Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 19


"Aze, can you help me break this tip of this bone?" Back in the front room, Chen Qi said to Aze who piled a bundle of new firewood in the corner.

Aze took it and compared the length, "Is it okay to come here?"

"Okay." Chen Qi nodded. Aze squeezed his fingers between his fingers and broke it hard, and the bone broke in response.

The place where the bone was broken was quite flat, Chen Qi rubbed it, and the contact surface was a bit rough. "If only I could find a whetstone." Grind it so you don't have to worry about hurting yourself while using it.

"Millstone? Do you mean the black stone you asked me to look for in the Chishui River?" When fetching water at noon, Aze originally wanted to wander around the Chishui River to see if there was any stone that Chen Qi needed. As a result, after hearing Ake tell about Chen Qi's encounter with vultures in the morning, he was worried and hurried back.

"En." Chen Qi shook the other two bones in his hand, "If these two bones can be polished with a whetstone, they should be as sharp as Carlo's bone knife."

Aze was silent for a while, "I'll go to Chishui River to look for it, Chen Qi, just stay at home and don't go anywhere."

"Well, the salt has been used up, I will filter all the remaining salt stones." Chen Qi nodded and replied.

Aze quickly dug out the remaining salt stones, and piled the water in the two large pottery pots that Ake brought back by the fire. Aze knew that refining salt was a very time-consuming thing, so Chen Qi also Won't be walking around.

Watching Chen Qi melt a piece of salt rock into the water of a small pottery plate, A Ze left, walked for a distance in the direction of the Chishui River, then turned around suddenly, and rushed in another direction.

After Chen Qi melted a piece of salt stone, he found a twig and folded it into an oval shape, intending to make a simple filter. Use the roots of the banyan tree to fix the shape of the small branches, take out the piece of cloth that Chen Qi has already cut, compare the size on the branches, cut out a suitable shape, and tie the roots to the quilt On the small bone needles that have been simply treated, a small cloth bag is sewn on the branch. In order to have a better filtering effect, Chen Qi sewed two layers.

After finishing, the melted brine was filtered several times before it was slowly roasted on the fire. Re-burning the salt is a time-consuming task, and Chen Qi didn't want to sit still during the waiting time.

Chen Qi picked almost all the dandelions growing on both sides of the trench. Although he used a small handful to make two dishes, there were still a lot left. Carefully pick off the flowers, wash them in clean water, remove some soil and grass clippings, find a relatively large cattail leaf, and spread the flowers on it. It was the time when the sun was at its strongest outside, so Chen Qi cleared a small space next to the door, and put the pu leaves with flowers on the ground to dry. These flowers can be used as ingredients for scented tea in the future, so that you don't need to drink boiled water every day up. The remaining whole dandelions are piled in the corner, and they are going to be used for cooking in the evening and tomorrow.

The daylilies in the pocket may be tired from being squeezed for too long, I forgot to ask Aze if there is any problem with this thing, but Chen Qi was not in a hurry, put the daylily flowers in the water once and put them away On the side, planning to wait for Aze to come back and ask again.

There are a lot of animal skins in Aze's house. Chen Qi picked them out and found a taupe animal skin that looks like cowhide. The animal skin is very tough and light, and it doesn't feel too heavy in the hand. Chen Qi planned to use it to sew a backpack, it was too troublesome to always use a whole piece of animal skin to store things, and it would spill all over the place if he didn't pay attention.

There was no pen here, so Chen Qi took a small piece of charcoal and found a smooth slate to draw a simple backpack design. He was worried that he would not be able to sew something too complicated, and the design was also the simplest style.

On the animal skin, simply draw the line that needs to be cut. Chen Qi did not intend to cut the animal skin piece by piece and then sew it up like a backpack. Instead, he cut off the unnecessary animal skin with a sword corner knife, and directly The whole piece of animal skin is made into the shape of a backpack, and then soft twigs are added to the bottom of the backpack to fix it, so that it can avoid being squeezed together when putting things in the future. Six or seven roots are kneaded into a rope for sewing. The animal skin is very tough, and it can only be sewn with a rope by punching small holes in it with bone needles.

The straps are made of double layers of animal skin. In order to bear more weight, Chen Qi sewed four or five layers of densely dense seams between the straps and the backpack. Although the appearance is a bit ugly, it is enough to be strong enough to carry on the back Who will watch it. After opening the hole on the back cover and stringing the root ropes, a simple version of the backpack is ready.

This backpack is almost half the size of a person. When Chen Qi was about to go outside to pick up some rocks to test the load-bearing capacity of the backpack, he found that it was already pitch black outside.

The two or three pieces of salt stones had already been refined during the process of making the backpack, because the salt stones were large enough, and after refining, there was even a finger-thick salt on a ceramic plate, which should last for a while. Chen Qi went outside to bring back the dandelions that had been drying before. When he went out, he found that there was no light outside, and he could not even see the tall fig tree next to him. The surrounding was very quiet, and the bugs that would make noise at night were gone. The sound is like being completely in complete darkness, isolated from the world.

A Ze hadn't come back yet, Chen Qi thought that the other party would come back after just wandering around the Chishui River. Chen Qi felt a little regretful, he should have told Aze to come back earlier even if he couldn't find him.

Today should be the moon without sun that Aze said before, Chen Qi did not expect the darkness of moon without sun to be so thick and so quiet, except for the crackling sound of burning firewood in the room, only the sound of his own low and fast heartbeat echoing. In this dark night, can Aze find his way home

Chen Qi wandered around the room twice, adding a few sticks of firewood to the fire to make it more intense. After thinking about it, I found two large pottery plates with relatively shallow plates, put a few pieces of firewood into the pots, lit the fire from the fire, moved the pots outside the house, and placed one on the left and one on the right. Fire can resist the attacks of most wild animals, and can also illuminate the way for those who want to go home. In such darkness, a little light can travel far.

The animal skin curtain is still half-opened and half-closed, but tonight there is no wind that will disturb it in the slightest. Next to it is the animal skin backpack that Chen Qi made for an afternoon, but at this moment this backpack can no longer attract him. happy mood.

Sitting by the fire, Chen Qi recalled what happened in the real world and what happened in the past few days in his mind. After the first snowfall, the first month without a day came, and it was three weeks before he would enter the It's winter. There is no sign of cooling at all, will it suddenly enter winter that day

Chen Qi picked up the small slate that was used to draw the backpack design, carefully wiped off the carbon marks on it with a rag after dipping it in some water, dried it by the fire, and neatly scratched " The first stroke of the character "正".

I don't know how long it took before there was a sound outside the house. Chen Qi thought some animal had intruded in. He retreated behind the fire and took a defensive action with a sword and horn knife. He waited until he saw a small gazelle coming in. A Zeshi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense expression relaxed, "You're back." Even Chen Qi didn't know how much expectation was in his tone.

A Ze was stunned for a while, pursed his lips and stared at Chen Qi for a long time before softly answering: "Well, I'm back."

Aze found a piece of animal skin and spread it on the ground, and put the little gazelle on his shoulders on it. The movement was a little awkward. Only then did Chen Qi realize that Aze's hair and animal skin clothes were still steamy, and they had been tied to his right wrist. The animal skin on the top was tied to the left arm, covering the entire upper arm densely, and there were a few faint scratches on the back of the neck. If Aze hadn't squatted down, Chen Qi would not have noticed it.

"Are you injured?" Chen Qi asked tentatively.

There was a trace of panic on Aze's expression, and he quickly calmed down. He turned sideways to avoid Chen Qichen's gaze, and denied, "No."

Chen Qi raised his eyebrows, he wanted to lie to others with such an obvious move to hide? "Your left hand is injured, isn't it? It's hard to catch prey?" Chen Qi's eyes fell on the little gazelle. If even Aze would be injured, the living environment in this world is really not as bad as usual. He has seen it all. What happened to the person who hunted through Aze and could easily kill a full-grown male warthog in seconds? I don't know if I can get some traps to catch the prey. It's not the way to let Aze risk his life to hunt all the time.

"No." Aze explained anxiously, lest Chen Qi doubt his hunting ability, "I didn't hurt him while hunting."

"Didn't he get injured by hunting? Could it be that he went to fight?" Chen Qi was puzzled. It's impossible for him to fall on the road without getting hurt elsewhere, only his neck and arms, right

Aze lowered his head, like a big dog that has done something wrong, and after a while, he hummed softly.

"What? Did you really go into a fight? With whom?"

"... vultures."

Chen Qi thought that there was something wrong with his hearing, so he asked uncertainly, "Did you fight a vulture? Did you meet a vulture?"

"I didn't meet them, I ran to the vulture's territory to fight them."

Chen Qi choked for a moment.

Aze continued: "Not only the vultures, I also fought with cheetahs, lions, and jackals. I killed the lion and the jackal. The lion was too old, and the meat of the jackal was not good, so I didn't take it with me. Come back. The cheetah was too cunning and too fast, and I let it run away after it spared a paw. I also killed a small part of the vultures, and they have already begun to migrate in advance."

"Why?" Chen Qi swallowed his saliva and asked a little difficultly.

Aze looked up at him, his beautiful pupils reflected the flames jumping beside him, which was frighteningly bright. "In this way, no animals will attack you when you walk around during the day."