Crossing to the Primitive

Chapter 93


Lu Yu and Tai Lie returned to the village.

Last night, the panel had silently finished all the work. At this time, the village and the tribe in the basin had already turned into a small city.

The Matai people are used to Lu Yu's mysterious and unpredictable ability, and even the people in the basin did not overreact after being amazed. As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless, primitive people believe in gods, but have no concept of "science", so naturally they don't think that these are not "scientific", but think that Lu Yu is the god in the legend, then everything is very natural.

Lu Yu and Tai Lie entered through the main gate of the city, and the excited Matai people surrounded them, chirping and chatting about the appearance of the new tribe.

What Tai Lie asked Shan Pu to tell everyone was that he and Lu Yu had something to do when they went out.

Some pure Matai believed it, but others... Not to mention, there was no way to cover the marks on Lu Yu's body with clothes.

A simple Matai who didn't know why found out, and asked worriedly, "Wu, what's wrong with you—"

Before he finished speaking, his companion covered his mouth and dragged him back.

Lu Yu had already made a psychological preparation for himself all the way. Although he blushed, he still insisted, "It's nothing."

Shan Pu and Xia Hua projected meaningful and narrow eyes.

Tai Lie made a solemn face, "Go to work, or be punished? Xiacao, Leshui, Shanpu, some of you come here."

No one dared to disobey the king's order, and the Matai people scattered like birds and beasts.

Xia Cao thoughtfully said, "Wu, don't you need to take a rest?"

Lu Yu waved his hand, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Xia Cao said no more.

A group of people looked at the city wall, and then looked around the inner city, which is the residence of the Matai people.

Tai Lie's original stone house has become a four-story building, and it seems that a layer of lime-gray paint has been painted on the outside, making the whole building solemn and solemn. Compared with housing, it seems to be more suitable for a conference building.

It's just that there are still very few furniture inside, only the simplest stone tables and benches, and then nothing else.

People don't care about this.

Lu Yu and others sat down, and Lu Yu wanted to discuss with them the establishment of a management system. Although there are still very few of them now, there is nothing wrong with making it early.

Xia Cao pondered for a while, "Wu, I don't know much about this, but we Matai did have a division of labor before, and everyone has their own tasks. Is this the "system"?"

Lu Yu smiled, "Forget it, but we need to divide it more clearly, and add a reward and punishment system, a treatment system, so that everyone understands their responsibilities and obligations, that is, what they can get and what they need to do. Let everyone know that the more you do, the better food and life you can have, and everything can be obtained through your own efforts."

Xia Cao, "Go on."

Lu Yu took a sip of water, "We don't have many people now, so it's not so complicated. Just order a few simple ones. Let's divide the food distribution into several levels. For example, the hunting team going out has a higher level because it is very dangerous. , the distribution of food is relatively large, while other people, such as those who build stone tools and build wooden sheds, are slightly lower, but they can meet daily life. , and you can relax for a few days without worrying about being hungry."

Lu Yu's explanation was very simple, and Xia Cao and the others understood it.

Lu Yu said again, "If you do a good job, you will be rewarded. If you don't do well, or if you are lazy on purpose, you will be punished. What kind of laziness is it? This requires a leader, such as a hunting team, to let Le Shui As a leader, he will assign tasks to everyone so that everyone has a clear goal and standard. Of course, the leader must be a person who is relatively good at this aspect, so whoever completes the task well in the future may be the leader. .”

Lu Yu paused, looked at Tai Lie, and said with a smile, "As for who will be the leader this time, I discussed with Tai Lie. The hunting team will be led by Le Shui, and the guard team will be led by Shan Pu. The guard team is responsible for the protection of our village, and Xia Cao leads everyone's other activities."

Le Shui had no objection. Although Shan Pu wanted to go hunting, he knew the importance of protecting the village, and it was Wu's arrangement after all, so he didn't object.

Xia Cao hesitated, "Wu, does this include everyone..."

Lu Yu shook his head, "You don't know much about the affairs in the basin, so I'm going to find two assistants in the basin first, and you will take charge after you are familiar with them."

"It's good," Xia Cao said with a sigh of relief, "I really don't understand that."

Lu Yu comforted, "Don't worry, I will help you, Shanpu and you too, you can ask me if you have any questions. Besides, we will sit together every five days and have a meeting to discuss Let’s see how everyone’s mission is going.”

Le Shui and the others responded in unison, "Understood!"

After negotiating with this side, Lu Yu went to the other side of the basin, because the city wall was only built, everyone was still fresh, and it was early, so no one went out to collect food or something.

Lu Yu thought to himself, it's just right, it's convenient for him to talk about things.

He first told them some of the things he had discussed with Xia Cao before, so that everyone could slowly digest them in their hearts, and then he said that the Blackwater Tribe had also become their affiliated tribe.

Because everyone was very happy yesterday, Lu Yu left the news until today. He was still a little worried. After all, except for the newly joined Erdai, the rest of the people here were originally slaves of the Blackwater Tribe. I don't like the Blackwater tribe, and even repel them. But Lu Yu has already agreed, and he can't hide it from them.

The crowd who had been happily listening to the news began to become uneasy.

A look of horror appeared on many people's faces.

They thought that they would never meet people from the Blackwater Tribe again. Why did the deputy leader form an alliance with them? Will the Taiyu Tribe become like the Blackwater Tribe in the future, enslaving them... Although Lu Yu had already After telling them about the new system, everyone still had this idea.

Lu Yu also saw it from their faces, and quickly said loudly, "Don't worry, everyone, the leader of the Blackwater Tribe is no longer the same as before. He has promised me that he will go back to rectify the Blackwater Tribe. If anyone dares to bully everyone again, we will They will not be spared, and they will not migrate near us for the time being."

After listening to his words, the atmosphere finally subsided gradually.

If it were someone else, everyone might still have doubts, but the person who said it was Lu Yu, and Lu Yu's prestige in the hearts of the people in the basin had almost reached the point where everyone would believe him without reservation.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and added a guarantee, "Since I have brought everyone out, how can I let everyone go back to the previous life, and our tribes will get better and better in the future, and no one will become a slave. As long as everyone works hard, not only can we eat enough, wear warm clothes, but also live happily every day."

Lu Yu has decided that when everything is on the right track, he will promote some group sports and other entertainment activities to enrich everyone's daily life.

The people in the basin were finally relieved, and soon, they were attracted by another thing Lu Yu said.

Lu Yu, "After three days, I will choose two assistants. I have already told you what the assistants will do. If anyone is willing, I can make good preparations in these three days."

Everyone immediately exchanged with each other happily.

"Daqing, do you want to participate?"

"Of course I will participate! If nothing else, I can see the deputy leader more in the future!"

"You are right! Then I want to participate too!"

"I want me too!"

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm for discussion, Lu Yu smiled and didn't interrupt. He turned to the old man who often reported the situation to him in the dream training ground, and asked him to take him to see the fields.

The old man readily agreed and introduced him as he walked.

"During this period of time you have been here, although rice has not grown in the fields like you did before, but some young seedlings have also grown. Everyone is watching closely. Several dolls stay here in turn every day, for fear of birds pecking go."

Lu Yu smiled, "Thank you for your hard work."

The old man waved his hand, "It's not hard, it's not hard. The dolls are still young, and they dare not let them go to the woods to find food. They have some work to do. They are very happy. They have also learned how to water and fertilize. Better than adults."

Lu Yu, "They are all good boys. By the way, I brought back some seeds this time, and I am planning to find a place to plant them. In the future, everyone will have more food types."

"Okay, okay." The old man laughed loudly, "Just say what you want."

Lu Yu also laughed, and talked about some planting matters. Wheat and soybeans are different from rice, and they do not use the same planting methods.

After talking about this, the old man told him some recent situations in the tribe.

Because he was on his way back, and because he was kidnapped by Zha Zhe for two days before, Lu Yu hadn't communicated with the old man at the dream training ground for several days, and now he sounds serious.

The old man said that because they haven't learned new skills recently, everyone has been practicing the previous work.

"By the way, deputy leader, would you like to take a look at the boat Sanqiu and the others built? It's on the big river over there." The old man pointed.

"Okay!" Lu Yu replied immediately.

The two of them, together with the Matai who followed Lu Yu to protect him, turned to the river the old man said.

"This boat is much stronger than a raft, and it's also much bigger and faster. There are also animal skins sewn by Yue'er and the others. It is said that the wind can move by itself, but Sanqiu and the others haven't slept in the past few days, and they haven't figured out why. What's going on, there seems to be some problem... Here, it's there! Sanqiu and the others spend almost all their time there during the day, and they would be reluctant to come back if it wasn't dangerous at night."

Far away, Lu Yu saw the boat the old man was talking about.

It was a single-masted wooden triangular sail, the straight wooden mast pointed straight to the sky, and the wide animal skin sail fluttered in the wind. Compared with the small raft Lu Yu and the others used before, this wooden boat is simply huge, and it should be easy to carry a dozen people.

Lu Yu was a little surprised, and was about to walk over to praise, but saw Sanqiu and the others frowning and didn't know what they were doing...