Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 83


Lu Yu was startled, and turned his head in a panic.

Zha Zhe pinched his chin with one hand, and forced it back, ignoring his angry and panicked eyes, continued to press down, and finally kissed Xiao's long-awaited lips.

Even though this man and that King Matai hid fairly well, he still saw these two kissing many times. Behind the big trees next to the village, the unclosed windows of the stone houses, and the dim and ambiguous campfire... a slightly thin man. Pressed into the arms by the strong side forcefully, wantonly violated. And Lu Yu not only did not resist, but was also very docile...

Why can't that rude Matai man be able to!

Cha Zhe burst into anger. After crossing the soup, not only did he not evacuate, but he pinched Lu Yu's cheeks with his hands, pushed his closed teeth with the tip of his tongue, and poked in, wantonly sweeping.

Embarrassment flashed across Lu Yu's eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes. At the same time, with a force between his teeth...

"Hiss—" Zha Zhe, who was addicted to the kiss, frowned, and retreated, a trace of blood slipped from the corner of his lips.

Lu Yu closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless.

Zha Zhe wiped off the blood from his lips, and sneered, "You don't want me to kiss you so much? Heh, deer, you are so strange, don't say I just kissed you, even if I really slept with you, so what , you and Tai Lie did not form a partner, there is no partner, and you have sexual desires, of course you have to solve it, right?"

Zha Zhe slowly slid his finger down Lu Yu's chest, "Your upper mouth can bite me, but the lower mouth..."

"Enough." Lu Yu grabbed his hand, his eyes half-lit, "Although I can't do anything to you, I still have the strength to bite my own tongue."

"Zha Zhe, I regret it." Lu Yu gritted his teeth.

It's not that I regret saving people, but that I regret that I didn't pay more attention to the people around me, and that I didn't discover Zha Zhe's thoughts earlier. If I found out, even if I didn't drive Zha Zhe away, I would throw him in the basin and never put him in the shop next to him. , he has helped Zha Zhe enough.

Zha Zhe lowered his eyes and stood up, looking a little hurt, "Really."

Lu Yu pursed his lower lip, still angry, "Yes, Zha Zhe, it's not too late for you to turn around now, send me back, I won't tell anyone—"

"Impossible." Zha Zhe interrupted him, bending the corners of his mouth, "Luyu, stop lying to yourself, if you have the strength to bite off your own tongue, why didn't you bite off mine just now, you have me in your heart .”

After listening to his resolute deduction, Lu Yu was stunned, what the hell logic? If you don't bite him to death, you have him in your heart

How can you go crazy at such a young age

Before Lu Yu opened his mouth to refute, Zha Zhe put down the soup bowl, turned around and walked away relaxed and satisfied.

Lu Yu held his breath in his chest. There is anger, and there is a hint of absurdity, but it is more of helplessness. If even this kind of threat is ineffective against Zha Zhe, and it makes him feel better about himself, how should he deal with his increasingly excessive behavior...

Zha Zhe turned around, and the satisfied look on his face disappeared instantly.

After walking out of the cave, he leaned limply against the gable wall, gave a wry smile, and pressed his chest that was throbbing with pain.

Still can't hear him say the word "regret" to himself...

Although he disdains that Matai man, but he deliberately imitated his strong appearance, why he still can't please the deer, so it must be that Matai man.

Is it because he showed up a little late? Or is he not as strong as that Matai man and cannot give the deer fish a sense of security

Zha Zhe looked down at his clenched fist with blue veins, and slammed it into a nearby stone.

With a bang, the stone half a meter long and wide shattered into pieces.

Zha Zhe gritted his teeth.

He is obviously very strong, isn't he? No matter how strong the Matai man was, he still failed to protect the deer fish well, and he would never let this happen.

He won't let go.

Zha Zhe looked resolute again.


"Xiao Hua, wake up."

Xia Cao woke up the sleeping Xia Hua.

Xia Hua yawned and rubbed her staring eyes, "Sister?"

Seeing her confused look, Xia Cao frowned, "Have you dreamed about a witch?"

"Witch?" Xia Hua was puzzled at first, then suddenly remembered her mission, and became anxious, "Witch! I didn't dream of a witch!" To be precise, she didn't dream of anything.

Lu Yu did not explicitly mention to them that he needed someone to enter the dream, so everyone took it for granted that he could see the witch as long as he slept, but now this method was useless, and everyone was a little flustered.

Xia Hua bit her lip, "Is Wu unable to sleep, or..." She didn't want to say the rest.

Xia Cao patted her on the head, trying to suppress the worries in her heart, "I went to Zheng Hua and the others, and I promised benefits, and they agreed very seriously. Whether they are in Ten Thousand Beasts or other lands, they are better than us. If you are familiar with it, it will help us find the witch."

Xia Hua was still worried, "But they didn't find Maopu before..."

Xia Cao, "It's different. They haven't seen Mao Pu before, and they may not recognize it when they meet it, but Wu and the others have seen it. Well, let's not talk about this, Xiao Hua, can you still sleep? If you don’t need it, go out to find the witch first, and leave others to sleep here.”

Xia Hua shook her head, expressing that she couldn't fall asleep and wanted to go out to find Wu.

Before, she fell asleep with the feeling that she could find Wu, but now that she didn't see Wu, the worry in her heart made it impossible for her to fall asleep again.

It is not easy to find a person in such a huge land, even if Matai is strong and can run very fast. They didn't find anyone until nightfall. It is very dangerous to move at night, the people of Heishui Tribe and Zheng Hua gave up their search and returned to their camps, leaving only the Matai people who are still searching tirelessly.

At the same time, the Plain of Ten Thousand Beasts, inside the exquisite tree house.

"You said, the person I told you to stare at is gone?" The man lazily leaned on the wooden recliner covered with smooth fur.

His voice was flat, without any emotion.

The person kneeling underneath trembled slightly, "I, I saw a person from their tribe take him onto a raft, and then he seemed to go to the land of the green forest."

The man raised his eyebrows, "Like?"

The kneeling man hurriedly said, "No, it's not like, it's just the green forest!"

The man touched his chin, "Are you sure you are from their tribe?"

"Yes, I saw the man come out of their shed!"

The man played with his taste, "There are still people who moved ahead of me. I didn't expect that my fellow countryman is quite popular."

The kneeling man said cautiously, "Wu, then we..."

The man paused, and said indifferently, "Then you should send someone to the green forest to look for it first. If you can't find it, forget it. Anyway, I, a fellow villager, have no skills."

"Yes!" The people below replied respectfully, and were about to retreat when the man stopped him again.

"Wait, there is one more thing. The friend we 'please come back' is useless, let's deal with him." The man said casually.

He thought that the person who passed through at the same time, that person had some special ability, but he didn't expect that it was just cooking and eating better. The man was tied up to improve his food. The food in this primitive society was really bad, but it was not a big deal.

The man was not worried at all that the man he had captured would lie to him. As far as he knew, the sense of morality and loyalty of primitive people was very low. After such severe torture, he must have vomited all that should be vomited, and it was impossible to hide anything.

The man squinted his eyes. In addition to knowing that the fellow could cook, the small tribe with a high force value would also be resolved by the way when he freed up his hands.

After receiving the man's order, the people below exited the tree house, first sent two people to the green forest, and then called two more people to a guarded wooden shed.


The door of the wooden shed was slowly opened.

The person huddled in the corner seemed to have not seen the sun for a long time, and raised his hand to block it.

When he tremblingly lowered his hand, he revealed a blood-stained miserable face.

It was the long-disappeared Mao Pu!

The person who came here on orders grimaced, "Hey, your mission is complete, it's time to 'get on the road'."

Mao Pu shook his body, and said angrily, "I, I still have something to say."

The visitor said disdainfully, "Needless to say, I don't need you anymore."

Mao Pu was startled, what do you mean

"You, you caught the deer fish?"

A man came to play with a stone blade, "He is just a person who makes delicious food, why would our No. 1 Tribe of Ten Thousand Beasts take the time to catch him?"

Xu Shi was too humble with the witch just now, and when he met a partner he could knead at will, he solved it easily if he didn't want to. The visitor said maliciously, "But even if we don't catch him, that person probably won't live long. He can be brought to the land of the green forest by your own people. He is probably eaten by wild animals or killed by people." .”

"What did you say?" Mao Pu was startled and wanted to ask a few more questions, but this person was not going to tell him any more.

The man held a stone dagger, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he approached Mao Pu step by step.

"Let me go!" Mao Pu wanted to resist, but he had been tortured for a long time, and he had no strength at all. The man ordered the people behind him to grab his arm and make him unable to move.

The stone dagger slammed into Mao Pu's chest.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Mao Pu screamed and passed out.

The visitor clapped his hands and said casually, "Okay, let's throw it into the forest to feed the wild animals."

The two people who were holding the cattail responded, lifted them up, walked into the forest, dropped the bloody cattail like a piece of broken fur, and left without even looking at it.

When the sound of their footsteps gradually disappeared, the person lying motionless on the ground slowly opened his eyes.

Mao Pu sat up with difficulty, touched a few grass leaves, covered the wound, took a deep breath, pulled out the dagger in front of his chest, and then blocked the bloody wound with grass leaves.

Fortunately, his heart didn't grow here, otherwise he must have died.

But it's not much better now. Mao Pu smiled wryly.

We can only see how effective the pill the deer fish gave him is.

Mao Po swallowed the red medicine hidden behind her teeth.

This red medicine was given to him by Luyu after he helped him, saying that it could heal a little injury.

I don't know if it will help...

Mao Pu was not hopeless about this, he was too injured to have such a powerful pill. And he was bleeding too much, even if the pill was really useful, he probably died before it took effect.

Mao Pu is a little sad. He hasn't earned a lot of fur supplies. If he knew it, he would find a partner and have a baby. At least he can leave something...

The author has something to say: First of all, I would like to say a very solemn apology, it has been off for a long time.

The reasons include a bunch of things in life, as well as psychological, the so-called period of self-confusion

Not only that, I was too weak, and I had to stop for two days at first, which could have been explained and compensated, but then I didn't even dare to open Jinjiang's interface. I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm the kind of idiot who can be scared and sad for several days after being scolded, quarreling with someone on Weibo, blood rushing all over my body, dizzy in the head, and dare not even click on the news ( I don't dare to argue anymore)

But no matter what, I'm like a scumbag who can't be cleansed. I have let down the love of the lovely people. I accept all the scolding, but no amount of words can make up for the mistakes I made.

So I think that after the end of this article, I will show you all the side stories, or unfinished stories, in the form of another free article.

If anyone else wants to see it...

My sincere apologies once again.