Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 37


Although A Ze brought a lot of animal skins, if the untreated animal skins can only be exchanged for one salt stone, it is just enough to exchange A Xu's large bag of salt stones.

Chen used the rope to tie up the animal skin and the animal skin backpack, and asked A Ze to demonstrate to A Xu and his brothers how to use a wooden stick as a shoulder pole to pick up the two large bags of goods. A Xu touched his chin and exclaimed: "I am still the first!" This is the first time I saw someone carrying something like this."

"Brother, it's so convenient for them to carry things like this, so many things can be carried away by one person." Ashu excitedly walked around Aze twice, thought about it, and returned Chen Qi, so there would be more I handed all the salt stones to Chen Qi, "All these are for you."

"How can this work." Chen Qi refused, "We only have so many animal skins and backpacks, and we can't exchange your many salt stones."

"You just accept it." A Xu was curiously rubbing the ropes that bound the animal skins with his hands. They were very strong, and he couldn't imagine what kind of plants could grow like this. "Your animal skins are enough. We used it this winter, and we can’t exchange it for flint this year, and we don’t plan to take these salt stones back, so let’s use them in exchange for your ropes.” A Xu said while twisting the end of the rope and shaking it.

The flint used by the orcs is different from the flint that Chen Qi knows. The flint here is not a complete siliceous rock, but absorbs some kind of fire into the rock under a certain condition in nature. When you need to make fire, you only need to hit two flints with each other to guide the fire inside, so as to produce fire, and this kind of flint has a lifespan. The principle is a bit like the lighters we usually use.

Flint can be used for two or three years under normal circumstances. The service life is not calculated by the number of hits, but by the length of time. Even if it is a brand new flint that has never been used, once it is far away from its place of production Finally, as long as it exceeds three years, there will be no fire anymore. This is also the reason why the orcs need to exchange flint every year.

"I can't take your things for nothing."

"We already have enough animal skins, and we don't plan to take these salt stones back." Ashu persuaded. They also exchanged some pottery pots two days ago, so they couldn't bring so many things back to the tribe. "Before, we brought so many salt stones because we thought we could exchange them for fire stones. This time, many people from our tribe have come. Those who need to exchange salt stones have already been exchanged. If you don't need these salt stones, we will also It was just thrown away for nothing."

"Do you need Huoshi very much?" Chen Qi was a little moved, but he didn't want to take things from the two brothers for nothing.

"Yes." Ah Shu lowered his shoulders in frustration. "Many people in our tribe have run out of flint before the first snowfall, and now they are trying not to let the fire go out carefully."

Hearing Chen Qi's question, A Xu looked at him thoughtfully, "Do you have any extra flints?"

Chen Qi only had the two flints of Aze, so naturally there were no extra flints, he shook his head, "I don't have extra flints, but I know a way to make a fire without flints, it's just a bit troublesome, if you need it I can teach you."

A gleam of excitement flashed in A Xu's beautiful blue eyes, and he couldn't help but hold Chen Qi's hands, "Really? Please teach us that other people in the tribe have extra salt stones, all of which can be handed over to you."

Ah Shu was already excited and wanted to run back to the place where their tribe gathered to find his companions to get salt stones, but he was also worried that Chen Qi would teach him now.

A Ze's gaze stayed on Chen Qi and A Xu's hands for a moment and then quickly moved away. There was a beautiful pregnancy mark on A Xu's wrist.

Azhang also looked at Chen Qi. Although the Yanshan tribe still has some spare flints, if they can learn a way to make a fire without using flints, then even if they can't wait for the people of the Yanshan tribe, they don't have to worry about not having enough flints. used. "Chen Qi, can I learn too?"

Chen Qi withdrew his hand from A Xu's, turned his head and smiled at A Zhang, nodded and said, "Of course. But I need A Ze's help in lighting the fire." Chen Qi turned to the man who had already hid from the crowd He waved helplessly.

Aze touched the lighter Chen Qi gave him in his arms, but didn't step forward. You don't need flint to start a fire, so is Chen Qi going to let himself hand over this lighter and pass it on to that female named A Xu? He clearly said it was for himself.

Chen Qi could not guess what Aze was thinking now, if he knew, he would probably knock open the other's head to see what was stuffed inside. Chen Qi led a few people back to the fire, found a palm-width plank and a finger-thick stick from the dry firewood, and picked up a small pile of leftovers that he had found for the fire. The hay that was planted, rubbed the hay a few times to make it more fluffy and put it aside for later use.

He raised his head and saw that Aze was still standing there motionless, and he yelled helplessly, "Aze, come here, I need your help."

Several other people turned their heads to look at the man standing in the corner. Aze looked at Chen Qi a little uneasy, hoping that the other party would change his mind, but seeing Chen Qi looking at him firmly, his heart surged for a moment. Feeling a sense of helplessness. Walking up to Chen Qi's side, the hand holding the lighter tightened unconsciously.

Chen Qi handed the sharpened wooden stick to A Ze's hand, then dug a shallow opening on the wooden board with a sword corner knife, and put a flat stone piece under the wooden board, which was used to catch the out of the embers.

That's right, Chen Qi intends to teach these people how to make fire by drilling wood.

Chen Qi pointed at Aze while talking, "Aze, you will put this wooden stick into this gap in this board later, and keep rotating the wooden stick until I tell you to stop."

Aze followed Chen Qi's instructions in a daze, and he was silently relieved, as long as he didn't ask him to hand over the lighter.

Drilling wood to make fire is not just a matter of knowing how to do it, it also requires a lot of strength to create friction constantly. Although Chen Qi, who grew up in modern society, knows that drilling wood can make fire, this is the first time he has practiced it. Ze came to help, not only because he was afraid that his body, which had been sitting in the office for several years, would not have the strength to hold on to Mars, but also because he wanted Ze to have a chance to perform in front of other people.

The others were watching Aze's movements with bated breath. Aside from the fact that the wooden stick slipped a few times at the beginning, Aze gradually became familiar with it, and the speed of friction became faster and faster, which was longer than Chen Qi expected. The planks started to smoke early, and black sawdust was splashed around the small hole where the friction was made.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Chen Qi asked Aze to stop, and poured the embers from the wooden plank into a small handful of hay that he had prepared earlier. The embers were blowing, and while blowing, he observed the situation of the embers.

The dry grass began to emit a lot of white smoke from Chen Qi's hands, and then suddenly the flames began to rise. Chen Qi put the burning dry grass into a small pile of firewood branches that had been prepared early in the morning. Not long after, the firewood branches were ignited , a small fire is complete.

A Xu was the first to come to his senses, "Can I try your method?"

Chen Qi nodded, A Xu did not take the planks and sticks that A Ze had just used, but found two similar ones from the firewood pile on the side, and A Shu went to the corner of the house not far away to pull them. Returning to a large pile of hay, although he didn't understand why Chen Qi rubbed the hay several times, he still imitated it.

At this time, the other two female sons of the Yanshan tribe who went out to exchange things also came back, and Azhang invited the two to go and plan to try it.

There is no technical content in drilling wood to make fire. It didn't take long for the two of them to successfully drill out the embers, but when they were placed in the dry grass and ignited, A Xu's embers went out before the flames rose. Just succeed.

"Be careful when blowing on the embers. You can't keep blowing in one breath. You need to give the embers a little time to react." Chen Qi looked at the unresponsive hay in A Xu's hand and said.

A Xu nodded, "I'll try again."

"I'll try it too." Ah Shu also ran to the side to find materials and started to try.

This time, the two of them lit the fire very smoothly.

"Chen Qi, you are really powerful, the fire has really risen." Ah Shu excitedly held the flamed dry grass and held it in front of Chen Qi, until the flames were about to burn his skin, and he felt a burning pain Finally, he reluctantly threw the hay into the fire on one side.

The other two females of the Yanshan Tribe, who saw this method for the first time to make a fire, were amazed. They dragged Azhang to the side and planned to try it themselves.

The weird movements of these people naturally attracted the attention of other orcs nearby. A female orc with brown hair came to Chen Qi and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

Before Chen Qi could answer, Ah Shu couldn't wait to explain to the girl, "We're using wood to make a fire."

How to make a fire with wood? The female who asked the question looked puzzled, and several other people who seemed to be companions with the female also came up together, and some people directly raised their own questions after hearing what A Shu said, "How could fire be born from wood? "

Chen Qi waved to A Ze, smiled and said to the few newcomers: "A Ze, you can show them one more time."

Aze used to come to the gatherings of the Lion Wolf Tribe, almost all of them left immediately after changing things, and even spent the night in the wilderness, so the people of the Lion Wolf Tribe did not know Aze, and Chen Qi said that Aze should demonstrate, that The female who came to ask questions first turned her gaze to Aze, smiled and nodded to Aze, "Can I trouble you to demonstrate it to us?"

Aze looked at Chen Qi, and seeing Chen Qi nodding his head encouragingly, Aze nodded slightly to the questioning female, "Okay."