Crossover Actors

Chapter 13


It was already dark when work was done.

After Lu Wen was called to the monitor by Ren Shu, the original film, watching his performance frame by frame, felt amazing. He glanced distractedly at the empty chair next to him, not sure when Qu Yanting left.

In the picture, Ye Shan is sitting in the last corner, after school for a long time, he is the only one left in the classroom. He gradually stopped writing, covered his face with his hands, and smelled the smell of his palms and cuffs.

Ren Shu said: "Emotions progress very naturally, from numbness to self-loathing, the performance has a sense of hierarchy."

When performing this scene, Lu Wen remembered that Qu Yanting said that he was unpopular, his grades were bad, and his salary was low. It was hard not to feel inferior.

In the last scene, Ye Shan rushes into the boys toilet, turns on the faucet to wash his hands. He rinsed vigorously repeatedly, rubbing his fingers until they turned red, and scratches appeared on the back of his hands.

Lu Wen didn't feel it when he was filming, but now watching from the sidelines, he felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Before he remembered it, Ren Shu praised: "Not bad, the task has been successfully completed."

Lu Wen smiled reluctantly. He was not good at hiding, and his depression was obvious at a glance.

Ren Shu said: "Xiao Lu, don't be discouraged. Even the best actors have their moments. How much experience do you have? It's normal."

Lu Wen felt better: "Thank you, Director Ren, for your forgiveness."

"Don't thank me, I will train you if you don't perform well next time." Ren Shudao, "Okay, you can improve only when you are under pressure. Your comprehension is very strong, and if you find the right one, you can perform well."

Lu Wen originally felt that the director had a violent temper, and after being stabbed into a hornet's nest by Qu Yanting's gentle knife, he tasted "tough man tenderness" to Ren Shu. He said gratefully, "Director Ren, I will work hard."

Group A finished work, and everyone left the teaching building one after another. This dilapidated school didn't have a single high-wattage lamp, and it was dim and dim everywhere.

Back in the RV, Lu Wen changed his clothes, and then fiddled with removing makeup. He was clumsy, and he laid out a table of makeup remover cotton at a time, which was more than gauze for surgery.

Sun Xiaojian leaned against the window and sighed: "Oh, this time I completely offended Qu Bian."

When Lu Wen heard the word "Qu", his blood pressure rose by ten digits, and he said, "Don't mention that man, thank you."

Sun Xiaojian was worried: "Why can't you please? It's fine if you can't please. How could it be like this?"

Lu Wen was full of grievances. It was the first time for him to suffer from this kind of embarrassment when he grew up so big. For the sake of future and face, he is already a grandson in front of Qu Yanting. As for flattery, Qu Yanting looked down on him at all, and it was useless for him to spend his attention.

Sun Xiaojian tried to comfort himself: "Bian Qu's status is right there, he doesn't consider other people's face when he says what he does, maybe he didn't mean to hit you."

"Shock?" Lu Wen rolled up the makeup remover cotton, "He didn't hit me on purpose, he crushed me mercilessly and bombed me. I'm going to have an electrocardiogram now, do you know what I'll find?"

Sun Xiaojian asked: "What?"

Lu Wen said: "I will find that my heart is barren."

Sun Xiaojian was at a loss for words. Looking back, they met Qu Yanting as soon as they arrived in Chongqing, and they happened to live in a hotel with Qu Yanting, and they met several times.

According to the normal development law, Lu Wen and Qu Yanting have such a fate, they should get the moon first when they are close to the water, why don't they have sorrow and hatred every time

"Resign yourself to fate." Lu Wen said, "I don't agree with him, screenwriter Qu Da."

Sun Xiaojian is a graduate student at any rate, and he believes in materialism: "Now that you think about it, you got in the wrong car, said the wrong words, and admitted the wrong person. In fact, you have offended Qu Yanting a long time ago."

"But I apologize."

"Then did Qu Yanting accept it?"

Lu Wen said: "You mean, Qu Yanting didn't accept my apology at all, and today he took the opportunity to punish me?"

Sun Xiaojian's brain was wide open: "Why do you think he changed the script when he was so good? The inner drama has increased and the performance has become more difficult. Could it be a hole dug for you? He just came to watch the show, so he just crushed you and bombed you you?"

Lu Wen was enlightened: "He is avenging his own private revenge!"

Suddenly, someone tapped on the car window, it was the drama manager.

Sun Xiaojian opened the car door and saw Xiao Zhang carrying a bag, probably ready to leave work.

Xiao Zhang didn't dare to neglect Qu Yanting's order, so he finished it within one night. He came to inform: "Mr. Lu, I am afraid that you will not have enough manpower, so I have assigned you a crew assistant."

People are vague and light-hearted, and he was a little surprised to be taken seriously. Sun Xiaojian confirmed: "Help us?"

Xiao Zhang said: "Well, let's be a life assistant. It's very easy to work. Try it first. If you are not satisfied, I will change it."

Sun Xiaojian said: "Thank you, I have troubled you."

"I'm sorry, I was sloppy, and I only arranged according to orders today." Xiao Zhang hurriedly got off work, without elaborating, "Then I will withdraw first, and Teacher Lu will also rest earlier."

As the car door closed, Lu Wen and Sun Xiaojian looked at each other. It was rare for something good to happen, and both of them were a little weird.

Sun Xiaojian comforted: "Don't be sad, you see life is like this, if there is a loss, there is a gain, and stupid people have stupid blessings."

Lu Wen said, "Don't be so stupid in the future."

Sun Xiaojian didn't bother to care about it: "Hey, Xiao Zhang said he obeyed orders, who will love you?"

Lu Wen pondered and said: "80% is Director Ren. The director of the crew is the largest. Once Director Ren gives an order, Xiao Zhang will finish it before the end of work."

"It makes sense." Sun Xiaojian said, "Didn't Director Ren still praise you for your good acting?"

Before joining the group, I was full of anticipation, and almost packed up and went home on the first day of starting up. Sun Xiaojian no longer expects Lu Wen to climb Gao Zhier, so he just shoots well, and if he can finish the film smoothly, he will burn incense and worship Buddha.

After removing the makeup, Lu Wen put on his baseball cap and pressed the brim of the cap hard.

"Don't be decadent." Sun Xiaojian said, "Brother will accompany you to relax."

Lu Wen asked, "Where are you going?"

Sun Xiaojian thought for a while: "Outsiders must go - Hongya Cave."

After leaving the crew, they didn't take the nanny car, but took a taxi to Hongyadong.

Hongyadong at night is like a city of lights, dazzlingly bright. There are more tourists than during the day, and it is so lively and relaxing. Lu Wen and Sun Xiaojian grabbed each other's backpack straps and followed the crowd down to the river.

Not far away is the Qiansimen Bridge. When Lu Wen traveled to Chongqing when he was a child, he once took photos with the bridge as the background.

The river was fluctuating, and there were several fishing boats parked on the bank. He sang: "...the setting sun stained the grass, and it was red several times, swaying the sails on the river..."

"It's started again." Sun Xiaojian suggested, "Shall I take a picture of you?"

Lu Wen shook his head, what's the point of the agent taking the picture. There were so many tourists around, how could no one recognize him

The world is so big, where are his fans? Can you come out and take two steps

Sun Xiaojian saw through him: "It's because you're wearing a hat, so everyone can't see clearly."

Lu Wen was speechless, took off his hat after a few seconds, and said, "The nights in Chongqing are quite hot."

He turned around and leaned his back against the railing to face the flow of people passing by. There are students, couples, and sunset tour groups. People walk around, but no one has eyesight.

Lu Wen was feeling lost when a sister in her thirties walked towards him with a camera in her hand. He was overjoyed, and felt shy when facing his sister's fans.

The other party approached: "Hello, can I take a picture?"

Lu Wen asked, "Do you want to take a photo?"

The other party replied: "Well, please."

Just as Lu Wen was about to grab his hair, his hand sank, and the other party handed him the camera.

With a dazed look on his face, he saw his elder sister Fen step back a few steps and put her arms around the other elder brother, who was still hugging his son. The family of three looked at him with smiles on their faces.


Lu Wen raised his camera: "Please call eggplant."

The moment the shutter was pressed, the child twisted in his father's arms and leaned over to kiss his mother's face. The frozen frame was a bit out of focus, but Lu Wen was reluctant to press delete.

He took a new photo, and the family of three was very satisfied, thank you for that.

Lu Wen put on his baseball cap and leaned against the railing in silence. It was his father who took him to Hongyadong when he was a child. Sun Xiaojian looked at the fire, and said, "I'm homesick, have you contacted uncle recently?"

"No." Lu Wen was not very interested, "Why contact him? Listen to him teach me?"

Sun Xiaojian said: "Blood between father and son is thicker than water. Your father must miss you in his heart. If he knows that you have been wronged, he may wave his hand and directly invest in a movie for you."

Lu Wendao: "If I wasn't afraid that he would find out, I would have left long ago."

Taking out his mobile phone, he pretended to flip through the address book casually, and soon found "Lu Zhanqing". One time when he was beaten in elementary school, he changed "Dad" to Lu Zhanqing's name, and vowed at that time that he would never set him as an emergency contact.

With his fingertips hanging over the call button, Lu Wen was hesitating, but Sun Xiaojian touched him on purpose. Hanging up seemed timid, he put the phone to his ear, and said nonchalantly, "I have nothing to talk to him about."

Suddenly, Lu Zhanqing's voice came: "Hello?"

Lu Wen didn't expect to get through so soon. At night in a foreign land, when he heard Lu Zhanqing's voice for the first time, he was in a daze for a moment.

"Dad, it's me." He choked out, "Have you eaten yet?"

Lu Zhanqing replied: "I ate it."

Lu Wen's bass is inherited from Lu Zhanqing. Compared with the two, he looks a little tender. After a few seconds, he really didn't know what to say, and said, "I'm filming in Chongqing."

Lu Zhanqing: "Yes."

There was no way to talk about it, Lu Wen wanted to hang up, when he looked down and saw the line of sightseeing boats, the family of three were chatting and laughing in line. He felt very warm, as for how warm, he and Lu Zhanqing had never experienced it anyway.

Lu Wen was a little soft-hearted and said, "Dad, I miss you."

There was a period of silence where only snorting could be heard, and it took Lu Zhanqing a long time to respond: "What trouble did you cause?"

Lu Wen's blood pressure soared again: "Can you wish me well!"

Lu Zhanqing said: "There is no best."

Lu Wen said, "I miss you only if I'm an idiot!"

Lu Zhanqing smiled: "Understood, let's go to Lao Zheng."

Old Zheng is Lu Zhanqing's assistant. Since Lu Wen became an adult, if the bonuses of assets under his name are not enough, Old Zheng will be responsible for giving him a large sum of money, and Lu Zhanqing will not bother himself.

After hanging up the line, Lu Wen was in no mood to continue sightseeing, and had no appetite for dinner, so he returned home from Hongyadong.

When we arrived at the hotel, it was getting late, and the 62nd floor was still quiet.

Walking outside the door, Lu Wenchao glanced at 6206. He thought Lu Zhanqing was enough for the unbearable man in his life, but now he met Qu Yanting again.

Maybe in his previous life, he first robbed Qu Yanting's wife, and then became Lu Zhanqing's father.

On the first day of work, he was physically and mentally exhausted. Lu Wen returned to the room, took a hot bath to relieve his fatigue, and after soaking, he took a skin care in front of the mirror.

After applying it, he turned on the faucet to rinse his fingertips, and the water droplets splashed on the marble countertop, reflecting the light from the wall lamp.

He suddenly remembered the scene of Ye Shan washing his hands, very similar to Qu Yanting washing his hands endlessly in the dressing room on the night of the opening banquet.

Could it be...

"Damn." Lu Wen muttered, "It has created a psychological shadow on me."

He turned off the faucet and decided to think about what Qu Yanting said again, he is a dog.

Lu Wen got under the bed with the script, recited the words twice, and soon fell asleep holding the script.

The minute hand circled twice, and just after midnight, he turned over in his sleep, his stomach growled, and he woke up from hunger.

After enduring it for a while, Lu Wen got up in the face of defeat, saying that the night snack was too slow, and he wanted to ask Sun Xiaojian for some snacks. Without turning on the light, I put on a coat in the dark, went to the entrance and pulled out the room card.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a black shadow flashing through the cat's eyes.

Lu Wen posted it strangely, and suddenly opened his eyes wide. Across the corridor, a heavily armed man stopped outside door 6206.

The clothes looked familiar... It was Ruan Feng!

Ruan Feng, wearing a hat and mask, knocked lightly on the door without ringing the bell.

Soon, the door opened, and Qu Yanting appeared in the door with wet hair and a bathrobe, apparently just after taking a shower. As if he was unhappy after waiting for a long time, he raised his hand and flicked the brim of Ruan Feng's hat.

Just like during the day, Ruan squeezed in hastily and knocked on the door quickly.

Lu Wenwang stayed behind the cat's eyes, forgetting to be hungry, forgetting to find something to eat, and forgetting all the emotions of today.

He was wide awake, even a little hyper.

Damn, this crew is so exciting.