Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 85


After hearing Tai Lie's order, no one in Matai said anything, and immediately prepared to act.

Mao Pu couldn't help but stopped him, "It's getting dark, it's dangerous to go out now, and you have to go to sea, isn't it more dangerous, it's better to be here tomorrow..."

His words were very pertinent, but at this time, no Matai people could listen to him.

Everyone quickly carried their food and weapons on their backs.

Mao Pu sighed, he wanted to discuss with Tai Lie about becoming an affiliated tribe, but none of this group of people is rational, and they can't speak well at all. Mao Pu was quite helpless, "I will not go with you. If the three major tribes knew that I was not dead, they would definitely not let me go, so I am going back to the tribe. I will leave Fang Tu and the others to help you , Don’t worry, after this incident, our Blackwater Tribe will definitely stand by your side.”

Tai Lie lightly stroked the iron axe, nodded slightly, and paused, "Xiahuaxiacao, you take people back with Maopu and others with supplies, and tell Zheng Hua that they don't need to look any further."

When Xia Hua heard that she couldn't rescue Wu, she became anxious, "Wang, I—"

Xia Cao held Xia Hua back, "Wang, I understand."

She understood Wang's considerations. Although Wu was indeed taken away by Zha Zhe, according to what Mao Pu said, the three major tribes also wanted to do something to Wu. If a war really broke out in the future, they needed to accumulate strength, and these materials could not be discarded. And knowing that it was Zha Zhe who took Wu away, and Wang and the others went to rescue him, there were enough manpower.

Mao Pu also nodded, "Don't worry, we will help you transport supplies, and we won't be greedy for you."

Tai Lie glanced at him and said solemnly, "Taiyu Tribe will never forget your help."

Mao Pu made up his mind.

Everyone discussed a few more words, and took advantage of the darkness of the sky, they quickly split up and acted.

Mao Pu asked one person to go to the appointed cave and called someone to help carry the supplies. After all, there were so many things that they couldn’t move them all. Let's go, some ordinary wood, ordinary stone tools, bones of large beasts and so on are left behind.

Knowing from Mao Pu's mouth that the three major tribes have been monitoring them, just in case, the Matai people sent people to check around, but it seems that they have given up, and there is no suspicious person.

After the preparations were complete, Xia Cao and the others took their things on the road, and Tai Lie also took the rest of the Matai people, pushing the raft, and sailed towards the green forest land.

As the name suggests, the land of green forests and land is full of undulating mountains and forests at a glance. If someone who is not familiar with it walks in, it is easy to get lost.

Tai Lie knew that Zha Zhe brought Lu Yu here because he liked the complexity of the place and it was hard to be found, but in the same way, he couldn't go too deep in the jungle. He was always in exchange for supplies by himself. , but also to ensure Lu Yu's safety.

right. He will ensure Lu Yu's safety.

Other Matai people may not know, but he knows what Zha Zhe thinks about Lu Yu, but even if it won't hurt Lu Yu, it may...

Zha Zhe, dare you.

A trace of bloodlust flashed in Tai Lie's eyes.

Tai Lie and others walked to the tribal gathering place on this land.

The difference from Ten Thousand Beasts is that the gathering place here is not a city built of stones, but a wall made of unknown huge towering blue-black wood.

It was night now, and the gates of the wooden city were closed.

However, Tai Lie and the others are not going to enter the city, Zha Zhe can't bring Lu Yu in the city. Tai Lie sent people to scatter, and searched in the forests around Mucheng.


Lu Yu was very thirsty, not only thirsty, but also hungry.

He bent down and took a few sips of soup.

Kacha Kacha~

It was the sound of feet stepping on the branches and leaves, and someone came in.

Lu Yu raised his head and turned his face away, ready to continue to adopt non-violent non-cooperation.

Footsteps all the way to his side, there is no sound of speaking.

Lu Yu was a little strange, turned his head, and was startled, the person who came was not Zha Zhe!

"Who are you?!" Lu Yu looked warily at the dark primitive man wearing a tattered animal skin skirt in front of him. At least Zha Zhe won't kill him, but others may not. He is like a piece of meat on a chopping board now.

Without answering his question, the dark man passed the thing he was holding forward, and said vaguely, "Ah, ah!"

Lu Yu leaned against the stone wall with difficulty, looked at him with frowns, and cautiously stretched his head to look at the things in his hand.

A piece of grass, on which there seemed to be a piece of meat, but it was so charred that it couldn't be seen.

Lu Yu asked again, "Are you going to feed me?"

Heihu nodded, and let out another ah, a pair of black and white eyes, especially shining in the dark cave.

It seems that this person should know why he appeared here, and it is likely that Zha Zhe found him. That's right, Zha Zhe is alone, it is impossible to go out to find food and come to watch him again.


Lu Yu frowned even tighter, "You can't speak?"

The dark shining eyes dimmed, first he shook his head quickly, then nodded hesitantly.

Will it be said or not

Lu Yu continued to ask patiently, "Zha Zhe, the one with me, where did he go?"

Heihuhu pointed to the entrance of the hole, put his hands together, put them next to his face, and pretended to be sleeping.

Zha Zhe actually slept outside the cave? Did he know that he had to rely on another person to enter the dream training ground? Lu Yu had a bad premonition, whether he knew it or not, this move was useless. But even if he could enter the dream training ground, at most he could only report that he was safe, he didn't know where he was at all.

But Zha Zhe was so careful that he found a mute to monitor him.

It seems that there is another way to think of it.

Lu Yu let out a sulky breath, and took the piece of black meat from Heihuhu's hand. Anger is anger, he needs to maintain his strength, he can't really go on a hunger strike to kill himself.

Lu Yu took a bite of the meat, but he didn't eat anything except the burnt taste. He swallowed hard, thought for a while, raised his chin, looked at the person staring at him, and said sincerely, "This Brother, can you help me?"

"I don't know what kind of benefit Zha Zhe promised you to help him, but if you help me, I can double it to you. It's not for you to take me away or something, it's just a small favor... "

Lu Yu wants to get his ring back.

He thought that even if this black guy didn't agree immediately, he could discuss it, but he shook his head and refused without hesitation.

The strength of the refusal was still very strong. Lu Yu was afraid that he would shake his head off this shaking method.

Not only that, but a very frightened look flashed across his face, he paused, then Heihu stretched out a finger, tapped the hole, then pointed to his own throat, and waved his hand.

Lu Yu understood something, and lowered his face, "You mean, he made you dumb." That's why Heihu shook his head and nodded when he was asked if he could speak. Zha Zhe became dumb.

As expected, Heihu nodded slightly in frustration and sadness.

Lu Yu didn't ask any more questions.

I'm afraid it's not just a poisonous mute, but if he wants to control a person and make him so scared, Zha Zhe must have done something else. Lu Yu didn't know where Zha Zhe learned these medicine skills, but considering his previous experience, it's not surprising that he knows these things.

Lu Yu was even more distressed. Now, he probably couldn't persuade Heihu to help him. He couldn't guarantee that the red medicine could cure the dumb disease, so why bother to harm others.

Lu Yushi gnawed the meat without knowing the taste, and there was food in his stomach, but he still couldn't lift his strength, so he closed his eyes quietly.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Heihu poked Lu Yu's arm and leaned forward to look at him.

Lu Yu opened his eyes, looked at the magnified black face in front of him, and blinked. Somehow, the depressed mood dissipated a little, and it was a little funny.

This black guy doesn't look very big, it should be a child of sixteen or seventeen years old, and he doesn't know where it came from, and it is darker than all the primitive people he has seen. Because of the Great Drift, Lu Yu even wondered if this child came from the African continent...

Lu Yu looked at him carefully again.

This child should be a slave, and when he got closer, Lu Yu could see clearly that behind his shoulders, there were two scars with deep bone visible, as if they were caused by pulling a rope or dragging a heavy object.

Lu Yu couldn't see it, the flesh around the wound turned up, and something was glued to it. Although there was no blood, the flesh looked like it was going to rot.


Lu Yu sighed softly, and said lightly, "There is a pill in the crevice of my grass clothes, you wash the wound on your shoulder, and then eat the pill, it can heal your injury."

After saying this, Lu Yu didn't say any more, it's his conscience to help or not, so it's up to him whether he believes it or not.

Lu Yu originally hid red medicine behind his teeth, but he took it a long time ago, and it had no effect on him, so the one hidden on his body would naturally not be of any use.

Heihu looked at him blankly for a while, then got up and walked out.

After a while, he came back again.

Lu Yu raised his eyelids and found that his shoulders had been washed.

Heihu followed the prompts of Lu Yu's fingers and found the red medicine. When Lu Yu wondered whether he would take it or hesitated for a long time, Heihu threw the medicine into his mouth.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, this kid, does he just look stupid

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the efficacy of the red medicine. Although the rotten flesh hadn't been removed, the wound on Heihu's shoulder had barely healed.

His dark eyes were as bright as two small light bulbs. He touched his shoulder carefully and found that the sore wound that made him unable to sleep was no longer painful at all!

Heihu grinned, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

Lu Yu thought of a certain toothpaste advertisement in modern times, which was exactly the same as the current scene, and couldn't help but also smiled.

Heihuhu turned his head to look at him, pursed his lips, and finally seemed to have made up his mind, made mouth shapes slowly, and said three words one by one.

"I'll help you."