Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 76


"Exercise?" Ake rolled his eyes, seeing Chen Qicai panting after running for such a distance, and asked uncertainly, "How do you exercise? Do you keep running like this?"

Chen Qi accidentally took two mouthfuls of cold air just now, and now his throat is still uncomfortable, so he can only nod his head, he just ran for a while, his body hasn't warmed up yet, and now he is standing here and talking and stamping his feet from the cold, Ake can't stand it anymore , took off the cloak and put it on Chen Qi, with a bit of reproach in his tone, "Don't freeze before you finish running, if you want to exercise, go back to the house and exercise."

Suddenly feeling the warmth on his body, Chen Qi looked at Ake gratefully. After talking to Chen Qi, Ake climbed back to the top of the wall and continued to be vigilant.

"Are we still running?" Ah Jing raised his head and asked.

Chen Qi sighed and shook his head, "Let's get here today, and we'll continue tomorrow." Let's exercise tomorrow when the sun is at its warmest at noon. Chen Qi's first exercise program ended in failure.

You can't be careless about this world, and you can't be careless about this weather. Chen Qimeng drank a large bowl of ginger syrup and felt better, but to his surprise, he suddenly developed a fever at night.

Male sons are not as good at self-healing ability as female sons. In this world without medicine and medicine, orcs seldom get sick, and once a male son gets sick, it almost means death.

Chen Qi didn't realize that there was something wrong with his body at first, he thought it was just because he hurt his throat after taking a few mouthfuls of cold air, so he still hasn't recovered. Aze kept guard for most of the night, and did not change shifts with Ake until the morning. After helping Chen Qi finish the runway, he simply ate something and went to catch up on sleep. When he woke up, he saw Chen Qi blushing doing dinner.

Seeing that Aze woke up, Chen Qi turned around and smiled, "Just wait a little longer, it will be ready soon, I made potato stew with bacon today."

A Ze looked at Chen Qi's abnormally red face, "Why is your face so red?"

Chen Qi stretched out his hand to touch his face, his hand had just scooped out ashes from the fire, and before he had time to wash his hands, he left a few clear fingerprints as soon as he touched his face, Chen Qi was a little puzzled Tilting his head, "Red? Could it be that he is too close to the fire and has been baked by the fire for too long?"

Seeing Chen Qi's reaction was obviously half a beat slower than usual, Aze's heart sank, he walked over, raised his hand and lightly touched his forehead, it was hot.

"What's wrong... ... "

Before Chen Qi finished speaking, A Ze picked him up, walked back to the heated kang bed in twos and threes, stuffed Chen Qi into the warm quilt, covered him with two animal skin quilts, Anxiety filled his eyes.

Looking at A Ze's dark face, Chen Qi's heart skipped a beat, "A Ze, what's wrong with you?"

Aze gently brushed away the broken hair on Chen Qi's forehead, leaned down and kissed the corner of the other's lips, his voice was unprecedentedly gentle, "You have a little fever, don't worry, just lie down for a while, I'll go find you Uncle Li, come here."

After Aze finished speaking, he got up and went out. When he left, he stepped out carefully, making sure not to let any wind get into the house.

Ali is weaving at home, and now cloth is used to make clothes, towels, rags, and even paper. Although there are only a few of them, the demand for cloth is huge. Whenever Ali is free, he will I started weaving with cocoons, and half of the cocoons I had stored before winter had been used up. After this batch was used up, I had to go to the forest to look for cocoons until summer came.

The sound of Aze knocking open the wooden door startled Ah Li, and was about to ask him what he was doing so recklessly, when he looked up and saw Aze with a gloomy face and red eyes, followed by Ake who had just changed shifts with Azhang. Before Ake came back, he saw Aze come out in a hurry and rushed to open the door of Ali's house. He had never seen Aze in such a state of gaffe, and he was worried, so he followed him to have a look.

Before Ali asked what happened, Aze took Ali's hand and walked out, "Chen Qiqi is on fire, Uncle Ali, please help to take a look."

Ake felt a sudden, "Fever? Could it be because he was wearing too little clothes and went outside to exercise just now?"

"What did you say?" Aze, who was about to step out the door, suddenly stopped when he heard Ake's words. Ali was dragged away by him before, but now he couldn't stop his momentum and bumped into Aze's hard back. , just hit the bridge of the nose, and burst into tears in pain.

Seeing Aze's suddenly fierce expression, Ake couldn't help taking two steps back, wondering if he should tell him about Chen Qi's illness. But seeing Aze's aura of never giving up, Ake swallowed his saliva, and still told what happened just now.

Aze's eyes almost burst into flames, he never thought that Chen Qi would run outside in thin winter clothes, would a normal male do this? Like his younger brother Carlo, when winter comes, he just wants to stay indoors and not go anywhere.

Ah Jing, who was playing with the little wolf cub, listened to what A Ke said, and before the adults could react, he pushed A Ze who was in the way, and ran out with short legs. It's all his fault, if he didn't go to exercise with Chen Qi, Chen Qi wouldn't have a fever.

Aze also came back to his senses, pulled Ali and left. Ake went home and greeted Carlo, and also went to help.

Chen Qi's head was already a little confused. At this time, he had realized that he must be sick. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he just wanted to start exercising. It was a blow to his self-confidence. When he first came to this world, he was frozen in the wilderness for most of the day and he was fine. It seems that his physique is not much better than before when he stayed in the company all day.

Chen Qi struggled to get up, and walked into the storage room with a slightly sloppy footsteps. There was still a small bag of perilla in the storage room. Because there were not many of them, Chen Qi was not willing to use them for cooking at all, so he grabbed a small handful now. The shriveled perilla leaf, and then picked up a piece of wild ginger, just about to leave, a loud shout sounded behind him, "What are you doing?"

Aze's eyes were red with anger, he just came back and saw that the bed was empty, before he got worried, he heard movement in the storage room, walked over and saw Chen Qi who was supposed to be lying on the bed bent over to search for something thing. Doesn't this person care about his body at all? Doesn't he know how serious it is to be sick? just in case... ...

Chen Qi was so frightened by this shout that the things he was holding in his hand fell to the ground. When he turned around, he saw A Ze standing by the door with clenched fists and red eyes. Chen Qi had never seen A Ze like this before, so he couldn't care less The things scattered on the ground, opened his arms and hugged the tall man into his arms, stroking the man's strong back, "It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm fine, it's just a common cold, and it will be fine after a night of sleep."

Can sleep well? Aze sneered, his father told him the same thing at the beginning, but he never woke up after falling asleep. Aze's body trembled uncontrollably, he broke free from Chen Qi's embrace lightly, picked up Chen Qiheng, went back to the heated kang bed, stuffed him back into the quilt, and covered him with the animal skin quilt Strictly.

Taking advantage of the posture of tucking in the corner of the quilt, Aze moved closer to Chen Qi's ear, with a pleading voice, "Don't fall asleep."

Chen Qi paused, looked at him seriously, and smiled, "Okay."

Ali, who was following behind, had already packed up the things on the ground. At this time, he took the small handful of perilla leaves and wild ginger and walked up to Chen Qi, "Chen Qi, what do you want these two things for?" He believed Well, it is impossible for Chen Qi to look through these two things when he was sick for no reason. Chen Qi said before that perilla can be used as medicine, so he has been reluctant to use it for cooking.

Chen Qi turned his head and looked, "Ali, can you wash these two things and boil a bowl of water for me?"

"Is cooking like this a medicine?" Ali asked.

Chen Qi nodded lightly, "Actually, I'm not sure, but this should cure a cold." After speaking, he patted Aze's hand and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's just a little cold, I'll take it every year I have to be sick like this once in winter, and I can recover after drinking medicine and sleeping."

Get sick every winter? How the hell did he get so big? Now that you know you will get sick, why do you have to go outside in thin clothes to blow the cold wind? Aze really wanted to ask each of these questions to question the other party, but seeing Chen Qi's sleepy face, he finally swallowed the words back, stood up and took the things from A Li's hands, "Let me cook."

Aze took his things to the bathroom and fetched half a plate of water, carefully cleaned every shriveled perilla leaf, then fetched a bowl of water, cut the wild ginger into ginger foam, and boiled it with the perilla leaves .

"You are really too old, you don't know how to pay attention to how old you are, and you still wear so little and go outside to blow the cold wind, A Ze is so worried that you are about to cry." A Li sat by the bed and looked at Chen Qi complainingly. .

cry? Chen Qi shifted his gaze to the man who was earnestly helping him make medicinal soup by the fire, the red eye circles really looked like he was about to cry, his heart softened a little, and he felt a little annoyed, it seemed that he would do things by himself in the future It needs to be considered more carefully.

"You don't know how much everyone is worried about you." Ake pulled A Jing's little arm and came over. Although A Jing was the first to run over, the kid didn't dare to go in when he ran to the door, so he followed behind Ake half hugged and half pulled him in.

"If you have anything to do, tell Chen Qi well, don't hide by yourself and think about it, you are a woman, you must have the consciousness to bear the consequences, and you can't back down at any time." Ake stretched out his fingers and flicked Ajing small head, and then smacked at Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was puzzled, what's going on? Ah Jing did something wrong

Ah Jing was taught by A Ke so that his head drooped even lower. He stepped forward a few steps, not daring to look up at Chen Qi, and only whispered: "I'm sorry."

"What's the matter? Do you need to apologize to me for what Ah Jing did?" Chen Qi stretched out his hand from under the quilt, and took Ah Jing's little hand. He was still running a fever, and the temperature in his palm was too high, which made Ah Jing even more apologetic. His hands were cold.

"I shouldn't have gone to exercise with you." Ah Jing still didn't dare to look up, and just explained in a low voice.

Chen Qi was stunned for a while, because he had a fever at this time, his head was not very bright, obviously he couldn't understand the meaning of A Jing's words, "Why?"

"If I don't go to exercise with you, you won't go out, and you won't get sick."

Only then did Chen Qi know what Ah Jing meant. The child thought it was his fault that he was sick? However, in this world, because of the natural physical fitness, the male is much weaker than the female, so even the little female who is not yet an adult will be taught to protect the male at all times, Ah Jing thinks It's your own fault and it's normal.

"Ah Jing, can you look up at me?" Chen Qiwen coaxed.

Ah Jing hesitated for a moment, then raised his head, Chen Qi noticed that the tails of his eyes were red, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. "I'm sorry, I was too careless. If I finish my warm-up before going out, if I wear one more dress before going out, I won't be blown by the wind and fall ill, and I won't worry you, Ajing gone."

Ah Jing burst into tears suddenly, "Don't get sick, don't do exercises anymore, don't go out anymore."

The first request was fine, but what the hell were the latter two? Chen Qi never knew what to do with the crying child. He looked at the others as if asking for help, and found that the three orcs were silently looking at him, as if It was wrong for him not to agree to Ah Jing's request.

Chen Qi coughed slightly in embarrassment, touched Ah Jing's little head, and coaxed: "Okay, okay, I will never get sick again, and I will never go out to exercise again, Ah Jing, please don't cry."

Only then did Ah Jing stop her tears, sniffled, looked at Chen Qi and nodded.

After drinking the purple perilla soup, Chen Qi felt even more sleepy. Because he didn't eat dinner, Aze cooked a bowl of rice porridge with minced meat. After feeding it to Chen Qi, he sat by the bed and kept watch. As soon as Qi made a movement, he checked nervously. If Chen Qi didn't move for too long, he would get closer nervously, and he didn't settle down until he felt Chen Qi's breathing.

The others didn't leave either. Ake went to the wall to explain the situation to Azhang. After exchanging positions, Azhang also rushed back to check on Chen Qi's situation. After confirming that he was just asleep and everything was normal, he was a little relieved. Come.

Carlo also took a look. There was a little girl in his family who couldn't stay here for too long. He told Ake that he had to go back and tell him if there was any situation, so he reluctantly left, and the others stayed by the fire. Spread a piece of animal skin and sit together, staring at the people on the kang bed without speaking, and even have no appetite for dinner.

When Chen Qi woke up the next day, he saw a few slightly emaciated faces, which were comparable to those in his company who worked all night to fix bugs, but ended up repairing more and more programs.

"Did you guys stay up all night?" Chen Qi realized that his voice was hoarse and unpleasant as soon as he spoke, his fever had already subsided by dawn, but his body was a little weak and his expression was a little sleepy.

"Do you want something to eat?" Aze stretched out his hand and touched Chen Qi's forehead, feeling that the temperature had returned to its normal state, and then he felt relieved all night.

Chen Qi nodded, "Give me some water first."

A Li handed A Ze the perilla soup that had been warming by the fire, which A Ze made at dawn when he predicted Chen Qi would be awake. A Ze put Chen Qi in his arms halfway, and fed him small bites with a wooden spoon. This method was done when Carlo's father took care of his father, and now he is still drawing a gourd and carrying it over.

Chen Qi was full of black lines, he just had a common cold, should he be taken care of like a seriously injured patient? But seeing Aze's cautious appearance, he was too embarrassed to ignore him, so he let him go, and Aze would take a sip when he fed him.

Seeing that Chen Qi had woken up, A Ke greeted him and went to change shifts with A Zhang.

A Li opened a rice berry, and after the rice berry was boiled, he added minced meat, then sprinkled with chopped wild onion and wild ginger, put it in a bowl and handed it to Aze, who then ate it mouthful as before Feed Chen Qi and finish eating.

After not sleeping all night, Ah Jing's little head drooped little by little, Chen Qi couldn't help but laugh, and persuaded him: "If you're tired, go back to sleep, I'm fine, I don't need to stay here."

Ah Jing was awakened suddenly, and when he heard Chen Qi's words, he shook his head like a rattle, but not long after, Ah Jing began to droop his head again and felt sleepy.

Chen Qi had no choice but to wave to A Jing and asked, "Do you want to sleep with me?" Chen Qi had already slept all night and was not sleepy at all, but A Ze forbade him to get out of bed, so he could only continue to lie down Looking at it, it seems that his illness has frightened him a lot.

Ah Jing's eyes were bright, and he quickly took off his animal skin boots and climbed onto the kang bed. Chen Qi was worried that his cold would infect him, so he didn't dare to let him get too close, so he asked A Ze to find another animal skin quilt for him. He covered, Ah Jing was a little disappointed, but he was young, after all, he couldn't resist the drowsiness, and he fell into a deep sleep not long after.

Looking at Ah Jing's sleeping face, Chen Qi couldn't help stretching out his hand and pinching it, until Ah Jing frowned tightly, raised his small hand subconsciously, and was about to wave that troublesome hand away, Chen Qi didn't tease him anymore, let him smile beautifully fell asleep.

Azhang came to see Chen Qi after changing shifts, and then went back to sleep with peace of mind after confirming that the other party was really okay. Ali went to replace Carlo, who had been taking care of the little girl all night. Except for Ajing who was sleeping soundly, Only Chen Qi and A Ze were left.

Aze sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Chen Qi without saying a word.

"I'm sorry." Chen Qi took Aze's palm, "I made you worry."

"Apologize only because you worried me?" After hearing Chen Qi's words, Aze immediately raised his brows, glared at Chen Qi, and his tone became a little harsh.

Uh, looking at A Ze who suddenly became angry, Chen Qi felt a little cowardly for no reason, and thought over the words just now several times in his heart, but he didn't find out which word would make A Ze unhappy.

Seeing Chen Qi's dazed look completely unaware of his mistakes, Aze couldn't help but sighed, he looked at Chen Qi seriously, and said solemnly in a tone never before: "Chen Qi, I don't want to hear you and I apologize, you never need to apologize to me, but, I ask you to pay more attention to your body, don't let yourself get sick easily, I can protect you when you are in danger, but if you are sick, I can only stand by helplessly looking at you."

Speaking of later, A Ze gently hugged Chen Qi into his arms, not letting him see his expression of losing his composure, "If you die, I will definitely die with you, you said you wanted to live with me till the end Old man, you can't talk without counting."

If you die, I will definitely die with you. Chen Qi looked sideways at A Ze in shock. Although he knew that A Ze had deep feelings for him, he never thought that it was so deep that he would give his life. He is just an ordinary person, who goes to school in an ordinary way. Like hundreds of millions of ordinary people, if you throw them into the sea of people, you will be quickly drowned. The only time you do something out of the ordinary is probably to come out with your parents. There are almost no bright spots in Chen Qi's life. For a person like him, how could He De get such deep love from A Ze? How can he repay his love

Chen Qihui hugged Aze with such strength that he seemed to want to rub him into his body, "I'm sorry."