Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 37


For a moment, Lu Yu thought he was blind.

He blinked his eyes, and the blurry darkness in front of his eyes finally became clearer, and the outline of uneven stones appeared.

This place seems to be... a cave

"Hiss—" Lu Yu snorted lightly.

With the clarity of his eyes, his body's pain sense also recovered, and he immediately felt the severe pain in his waist.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and touched his waist lightly.

One sticky hand, full of blood.

The bite wound was still there, and it hurt when touched, so painful that he wanted to die immediately.

However, it is estimated that the red medicine stuffed into his mouth before he passed out had an effect, otherwise he would have bled to death long ago.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu took out a few more red medicines from the ring and ate them.

After taking the red medicine, he felt a little more comfortable, so that Lu Yu could separate his mind from the pain and think about his current situation.

The lion brought him here, but for some reason, he didn't eat him right away, but left him alone in this cave.

Lu Yu propped himself up and sat up, looking around for a week.

The hole was quite deep, and the entrance of the hole seemed to be blocked by weeds or something, so when he woke up, he felt so dark in front of him.

It looks like a natural cave, with no traces of people living there, but the smell of wild animals is very strong, and there are some broken bones and flesh in the corner of the cave.

Lu Yu frowned.

Why, is this still the secret base of the bald lion

Then again, how did the bald lion find him

Lu Yu is not good at fighting, and he is very good at hiding. He can lie in one place for a long time without moving. Not only is he covered with a thick grass coat, but he also specially uses a kind of grass juice to cover up the smell on his body. , with such a set, even before he met the Matai people, he had never been directly found by wild beasts like this...

No matter, now is not the time to think about this, let's go quickly.

Before leaving, Lu Yu looked down at his wound. He wondered if it was because he was injured too badly. Usually, a single red medicine can completely heal the wound. He took several pills. Although the wound shrunk a lot, but No one has fully recovered, and the pain is still there.

never mind.

Lu Yu took a deep breath, got up from the ground, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Maybe today he fell under the spell of Murphy's Law.

The more you worry about something happening, the more likely it will happen.

Before he took two steps, he heard the sound of beasts walking from the entrance of the cave.

Lu Yu felt a chill in his heart.

The bald lion is back!

Lu Yu gritted his teeth.

No matter why the bald lion didn't eat him directly just now, but he didn't think that this hateful lion would let him go.

For the present plan, we can only fight with it.

Lu Yu is not the type who will sit still, but this ()

Lu Yu took out a stone spear and a piece of armor dropped from hunting wild animals from the ring. This piece of armor was a leather vest. Even higher. Originally, Lu Yu wanted to give this vest to the hunting team, but Tai Lie insisted on giving it to him...


Lu Yu's hand holding the vest tightened, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly put on the vest, holding the stone spear tightly with both hands, aiming at the hole...

Tai Lie led the Matai people all the way to the place where Lu Yu disappeared.

Cheng Ping pointed to the boulder, breathless, "Wang, this is here."

Tai Lie knelt down on one knee and picked up a bloody leaf from among the messy branches and leaves on the ground.

Looking at the leaf, Xia Cao felt anxious and painful, "Is the witch injured..."

From the arm to the back of the hand, Tai Lie's veins bulged.

My mind is full of scenes of deer fish being injured. He was already weak, and he didn't feel any pain like them. He was injured, and he didn't know how to suffer...

For the first time in his life, Tai Lie felt pain.

Not physical pain, but heartache.

Thinking of that gentle man who laughed all day long, lying covered in blood somewhere he couldn't see, and even being killed by wild animals...

The violence in Tai Lie's body was almost uncontrollable, and his pupils were bloodshot.

"My lord, you..." Seeing more and more bloodstains on Tai Lie's body, Xia Cao felt anxious.

"I'm fine." Tai Lie barely suppressed the desire to destroy in his heart, his voice was as cold as ice, he picked up a long golden hair that was stuck on a leaf, and twisted it, "It's a lion."

Cheng Ping stepped forward and said affirmatively, "Yes! We are here to hunt a group of lions today! It is very likely that one of them found the witch and took him away!" At this point, Cheng Ping was very annoyed that they should have left alone Those who came to protect Wu, if anything happened to Wu, it must be their fault.

Tai Lie stood up and ordered, "All disperse and look for lions."

The Matai roared, "Yes!!"

Xia Cao hesitated, "Wang, if not..."

Tai Lie knew what she wanted to say, and said expressionlessly, "If you still can't find him, kill all the beasts here, one by one, you will find him."

Xia Cao raised serious eyebrows, "Understood."

Not only the king, they will not let it go if they can't find a witch.

Wu has healing pills on him, and he will definitely hold on until they go to rescue him.

It must be so.

At this moment, Xia Cao is unwilling to think about the worst outcome, and can only firmly believe that Wu will work hard to survive...


Lu Yu was indeed trying to survive.

As soon as he finished putting on his equipment, a huge male lion walked in with strides.

Although the light was a bit dim, Lu Yu could still see clearly that this lion was the bald lion.

Lu Yu clenched the stone spear tightly, bent down, and stared at the lion's movements for a moment.

The lion also found Lu Yu.

It seemed a little strange, how could this person who had been bitten to death by it come back to life again.

"Roar—" the lion stood still and let out a low growl.

I don't know if the sharp stone spear in Lu Yu's hand played a role, but the bald lion didn't rush forward immediately.

Lu Yu didn't relax his vigilance, his nerves were tense.

He knows he only has one chance.

If when the lion pounced on him, he didn't insert the stone spear into its vitals, but instead was bitten by it again, at that time, he would definitely have no ability to resist again.

The stone spear didn't frighten the sharp lion for too long, after a while, the lion roared and jumped towards Lu Yu.

Just in time!

Like wolves, lions are known as "copper-headed iron-mouthed tofu waist". Even if they hit the eyes, they can only poke one. In other places, they probably can't even pierce the fur, only the waist and abdomen.

Lu Yu fell back almost as soon as the lion moved, and at the same time raised his stone spear and stabbed it hard.

At this time, the bald lion was also about to leap over him, and the stone spear pierced into the bald lion's belly.

Lu Yu was overjoyed.

It's done!

But before he was happy for two seconds, he discovered that the stone spear had only been inserted into a small head, and it couldn't go in anymore.

Lu Yu: ...

What is this!

Is his stone spear too bad, or is this lion wearing equipment? This is too much!

Not having time to think so much, Lu Yu hurriedly slid forward.

The bald lion landed gracefully on all fours, shook its fur, and turned around slowly.

Seeing its relaxed appearance, Lu Yu almost thought that he just tickled the lion just now...

Lu Yu swallowed, holding the seemingly useless stone spear, and moved back in small steps.

The bald lion scratched its face with its paws, let out a low growl, and pounced on it again.

This time it lowered the height of the leap, obviously it would not give Lu Yu another chance to slide away from below.

In close combat, holding a long stone spear is to die. Lu Yu threw away the stone spear without hesitation and fought the lion with his bare hands.

Thanks to training for one night at the Dreamland Training Ground, he could walk back and forth with the lion twice, but soon, he was still pinned down by the lion.

Lu Yu pinched the lion's neck with his hands, watching the bloody mouth getting closer and closer, his heart felt cold.



The birds in the forest were startled.

Tai Lie raised his head violently and looked forward.


The muscles of Tai Lie's whole body tensed up, and he rushed forward suddenly.

Ignoring all the thorns and bushes, even if his skin was scratched or he stepped on sharp stones, his speed did not slow down at all.


After Lu Yu finished shouting, his strength was gradually exhausted. Seeing that the vile lion was about to bite off his neck, Lu Yu became angry and bit the lion's front leg with his head sideways.

Even if he died, he would have to take a piece of the lion's flesh with him.

Tai Lie and the others will definitely come to look for him. If they find the bite marks of human teeth on the lion's legs, they will definitely know that it is the murderer!

Thinking of Tai Lie, Lu Yu felt sour.

In the morning, he was still deliberately avoiding Tai Lie, but now he didn't expect that he was the one he missed the most.

It's not because I miss him because I didn't hunt with him and was taken away by wild animals, but if he died, Tai Lie might be really sad...

He couldn't think of Tai Lie's sad appearance, but when Xia Cao mentioned that night ten years ago, Tai Lie was more angry and violent than sad, because of his natural personality, he didn't seem to be sad. But Lu Yu just felt that if he died, Tai Lie would be sad...

In fact, if he was a woman, probably, he would have accepted Tai Lie long ago.

Well, even men...

At this moment, Lu Yu didn't want to deliberately suppress that faint thought in his heart.

He really doesn't hate Tyler.

When Tai Lie revealed that feeling, although he tried his best to deny it and refuse it, but he didn't hate it...

When a man confesses to you, he is only shy and flustered, but not disgusted. It’s not that he doesn’t know what it means. It’s just that he hasn’t experienced it before, so he’s really at a loss...

When I came out with Shan Pu and the others today, I also wanted to think about it and manage my emotions, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Maybe, there is no fate...

Damn, fate, fate, he has traveled from the 23rd century to this primitive society, how could there be no fate!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu was suddenly very angry.

With force in his mouth, he knocked his teeth and gnawed off a piece of meat directly.

As soon as he bit it, Lu Yu almost spat it out. The strong smell of blood mixed with stench filled his mouth, which was torture for a cook who is very picky about food.

Lu Yu was about to spit out when he suddenly paused.

Wait, the taste of this lion meat is so weird, it seems to have been eaten somewhere...

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yufu suddenly remembered that he really ate it! Just a second before he passed through, he was trying to eat a plate of weird meat made by a contestant. He still remembered the taste. It was not as bloody, but the taste was exactly the same.

In other words, after eating that piece of meat, he...
