Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 24


"It's done." Carlo excitedly raised the backpack he sewed above his head.

Ali was also very happy, he never thought that animal skins could be used in such a way.

Chen Qi smiled, stood up and stretched. Sitting on the hard ground is also a tiring thing. Looking at the sky, there is still some time before evening, and suggested: "Let's carry our backpacks and go look around Can you find other food, like potatoes, and check if the trap has caught anything by the way."

"Chen Qi, I want to eat potato stew." Carlo licked his lips and said greedily. At noon, Ake specially hunted a warthog and came back. He must also want Chen Qi to make potato stew again. Potatoes are much more delicious than those weeds and flowers.

Ali hadn't eaten it, but after lunch at noon, the taste that Carlo would remember would definitely not be too bad, so I couldn't help but look forward to it.

Chen Qi thought for a while, "If we find potatoes later, let's make this at night."

"Chen Qi, why don't you teach me how to do it." Then he can make it for Ake every day. Ake's appetite has decreased a lot recently, but he can eat a lot with Chen Qi.

"it is good."

A Ze took the animal skin backpack that Chen Qi made to demonstrate to the other two, and the four of them walked towards the first place where the trap was set.

A few people walked straight towards the banyan tree in the morning, but now they were looking for food in the grass, so the speed was naturally much slower and the range was much larger.

After the first snowfall, most of the weeds in the Dora Plain were already withered and yellow. When they saw a little bit of green plants, Carlos would ask Chen Qi to go over to see if they could eat them. They ran down several times, but they couldn’t find anything. The body is tired enough. I don't know how many times I secretly decided to put physical exercise on the schedule as soon as possible. Chen Qi panted for a while, and said to the few people who were buried in the grass seriously: "Follow me, when I find something that can eat you Just remember its shape and look for it according to its appearance."

Aze has already seen the appearance of several kinds of food that he ate these days, so he doesn't need to be ordered by Chen Qi to follow behind like the other two. At this moment, Aze is digging a root of a plant with one hand. After a while, three fist-sized ovals were pulled out from the soil, and Aze frowned slightly. He remembered that Chen Qi said that these things were called sweet potatoes, but the color was different from the ones he and Chen Qi ate before. "Chen Qi, I dug up something that looks like a sweet potato." Aze shouted to Chen Qi in the distance.

Chen Qi hurried over, squatted on the ground and looked carefully.

Aze explained: "Although they are the wrong color, there is nothing wrong with it."

Chen Qi hugged the three sweet potatoes excitedly, "Ah Ze, you are too good, this is also a sweet potato." These are indeed different from the orange-red ones I found before, this one is more purple.

Chen Qi put the sweet potato into A Ze's backpack, picked up the yellowed potato vine on the ground, handed it to Carlo and the two, and said: "You two can look for it like this potato vine."

Carlo and the two looked at each other, and took the potato vines to search in the nearby grass. After Chen Qi and the two separated, Aze naturally didn't dare to stay too far away from Chen Qi, and followed him as far as he could quickly reach the other side, while searching. Pay attention to the movement around you.

However, Chen Qi didn't know many things that he could eat on the plain. When they reached the first trap setting point, the few people harvested only the few sweet potatoes that A Ze found. The trap was empty, apparently no animals had passed by to activate the device during this time.

Carlo was a little disappointed, wondering if this kind of thing could really catch those cunning rabbits? As a result, when he walked to the fifth device, Aze heard a sound in the grass from a distance. His speed was relatively fast, and he was the first to arrive at the position of the trap. He was a little surprised to see that he was trying to break free. A fat rabbit bound by a rope.

Carlo was the second to arrive. When he saw a rabbit tied to the rope, he excitedly waved to Chen Qi behind him, "Chen Qi, Chen Qi, I really caught it. It's a rabbit."

When Chen Qi came up, he was also a little surprised. After several previous failures, he thought that today would be fruitless. He stepped forward to untie the rabbit from the rope, handed it to Carlo, and rearranged the trap.

As soon as he got up, he saw Carlo holding the rabbit's ears and trying to stuff the rabbit into the backpack. Chen Qi hurriedly stopped him, "This rabbit is alive. If you just stuff it into the backpack like this, it will run away."

"Then what should I do?" Carlo stopped, did he keep mentioning it like this

Chen Qi broke some tough weeds from the grass and tied the rabbit's limbs. After confirming that the binding was strong enough, he let Carlo put it in the backpack, and then taught him how to tie the rope at the opening of the backpack.

"This backpack is really convenient." Carlo praised with a smile, "Let's continue to see if the rest have caught rabbits."

I don't know if it's because they were lucky today. The remaining dozen or so traps harvested two rabbits. Chen Qi gave one to A Li and the other to A Ze, because A Ze's backpack contained two rabbits. If there is something, Chen Qi asks Aze to carry it with his hands.

The few people returned home until the sun was about to go down. Naturally, the potatoes were not found. Even if the rabbit Carlo was caught, he was a little tired. There was no potato stew today.

The food he found was only those three sweet potatoes and a small handful of wild ginger, but what made Chen Qi happy was that he found more than a dozen small thistles. With so many, he could help Aze change his medicine tonight It's a pity that I didn't find any other more familiar herbs, and I haven't even seen half of the plantain which is as rotten as thistle.

"Next time I find potatoes, I'll teach you how to make potato stew." Chen Qi tried to comfort Carlo.

"Yeah." Carol replied wearily.

After returning, Ake was already waiting at the door of the house, with a bulging backpack at his feet. Carlo saw it and ran over happily, "Ake, what did you find?"

Ake rubbed Carlo's head habitually, squatted down, picked up the backpack and opened it, and let Carlo look inside, "I found a milk fruit tree today."

"And red berries and grapes," Carlo said pleasantly.

Ake handed the backpack directly to Chen Qi, "This is for you, if it weren't for this backpack, I wouldn't be able to bring back so many things."

"That much?" Chen Qizheng wanted to refuse.

"You just accept it. Since Ake gave you this thing to prove that he must have a lot at home, you taught me and Carlo so many things today, which is what you should do." A Li treated these people very well. Understood, he smiled and explained to Chen Qi. And decided to bring some finished cloth to Chen Qi tomorrow.

Carlo nodded quickly.

Azhang also came at this time, he greeted everyone, and asked Ali, "Are you going back to the tribe now?"

"We encountered a small herd of warthogs crossing the river today, and they hunted a lot of prey," Ake interjected.

A Li naturally knew that things in the tribe were busy at this time, so he nodded, "Then let's go back today, Chen Qi, and we'll come back tomorrow."

"Okay." Only then did Chen Qi realize that it was Ah Zhang who came here with Ah Li on his back.

I didn't find Tudou Carlo and I didn't want to stay particularly persistent. After all, the distance from the tribe is still a bit far away. It would be safer to walk with more people at night, so I went back with Ali and the others first.

Chen Qi and Aze took back the daylily flowers that were drying in the sun, and then remembered that there was a warthog in the room that Ake had hunted back at noon.

"What should I do?" Chen Qi looked at the warthog lying on the ground and asked Aze a little speechlessly.

"Since Ake brought it here, it's for us, just stay here."

Chen Qi paused, "I mean just let it lie like this?" Let him handle this warthog? Chen Qi, who had never even killed a chicken, swallowed silently, hesitating a little.

"Actually, my hand is fine."

Chen Qi rolled his eyes, "Forget it, let's do the calculation tomorrow, today we will eat rabbits." He can't handle large animals, but he can still try small animals like rabbits.

So dinner at night was roasted rabbits, and Chen Qi also cut off a large piece of mutton marinated at noon and copied it with the last dandelion. I don't know if it was Chen Qi's illusion, but Aze's appetite today is obviously not as much as usual. "Is it because what I cooked didn't suit your taste? Why did you eat so much less than usual?" Chen Qi asked suspiciously, and Aze ate half a roasted rabbit and a few slices of mutton before he ate.

"No, it's because I didn't go hunting today, so I ate less."

"Will there be less food if there is no need for hunting?"

"Yeah." Ace nodded.

Chen Qi came to a sudden, before he was worried that if according to Aze's food intake, no matter how much food they stored in winter, it would definitely not be enough to eat. It turns out that as long as they don't hunt, the relative food demand will decrease accordingly. When hunting is not possible in winter, the orcs can rely on stored food to survive the winter.

Chen Qi put the leftover food in a pottery plate, cleaned it up and burned a pottery plate of hot water in the fire, took out a few thistles from his backpack and mashed them up, found a lot today, so Chen Qi didn't Need to save. "Come here, let me change your medicine for you."

A Ze sat in front of Chen Qi, and Chen Qi gently removed the cloth strips on his shoulders, wiped off the discolored medicinal herbs on it, and was surprised to find that the wound had started to heal, it was Xiaoji Are the wild herbs too powerful or the orcs' self-healing abilities too strong

Seeing Chen Qi's surprise, the corners of Aze's mouth turned up slightly, "The females have very good self-healing abilities, and the wounds will heal tomorrow."

This is no longer simply very good, but it is already against the sky. You must know that he could see the bones inside from this wound yesterday. Chen Qi complained in his heart, silently applied the freshly crushed herbal medicine to the wound, and tied it up again with cloth strips.