Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 84


The sharpened simple wooden arrow pierced into the periphery of the archery target made of animal skin not far away. On the archery target, five circles were drawn alternately in red and blue colors. Chen Qi's best score was hitting the heart, but he practiced every day. Twenty arrows will always miss the target, which makes him very depressed.

After successfully covering the females with a bow and arrow last time, now even Ah Jing will practice in the yard every day with a small bow and arrow specially made for him. Chen Qi's daily exercise has also increased from push-ups and rope skipping to archery. It's the same as jogging when the sun is the warmest at noon.

Carlo can naturally see that Chen Qi's physique is getting better and better after doing these strange exercises for a period of time. At the beginning, the other party obviously ran around the yard and looked exhausted. In just a few days He was able to run two laps. Carlo's physique is much better than Chen Qi's and he can only run two laps easily. From then on, apart from the follower A Jing and the little wolf cub, there was another person beside Chen Qi to accompany him to exercise.

It snowed last night, not too much, but enough to cover the yard with a layer of white.

A Li and A Ze came out with a lot of finished wooden planks and sharpened bamboo sticks and sticks, "Chen Qi, the thing you asked us to make is ready." A Li called out loudly.

Chen Qixian tidied up the bows and arrows around the target before walking over. He picked up a board with several holes dug out, nodded in satisfaction, and put the bows and arrows in his hands away. "Let's make some weapons."

On the plain, there are a lot of gravel, but the larger stones can only be found in the forest, so the only ready-made material for the weapon Chen Qi wants to make is the inexhaustible snow around him.

Because the ground is covered with a layer of soil mixed with glue and fruit juice, at this moment, as long as you sweep it lightly with a broom, the thin snow on the ground will be gathered.

Chen used a wooden bucket to bring out a bucket of melted snow water, tied several wooden boards firmly with ropes, then filled them with snow, compacted them, and buried some sharpened bamboo sticks or wooden sticks inside. Only the sharp tip is left outside through the hole in the plank, and then the snow is filled in, compacted, and water is added to reduce the gap between the snow and the snow, and then this strange shape is almost as big as two footballs. Larger snowdrifts are set aside to allow it to freeze.

"The snow is so light, will it really hurt if this kind of thing hits you?" Carlo put aside what he had done.

"You can try the effect after it freezes." Chen Qi suggested,

There were only a few hyena dragons that came to attack last time, and they could barely handle it with bows and arrows, but once the number increased, or some hunters who knew how to climb the fence, I am afraid that bows and arrows would be far from enough, so Chen Qi thought of doing it. Some hockey pucks, when this happens, they can be smashed directly without using a bow and arrow, but the effect of this ice puck needs to be tested to know, and Chen Qi is not sure if he is asked now.

The snow in a yard is only enough to make twenty or thirty, depending on the weather, it will probably continue to snow in the next two days. After clearing the snow in the yard, Chen Qi didn’t do any more. Fill up the oil, and now almost always light the oil lamps in the yard at night. In addition to paying attention to the situation outside the fence, the guards at night should also pay attention to the situation in the yard.

Azhang jumped down from the wall with two big bags of fish on his back, because the oil stored before was almost used up when dealing with hyena dragons, now Chen Qi can only use the oil to focus on those fat big fish in the Chishui River On his body, since he took Azhang to catch fish once, he took over the fishing job by himself, and caught a few fish every two days.

In order not to feel bored with eating fish every day, Chen Qi often changes his way of making food, sometimes he bites down the food he makes, and you don’t tell him that it’s fish and other people can’t eat it, thanks to Chen Qi, now Everyone has fully accepted fish as a food.

Azhang didn't even have time to unload the fish, so he hurriedly said to everyone: "Another locust dragon has crossed the Chishui River." Probably because he ran too fast, he was still panting.

Probably the reason why Azhang caught fish too hard these days. Even if he threw a lot of bait at the entrance of the ice cave that he often went to, few fish would venture up to snatch it. After two days of observation, he saw that there was nothing to gain The ice hole was sealed, and a hole was opened a little farther away to continue catching fish.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he caught two, he felt the ground vibrate, and the fish under the ice also dispersed. Azhang stuffed the caught fish into his backpack, found a tall locust tree and climbed up, and found the fish far away. A swarm of locust dragons is striding across the entire Chishui River, heading towards the depths of the Dora Plain.

It can be said that the appearance of the locust dragon swarm once was accidental, but the second time this kind of creature, which was originally solitary, gathered together and marched towards the same place, Azhang had to think about it. This time there were a lot of locust dragons. Seeing that the locust dragons were aiming at the opposite side of the river, Azhang came back to tell everyone the news before they all crossed the river.

"It's the locust dragon again?" The others were shocked when they heard the news, and now they can be sure that something must have happened in the forest, or something that could attract the locust dragon appeared on the plain. Otherwise, it would be impossible for locust dragons to cross the Chishui River again and again and enter the hinterland of the Dora Plain.

"Shall we go to the forest to check?" Azhang turned his gaze to Chen Qi and asked inquiringly.

After these few encounters, Chen Qi has faintly become the one who decides in this small group, but if the locust dragon can come out of the plain, Chen Qi doesn't know if there are other dragons coming out of the forest, they There are not many people in this small group. If you want to investigate, you may be in danger and it will be difficult to find someone to help.

Chen Qi shared his worries with a few people, and Aze thought for a while, "Why don't we follow the locust dragons to see where their destination is? The plains are much safer than the forests, and the distance is far away. If it's farther away, it should be fine."

A Zhang nodded, "As long as we know where the locust dragons are going, maybe we can know something."

Everyone discussed this issue, and finally decided that it would be better for Azhang to investigate alone. There are too many people in the family who need to be protected. Everyone is worried that if the two females go to investigate together, they will be attacked again. trouble.

That night Ali prepared a large bag of baked meat pies for him. After all, it might not be convenient to start a fire with Locust Dragon, so he had to let him eat it cold.

"You have to be careful, don't follow too close, if you are found by the locust dragon, you must run away immediately." Ali carried the backpack full of necessities behind his back, and then put on an oversized sweater outside. The white cloak, the kind that can almost wrap Azhang's whole body, the white cloak can make the other party hide in the snow, and will not be easily found.

"Don't worry, how old I am." Azhang smiled. Recently, he found that Ali was getting more and more worried. Every time he went out, he would babble a lot of advice.

A Li rolled his eyes at him, "I only told you when I knew you were getting older, no matter how old you are, you still act frizzy."

Seeing that A Li was about to turn on the nagging mode again, Azhang rubbed his nose helplessly. When he followed Chen Qi and Aze to catch fish for the first time, he was accidentally dragged into the water by a fish that was too strong, and he almost didn't come back as a popsicle. It seems that it was from that time that A Li always chanted a few words every time he went out by himself.

In the end, A Li found that Azhang was distracted and didn't listen to him at all, so he couldn't help sighing, and helped him tidy up his clothes, "Let's form a partner when you come back this time."

Azhang was stunned by this sudden change of topic, and when he came back to his senses, he hugged Ali and rubbed his head against his neck, "It's done."


The entire Chishui River has been frozen. This time the number of locust dragons is much larger than before, and their moving speed is also slow. After Azhang crossed the Chishui River, he found that the locust dragons did not leave the Chishui River too far . Azhang stood on the top of a tall locust tree, half squatting, quietly waiting for the locust dragons to pass by, and then he continued to look for another locust tree after the locust dragons walked a certain distance, staring at the locust dragon repeatedly. Dragon moves.

The next morning, it snowed again on the Dora Plain. I don’t know if it was because of the snow. The locust dragons stopped moving today, and all the locust dragons stayed quietly. The white snowflakes fell Their tall bodies look like ice sculptures from a distance.

Azhang also seemed to melt into one with the acacia tree, squatting quietly on the top of the acacia tree, the big hood almost covered his eyes, and the white cloak became his best camouflage.

A Zhang thought that the locust dragons would stay like this until the snow stopped before continuing on their way. In the evening, there seemed to be a commotion in the farthest locust dragons. A Zhang was at the tail of the locust dragons. At the end, no matter how good his eyesight was, he couldn't see what happened ahead. After thinking about it, Azhang got down from the locust tree without a sound, and walked forward slowly around the long distance.

A snow-white adult giant wolf with a height of almost three meters stood not far from the locust dragon group. Its beautiful golden eyes narrowed slightly, as if the leading adult locust dragon was slowly walking out of the group. The two long tentacles at the corners of the mouth raised high, as if they were communicating with the giant wolf.

The giant wolf didn't know if it had the ability to communicate across species, but it just stood quietly at the front of the line, neither moving nor responding to the locust dragon's communication.

The locust dragon seemed to be in a hurry, its huge mouth opened slightly, and it uttered a long and strange tone, and then the locust dragon beside it also began to stretch out its tentacles and held it in mid-air, shaking slightly non-stop, making the same syllable in its mouth, as if It should be the same as the leader of the locust dragon.

"Giant Wolf God?" Azhang, who just ran over from behind, had just found the locust tree where he was hiding, when he saw such a scene, he couldn't help but let out a low cry, looking at this impossible situation in disbelief. Confrontation screen.

The white giant wolf god finally made a move, but it didn't react to the actions of the locust dragon group, but raised its head slightly, stared at the direction of Azhang with cold eyes for a few seconds, and then moved forward , turned around, and quickly left this place, leaving no footprints of the Giant Wolf God on the snow, as if its appearance just now was just an illusion.