Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 76: Honey


Little cutie, it shows that you don't love the author enough. Wenwen hides shyly

Lu Yu would think that the big gray wolf would drop blueprints, not his imagination. Once he saw a giant black vulture hovering in the sky from a distance. This vulture was the leader of the tiger-head vulture, and the item dropped was [C-level armor-piercing arrow manufacturing blueprint]

By analogy, the Big Gray Wolf King's drop of [Red Medicine Manufacturing Blueprint] is almost indistinguishable.

Lu Yu told Tai Lie and other Matai people about this matter in his own way.

"I need to see the Big Gray Wolf King to be sure." Lu Yu added.

The Matai people have seen their witch's supernatural powers, and they firmly believe in him, and they are very excited to have a steady stream of healing pills. But only Tai Lie can make the decision.

Tai Lie looked serious, "Go back and talk about it."

Lu Yu nodded. This matter is not something that can be decided at once. Where is the Big Gray Wolf King, how to find it, and how to kill him if he finds it, all have to be discussed carefully.

After collecting enough wild peppers, they picked some wild vegetables somewhere in the jungle, and Lu Yu was surprised to find ginger and garlic. When I came back, I passed the lake, picked up a lot of salt rocks, and caught more than a dozen plump fresh fish.

The sun rose to the highest point in the sky, and a little smoke rose from the Matai cave.

There are four large bonfires, all of which are grilled with sizzling and fragrant barbecue.

Lu Yu told the Matai people the method and key points of the barbecue twice, distributed the condiments to them, and guided them for a while, then went to a small bonfire built by Shan Pu to grill fish.

The boy Lu Yu gave the little red medicine, Shi Shi, and the little girl Lu Yu fed, Xiao Shui. The two sat around Lu Yu's bonfire with five or six little Matai.

Lu Yu smiled, "Don't you want to eat meat?" Just now when the other Matai heard that he wanted to grill fish, they all shook their heads and said that the fish tasted too fishy and had thorns, and they didn't want to eat it at all.

The little radish heads shook their heads. "I want to eat something made by a witch."

What a smart little baby.

Lu Yu readily agreed, "Okay."

He put a thin stone slab on the fire, put a piece of fat like meat on it, heated it, and boiled the oil. Stir the crushed seasoning and salt together, and carefully rub it on the processed fish.

As soon as the fish was placed on the slate, it made a hissing sound.

Lu Yu paid attention to the heat, turning the fish over with bamboo slices from time to time.

After ten minutes, the fish is almost done.

He raised his head and found that the Matai were surrounded by saliva.

Lu Yu: ...

One person got a small piece of fish.

The fish meat is delicate and smooth, and Lu Yu added some wild peppers, put it in the mouth, and the fresh, fragrant, and spicy taste instantly melted on the tip of the tongue.

Shanpu was the first to express his thoughts, and said with a shocked face: "This, too, is so delicious!!!"

The other Matai nodded frantically in agreement.

"It's really delicious!! It's not fishy at all!"

"It's even more tender than barbecue!"

"I like eating fish!"

Compliments are useless!

Lu Yu drove them away mercilessly, "I don't like it anymore, they can only eat stones, go eat your barbecue."

The Matai people were reluctant to part, and walked away with three steps.

Lu Yu gave the fish to little Matai, hesitated for a moment, put the big one of the remaining two in a leaf, walked up to Tai Lie who had finished eating the meat and was handling the fox fur, and put it in his hand on the stone.

I wanted to say something, but in the end I could only hold back, "Your Majesty, eat while it's hot."

After speaking, without waiting for the reaction of the person in front of him, he turned around and ran away.

If you want to live well in the Matai tribe, it is of course necessary to please the Matai king. Lu Yu took it for granted.

"Wang, are you full?" Shan Pu leaned over, licking his face. He didn't want to steal the king's food, but the fish was so delicious that he couldn't help it.

Without saying a word, Tai Lie threw the half-skinned fox into his arms, wiped off the blood on his hands with a leaf, and chewed the fish bit by bit.

Shan Pu stared at it regretfully, and when Wang was about to look at him coldly, he hurried away with the fox in his arms.

After the meal, all the Matai people sat together in a semicircle to discuss the matter of killing the wolf king.

Lu Yu, "Find it first."

A Matai said: "Actually, the wolf king is not difficult to find. The wolf pack will disperse during the day, patrol and mark the territory. As long as we find one and follow it, we will see the wolf king at night."

Lu Yu nodded.

"But there are many wolves around the wolf king, so it's hard to kill." The Matai man added.

"Yeah yeah." The other Matai agreed. Although they can resist the attack of the wolves, it is another matter to take the initiative to kill the wolf king hiding behind all the wolves.

Lu Yu rested his chin, pondered for a moment, then raised his head, "Then, how about another wolf attack?"

The Mattai looked at him blankly, "Huh?"

Lu Yu revealed his plan: "Let's make preparations, restrain the other wolves, and let a few people sneak up on the wolf king from behind."

"But... we don't know when the wolves will come again." Someone questioned.

Lu Yu didn't answer, but turned to Shanpu and asked a question, "Shanpu, we finished the barbecue yesterday, did you take care of it?"

Shan Pu was stunned, scratched his head, and whispered in shame, "No, no..." He was in charge of disposing of the leftover bones and dregs last night, but because he was too full yesterday and was excited, he took a lazy , did not carefully throw away the bone dregs.

Lu Yu, "Last night, the wind blew up..."

And because of this wind, the taste was brought to the wolves who might not have had enough to eat, causing a large number of wolves to attack.

Tai Lie frowned, and said sharply, "Shan Pu, you have attracted wolves."

Shan Pu also came to his senses at this moment, he walked up to Tai Lie, knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and said in a muffled voice, "King, I am willing to accept the punishment."

A few Matai people also came out and knelt down with him, "We are willing too." They should have dealt with Shanpu together, but they were also lazy.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu didn't say anything. If you do something wrong, you should be punished.

But now the point is not that.

Lu Yu suggested, "Wang, let's talk about this matter later, shall we discuss the matter of besieging and killing the Wolf King first?"

Tai Lie glanced at him, and told Shan Pu and the others to sit back first.

Seeing that everyone has no objection to the attack on the wolf king, Lu Yu cleared his throat, "So, we need to find a suitable place to lure the wolf, and then select a few people. If I can use the ability of the witch to get treasures from the wolf king , we will hunt and kill the wolf king, and if we can’t, we will run away, do you think this is okay?”

The Matai people nodded.

Just as Lu Yu was about to say that's the deal, Tai Lie suddenly spoke.


What qualifications do you, an out-and-out primitive man, have to say! They all look like they rolled in a garbage dump, who is more like a savage! How are they divided, you bastard!

Lu Yu showed a friendly smile, trying to explain that he was not a savage with his first-level Mandarin, "Well, look, I'm well dressed, and my hair was washed with the water from the river to the east yesterday—"

"Shan Pu, what are you doing?" A deep voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Lu Yu frowned and swallowed back what he hadn't finished speaking. I had a bad premonition in my heart.

He turned around stiffly.

All the Matai people who were hundreds of meters away had surrounded them unknowingly.

Thirty or so strong men with wheat-colored skin and tall stature stood together.

They even moved the carcass of a mammoth that looked like 4 or 5 tons—with just four people. Two long logs pass between the elephant's legs, each raising its head, relaxed and freehand...