Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 41


Lu Yu didn't cook all the lion meat for everyone to add to the meal. He left a piece of leg meat and planned to use an indigenous method to store the meat in case of any unexpected needs in the future.

He first put salt powder on the surface of the meat finely, and found a cool place that would not be exposed to the sun and put it away.

In fact, not only the lion meat this time, but also some bacon and cured meat should be considered for storage.

Lu Yu put the meat away, thinking that he could make a rack for drying the meat tomorrow. This is very simple, he can do it himself.

After finishing this work, he went outside and checked whether all the bonfires were extinguished, and if they were not extinguished, they were watched by night watchmen. The Matai people have not seen fire yet, and they don't know how terrible it is to burn alive. He needs to keep a close eye on it.

After everything was tidied up and washed briefly, Lu Yu returned to his cabin, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

A vast white mist.

Lu Yu skillfully found the wooden house of the [main control room], opened the door and walked in, calling out the game panel.

[Elementary Combat Training Ground]

[Number of people entering: 57]

[Existing training items: array/fighting/bow/equestrian/physical fitness]

[Please select an open project]

Except for the night watchmen, everyone, including Shitou Xiaoshui, entered the training ground. After all, they are different from ordinary children. Although Lu Yu hopes that they can have a happy childhood, he also hopes that they can become strong as soon as possible and protect themselves.

Lu Yu clicked to enter the number of people.

A string of lists with avatars expands vertically.

It's like a friend list in a chat software.

The avatar was automatically taken by the panel when Lu Yu selected the participants during the day.

Lu Yu first selected Zha Zhe and Shitou Xiaoshui and other children, and arranged physical fitness events for them, then picked out Xiacao and a few female Matai people, and arranged bow and arrow events for them, and the rest, except Thai Lie, they all arranged to go to fighting events.

These were all discussed with them beforehand.

Lu Yu also used his little game knowledge.

warrior = tank

archer = output

He is a nurse in charge of producing red medicine...

And Tai Lie, Lu Yu arranged for him to go to the formation project to have a look.

In fact, in Lu Yu's thinking, formations were used in large-scale battlefields involving tens of thousands of people in ancient times. There are only about sixty Matai people now. It is estimated that formations will not be used yet, but let's take a look first. Well, maybe we can learn something.

After all arrangements were made, Lu Yu went to the physical fitness event by himself.

Physical fitness events are different from fighting events, mainly for various basic exercises.

Lu Yu went to the dreams of different people, and the panel intelligently formulated some exercise programs and duration according to each person's different physical conditions, but they all seemed very basic, probably because the training ground was still very low-level.

After a heart-pounding day, he was still working hard in his dream at night. Lu Yu also worked very hard.


Lu Yu woke up leisurely, and just about to stretch, he felt some sore muscles in his arms.

It's the kind of residual pain after strenuous exercise, but it's not that uncomfortable, like being massaged well. Although this is very comfortable, the effect should be greatly reduced.

Lu Yu got up in good spirits, went out, washed his face with water, and brushed his teeth with a plant with small burrs, dipped in salt powder. He has seen the Matai people brush their teeth, they use a kind of berry to squeeze the juice into their mouths, hold it for a while, then spit it out, and rinse their mouths with water several times. Lu Yu also tried it, but the taste of the berry juice was very weird, he was not used to it, so he still used his own method.

After washing his face, he went to look at the meat that was put away last night, and turned the meat over.

Let it dry for two or three days before proceeding to the next step.

Lu Yu didn't go hunting with the hunting team today. Besides he had other things to do, the Matai people also put on a guard. He just said "hunting today..." and Shanpu and the others just said Jump so far.

"Wu, you were frightened yesterday, you should rest well today."

"Yes, hunting or something, we are enough."

"We will come back with a lot of prey, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Yeah yeah… "

Even Xia Cao, who always respected his opinions, came out to speak, "Wu, you can rest in the village today..."

Lu Yu looked at their panicked faces, and felt a little amused, "I didn't say I was going, but I just told you to be careful in hunting, don't leave alone, Shan Pu is the same, don't lure the beast too far."

Hearing this, the Matai people collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yu shared the red medicine with them.

After seeing off the hunting team, Lu Yu asked Shang Xiacao to go to the basin.

However, instead of going directly into the basin, he looked around.

The location of the basin is not big or small, and it is more than enough to accommodate hundreds of people, but it will be very crowded if you have to farm. So he needs to find suitable land for growing rice around him.

Fortunately, there is a lot of flat land around here.

After taking a good look at the land, Lu Yucai went to the basin, greeted the people inside, and asked them to gather everyone together, and those who went out to collect wild fruits, fish and collect materials were also brought back.

Someone wondered, "Did you summon us for something?"

Lu Yu cut to the chase, "I'm here today to tell you a few things. The first thing is that I'm actually a witch."

Lu Yu also considered whether to tell the people in the basin about Wu's identity. He has taught the people in the basin a lot of things before, and demonstrated his unique abilities. If someone wants to harm him, it doesn't matter if he says he is a witch or not. If everyone can work together and no one has ulterior motives, then his identity as a witch will strengthen the cohesion, and most importantly, it will make them trust him more.

Some people didn't know why, and seemed to not understand what Lu Yu was talking about. Some well-informed people covered their mouths and exclaimed, "You are a witch!"

Lu Yu nodded.

Those who knew what the witch represented hurriedly explained to the people around them.

"Witches are very powerful people" "They can predict the weather and cure diseases" "Very rare, even big tribes don't necessarily have witches" "I can be considered alive"

Lu Yu tried to keep smiling.

Seeing that everyone understood almost everything, he cleared his throat, "Ahem, the second thing is to tell everyone that I can teach you how to grow a kind of food. This kind of food can harvest a lot and make everyone full. , and can be stored for a long time.”

Everyone wondered, "Kind?"

Lu Yu briefly explained to them what planting is.

Everyone was overwhelmed with surprise, and some of them blushed, "Is it really possible to grow, grow food?"

Lu Yu smiled, "It's really possible. In fact, those wild fruits and vegetables can also be grown, but those can't be stored for a long time, and they won't fill you up."

Everyone clenched their fists, so excited that they didn't know what to do. They were originally slaves of the Blackwater Tribe, living at the bottom. Their daily food was some wild fruits they found by themselves. The wild fruits were full of water, so they couldn’t get enough to eat. Some of them even wanted to eat dirt when they were so hungry. Now someone actually tells them that food can be grown, not only can it grow a lot, but it can also be stored.

At this moment, if Lu Yu didn't call him a witch, they even thought he was a god.

Lu Yu continued, "I've already found the land where rice can be planted. I'll take you to see it later and teach you how to plant it. Now, besides this, I want to tell you one more thing."

Everyone still hadn't recovered from the excitement and ecstasy just now, and asked in a daze, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yu asked, "Is there anyone here who can make utensils and weapons?"

People shook their heads, and some people said in frustration, "We can only grind some simple stone tools, stone flakes and stone cones. For weapons, stone axes and spears are barely enough..." Those better stone tools and weapons, they don't know, no Local studies, and no one will teach them.

Lu Yu, "I can teach you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience was silent for a few seconds, and then everyone became restless.

"What, what?! You can even do this?"

Everyone in the basin was completely shocked.

Lu Yu looked serious, "I will teach you how to make these things in your dreams tonight, don't be surprised if you see anything, just follow along."

Someone swallowed, "Are you... studying in a dream?"

Lu Yu was serious, "We all have other things to do during the day, and it can save time and be more convenient in our dreams."

"Oh, that's it, okay, no problem."

Everyone in the basin can't say anything else now, they can only say yes blankly. Today's shock to them is too great.

Not only can they eat their stomachs easily in the future, but they can also learn how to make utensils and weapons.

A person bumped the people around him with his elbow, "Hey, the deer just now... no, did you hear what Wu said? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

The person beside him rolled his eyes, "You can't dream of such a good thing in your dreams."

"That's right, hahaha, that means it's all true!" The man laughed wildly.

Lu Yu waited for them to calm down before taking them to the place he was looking for. It is not easy to plant rice well. They don't have farm tools now, they rely on manpower and simple stone tools, and there are only those rice seeds, so Lu Yu taught them very carefully, and before he knew it, a day passed.

Lu Yu returned to the village beating his waist, saying that he was teaching, but in fact he had bent over to plant rice for a day, and he had not done this kind of work for a long time.

Xia Cao worried, "Wu, is your waist okay?"

Lu Yu smiled, "It's okay, just a little tired."

After returning from hunting, Tai Lie put down the prey on his shoulders, raised his head, and saw Lu Yu rubbing his waist, talking to Xia Cao reluctantly with a smile, frowned, and walked over, "What happened?"

The two turned their heads.

Xia Cao suddenly remembered something, her eyes lit up, and she said to Lu Yu, "Wu, why don't you let the king rub it for you!"

Lu Yu looked blank, "Huh?"

Xia Cao, "Wang knows this! Shanpu and the others always hurt their legs, waist, and running, and it was Wang who rubbed and massaged them! It will be fine soon!"

Lu Yu came to his senses and waved his hands like a fan, "No need, no need."

Just a touch yesterday, he would... If it was a real massage...

Xia Cao was very caring and gentle persuasion, "Wu, I know that you are definitely reluctant to take pills for this kind of minor injury, but what should you do if the minor injury becomes a major injury? It's better to rub and press it."

Lu Yu stammered, "I, I can—" He was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Luyu, come to the stone house at night." Tai Lie said lightly.