Crossover Actors

Chapter 12


Lu Wen followed Qu Yanting all the way into the office and closed the door. He felt that he was a student who committed a crime. He was reprimanded by the class teacher first, and now he has to talk to the dean alone.

"Sit." Qu Yanting said.

Lu Wen sat down and stared at the corner of the table with peeling paint. He still remembered that on the day of the boot banquet, Qu Yanting said, "If you don't regret it later, you will only know after you turn it on."

Unable to hold back anything, he opened his mouth and asked, "Teacher Qu, do you regret choosing me?"

Qu Yanting pulled out a chair at the corner of the table and met several times. This young actor was poor, snarky, and ostentatious, and finally he was honest from the bottom of his heart.

Instead of answering, he asked, "Have you been hit?"

Lu Wen nodded: "Besides my dad, this is the first time someone has criticized me so mercilessly."

Qu Yanting took Erlang's legs: "Your father is doing it for your own good, and so is the director."

Lu Wen said: "I understand Director Ren's painstaking efforts, but does he have to say me in public? He's so anxious to turn pale."

Qu Yanting said: "Directors who have won awards are not easy to deal with. Each has its own strictness. Director Ren is good at shooting life dramas, and he pays more attention to the naturalness of the performance."

Lu Wen didn't expect that Qu Yanting not only didn't scold him, but also comforted him with nice words.

Now think about it, when he was criticized by Ren Shu, it was Qu Yanting who intervened; when he was embarrassed in the classroom, it was Qu Yanting who called him out; now Qu Yanting didn't mention his acting skills, but instead enlightened him.

Could it be that Qu Yanting recognized his performance

Lu Wen gained some confidence, stopped staring at the corner of the table, and looked directly at Qu Yanting: "Mr. Qu, you wrote the script and you know it best. What do you think of my performance?"

Qu Yanting replied: "Failed."

Lu Wen's face froze, his confidence dissipated, and he stared back at the corner of the table embarrassingly.

Qu Yanting asked: "As for what, is it the first time to be criticized?"

Lu Wen replied truthfully, "I used to play a small supporting role, and I had few roles. I finished it before the director noticed."

"What did you film in the last scene?"

"Costume drama "Ten Thousand Years Autumn"."

Qu Yanting said: "That's not bad, it's good enough for a major drama, what role will you play?"

"Male lead," Lu Wen gasped, "... the bodyguard."

Qu Yanting glanced at his watch, and asked in a calm manner, "Is this the first time you've been the male lead in this drama?"

"Not really." Lu Wen replied, "Actually, I starred in a movie last year."

He was too embarrassed to mention it, a low-cost thriller brain fragment, quite shoddy. He played the male lead, responsible for sheltering the female lead from the wind and rain, and by the way, expressing his infatuation of love to death.

The whole film is like a meeting on the 18th line, and no one has heard of anyone.

The nature of this kind of film is self-evident, and Qu Yanting went straight to the point: "Did your father invest in you?"

"Of course not!" Lu Wen immediately clarified, "The heroine's father invested. If my father invested, she should love me to death."

Qu Yanting followed suit: "Why didn't your father invest in you?"

"My dad doesn't have that much money." Lu Wen spoke half-truths, half-truths, the first half of which was false, and the second half was true, "He doesn't support me at all."

Qu Yanting didn't question the authenticity: "Why don't you support me?"

Lu Wen replied: "He just looked down on me. From childhood to adulthood, he didn't support what I liked. No matter what I did, he said that I was not that material. I asked him which material I was. Guess what?" How did he say?"

Qu Yanting guessed: "Scrap?"

"Damn." Lu Wen blushed, "You don't have to guess so accurately."

Qu Yanting pursed her lips, put away her almost uncontrollable smile, and asked, "Then you won't listen to him?"

Lu Wendao: "Why should I listen to him? The more he belittles me, the more I have to prove myself. What would happen without his support, wouldn't I also be number one?"

Qu Yanting smiled this time, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Does your father know?"

Lu Wen thought that Qu Yanting was also happy for him, and said without reservation: "Of course, I will notify him as soon as I am selected and let him know. I will definitely prove my strength to him."

Qu Yanting: "Is there any more?"

Lu Wen said: "I also notified Faxiao, classmates, relatives, neighbors, and even the security guards in the community. When the casting news of the crew came out, I immediately shared it with all the chat groups. Anyone who knows me knows that I am Male number one."

Suddenly, Qu Yanting said: "Have you ever thought about it, maybe your father is right."

Lu Wen was taken aback: "Huh?"

Qu Yanting said: "Parents raise their children out of love and responsibility, but it is also like an investment. Your dad should be the person who knows how much you have. The rate of return is too low, so why bother to do business at a loss."

Lu Wenmeng for a few seconds: "What do you mean... I am not popular now, and may not be popular forever. How can I be sure that I will not succeed? Why can I be sure that I will lose money in investment?"

"Then why did you succeed?" Qu Yanting asked, "You can't make six out of two scenes? Your acting skills are not in place?"

Lu Wen choked suddenly. From comforting to chatting, he almost forgot about the past. Unexpectedly, Qu Yanting turned around and cut back to the topic unexpectedly.

Before he could come up with an answer, Qu Yanting jumped to another topic: "A lot of girls came outside today, do you have any fans?"

Damn, why not continue with the previous topic.

Lu Wen replied: "No."

When a person loses face, his reason will be lost, and he will act even more tragically. Lu Wen added stiffly: "I have a lot of overseas meals."

Qu Yanting didn't expose it: "What do they like about you, your face? Your figure?"

Lu Wen's scalp hardened: "I think it's the connotation."

"Which aspect?" Qu Yanting calmly analyzed, "There are not many academic masters among actors. If you don't even do your homework, your grades in school probably won't be very good."

Acting skills, popularity, education, Lu Wen's key points were poked three-dimensionally. But Qu Yanting's words are also true. Compared with being angry, an irrefutable sense of shame rose in his heart.

Lu Wen left the chair, thinking that walking would be the best policy: "Teacher Qu, I'm going back first."

Qu Yanting raised his eyes and said in a soft tone, "Am I allowing you to go?"

How dare a small actor disobey a big screenwriter, but Lu Wen is an exception.

He exploded with anger before and after, and he fired a cannon: "The legs are growing on me, and I can walk whenever I want, why do you need your approval? You are amazing, I can't afford to provoke you, so you can't stay away? I'm terrible at acting, You scold me, I admit it, you humiliate me, why do you want me to suffer? You want me to obey, it’s easy to handle, you first give me an extra 100 million salary!"

After all the yelling, Lu Wen went all out, waiting for Qu Yanting to fire.

However, Qu Yanting still sat upright, neither angry nor annoyed, as if he was only listening to a passage.

He skipped the front and answered the last sentence: "Are you worth it?"

Lu Wen took off his coat and threw it away: "I'm not worth it, I won't serve you anymore!"

Qu Yanting picked up the school uniform: "You can resign as long as you pay the contract fee. If you hurry up, the crew can announce the change of roles tonight."

Lu Wen didn't want to stay any longer: "Whatever!"

He turned around and walked to the door, and just as he held the doorknob, Qu Yanting said from behind: "From the time you left my crew, everyone in the circle will know that you were replaced after starting the machine. This will be your most famous time. You Blame me, from now on, no director in the mainland will use you, and no screenwriter will let you take his book."

In other words, after being blocked implicitly, you can do it yourself.

Luvington was there, clenched by the handle.

Qu Yanting stood up: "But these are things for later. When the news of the crew changing roles comes out, it's more important for you to share it with each chat group first, so as not to spread the news to children, classmates, relatives, neighbors... who else is coming?"

Lu Wen whispered: "Security."

With a bang, the strings in his brain snapped.

He lost his job right after starting the machine, and was even banned until he retired from the circle. How would he face Jiangdong's elders when he returned? Especially his father, who couldn't even let out bold words, wouldn't he be unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life


It is better to bear the humiliation in front of one person than to lose face in front of everyone.

Letting go, Lu Wen turned around tragically.

Qu Yanting patted the dust on the school uniform and said, "Come here, put on your coat."

Lu Wen walked back and suddenly realized that Qu Yanting was not talking to him at all, from probing to setting the stage, he calculated that he had no way out, and then humiliated him with various tricks.

He asked unwillingly: "If you look down on me so much, why did you choose me as the number one male?"

Qu Yanting replied calmly: "You are cheap."

Lu Wen's dignity was completely shattered: "Just because... I'm cheap?"

"Do you know," said Qu Yanting, "your salary is less than one-third of Ruan Feng's."

Lu Wen's whole body was stiff. For the first time, he experienced embarrassment over money. He couldn't vent his emotions, and his chest swelled.

Qu Yanting looked at his watch and said, "Anyway, it's up to you."

The groups had returned to their positions, and Qu Yanting returned to the classroom first, and sat in front of the monitor again.

Ren Shu said: "I didn't see you and Xiao Lu just now, did you give him a small stove?"

Qu Yanting said: "Don't blame me for pointing fingers."

Ren Shu said: "I invite you to watch the show, just to save myself some trouble. How about it, Xiao Lu is not deep enough in the characters, so I have to help him find Ye Shan's feeling."

Qu Yanting said, "Let's try another one."

Two minutes later, the caller called and shot the seventh.

Lu Wen returned to the scene, and the state change was visible to the naked eye. When the close-up shot was pushed, Ren Shu was satisfied for a moment. Before the first act was halfway through, he praised "Entering the play".

Lu Wen was wronged to the extreme, in the face of bullying, feeling powerless, self-esteem and reality fighting each other, the feeling that he could only succumb... He couldn't tell whether he was playing Ye Shan or playing himself distractedly.

The first two scenes were successfully filmed, and in the third scene, Ye Shan was forced to propose to change to the corner in the last row.

The casting fits Ye Xiaowu, because Ye Xiaowu's acting is not natural enough, it must be annoying. And the introverted Ye Shan is difficult to play, no matter which newcomer comes, the director's hands-on training/teaching is indispensable.

The effect was outstanding in a short period of time, Ren Shu asked: "How did you tell him?"

Qu Yanting replied: "I can't talk about it, just talk about it."

Ren Shu is an expert: "Looking at Xiao Lu's true feelings, the chat is quite ruthless, right?"

Qu Yanting said: "Remember this feeling, he will be able to play Ye Shan well."

He knew Lu Wen's crux very well. A rich man who has never been financially embarrassed will not understand how distressed a twenty-dollar book is; he will not understand the expression of forbearance when facing someone who bullies and has capital; an optimist who has never been trampled on his self-esteem , let alone understand whether the weakness is pain or itching.

What's worse is empathy.

Shouting to stop, Lu Wen didn't get up, but lay on the seat with his head stuck, like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

Ren Shu laughed: "This blow seems a bit big, does he know that you are helping him find feelings?"

Qu Yanting said, "He doesn't need to know."

Before you know it, dusk is approaching, and the remaining two scenes are probably not a big problem. Qu Yanting stayed in the crowd all afternoon, feeling uncomfortable, and wanted to go back to the hotel to rest early.

He quietly left through the back door. In the corridor, he saw Sun Xiaojian wandering back and forth holding a water bottle and snacks, just like a grandma waiting for her grandson to leave school.

Turning the corner at the stairs, Qu Yanting went downstairs, just in time for the drama director to come from the first floor.

Xiao Zhang said: "Qubian, you go, have you called the driver?"

Qu Yanting "Hmmm, brushed shoulders and passed, and suddenly stopped after going down two steps.

He called to stop the other party, and Xiao Zhang hurriedly asked: "Qubian, what are your orders?"

Qu Yanting said, "Lu Wen only brought his agent?"

Xiao Zhang replied: "Yes, he is relatively simple."

Qu Yanting thought about it, and thought of the phrase "It must be nice to sit next to you", the bowl of hot millet porridge, and the overlapping silhouette of Lu Wen and Ye Shan.

He ordered: "Allow him with an assistant from the crew until he is finished."