Crossover Actors

Chapter 26


The second one directly shoots the scene of the car accident.

Lu Wen was waiting by the side of the road, the aftertaste of Wia was very long, a little tight, and the plastic wrap made the pores of his body unable to breathe. He bent down and put his hands on his knees to save his strength.

The rain was getting worse, so Qu Yanting checked the lighting in the middle of the road. He held an umbrella in one hand, and played the horn with the other: "As soon as the No. 3 scene is over, I will make a gesture to remind you, and you will turn on the lights immediately."

Lighting team leader: "Okay, I remember."

"Lu Wen fell, and the camera captured a close-up for two seconds." Qu Yanting warned, "Be sure to do a good job."

A gust of wind blew by, and Qu Yanting's face was covered with a layer of water droplets. He wiped his face indifferently, and continued: "Pay attention to the focus, the first shot is not good."

Daisuke the photographer said: "Editor Qu, I know."

After adjusting one by one, Qu Yanting walked to the side of the road. The rain came in a hurry, and the water in front of Daoyazi hadn't been cleared yet, it was nearly one meter wide. He paused, wondering if he could jump over.

At this time, Lu Wen stretched out his hand on the steps.

Qu Yanting put his hands on it, both hands were very wet and slippery, so they could only clasp them hard. He was cleverly pulled over by Lu Wen, stepped on the steps, and bumped into each other's umbrella edges.

Letting go, Lu Wen stepped aside. The plastic wrap was uncomfortable on his body, so he bowed his back slightly.

Qu Yanting came over and said a few words, the first sentence was: "This kind of drama is all rushed all night, and it is estimated that there will be many shots."

Lu Wen replied, "Well, I'm ready."

Qu Yanting said: "This scene is difficult in every aspect, and the relationship between the actors is not that big, so there is no need to have a psychological burden."

Lu Wen nodded: "Since there are difficulties in all aspects, then Mr. Qu, you don't have to bear the burden."

Qu Yanting was stunned for a moment, substituting for the director, the pressure cannot be dispelled with a word of comfort. But these words came out of Lu Wen's mouth, which was strange, and he felt a little relieved after hearing them.

It was time for the actors to take their seats. Lu Wen put down his umbrella and walked towards the road.

No one may believe it, but Lu Wen has hardly been exposed to rain. On weekdays, the car picks up and drops off, but when the weather is not so sunny, the driver follows more closely. When he was a child, the child's raincoat was changed from size S to XXL. He jumped out to step on the water with his front foot, and the nanny pulled him back with his back foot.

Therefore, in his concept, being in the rain is like "suffering", and tonight can be said to be dedicated to art.

Qu Yanting personally issued the order: "Everyone take their positions, turn on the machine."

The van was coming at a high speed, the wind and rain could not cover up the humming of the engine, Lu Wen fell on the road, raised his head, and two beams of dazzling lights shone head-on.

Panorama zooms in, tweets close-ups, and freezes for two seconds.

Bang, there was a violent impact, and the tire slid out of the wet road, making a sharp sound.

Lu Wen's body lightened, and he was hoisted up by Wia. In his field of vision, there was a piece of white light, rain streaks like weaving, and deep in the depths was a thick night. After the brief dizziness ended, he slammed heavily on the mat.

Qu Yanting gestured, and Kang Daning shouted: "cut!"

Sun Xiaojian and Li Peng rushed over, and they worked together to help Lu Wen up. Before standing still, the van started, turned around and returned to the end of the road.

Kang Daning shouted: "Take a breath, take the third route!"

The wet clothes weighed more than ten kilograms and were stuck to his body. Lu Wen walked back and stuffed the loosened plastic wrap back into his sleeve. When a gust of wind blows, he only feels desolate in his heart.

"Brother Sword."

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Did the company insure me?"

Sun Xiaojian coaxed: "It's up, you stick to it and shoot well. When this scene is broadcast, I will ask the Art Propaganda Department to arrange a hot search for you: Lu Wen, dedicated."

Nine and a half out of ten stars have boasted about their professionalism, which is boring.

Lu Wen said: "I want: Lu Wen, awesome."

After shooting the second shot, I still have the energy to talk nonsense, and then I will shoot the third, fourth, and fifth shots... This group of "falling-knocking-flying-slamming" shots took a total of eight shots.

After the eighth shot, Lu Wen lay on the mat and almost vomited.

Qu Yanting shouted: "Stop, pass!"

It was almost three o'clock in the morning, and the rain was getting more and more unscrupulous, with no intention of decreasing in the slightest. The staff moved the awning to prepare for the next set of shots.

Duan Meng put on the hat of his jacket, carrying the cloud platform and black flag, and just two steps away, Qu Yanting came over to hold an umbrella for him.

"Qubian, you don't need it, you don't need it..." Duan Meng repeatedly refused, "You can't do it!"

With one side of his body drenched, Qu Yanting turned the handle of the umbrella slightly nervously, but pretended to be calm: "There is nothing you can't do, you have worked hard."

Under another awning, Lu Wen started to put on makeup. The wound was the same as the day of filming in the hospital, but more serious.

The makeup teacher said: "Today's blood plasma is brighter in color, and the concentration and composition are different from before. I tried it behind the ear first to avoid allergies."

Lu Wen tilted his head cooperatively and saw Qu Yanting walking towards him on the road.

A smear of cold blood plasma was applied behind the ear, the right ear last time, the left ear this time. The make-up teacher said: "Oh, there is a small tattoo hidden behind the left ear, which seems to be a musical note?"

Lu Wen said "hmm", it was tattooed many years ago, it's very small, it's hard to find if you don't look carefully.

The make-up teacher asked: "Why the tattoo notes?"

Lu Wen replied: "Because... I like music."

It seems natural that young people like music. The make-up teacher smiled and chatted: "Crossover is popular now, and many actors go to the music scene to play around. Have you thought about releasing an album or something?"

Qu Yanting walked under the shed, heard it, and looked at the makeup on Lu Wen's face.

Lu Wen twitched the corner of his mouth: "I..."

For some reason, Qu Yanting noticed a trace of bitterness in Lu Wen's smile, and it seemed difficult to express it. He was making a rescue, but also for business, he cut off the conversation: "Is the chat over?"

Lu Wen avoided the makeup artist's question and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qu Yanting sat down next to him, and he wanted to tell Lu Wen about the movements of the characters. Waiting to shoot the scene after the car accident, Ye Xiaowu rolled a few times after landing, and finally stopped, the picture freezes.

After putting on makeup, Lu Wen's face was covered in blood, and he began to shoot.

With the brown mat removed this time, Lu Wen's body lay directly on the road, sideways, with half of his face soaked in a layer of rainwater, against the cold and hard concrete pavement.

He was ready to go, tensing all the muscles in his body.

When Qu Yanting called "action", Lu Wen suddenly rolled his body, fast and fierce, bumping and bumping on the wet road, using the strength of his body to create a huge inertia after being hit and landing.

Lu Wen gradually stopped, his mouth and nose were stained with sewage, and he was a little choking.

After rolling countless times, he tried his best to calm himself down, closed his eyes lightly, and acted out the powerlessness of dying in the great exhaustion, and was swallowed by the surging pain little by little.

However, before the seconds of the freeze-frame shot had run out, Qu Yanting shouted: "Stop—one more."

The tumbling part is over, just one last shot. Lu Wen was lying still, the camera was directly above, and the lighting was obliquely above. He has referred to some documentaries to study the state of people before death.

He relaxed his body inch by inch, blinked his eyelids with difficulty, and the light in his eyes tended to slacken as he half-closed his eyes.

"Stop—" It was still Qu Yanting, "Start again."

The blood on his face was diluted, Lu Wen stood up, surrounded by makeup artists and assistants to touch up his makeup. He let it be smeared, his mind was blunt, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with the ending performance.

After putting on their makeup, the others left the surroundings. Lu Wen saw Qu Yanting standing two meters away for an unknown amount of time, as if waiting for him.

Lu Wen walked over and ducked under Qu Yanting's umbrella. He said apologetically, "Teacher Qu, I didn't act well."

Qu Yanting asked, "How did Ye Xiaowu die?"

Lu Wen was a little hesitant. Ye Xiaowu and Ye Shan had a physical conflict, lost his balance and fell to the road, and died in a car accident. The script was written like this, he didn't understand why Qu Yanting asked him.

He replied, "Accident."

"Have you ever thought about it?" Qu Yanting paused for a second, "It's not an accident."

Lu Wen was stunned for a moment.

Qu Yanting lowered the surface of the umbrella to withstand the wind and rain, and also blocked his and Lu Wen's faces. There was the crackling sound of water splashing on the umbrella above his head, he leaned forward, and gently confided a secret: "Actually, Ye Shan saw that van."

Lu Wen's breath stagnates: "What..."

Qu Yanting said: "Ye Shan deliberately pushed Ye Xiaowu to death."

He wrote it so cryptically that it was almost invisible in the script, and there was no visual lens to show it when shooting.

Qu Yanting backed away and raised the umbrella.

Two minutes later, the closing shot takes a third shot.

Ye Xiaowu was covered in blood, lying on the road, his ears were submerged by the stagnant water on the road, and blood gushed out from the fatal wound on his forehead.

He opened his lips and teeth slightly, and struggled on the ground with his fingers spread apart, trying to grab something, but he could only stir up a layer of muddy ripples. His eyes were bulging to the limit, without blinking, and the raindrops fell like silver needles, making the corners of his eyes scarlet.

Fear, pain, nothing beats the unbelievable.

Ye Xiaowu's death became Ye Shan's lifelong secret.

The guilt for the rest of his life is real, and the nightmare he gave birth to is real, but the moment when Ye Shan pushes Ye Xiaowu, the split-second of hatred and evil is also real.

The camera zooms in, and a close-up of the face freezes.

Three, two, one, when the seconds of the final shot ran out, Qu Yanting shouted in a deep voice, "Stop-pass!"

Lu Wen closed his eyes in pain, the rainwater was dirty, mixed with plasma, and poured into his eye sockets. He got up and was supported by Sun Xiaojian and Li Dapeng from left to right.

The actor's kimono can be finished, and Sun Xiaojian said distressedly: "Finally finished filming, oh my god, I fell down several times and then rolled on the ground. I feel exhausted watching it."

Li Dapeng said: "It has been soaking in the rain, it must have froze."

Lu Wen couldn't see the road at all, his legs were filled with lead, and he walked with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

Back in the RV, it was warm all of a sudden. Lu Wen rinsed his eyes and dried his face and hair.

He collapsed on the bed exhausted, and Sun Xiaojian helped him take off his shoes, socks and underwear one by one. The plastic wrap was knotted and tied to my body, so I could only cut it with scissors.

With only a pair of underwear left, Lu Wen lay in a "big" shape, commonly known as "a dead body."

Li Dapeng twisted a hot towel and said, "Don't catch a cold, I'll wipe it for you."

Lu Wen was left hanging on the bed like a seaweed, wiped off with a hot towel, and his consciousness slowly recovered. However, his thoughts did not slow down, still staying in the world of Ye Shan and Ye Xiaowu.

Sun Xiaojian brought hot tea, helped him up and took a sip.

The hot current watered Lu Wen slightly awake. He didn't think about it for the time being, thinking about other people, and said: "I've worked hard all night, order some hot soup and porridge for everyone, I'll treat you."

"Ancestor." Sun Xiaojian said, "Where can I make an order for you at four o'clock in the morning?"

Lu Wen sighed, lay down again, and entered the empty state after being exhausted.

Li Dapeng covered him with a blanket and said, "I'll cook something for you when you go back to the hotel."

Sun Xiaojian was surprised: "You know how to cook?"

"Yes, we are assistants who know everything." Li Dapeng said with a smile, "Actually, I bought ginger brown sugar and old hen in advance. When I go back, I will cook a bowl of ginger soup for Teacher Lu, and then stew a herbal chicken pot."

"Yes, you." Sun Xiaojian said, "You are an assistant to the crew, and you are only helping us. It's embarrassing to do so much."

Li Dapeng is honest: "It's my own business, let's talk about the leader's order, how dare I neglect it."

"Thank you, Brother Peng." Lu Wen lay on the pillow, thinking about the source while drinking water, and even thanked the leader, "Thank you Director Ren for taking care of me."

Li Dapeng looked blank: "Wait a minute, what does it have to do with Director Ren?"

Lu Wen asked, "Didn't Director Ren order it?"

"No, Xiao Zhang arranged for me to be your life assistant at the beginning, and told me to be careful. He said that the person who took care of him personally—"

Lu Wen raised his head.

Li Dapeng replied: "It's Qu Bian."