Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 113


Walking through the rocky beach full of mussels, and then turning over two rocky mountains, Chen Qi could see some white crystals began to appear nearby, mixed with soil, and he couldn't tell whether it was stone or salt rock unless he looked carefully.

"There is the Salt Mountain." A Xu pointed to a rock mountain not far away that was much taller than the surrounding ones.

The appearance of the salt mountain is no different from the surrounding rock mountains. It still looks like reddish-brown sandstone, but it is more barren than other rock mountains, and there are basically no green plants.

There is a huge cave in the rocky mountain facing away from Luoshui Lake. The more you go in the direction of the cave, the more white crystals around it. Around the cave, you can already see the appearance of the salt stone that is usually used.

Surprised, Chen Qi twisted a bit and put it in his mouth to taste it. It was salty, with the familiar bitter taste of salt stone. He spit out the salt stone in his mouth, and Aze quickly took out a bamboo tube of water from his backpack. Handed it to him, Chen Qi took it and opened the lid, rinsed his mouth with water, "Is this mountain full of salt rocks?"

A Xu nodded, "We usually collect salt rocks in caves. Most of the salt rocks on the outside are covered with mud, not as clean as those inside." A Xu said as he led several people into the cave.

Even the salt stone impurities in it are the same. Chen Qi complained silently in his heart.

After entering the cave, you can see almost the whole piece of gray-white salt rock, which is completely different from the reddish-brown sandstone outside. The underground may be the reason why it is often trampled on. It is wet with moisture. Although the entrance of the cave is very large, the height of the space inside is only half of the entrance after entering, and the depth is only about ten meters. It looks like it was excavated artificially. from.

A Xu walked to the innermost cave wall, and his beastly nails easily dug out a fist-sized salt rock. He handed the salt rock to Chen Qi, "These are the salt rocks."

Chen Qi took it over and looked at it, and it was indeed exactly the same as the salt stone he had traded in the rally before. He asked a little puzzled: "This cave looks like it was newly excavated not long ago. Is this the only salt mountain you have here? ?”

A Xu shook his head, "There is a salt mountain on the other side, where salt rocks were collected in the past, but a few years ago, I found that the salt rocks there looked different, so I moved here Collected from salt mountains."

"Different?" Is there any difference in salt

"Well, the salt rock over there becomes more transparent the more you dig in."

Chen Qi didn't have any research on salt, so he didn't continue to ask further questions. He planned to go to another salt mountain to see for himself when he had time, and then he would know what those so-called transparent salt rocks were all about.

There were three females, and it was not difficult to dig the salt rocks. It didn't take long for the salt rocks to be filled with the three big animal skin backpacks. Naturally, the females would not let Chen Qilai carry things, and of course Chen Qi couldn't carry such a heavy bag. Backpack, it is already very powerful to be able to walk back to the tribe by yourself without Aze carrying it on your back. You must know that there is no road to the rocky mountains here. The females usually come here by climbing on the rocks. Let an ordinary person with no ability Walking on this kind of barren mountain is not just a matter of physical exertion.

After more than a year of training, Chen Qi's physical strength is much better than his weak physique when he just crossed. Even if he is walking among the rocks, he can keep up with the speed of a few females. .

It was almost evening when we returned to the beach. As the water of Luoshui Lake receded slowly, the orcs started today's hunting activities again.

The female in charge of hunting today is no longer Ah Chu, but a middle-aged female with brown hair. This female Chen Qi met when he entered the Luoshui tribe, and was on the fig tree outside the tribe yesterday. Chen Qi remembered the female who was guarding at that time, Ah Shu called her A Ming.

Whale sharks don't come to the lake to look for food every day. What the orcs found today was a huge octopus. It was different from the small octopuses that Chen Qi bought from Ah Shu. This octopus was more than ten meters long. Large, it had already surfaced without the orcs chasing it away, and its huge claws waved chaotically, as if trying to drive away the orcs who stood in the way.

The whole body of the octopus is slippery, and it is not so easy to catch it. Amin did not dare to jump directly on the back of the octopus like a whale shark. You must know that an octopus has eight claws, and the claws are covered with The suction cup is also very powerful, if it is entangled by it, it can strangle the orc alive.

Don't look at this octopus that looks stupid, but its movements are extremely flexible. Although it looks like the orcs are gathering to hunt it, Chen Qi always feels that this huge octopus is teasing the orcs Play the same.

The two sides persisted for a while, wondering if the octopus had played enough, suddenly got into the water, and then sprayed a large amount of ink, dyeing the entire water surface black and blocking everyone's sight.

Seeing this, several females hurriedly swung a thick log into the water, intending to prevent the octopus from escaping, but when the ink on the water disappeared, where was the half of the octopus left


It was the first time Chen Qi saw that the orcs failed to hunt.

Obviously, this is not the first time that the orcs of the Luoshui tribe have failed. The expressions on their faces are not even half-depressed. Everyone tidied up their things in an orderly manner. Even if they fail once or twice, they are not short of food in summer. They can't hunt prey for several days in a row, and they can go outside the tribe to pick wild fruits to eat.

"Octopus is really not easy to catch." A Le and A Shu, who watched the whole process, saw a few people coming from here, and A Le took A Xu's backpack over.

"Didn't you bring a big bag of octopus to exchange with me last time?" With such a large amount, Chen Qi always thought that octopus should be easy to catch.

Ah Shu pouted, "It took me two months to catch that bag of octopus."


"It's a pity that we can't eat octopus today." Ah Shu was a little frustrated.

"You like octopus?"

"Of course, octopus has no bones, and people in the tribe like to eat it."

Chen Qi thought for a while, and found that most of the prey hunted by the Luoshui tribe were molluscs. Even fish hunted huge fish like whale sharks. bones.

"Are there many octopuses around here?" Chen Qi asked.

A Xu nodded, "There are many octopuses by the Luoshui Lake, but octopuses are generally very cunning, and it is not easy to catch them."

Chen Qi smiled thoughtfully, "I know a relatively simple way to catch an octopus, but I haven't tried it, so I don't know if I can catch it. Would you like to try it?"

"What method?" Ah Shu looked at Chen Qi with bright eyes.

"I need to go back and find some props."

Chen Qi briefly explained the method to a few people, and they all looked at each other. It's so simple, can you really catch an octopus

After returning to the cave, a few people first put away the salt rocks collected today, and the dried mussels that had been drying for a day were almost dry. Chen Qi planned to dry them again in two days, so that the dried mussels would not be left behind. Stiff, it's already evening, and the sun will go down in a short time, so we can only wait until tomorrow to continue making mussels.

Many of the pottery brought over this time were jars. Chen Qi took five or six of them, made a simple rope net with ropes, and tied the jars into the net, so that the jars would not be lifted up directly. Down.

Before it was completely dark, a few people came to the waters where A Xu pointed out that there were more octopuses, put the jars under the water, fixed the ropes to the driftwood on the water surface, and fixed the driftwood to the shore with vines Don't worry about being washed away by the current.

A few people dubiously followed Chen Qi's instructions and were busy, and they couldn't wait to drag Chen Qi to see the results early the next morning.

But Chen Qi was not in a hurry. Instead, he asked them to collect all the mussels that needed to be dried today. After cooking, peeling and spreading them out to the entrance of the cave, it was almost noon. Ashu and Ale He was rather impatient, and would ask Chen Qi every once in a while if he could go and see if he caught any octopus in yesterday's jar.

After finally drying the mussels, Chen Qi finally waved his hand, and the two females let go of their feet and ran to the lake first.

Last night, Axu told Achu that they were going to catch the octopus. Seeing that they were going to see the result, Achu took Luther and followed them to the lake curiously.

"Chen Qi, can I pull it up?" Ah Shu squatted on the driftwood, his hand holding the rope was a little nervous, he asked Chen Qi on the shore softly, for fear that his voice would be too loud, and the octopus that he might catch might be thrown into danger. Walk away in fright.

Chen Qi nodded, indicating that the other party could pull up the jar. Ah Shu took a deep breath, carefully and slowly pulled up the rope, trying not to make too much noise.

After the jar was pulled out of the water, Ah Shu looked into the mouth of the altar and stared at it for a long time. Everyone on the shore thought that they hadn't caught anything, when Ah Shu suddenly stepped on the driftwood and ran back to the shore, and put Tanzi leaned in front of Chen Qi, and said excitedly: "I caught it, I caught it, it's really an octopus."

As Ah Shu's voice fell, Ah Le on the other side also ran back excitedly holding a jar, "I caught this too, it's really an octopus, and the whole jar is full of it." I was a little confused, "But this octopus can't be caught, should I smash the jar?" This is too wasteful, and pottery is not so easy to fire, especially in the Luoshui tribe, there is no pottery that can be fired at all. clay.

Chen Qi took out a piece of salt stone from his cloth bag, asked Aze to crush the salt stone, then took the jar from Ale's hand and put it on the ground, and sprinkled the crushed salt into it according to the mouth of the jar. The octopus inside began to move slowly, and when it leaned out of the mouth of the jar, Aze's sharp nails pierced the skin of the octopus directly, and lifted it up completely.

Although the jar doesn't look very big, the octopus is two or three times the size of the jar when lifted.

Ah Chu was amazed when he saw it, "I didn't expect the octopus to be caught so easily. If the jar is bigger, can the big octopus like yesterday be caught in this way?"

Chen Qi patted the salt off his hands, "Theoretically, it should be possible to catch. Octopuses like to drill into hollow containers. Using this method is much easier than catching them head-on, and there is no danger."