Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 97


The orcs looked at each other and shook their heads blankly.

Chen Qi didn't explain, but looked at Ah Zhu who was sitting next to him, and asked, "You've been listening to Ah Jing telling stories every day recently, do you know why he can tell so many stories?"

A Zhu who was suddenly asked a question was a little panicked, he turned his head and looked at the old woman sitting next to him helplessly, the old woman nodded to him encouragingly, and then A Zhu turned his gaze back to Chen Qi, "Yes Because of those words?"

Chen Qi nodded in praise. He took out Ajing's pile of gum leaves full of stories and put them on the wooden table, and waved to Carlo who was pretending to be a good student in the crowd and motioned for him After coming over, he continued: "The three of you should have seen these gum leaves written on them many times in the past few days, and the stories written on them are the stories that Ah Jing told you."

Chen Qi asked Carlo to randomly pick up a gum leaf, "Then do you think Carlo can retell these stories verbatim?"

Except for the youngest Ajing, the construction beasts in the tribe all work together. When they are working, the three little females always share the new stories they heard today with other people in the tribe, sometimes describing Some people forget that the other two will also add it, so everyone knows that they are learning from Ah Jing.

Following Chen Qi's words, everyone's eyes moved to Carlo again. This feeling of being the focus made Carlo a little nervous. He covered his lips with his fist, coughed lightly, and started after receiving Chen Qi's signal. Read it word by word according to the words above.

The use of words in fairy tales is not difficult, and Chen Qi also intends to use the stories they are most interested in to guide them to learn. In just one short winter, Chen Qi almost briefly explained all Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales and the four great classics. It is a pity that he He doesn't have a photographic memory, otherwise he would just move out One Thousand and One Nights, I'm afraid it would be able to tell these orcs who love to listen to stories for a long time without repetition.

Later, in order for them to take the initiative to learn characters, Chen Qi switched to writing instead of talking, and he forbade them to tell each other in private. The next piece of gum leaf is full of words, want to know the follow-up? All right, see for yourself. So even Carlo, who is the least fond of learning among the few, is not difficult to understand the words in his hands after being abused for a winter.

Although Carlo's narrative tone is very flat, it can't stand the freshness of the orcs' story. Even if they have heard it once, they still listen to it with gusto.

Although the memory of the orcs is very good, not everyone can remember it with a photograph, at least Carlo can't do it, he asked Carlo to retell the story without reading the text, this time it is not like before It became fluent, especially when it came to the dialogue between the characters, he stuttered, and occasionally missed a few sentences and was corrected by Azhu and the girls, causing Carlo to roll his eyes at Chen Qi resentfully.

Chen Qi ignored Carlo's mournful gaze, and asked him to read the words on the gum tree leaf again after he finished speaking, and then looked around at the crowd and asked, "Do you know what the words are for now?"

After such an operation, even though the orcs didn't quite understand Chen Qi's purpose, they still vaguely felt that this word could help them remember something.

"Chen Qi, can it help us remember?" Ale and Chen Qi were familiar with each other, and right now they raised their own questions loudly.

Chen Qi nodded, "Writing can not only help you record some memories." Chen Qi took the palm-sized wooden board that Aze had made, dipped it with the black fruit dye that had been adjusted with a brush, and brushed it on it. Write a big Le character on it, blow it a bit, wait for the handwriting to dry a little before handing it to Ah Le.

"For example, this word, which is a word for 'le', is also your name. If you keep this piece of wood with your name on it, then your future partner, your child, your grandson, Or the descendants who still have your blood in their bodies after hundreds of years, as long as they see this wooden board, they will know that their ancestor is a female named Ale. Even if you have something to tell future generations to know , as long as you write it down, even if you can’t meet, even if you are thousands of miles apart, he will know what you want to say to him.” Of course, the premise is that the board will not be lost or broken.

After listening to Chen Qi's explanation, not only Ah Le, but also the other orcs present took a deep breath. For orcs like them who can only pass information by word of mouth, it is impossible for them to remember Dad. Father's name is already very good, but it is almost impossible to remember the name of father's father, after all, the environment here simply cannot allow the orcs to live to a natural death.

But now Chen Qi told him that this kind of thing called words can make people know their existence all the time, and can even speak to descendants who will not be able to meet in the future. This incident simply shattered the cognition of the orcs.

The scene fell into silence, and Chen Qi was not in a hurry to continue fooling around, but patiently waited for them to digest this information.

It is not so easy to accept a brand-new knowledge. More than half of Chen Qi is going to teach old females. Their average age is almost one hundred and fifty years old. Let them learn cooking or sewing. Such manual work may be okay, but there is no way for them to take the initiative to learn words, which seem to be neither usable nor edible. Maybe they will learn for the sake of the patriarch, but this passive Naturally, learning cannot be compared with active learning. Chen Qi also thought about it for a long time before he came up with a reason that they should be very interested.

After all, there is no one who does not want to leave a little trace, hoping that future generations can remember themselves, even a little bit.

After a long time, the old woman sitting next to Ah Zhu raised her head, squinted slightly and looked at Chen Qi with cloudy eyes, "My name is Ah Cheng, can you write my name for me?"

The old female named Acheng is more than two hundred years old this year, she is the oldest female in the tribe, and she is also the one who brought Azhu home and raised her. Don't look at him with gray hair and wrinkled face, but he has good bones and great strength. Two days ago, Chen Qi saw the other party easily move a stone slab that he couldn't lift at all.

Chen Qi smiled and handed the written wooden board to the other party, and the old woman gently stroked the strokes on it with her wrinkled and withered fingers, "Is this what my name looks like?"

"Yes, no matter who it is in the future, as long as they see this character, they will know that it is pronounced as 'city'."

"Then, how can I learn to write my own name?" The old female raised her head and looked at Chen Qi hopefully.

"Go to the school next door tomorrow, and I will teach you how to write." There are so many people here that it is not suitable for one-on-one teaching. Anyway, the school rooms have already been built, so it is better to open them in advance.

At this time, the others couldn't sit still anymore, and they gathered around one after another, hoping that Chen Qi could help write down his name.

Chen Qi smiled gently and responded to everyone's requests one by one. He hadn't planned to teach them any profound things on the first day, so as to arouse their interest in learning, he wrote the name and handed it to them, and then asked Ah Jing to And Carlo read them a few stories and disbanded.

"What's the matter?" Sending off the clansmen, Aze helped to pack up the things in the yard, and Ajing also brought the little wolf cub to move the piled animal skin blankets back to the house.

Chen Qi frowned, only came to his senses when he heard Aze's question, and shook his head, "I just didn't expect so many of them to have night blindness."

Chen Qi didn't notice it at first. After all, according to his original cognition, as long as people get old, their physical strength and eyesight will decline. However, although these orcs are old, they are not inferior to this young man in doing things during the day. Now they are just so A section of the road, which has been repaired, actually needs someone to help him back, and his eyesight has obviously deteriorated by more than a little compared to the daytime.

A Ze was stunned, and just about to ask, Chen Qi took his hand, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, next time we go find some food and improve everyone's diet."


As long as the orcs have something they want to do, their mobility is astonishing. They gathered in the classroom early the next morning, and Chen Qi, who came over on time, wondered if he was late. What Chen Qi decided was the morning class. After all, the memory is good in the morning, and the learning efficiency will be improved a lot.

Chen Qi distributed a writing brush and several wooden boards to each of them, and then together with Ah Jing taught them the posture of holding the brush and the stroke order of their names one by one. Even if a character has more strokes and it is not easy to write, I can only teach it in this way first.

The effect of using wooden boards to practice calligraphy is not as good as that of gum leaves, but in summer, the leaves of gum trees are green, so it is not obvious to use for writing. It would be great if you can make paper. It is not winter now, so there is no need to worry about the pulp being frozen live. Chen Qi recalled the paper making process in his mind while correcting the orcs' mistakes.

He also moved the funnel that Chen used to time the time into the classroom, and he didn't want the orcs to get bored with the study, so they were disbanded after one hour of study, and those who wanted to continue practicing calligraphy could stay Continue to practice, and those who don't want to practice can leave to do their own work.

But the tribe is currently in the construction stage, even the orcs who want to continue practicing can't stay. After asking Chen Qineng to bring the brush and fruit dye home, they hastily cleaned up and put it into the construction of the tribe.

The two clay kilns for burning bricks had been fired day and night and a batch of materials had been fired. Seeing that they were almost ready, Azhang led his men to dig the foundation of the city wall along the position discussed with Chen Qi before.

The city wall does not only have two front and back doors like the previous wall, because the area is large enough, so each of the front, rear, left, and right walls has a door, but the other three doorways are twice the size of the main entrance, and are used to meet people. It is used for escaping from the danger of an attack, and the main entrance is made large enough in consideration of the size of the prey in the forest. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if the prey that is finally hunted back cannot enter.