Crossover Actors

Chapter 105


At 3:30 in the morning, the set was busy for a while, and each group was preparing for the shooting in half an hour.

The makeup brush swiped across his face. Lu Wen closed his eyes. He still felt sleepy after drinking a bottle of espresso. After finishing his makeup and hair, he yawned twice in succession.

Sun Xiaojian unscrewed Fengyoujing and said, "Smell."

Lu Wen went up to sniff his nose, feeling refreshed. He spent the night in Qu Yanting's room, and started work early in the morning to avoid being caught by others, so Sun Xiaojian went to wake him up early.

Feeling embarrassed, he took the initiative to say: "Assistant can follow here, you can go back to the hotel and sleep for a while."

Sun Xiaojian didn't close his eyes for half the night. He watched the recorded football game in the room until after two o'clock, and then went up to the eighth floor and knocked on the door. He said angrily, "Are you tired from tossing around? Why don't you choose a day when you don't have to get up early?"

Lu Wen shirked responsibility: "It was Qu Yanting who called me, so how dare I disobey him."

"You pretend to be a fart." Sun Xiaojian said annoyedly, "Hurry up and wait for the scene, spend the night with the real object on the front foot, and make sex scenes with the screen couple on the back foot, you really belong to me."

Lu Wen got up quickly, left the dressing room and went up to the third floor. The corridor was full of people, and the lights and art were too busy. He was standing sideways, holding a pineapple bun from the hotel restaurant in his hand.

Xian Qi also came up to the waiting room, smiled at him, and asked, "How many shows are you playing today, cousin?"

"There are two games on the announcement list, I don't know if they will be added." Lu Wen replied, and paused after answering, "Do you use a substitute?"

Xian Qi shook her head: "It's a small thing, my sister will go to battle in person."

Seeing that the other party was so free and easy, Lu Wen was relieved, but there was still a little bit of embarrassment. After chatting for a few more words, he glanced at Qu Yanting who was dispatching the scene in front of him.

A total of three schematic diagrams were drawn, and Qu Yanting discussed the final plan with the lighting team leader. After a decision was made, he withdrew from the crowd to communicate with the photography team about the details.

Qu Yanting took a short break before starting the machine. Lu Wen came to him and handed him a pineapple bun that had run out of temperature.

Moving to the corner of the unoccupied corridor, Qu Yanting began to eat, his eyes lingered from Lu Wen's fluffy hair to the collar of his white shirt, very satisfied with this look.

Actually only caring about eating, Lu Wen held the script rolled into a tube and said, "Are you too calm?"

"Then what should I do?" Qu Yanting chewed the bread, "Don't worry, the scale of this scene is not big, and there is no need to clear the scene."

Lu Wen knew that Qu Yanting was a professional and would not let his personal feelings affect his work, but he couldn't be so calm. He asked, "Would you be uncomfortable if I just passed one?"

Qu Yanting replied: "What's awkward, how much trouble can be saved by one mistake, of course I'm happy."

Lu Wen glared at him: "Are you still happy?"

"Otherwise?" Qu Yanting said, "Could it be that I'm only happy if you go to bed and shoot ten or eight?"

Lu Wen thought for a while: "That's right."

Qu Yanting urged him: "Okay, let's get ready."

"You really don't mind?" Lu Wen asked unwillingly.

Qu Yanting smiled helplessly: "I wrote it, I directed it, and I'll appoint you to act, what do you mind, go quickly."

This scene needs to borrow part of the natural light at dawn and shoot on time at four o'clock. The monitor is set at the door of the bedroom, diagonally facing the double bed in the room.

In the play, Meng Chuntai falls in love with Tao Suyi.

It seems to be a matter of course for young men and women to fall in love, but Meng Chuntai is not sure whether it is a long-term love, or he becomes easy to fall in love in a fragile state.

Meng Chuntai relied on Tao Suyi's tenderness. At first, she endured it with peace of mind, and gradually responded, and then she was willing to actively explore their relationship.

Once the two are in love, any contact will be ambiguous. Meng Chuntai's self-control has always been weak, otherwise he would not bet badly and end up bankrupt. In terms of the relationship between men and women, he also does not have too much concentration.

There are tall carved bedposts around the corners of the bed, and the white curtains have fallen two layers, making the center of the bed a bit dark. Meng Chuntai didn't use hairspray or cologne, and she was as fresh as the coming morning.

In the silk quilt, Tao Suyi's long hair was hanging loose, trembling shyly and frantically when being held by hand.

Meng Chuntai used to be flirtatious but not obscene, and he was not very familiar with tricks in bed. Besides, he cherished Tao Suyi very much and was nervous about trying the forbidden fruit.

There are few lines in this play, the set is quiet, and the pictures and atmosphere are pure and beautiful, even a little hazy. Qu Yanting pursed her lips and stood by the wall, changing gestures to remind the photographer.

Lu Wen understands why Qu Yanting is calm, because there is no "sex scene" at all, the camera is very close to him, not so much a scene with an actress, but a calm climax in front of the dark camera.

When it came to the crucial shot No. 5, Qu Yanting interrupted the shooting and said, "Stop, let's do another one."

Lu Wen re-brewed his emotions and gave a close-up. Before the seconds of the freeze-frame were over, Qu Yanting said again: "Stop, I don't have enough emotions, try another one."

Lu Wen grabbed the bed sheet and asked, "Teacher Qu, can you explain in more detail?"

Dozens of people were crowded inside and outside the house, and the program team was also there. Qu Yanting replied bluntly and politely: "Your eyes are a little empty, I don't think you are enjoying yourself enough."

Lu Wen blushed slightly: "..."

Shot No. 5 took a total of 17 shots. Under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, while Qu Yanting repeatedly called to stop, Lu Wen performed his expression on the bed over and over again.

During the period, Ren Shu thought it was ok, but Qu Yanting resolutely denied it.

An excellent director can show the maximum beauty of an actor, and can make a face amaze everyone on the screen.

Qu Yanting has seen every appearance of Lu Wen on the bed, depressive and intense. Of course he wants to keep it private, but he wants to record it so that everyone can know how charming Lu Wen can be as an actor.

The wind blew in, and the fluttering curtains blocked some of the sight. Lu Wen looked over the edge of the camera at Qu Yanting, his gaze was as light as a veil.

Qu Yanting finally yelled "Pass", and his palms were wet with sweat unconsciously.

The love/event between Meng Chuntai and Tao Suyi is like the process of dawn, a ray of light pierces the night, the dawn is as red as blood, and it happens to be bright outside the window when the water/milk/merge.

Afterwards, Meng Chuntai sat by the bed, his shirt was wrinkled a few times, he buttoned up the buttons one by one, and then touched Tao Suyi's sleeping face with the back of his hand.

The whole scene was filmed very meticulously, and the filming was completed after four o'clock in the afternoon. The lunch box at noon was cold. Qu Yanting sympathized with everyone's hard work, and treated them to a luxurious afternoon tea.

When the meal was delivered, Qu Yanting picked two and went to the dressing room to eat with Lu Wen. He fiddled with it and filmed sex scenes for more than ten hours. He guessed that two hundred and five felt a little awkward.

Lu Wen was listening to music with headphones on, and saw him come in with a calm expression, as if an old monk had fallen into a trance.

Qu Yanting pulled a chair and sat down, opened the lunch box and disposable chopsticks, and asked, "What song are you listening to?"

Lu Wen said, "The Great Compassion Curse."

"..." Qu Yanting took off an earphone and put it on. Really, he couldn't help worrying, "You don't think so, do you want to convert to Buddhism?"

Lu Wen snorted: "You let a man who has been a virgin for nearly thirty years, in front of so many people, be emotional and orgasm for a while, from four in the morning to four in the afternoon."

It really sounds like suffering, Qu Yanting said: "Isn't that for the sake of excellence."

"I can understand, at least it's over." Lu Wen sighed absent-mindedly, "But I want to tell you, I probably won't want to go to bed within three months."

Qu Yanting couldn't help but let out an "ah", glanced down at Lu Wen, and asked a little guiltyly, "Is it so serious?"

Lu Wen: "What are you looking at?"

Qu Yanting said distressedly: "Is it because too many times of NG, the psychological pressure caused... to fail temporarily?"

"You can't do it, can you talk nonsense?!" Lu Wenxiang regained his senses in an instant after being trampled on his tail. "Even if I can't do it, it's still a work-related injury. You have to be responsible for me!"

Qu Yanting nodded quickly, grabbed Lu Wen's shoulder and patted, and replied, "Of course."

But how to be responsible? Qu Yanting pondered with the brain that had been working all day, and asked in a low voice: "Then what do you mean, do I play against you during this time?"

Lu Wen looked shocked: "You really think too much!"

Qu Yanting was inexplicably relieved. If he were really asked to change positions with the tall and powerful Lu Wen, it would be tiring to think about it. He said, "Then what should I do?"

Lu Wen said depressedly: "I have to recuperate. When I see the bed now, I feel that there are many people watching me, and there is a shadow in my heart."

"Okay, take it easy and don't worry." Qu Yanting arranged the noodles with abalone sauce and shrimp dumplings, and coaxed, "Choose what you like, let's eat first."

With a slight sound, Lu Wen caught Qu Yanting heaving a sigh of relief again. He chewed half of a shrimp dumpling, frowned and asked, "Shouldn't you feel sorry for your reaction?"

"It's okay," Qu Yanting said vaguely, "Anyway, last night already..."

Sun Xiaojian was letting the wind outside the door, and heard a shock in the room, and finally there was no movement. He peeked through the crack of the door, and Lu Wen and Qu Yanting each brought a bowl of noodles, eating without any communication.

It's strange, when we parted in the early morning, we were still reluctant to part with each other, why do we seem to be making do now

After filling his stomach, he continued to film the next scene. He was busy until midnight before calling it a day. The program crew had already recorded all the content, and left the crew the next morning.

Lu Wen and Xian Qi's emotional scenes were almost concentrated, and the rivalry scenes in the following week decreased a lot.

Meng Chuntai stayed in Guangzhou for a period of time, and gradually became accustomed to being restrained from the beginning, and his money became rich, and his former young master's habits were revealed a little bit.

Tang Deyin wanted him to learn business, and told him that in Guangzhou, a land that extends in all directions, one must have enough contacts to do business.

Meng Chuntai was not familiar with the place where he was born, so he followed Tang Deyin to various banquets and made friends with people in the Guangzhou business circle. At a dance, he met Xu He, the general manager of a trading company.

Xu He was very good at matching what he liked, and Meng Chuntai was coaxed to be happy, and often went out with the other party, such as horse races, dinner parties, and even the gambling tables he was very familiar with.

The ashes deposited in Meng Chuntai's heart seemed to be blown by the wind, creating a vortex.

Under the temptation, Meng Chuntai resisted for a while, and after the housekeeper gave him another large sum of money, he abandoned the bloody lesson and rekindled the madness of a gambler.

Meng Chuntai was lucky, and the pleasure of winning made him extremely excited, so the addiction was like a resurgent spark, eating away his sanity again.

When he couldn't extricate himself, he began to lose bets again and again.

Lu Wen couldn't even play Landlords well, and he had accumulated rich experience in losing money since he was a child. Whenever he rolled out his chips, he would think of the scene of handing money to Su Wang.

After taking one piece, Ren Shu shouted: "Okay, take a quarter of an hour rest."

Today is Saturday, and it is also the day when the last episode of "Before and Behind the Stage" is broadcast, but we have to shoot the night scene all night, so we can only watch the rerun after work is over.

During the break time, the studio was lively and noisy, and there were always a few comedians playing tricks up and down. Qu Yanting devoted himself to modifying the storyboard, and occasionally laughed lowly.

I don't know who made the exclamation.

After the small-scale commotion, the surroundings became quiet.

The tip of the pen paused, and Qu Yanting raised his head, looked around inexplicably, and found Lu Wen, who was holding the phone, with a painful expression on his face.

Qu Yanting touched her side and asked, "Why is it so weird?"

Ren Shu was biting his cigarette inscrutablely, and said, "It's not strange, how should I say it, you can check it online."

Qu Yanting picked up the phone, faced sudden news not once or twice, and his psychological endurance is not bad, and Lu Wen has been on the set all the time, so there must be something wrong, right

He muttered, "What's the matter?"

Ren Shu exhaled a puff of smoke: "It's quite powerful."

Qu Yanting logged on to Weibo, and the homepage of his Zombie account had nothing to say, so he clicked on the hot search list, and there were seven large characters at the top of the list, which was really explosive—

Lu Wen confessed to Qu Yanting!