Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 104


A few days ago, Lu Yu called a Matai man and told him that he wanted him to go to the Plain of Ten Thousand Beasts again.

"... Apart from seeing what's going on in Ten Thousand Beasts, there is one more important thing, I want you to ask the leader of Zhuhua." Lu Yu said.

"Witch you say."

Lu Yu pondered for a while, "I want you to ask the leader Zhuhua about the witches of the three tribes."


Lu Yu, "Yes, that witch..."

Back to the present time.

The Matai people said, "The leader Zhuhua said that he was not the leader of the tribe more than ten years ago, he was just an ordinary warrior, and he was rarely taken to the Plain of Beasts by the leader at that time, but he said he remembered that at that time, three There seems to be some big movement in the big tribe. Once he was sent out by the leader to do something at night, and then he accidentally saw the soldiers of the brigade going out. But because they were in the outer layer, they didn't know much about what happened inside. By the way, at that time, there were only people from the three major tribes in the Ten Thousand Beasts."

Lu Yu's voice had turned cold, "Go on."

The Matai people vaguely sensed something, looked at Lu Yu uneasily, and continued, "Then I asked about the witches of the three tribes, and the leader of Zhuhua said that he had only heard about that witch at that time, and had never seen it. However, he has a high status in the three major tribes, but it seems that for some reason, he went to another land during a big drift, "

Lu Yu asked, "About what time?"

The Matai people said, "The leader of Zhuhua said that it was the great drift nine years ago, because the exodus of the witch was a major event. There is a saying that the three tribes lost to other lands in a certain gladiatorial fight, so the witch was sent away. I gave it to them, but the leader of Zheng Hua said that he didn’t think so, because at that time the three major tribes valued witches more than anything else, and even if the tribe disappeared, their leaders would not give witches to others, so it was probably Wu wants to leave by himself..."

Lu Yu sneered, "Of course he has to go."

The Matai continued, "Later, the witch came back again, but it was not this big drift, but a big drift four years ago. After returning, he left again somehow. This time, the big drift came back again. Yes Yes, the leader Zheng Hua said, that is, four years ago, the three major tribes had some very powerful fighters, and these fighters successfully resisted the beast tide, which is why the other tribes were led by Wanshou and wanted to live in Wanshou. the beast, for it is very safe there."

Lu Yu's lips were pursed into a sharp straight line, and his eyes had completely cooled down.

Matai people, "the leader of Zhuhua said that he knows so much. If you still want to know about that witch, he will help you inquire about it. But he said that when this great drift is over, they will immediately catch up with you." Go back to your tribe."

Lu Yu frowned, "Because there are people from other lands everywhere, the three major tribes can restrain themselves a bit. If they leave after the Great Drift is over, they won't be afraid of being ambushed on the road like other tribes?"

The Matai people said, "The leader of Zhuhua is afraid of this, so he dare not leave now, but if the great drift is coming to an end soon, if he still does not leave, it is estimated that the three major tribes will have no cover and will kill them directly They. Leader Zhuhua asked me to tell Wu you, if it is convenient, can you help them, they will give us the greatest reward they can give, because only we left the beasts safely... "

Lu Yu and the others left suddenly, and they were very careful and fast. The three tribes probably didn't have time to take any measures.

Lu Yu asked, "How many people are there?"

The Matai people said, "In addition to the tribe of the leader Zhuhua and his two friends, there are several small tribes that did not agree to the conditions of the three major tribes. They are all in the camp behind the rocks by the sea, with about three or four hundred people. Although Together they are quite a force, but it is still not enough for the three major tribes with powerful fighters."

Finally, the Matai asked softly, "Wu, are we going to save them?"

Lu Yu eased the solemn look on his face, and said seriously, "Wang and I will think carefully about it."

The Matai people said they would obey any arrangements made by Lu Yu and Tai Lie. After finishing all the news, he left.

Lu Yu closed the door and turned around.

"Taylor, I think our guess can be confirmed..."

Tai Lie sat there quietly, wiping the iron ax in his hand unhurriedly, his whole body was surrounded by the wind and rain.

Lu Yu, "Back then, only the three tribes with powerful warriors were able to dispatch so many people to attack Matai, and the reason is ready to be revealed."


Lu Yu still remembered how Xia Cao explained to him at the beginning why the Matai people didn't like foreigners.

"... Seeing that they couldn't beat them slowly, they recruited people from other tribes, saying that if they eat our flesh and drink our blood, they can live forever."

Xia Cao's words were still echoing in his ears. At that time, Lu Yu thought that someone accidentally discovered the specialness of the Matai people, which caused the disaster. Now that he thinks about it, it is estimated that someone is deliberately looking for these special people behind the scenes, as well as Zha Zhe's people...

At the end of the day, it's just someone wanting a longer life that they shouldn't have.

Whatever he wanted was fine, but he frantically used the lives of tens of thousands of people to make up for his own.

Tai Lie stood up, expressionless, "I'll catch him back."

Lu Yu shook his head, "Let's not say that we don't know where that person is at all, even if he is in the inner layer of myriad beasts, you can see him at a glance, but that person "loves life" so much, and now he must be the one who transformed him A powerful warrior who came out, you can't get close to him."

If someone else told him, Tai Lie definitely wouldn't listen to a single word, but he listened to every word of Lu Yu's words, and he barely suppressed the bloodthirst in his eyes, "How are you doing?"

"The war with the three major tribes, we are determined, but we need to be fully prepared, the revenge must be avenged, but, Tai Lie, after the revenge, we have to lead the Matai people to continue to live well. No, so we can't trade our lives for his, it's not worth it." Lu Yu said.

"Okay." Tai Lie nodded.

Lu Yu walked over, put his hand on his shoulder, stood on tiptoe, and kissed his thin lips, "Everything will be fine, trust me."

After the two discussed it, Lu Yu held a meeting.

This meeting included not only the Matai people and Basin people, but also the leader of the Blackwater tribe, Mao Pu.

After getting along and working together for one or two months, the people in the basin have basically accepted the people of the Blackwater tribe. The main reason is that they found that the most ruthless people who oppressed them before have disappeared. Now the Blackwater tribe The people are very kind to them, not only kind, but also cautious and subtle. After the people in the basin saw it clearly, they naturally let go of their knots.

Lu Yu's meeting this time mainly talked about rescuing Zhuhua and the others, and preparing for war with the three major tribes.

Lu Yu paused and said, "Old Fang, don't worry, as long as everyone stays in the city, you should be fine and won't hurt you." They and the Blackwater Tribe had communicated a long time ago, and they dealt with the direction of the three tribes. It is the same, but the people in the basin, in the final analysis, have no grievances with the three major tribes, and Lu Yu does not want to involve them.

Fang Lao said indifferently, "Deputy leader, have you forgotten that we are Taiyu's affiliated tribe, there is no reason why Taiyu is fighting in the front, we hide in the back and watch. Everyone has eaten well recently and their strength is getting better." As we get older, we can always help a little bit, or does the deputy leader think we are useless? We can only hold back?"

Lu Yu hurriedly said, "Of course not, it's just that I promised everyone to lead a good life, I don't want to..."

Elder Fang waved his hand and stopped Lu Yu's unfinished words, "You have helped us enough, this is your kindness, not what you should do, and, I remember you said one word to me - share weal and woe. How can we have good fortune but not suffer together? If you think that what I say is worthless, you can ask anyone in the basin if they are willing to fight with Taeyu. I dare say that there will never be anyone Say no."

Fang Lao smiled, "Besides, we have confidence in Taiyu, and we won't lose against the three major tribes!"

Lu Yu was silent for a long time, and finally he could only speak solemnly.

"I see, the basin tribe will participate in this battle."

Because this big drift is the largest in so many years, it lasted for a long time, but more than two months is already the limit.

Zhu Hua looked at the sea that was getting more and more unsettled, and his heart was also choppy and restless.

"Zhu Hua, do you think the Taiyu tribe will come back to help us?" Jin Chang, the leader of the Jin tribe who was with Zhu Hua, asked worriedly.

Compared to his uneasiness, Zhu Hua seemed very confident, "Vice Chief Lu will think about it carefully. When they left, didn't they tell me that if we had difficulties, they would help us?"

Jin Chang said, "However, this matter is too serious. Maybe they won't be able to go back after they come. I don't deny the strength of their tribal fighters, but you have seen the three major tribes, and their fighters are also very strong." Powerful, and more and more people... "

Zhu Hua frowned, "Are there more today?"

Chief Jin nodded and said hesitantly, "That's right, and I found something, I don't know if it's important..."

Zhu Hua, "Say it quickly."

Jin Chang said, "I saw a few warriors from the three major tribes at the seaside today. I always thought they looked familiar. They looked a bit like people from the Gaohui tribe, but they were much stronger, with bulging flesh all over their bodies. , the Gaohui tribe doesn’t have such powerful fighters.”

Zhu Hua thought about it.

Seeing that Zhu Hua didn't speak, Jin Chang thought that he also felt that it was unreliable to ask Lu Yu to save them, so he sighed, "What are the three major tribes doing? They are so ruthless that they don’t give us any chance of survival.”

But after all, Jin Chang never intends to go back and surrender to the three major tribes.

"Oh, let's leave it to fate." Jin Chang said weakly.