale shark was six to seven meters long.

"This whale shark is not yet an adult, and an adult whale shark is more than twice as big as it." A Shu proudly explained to several people.

Chen Qi frowned slightly. It was the first time he had seen a whale shark at such a close distance, but he had seen this creature on TV before. The appearance of the whale shark here was almost exactly the same as in his impression.

In the previous world, whale sharks have long been included in the category of protection. They are filter-feeding creatures and will not pose a threat to humans. After the animals on the plain migrated away, Chen Qi never saw anything similar to the original world. It was a similar creature, and now I saw a familiar whale shark lying quietly on the beach. To be honest, Chen Qi was in a delicate mood at the moment.

Of course, he will not hypocritically think that the creatures that are protected in his own world cannot be treated as food here.

Watching the orcs deal with the huge whale shark neatly, and then pull those huge tree trunks back to the shore, so as not to be washed to the center of the lake by the retreating current.

The orcs who participated in the hunting were all given food, and the group returned to Axu's cave. On the way, Axu had already briefly told Achu what happened during this period. After returning to the cave, Achu looked at Axu Xu took out the things in the backpack that he had never even seen before, and his smiling face was full of surprises. He couldn't wait to let A Xu demonstrate the usage of each thing to him.

There are not many things, and the only thing that can be demonstrated is the wooden bow and bamboo sieve. After all, it was already late, so Axu simply gave a demonstration and then stopped.

"Father, Chen Qi also taught us how to swim, just like those whale sharks in the water, they won't sink into the water without being tied to vines."

Ah Chu was shocked by this news, although they seem to be hunting very easily, once the prey breaks the vines and falls into the water, if the person cannot be rescued in time, the only thing waiting for that person is drowning destiny. Every year in their tribe, people are buried underwater because of hunting, but if they can be like fish in the water, how many casualties can be reduced.

Ah Chu looked at Chen Qi steadily, he had seen him teach them how to use wood to make fire in the last assembly, he never expected that he would come up with so many new things after not seeing him for a whole winter, Especially swimming, if the people of their tribe can swim...

Chen Qi felt a little uncomfortable with Achu's brighter and brighter eyes. Achu was very young, and he and Axu looked more like brothers than father and son. A pair of blue eyes were darker than Axu's. When someone looks at it, it gives people the illusion that the secret hidden in the heart will be seen by the other party.

Ah Chu leaned slightly, put his thick hands on Chen Qi's shoulders, and asked seriously, "Do you need a partner? I have two sons."

A Xu rolled his eyes, and pulled Ah Chu's fur coat away, "Chen Qi already has a partner." Xiong Zi who knows everything, if he didn't have a partner, he might really be tempted to abduct him back, but it's a pity up.

"Huh, who?" Ah Chu looked at Chen Qi with a shocked face and asked.

Chen Qi looked at the startled expression of the other party with a funny face, and pointed to A Ze who was sitting next to him with a dark face, "He, my partner, A Ze."

Ah Chu looked at A Ze, then turned around and patted his eldest son's head with a heartbroken expression, "Don't worry, next time Daddy will find you a son who knows better."

A Xu slapped off the opponent's messy hand on his head, and sat a little further away in disgust.

The dinner was cooked by Ah Xu with the help of Ah Shu. Although Ah Shu learned cooking from Chen Qi for a few days, and later actively helped Ah Ze along the way, it is clear that not everyone is omnipotent. Ah Shu is cooking Obviously there is no talent in cooking, it belongs to the type that can be cooked and is not unpalatable, but for the orcs who have never eaten food made by cooking methods other than roast meat and stew, this meal can already be called a delicacy Good food.

Achu was so moved by the meal that he almost pulled the sleeves of a few orcs in Qize City to make them live in the Luoshui tribe.