Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 10


Lu Yu is planning to build a territory that belongs to them together with the Matai people, but to be honest, he is only a cook, not an architect or something. It is impossible to build a house. At most, he can find a more comfortable cave as a place to stay land.

Unexpectedly, I dozed off and brought a pillow.

Lu Yu has completely forgiven the panel now, using intimacy to gain favorability.

He stared at a few lines on the panel, read and read.

the next day.

When everyone was having breakfast, Lu Yu stood up and coughed loudly twice.

The Matai put down the meat and looked up at him neatly.

Lu Yu said loudly, "I want to tell you two things."

"The first thing is that the king killed the wolf king yesterday, and I have gained a new witch ability. As long as I use meat, I can create a wound medicine. Everyone, as long as you don't get fatal injuries in the future, you won't be injured because of it." The wound was left untreated for a long time and died."

The Matai people raised their arms and cheered, "Awwhhh."

Lu Yu waited for them to finish their fun before talking about today's highlight.

"One more thing," Lu Yu paused and said excitedly, "From now on, as long as we collect some wood, stones and soil, I can build a village for us!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Yu raised his chin, waiting for another round of cheers, but he didn't hear a response for a long time, and felt a little strange.

Do the Matai people just like to live in caves? What's so good about the cave, it's damp and dark, and there's no private room yet.

"Wu," Shan Pu scratched his head and asked in confusion, "What is a village?"

Lu Yu suddenly realized that they did not understand the word village.

Lu Yu thought for a while and explained, "It means tribe, everyone can live in a house made of wood."

The Mattai's eyes lit up.


"Can we stop living in a cave?"

"We Matai also had a tribe before."

"I didn't expect a witch to build a wooden house, it's great!"

Facing the adoring eyes of the Matai people, "Our witches know everything, it's really amazing", Lu Yu was a little embarrassed. In fact, it was all thanks to Goldfinger, and he was just passing it on.

Lu Yu scratched his head, looked at Tai Lie who was seated at the top, and suggested, "My lord, I think we can split things up. Some of us go hunting, and some of us collect wood."

Tai Lie nodded, there is nothing wrong with it.


After the task was assigned, Lu Yu did not go with the hunting team, but instead acted with the material collection team, because he needed to find out what the standard of the wood and stones for the panels was.

After several experiments, the stone needs to be a cube with a side length of 40 cm. Of course, it is not so strict, and it is almost enough. The requirement for the soil is that one portion is about as much as a handful of hands, and it must be wet. There are no stones and gravel mixed in it.

Finally, there is more troublesome wood. Too thin trees will not work, and they don’t have saws for thick ones. Fortunately, the Matai manpower is as big as an ox. A piece of wood about one meter long, almost 15 centimeters so far.

In order to protect the environment, Lu Yu also buried the roots of the tree back.

It was also because of the tree splitting that Lu Yu knew that Le Shui's hands were very strong, as if he had practiced iron sand palms.

... The Matai people are really masters.

These materials, as soon as they are retrieved by the panel, are incorporated, converted into numbers on the panel.

All the Matai people were busy, and even the little Matai actively helped to find stones and dig soil.


After five or six days of hard work, they finally gathered all the materials.

With excitement, Lu Yu retrieved the last stone.

The information on the panel began to change.

[Wood 200200 Completed]

[Stone 100100 completed]

[Soil block (wet) 100100 completed]

[Successfully exchanged for primary villages, please choose a suitable place to pick up and place]

Lu Yu saw the words "suitable place", thought for a while, then turned to Tai Lie, "Wang, where do you think our village should be built?"

Tyre was silent.

Lu Yu thought he was thinking carefully.

But Xia Cao knew that their king didn't know these things at all, and he didn't want to tell Wu that he didn't understand, so he didn't speak. She smiled and took up the conversation, "I remember turning over that mountain over there. There was a place where there was a small river nearby, and because the nearby mountain was relatively steep, there weren't any large wild animals. Does the witch think it's okay?"

Sounds good.

Lu Yu said it was absolutely possible.

So after packing up their things, Lu Yu and the Matais set off to their new residence together.

After turning over a mountain, they arrived at the place Xia Cao said.

This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is quiet. Although it may take a long distance to hunt large wild animals, this is not a problem at all for the exhausted Matai people.

The decision is here. Lu Yu opened the panel and stared at the sign of "Place the Village" for a few seconds.

The phantom of a small village followed his gaze and landed on the open grass in front of him.

Lu Yu chose to confirm.

After a second, he blinked.

A complete small village has appeared in front of me out of thin air, as if it was here in the first place.

The Matai cheered loudly, they had never seen such a good place to live, even when they were a tribe of thousands of people before, they lived in a house made of wood and leaves, more like a shed.

"Aww, we have a tribe!"

"It's a village, you idiot!"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said loudly, "Let's go in!"

Matai people, "OK!!!"

There is a short fence around the small village. When the fence is opened, twelve small wooden houses are built scattered inside. The wooden houses are still simple, but they look quite solid and stable.

Tai Lie asked everyone to look at it separately, after all, a cabin cannot accommodate so many people.

Lu Yu, Tai Lie, and Shan Pu also chose a cabin and walked in.

The cabin had doors and windows, but it was empty inside, with no furniture.

Lu Yu was also mentally prepared. After all, it was a low-level village, so it would be nice to have a place to stay.

The structure of the house is very simple. The entrance looks like a hall, and there are two small rooms on the left and right, making a total of four rooms.

In the small room, there was a low plank bed leaning against the wall, enough for two people to sleep.

Lu Yu was very happy, finally he didn't have to sleep on the ground. When sleeping in the cave, even though the leaves were covered, he still felt bugs crawling on his body.

After the house is finished, the distribution begins.

The principle of distribution is that a family lives in one house, and if there are no family members, they live together.

"Wu, where do you want to live?" Xia Cao asked with a smile. After asking, she quickly added another sentence, "Wu, it's better to live with others. It’s safer to live together, excluding any wild beasts intruding in unintentionally.”

Lu Yu smiled, "Okay."

The Matai crowd became agitated, more excited than just seeing the village, and actively recommended themselves.

"Live with me and live with me!"

"Wu come and live with me! I can protect you!"

"Go away! Wuta's feet stink! Live with me, I don't have feet..."

"Go away too! You snore! Or me..."

So enthusiastic.

Lu Yu's heart warmed up, and he didn't know what to do, "This..."

Xia Cao glanced at Wang, who had a gloomy face but refused to say a word, pursed her lips and smiled, and suggested to Lu Yu, "Wu, why don't you live with Wang, Wang doesn't have smelly feet, and he doesn't snore, and you can live with him." I can best protect you."

Lu Yu: ...

He was a little hesitant, but it wasn't anything else, but Tai Lie was the king of Matai after all, and he had no conditions before, but now he has conditions, so he should let the king live in a room alone.

"I… "

"That's it." Tai Lie said abruptly.

Lu Yu turned to look at him in surprise.

Tai Lie looked indifferent, "You are a witch."

In fact, it's not because of this, he wants to live with Lu Yu, and he can't see him living with others. It's just that I can't say that, so I found this reason.

Lu Yu suddenly understood!

Yes, he is a witch.

He had already asked who the witch was from Matai's mouth.

Indeed, with the status of a witch, living with the king and being protected by him is also appropriate.

Lu Yu didn't hesitate any longer, and just agreed, since he didn't know who to live with anyway.

Tai Lie and Lu Yu lived in the wooden house in the middle of the small village. Of course, they lived in two rooms.

The Matai people lived in this small village and gradually adapted to life here.

The Matai who were in charge of hunting also found a suitable hunting place.

They also divided into several groups, taking turns to move around in different places.

On this day, Shanpu led several people to kill a fat wild boar, and happily carried the wild boar back.

Behind the big tree not far away, a black and thin man wearing an animal skin skirt, with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, was staring at them closely...

Hucan tribe.

Kneeling on the ground, he said respectfully, "Boss, I have checked clearly."

A faint voice came from the shadows, "How?"

"This tribe is located in the light wind valley, and the population is very small, only sixty or seventy."

"How is the combat power?"

"Not at all." Thieves sneered with disdain, "I watched them for three days and found that they were the same people who went out to hunt all the time. Although they looked stronger, this must be the entire fighting power of their tribe."

The person in the shadow said with satisfaction, "Very well, you go and get someone to prepare for a few days. This kind of small tribe can just be robbed and killed."


Shan Pu carried the wild boar back to the village.

A Matai man came up and put his arms around his shoulders, "Hahaha, thank you Shan Pu."

Shan Pu snorted and shook off his arms, "We didn't go hunting in the farthest place for nothing, you should give us the meat of Wu Kao tonight."

"Okay, okay..."