Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 58


Chen Qi cut a bell pepper into small pieces, added a little green onion and garlic, mixed with the diced meat, then added salt to adjust the taste, and briefly stir-fried it on a ceramic plate. This is the first filling. Because he didn't know what kind of stuffing would make the stuffed intestines more delicious, Chen Qi planned to try a few more options.

For the second filling, Chen Qi asked Carlo to mash the diced meat into minced meat, mixed with chopped cabbage, added a little rice berry, stir-fried it and served it out. Potatoes were added to the third portion. Chen Qi made all the fillings he could think of, and he actually asked him to make five or six different fillings, but the main raw material of all the fillings was meat. There are freshly hunted dragon meat, as well as yesterday's antelope meat, as well as various cured meats marinated before winter.

After the stuffing is finished, it is time to start the brewing work. Others can only do the job of preparing the stuffing. To start brewing, one person took a piece of large intestine, and Chen Qi even shared a plate of different stuffing for everyone. They follow their example.

Chen Qi first tied one end of the large intestine with a root hair thread, and then began to pour the stuffing into the large intestine, about 70% to 80% filled, and then tied the other end of the large intestine, and the stuffed large intestine was ready. . The production process is simple and convenient, without any technical content. Chen Qi couldn't help sighing when he saw the brewed large intestine.

Chen Qicheng cooked it on the stove next to the kang. Put the large intestine into the pot. The large intestine is relatively large. Chen Qi was afraid that it would be difficult to cook if it was too full, so he only put two in one pot. Add water to cover the large intestine and cover it. Put the lid on and start boiling. After the water is boiled dry, fry the swollen large intestine for a while until the surface is golden.

Wash the Jianjiao knife, blanch it in boiling water to sterilize it, then cut off the root fibrous line that binds the large intestine, cut the round golden large intestine into pieces, and put them neatly in a pottery bowl. The root of the large intestine is filled with two large pottery bowls.

Considering that it needs to be cooked with water, Chen Qi specially made the stuffing salty. I tried a piece now, and it tasted just right.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Carlo couldn't help it when he smelled the aroma, but when he thought that the material was the large intestine of the dragon dragon, his heart that was tempted to move by the aroma still suppressed it. Seeing Chen Qi eating After taking a piece, he opened his mouth to ask.

Chen Qi smiled at him, but did not answer him, but handed another bowl filled with cut large intestines to Ali, and he took out a small bowl from the bowl in front of him, and handed it to Ali. A Jing, who had already divided the beans and came over to look at him curiously.

A Jing used to be so hungry that he even ate the bark, and he didn't have any resistance to the large intestine of the dragon, so he happily took the pottery bowl that Chen Qi handed over, and stuffed a piece into his mouth with chopsticks. This is minced meat and cabbage stuffing with rice berries added. After several rounds of cleaning, the large intestine has no taste, and it still has a rice fragrance after one bite. It will not feel greasy after adding cabbage.

Ah Jing chewed a few times before swallowing the food in his mouth, a rare smile appeared on his expressionless face, he picked up a piece with chopsticks and began to eat again.

Chen Qi patted the other person's forehead, and laughed and cursed: "Why are you in such a hurry to eat? No one is robbing you for food. Chew a few times before swallowing to help digestion."

Ah Jing paused when she swallowed the food, then nodded, and sure enough, she chewed carefully before swallowing the food in her mouth, and said to Chen Qi, "It's delicious."

"Just finished dinner, even if it's delicious, don't eat too much, don't spoil your stomach."

Ah Jing obediently nodded and agreed, planning to finish the Stuffed Large Intestine that Chen Qi gave him and stop eating it, there is half a bowl, if you eat it slowly, you can eat it for a long time. Ah Jing thought about it.

Chen Qi also filled a small half bowl for Aze and Ake. Ali and Azhang had already ate it by themselves. Only Carlo looked at this for a while and looked at that for a while. He smelled the fragrance but didn't dare to try it with an anxious look on his face. .

Ake took a piece and brought it to Carlo's lips, "I tasted it, and there is no strange taste, but the stuffing inside is quite fragrant, you can try it."

Carlo was still a little hesitant, but seeing that everyone else was eating deliciously, he gritted his teeth, suppressed the little resistance in his heart, and opened his mouth to take a small bite. Not to mention, it was really delicious. Carlo thought as he ate the piece of stuffed large intestine that Ake handed over in one gulp, and still glanced at Chen Qi resentfully.

After all, they all had dinner, and Chen Qi didn't plan to cook any more after eating the two cooked stuffed large intestines. It was already late at night after such a meal, so they simply cleaned up and went to rest. Before going to bed, Chen Qi As usual, he told Ah Jing a fairy tale by Andersen, and the other orcs listened with their ears buried in the animal skin quilt. Ever since I told Ah Jing a bedtime story, it has become a must-have program every day.

The next day was a month without a day, the sky was gloomy without a ray of sunshine, and the temperature felt like it had dropped several degrees. It looked like a snowstorm would come at any time. Chen Qi did not suggest that Azhang and the others continue hunting. up.

In the morning, he cooked the uncooked large intestine that had been brewed yesterday for breakfast. Yesterday Ali helped Chen Qi, so he could prepare the morning breakfast himself, and the taste was not far from Chen Qi's.

After breakfast, it really snowed, but there was no wind. Chen Qi asked Aze to go to his original home and move the table he had made to use as a desk. After the winter, Chen Qi made a set of furniture, glued a table and several chairs with glue, because the glue dried too slowly, he put it in the original house to dry slowly, and now it has dried almost one It's been a month, so it should be ready to use.

Clear out a corner of the hall and place tables and chairs. The chairs have no backrests, and are simply a round pier with three tripods attached.

Several orcs who saw the furniture for the first time were very curious about this thing, Chen Qi suggested that they could sit on the chair, and carefully demonstrated it to them once. There was no need to go out during the blizzard days, and things at home were not busy, so Chen Qi planned to let a few people continue to practice calligraphy.

Yesterday I picked six big bags of plastic leaves, and Ake brought back four bags by himself. Chen Qi took out a bunch of leaves. The leaves are very thick, and the leaf pattern on the surface is a little rough. It may not be very good to write with a quill pen , Chen Qi took out the brushes he had already made, and distributed one to each of them.

Mix the thick fruit dyeing liquid. I made a few small wooden dishes before, and now it happens to be one for each person. Fill them with black fruit dyeing liquid. Chen Qixian wrote a string of words on the leaves with a brush. Try the effect, although the handwriting is still too ugly to look at directly, but I have to say that the texture of this gum leaf is really similar to paper, Chen Qi each gave a few leaves, "You guys try to use these leaves to review yesterday's paper. The characters I have learned, I will teach you new characters after I finish writing the fruit liquid in front of you."

Several people responded, Chen Qi taught them the posture of holding a brush, and they began to practice seriously. The room was quiet, save for the occasional crackling of the fire.

After lunch the wind suddenly started to blow. The sound insulation effect of Locust Dragon's window is not good, you can hear the whirring sound from outside when you sit indoors, Chen Qi looked at the roof, he was really afraid that the wind would blow the whole roof over.

"It's okay." Seeing Chen Qi's uneasiness, Aze patted his hand, "This house is well built."

Chen Qi nodded. He is from the south. He grew up so big that Dalian has seen snow only a handful of times. This is the first time he has seen such a big snowstorm. Although he is still uneasy, his heart is still calm when he sees Aze beside him. down.

In the afternoon, after the others finished writing their own fruit dyes, Chen Qi sent them the sand table they had made before. They used wooden sticks to practice calligraphy on the sand table. It is much more convenient to use less gum leaves.

Studying is a very boring thing. Although Chen Qi disliked his bad calligraphy, he couldn't stand it after practicing all morning. He ran away while others were writing those names over and over again. Go dig out a few sweet potatoes, pull out some charcoal that has been warmed by the fire, bury the sweet potatoes in the charcoal, and then put some red charcoal on top to start roasting the sweet potatoes.

Occasionally, the strong wind would force some snowflakes to break through the thick animal skin curtain and come in. The sudden oncoming cold air made Chen Qi shiver. For the first time, Chen Qi regretted not getting a wooden door for his new home. If we want to build a wooden door now, we may have to wait for the snowstorm to stop. Chen Qi threw a few pieces of firewood into the fire to make the fire more vigorous, and found a few thick pieces of wood to press the animal skin curtain tightly to prevent the wind from blowing. Blow it away easily.

"Chen Qi."

Chen Qi, who was standing by the window watching the snow, was in a trance, when he heard someone calling him, he turned his head quickly, just in time to see A Ze walking over. Chen Qi smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Aze glanced at the white snow field outside the window, and the previously cleared yard was once again covered with thick snow, "I have already learned to write everyone's names, please teach me new characters."

Chen Qi was a little surprised, "Then write it down for me to read."

Aze nodded, and the two walked to the table. Aze sat down, took a new leaf, and wrote everyone's names on it with a brush stroke. The names of the little wolf cubs are all written on it.

"Ah Ze, you are really good." Chen Qi praised, how long has it been since he learned to write? Yesterday, Aze went hunting for a whole day and didn’t have time to practice. Not only are the fonts written now better than those written by Chen Qi, but as a beginner, these names are already quite complicated. Aze wrote them down without any mistakes. .

Hearing Chen Qi's praise, Aze's ears turned red, and he pursed his lips and smiled.

Chen Qi wrote a string of simple Arabic numbers 0 to 9 on a leaf, and then explained it to Aze. Although the orcs don't understand words, they can understand the meaning expressed in the words. Chen Qi just said Aze understood it once.

While A Ze was practicing, Chen Qi went to check the situation of other people, and found that except for Carlo and A Jing, the others had already proficiently written down everyone's names, and they could distinguish them even if they scrambled the words. The pronunciation and meaning of each word.

Chen Qi taught them simple Arabic numerals one by one. Seeing that the others were immersed in practicing calligraphy, he estimated that the roasted sweet potatoes should be ready, so he took a wooden stick to search by the fire.

"Chen Qi, you actually ate it alone." Smelling the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes, Carlo shook his hands that were a little sore and murmured dissatisfied.

Chen Qi smiled happily, and threw a baked sweet potato that was still hot in his hand directly to Carlo. Carlo quickly put down the writing stick and caught it in a hurry, but he was so hot that he screamed. .

"I've been writing for a long time, are you hungry? Do you want to have an afternoon tea before continuing?" Chen Qi turned out all the roasted sweet potatoes and piled them aside. He picked up one and broke it in half. Take a bite of the hot orange-yellow sweet potato meat, sweet potatoes that have been stored for a long time in winter, Chen Qi said to the few people sitting at the table while eating contentedly.

Several people at the table looked at each other, put down all the things in their hands and went to the fire, and each of them picked up a hot baked sweet potato and ate it. The hot sweet potato entered the mouth, and the whole person felt warm from the inside out. stand up.

"Aze, here you are." Chen Qi handed the half-baked sweet potato to Aze who was sitting next to him. Aze smiled and took a bite of the slightly burnt sweet potato.

After eating, everyone continued to practice calligraphy, while Chen Qi began to figure out how to teach them to read next.

Chen Qi has long forgotten the memory of learning to read in elementary school. Chen Qi also wanted to start teaching the Three-Character Classic and the Thousand-Character Classic like the ancients. , can only give up.

Chen Qi has no experience in teaching people, and he doesn't know how to make learning less boring for others. After thinking about it, he thinks that since the orcs like listening to his stories so much, they should start teaching them from the words in the stories. Fortunately, this Several orc students have great enthusiasm for learning and are smart enough to let Chen Qi, a half-hearted teacher, do whatever he wants.

Chen Qi simply recorded the story of the mermaid that he told them for the first time with gum leaves. It was only for the purpose of recognizing characters, so he only wrote the outline of the story, and there were several wrong words in the middle. After copying it again, although the story is not long, it is full of two gum leaves.

I have already taught new Arabic numerals today, so I don't plan to teach other new things. I put away the two gum leaves with the stories written, and Chen Qi also picked up the brush and continued to practice calligraphy.

The blizzard continued until the next day, but the wind was much less, and the roof was covered with thick snow. Chen Qi was worried that the roof would collapse, so he asked Aze to clean the snow off the roof. Only then did Chen Qi realize that the orcs had no habit of clearing snow.

"The snow on the roof has been accumulating throughout the winter, aren't you afraid that the house will be crushed?" Chen Qi asked back with black lines.

The few people were silent for a while, and Azhang asked: "Why does the snow collapse the house if it is not cleared?" He only knew how many houses in the tribe would be destroyed every winter, and he always thought it was the failure of the stickiness of the glue , but never considered the snow problem.

"Of course, snow also has weight. Before the snow freezes, let's clear the snow off the roof first." Chen Qi said with his forehead.

Several people looked at each other, and went separately to clear the snow for their new house. You must know that their new house has just been built, and the glue is not completely dry, so it cannot be destroyed because of not clearing the snow. .