Crossover Actors

Chapter 30


Qu Yanting and Ruan Feng are blood brothers, blood is thicker than water.

There is a six-year age difference between the two. Qu Yanting and his father's surname were born in March in Yangchun, which is the season when swallows returning from spring fill the courtyard. Ruan Feng followed his mother's surname. The night before his birth, his mother dreamed of crabapple flowers and named him Ruan Mengtang.

Ruan Feng was born fair and timid, with a name like a girl, and was often laughed at since he was a child. When I debuted, I wanted to change it, so I took the name Ruan Feng, which is simple and easy to remember.

Father Qu went early, when Qu Yanting was eight years old and Ruan Feng was only two years old.

The mother moved them south to Sichuan. A woman raised a pair of young sons, and after five or six years they became ill from overwork. When his mother left, Qu Yanting had just finished his first year of junior high school, and Ruan Feng had just finished elementary school.

After that, Qu Yanting shouldered all the burdens, studied to make money and took care of his family, even though he was only a teenager who had not yet entered puberty.

Qu Yanting raised Ruan Feng for five full years, and with the increase in schoolwork and tuition fees, he became more and more struggling. Until the end of his college entrance examination, in order to ensure that his younger brother would be fed and clothed warmly, he had no choice but to find a new "home" for Ruan Feng.

The person who adopted Ruan Feng was a single old lady who had no blessings and wanted to have children and grandchildren as companions. Qu Yanting took the initiative to sign the agreement, as long as the other party treats Ruan Feng kindly, he will support the old lady in her old age in the future.

Qu Yanting relied on funding to study in university, whether he was introverted or inferior. He never talked about his family, and his frustrated and embarrassing growth experience was also sealed deep in his heart.

Many years later, Qu Yanting became a screenwriter, and Ruan Feng entered the show business circle.

This is a circle that is very prone to gossip, and for other reasons, they choose to keep their brotherhood secret. Besides, in terms of law, after being adopted, Ruan Feng and Qu Yanting are no longer relatives.

Up to now, the two are on the set together, and even Ren Shu doesn't know that Ruan Feng is Qu Yanting's younger brother.

To Ruan Feng, Qu Yanting was the only blood relative, the greatest support and support in his childhood. He was used to being clingy, and when he learned that Qu Yanting was ill, he couldn't care less.

After asking, Ruan Feng stroked Qu Yanting's forehead, and felt a slight fever, which was a low-grade fever symptom.

"It's much better." Qu Yanting took Ruan Feng's hand, held it, and squeezed hard so that the child grinned. He taught softly: "Who told you to come here, you will ignore my words?"

Ruan Feng was very aggrieved, and he felt even worse: "You are my elder brother, I live in Chongqing, and you didn't call me when you were sick, so you blame me for coming to see you?"

Qu Yanting was speechless and let go of her hand. He won't call anyone, he is sick and lonely and frustrated, he has learned to dissolve himself since the death of his father, and has no habit of seeking support at all.

"Don't worry about minor illnesses and disasters," he said.

Ruan Feng already knew that Lu Wen lived in 6207, and said, "Thanks to Brother Lu Wen today."

So he changed his name to "Brother", and Qu Yanting unconsciously looked at the door. Was the pretty nurse Lu Wen was talking about the one who changed his fluid? Want a number

Ruan Feng noticed the food on the table, and took out the order receipt from the bag. Looking at the name of the restaurant, he knew that Lu Wen bought it on purpose. Recalling that when he first entered the ward, Lu Wen seemed to be holding the bowl of porridge in front of him.

Ruan Feng was startled: "Brother, are you still being fed?"

"What nonsense." Qu Yanting explained, "It's too hot, let him blow on it."

Ruan Feng's surprise did not change, his mother worked hard when he was young, and it was always Qu Yanting who took care of him eating and dressing. Ever since he learned how to hold chopsticks, Qu Yanting has never cooked for him again.

"Brother Lu Wen is so considerate?"

"... Hmm." Qu Yanting felt something was wrong, "It was because I couldn't use one hand that he helped me."

Ruan Feng said: "But he is a star after all, he will accompany you for infusion, buy you delicious food, that's all, because of you, he even lost his image."

Qu Yanting didn't know why.

Ruan Feng relayed the housekeeper's words: "Brother Lu Wen asked to open the door. They had concerns and were yelled at by Brother Lu Wen. If it gets out, it might be a big show."

Qu Yanting didn't know at all: "Really?"

"Lie to you puppy." Ruan Feng said, "The butler said that Brother Lu Wen was very anxious, and said that he was not more important than you as a living person, and he will bear any consequences."

Qu Yanting didn't hear enough: "Is there any more?"

Ruan Feng recalled: "Brother Lu Wen was going to go out, but he walked away, and he came back when he was worried."

Qu Yanting was so dizzy from the fever that he heard someone calling "Teacher Qu" in a trance. When he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Wen squatting beside his bed. He thought that the other party happened to be passing by, and it turned out that he was specially "rescued" by him.

He owes a great favor tonight.

Ruan Feng is very conscious of his family: "I have to thank brother Lu Wen some other day."

Qu Yanting raised his hand and flicked his head, and said helplessly, "Be more honest."

He had a headache. Ruan Feng ran over this time, and Lu Wen must have felt very strange. How to explain it is still a problem.

"Brother, don't worry." Ruan Feng blushed, inexplicably joyful, "I know Brother Lu Wen is here, and I've already thought up a speech on the way here, so let me explain."

Ruan Feng picked up the porridge, it was no longer hot, and he wanted to feed it to Qu Yanting.

After talking for a while, Qu Yanting ordered Ruan Feng to leave as soon as possible. The hospital is full of people, and it will be troublesome if someone finds out.

He picked up the mobile phone on the table, handed it to Ruan Feng, and told him to put on his hat.

Ruan Feng still wanted to say a few words, but he froze when he touched his pocket: "Hey? I have my mobile phone."

Qu Yanting was also stunned, who owns this phone? He pressed the power button, and on the screen that lit up was a photo of Lu Wen wearing boots and riding on horseback.

Ruan Feng exclaimed: "Wow, so handsome!"

In the corridor, Lu Wen opened his trench coat and wanted to leave in style, but he forgot his mobile phone.

He walked around the ward area, finished drinking hot chocolate, read the medical knowledge posted on the wall, learned that the uncle in the next ward was surnamed Zhang, and watched a ten-minute TV series with him.

Lu Wen returned outside the ward, wanting to get his mobile phone and take a peek at the situation in the room. He was about to knock on the door when a family member of a patient ran over and bumped into his shoulder, and he leaned over and squeezed the door open.

Suddenly, Lu Wen saw Ruan Feng holding Qu Yanting.

"Brother, you must call me if you have anything to do." Ruan Feng whispered, and patted Qu Yanting on the back, just like how Qu Yanting hugged him when he was sick.

Lu Wenning was stuck in the crack of the door, hearing Qu Yanting's hoarse and gentle words.

"Go back quickly."

"Don't worry."

"You are obedient."

He was surprised, Qu Yanting himself has become a sick seedling, and still wants to coax Xiao Qinger? It hurts people a lot, doesn't it

With Lu Wenhuang's skill, Ruan Feng left and walked to the door, saw him, and said, "Brother Lu Wen, Teacher Qu asked me to go first, I will go down through the safe passage."

Lu Wen used his tall body to cover Ruan Feng, walked through the corridor one after the other, and turned into the safe passage.

The light was dim, and the two stood at the corner of the stairs. Ruan Feng said, "Brother Lu Wen, thank you for taking care of Teacher Qu today."

Lu Wen put his windbreaker pocket in his pocket: "In a film crew, it's a matter of helping hands."

Ruan Feng said: "You must be wondering why I came to visit Teacher Qu."

Lu Wen was very clear, pretending to be puzzled and nodded.

"Actually, I know Teacher Qu." Ruan Feng confessed, "To be precise, it is Teacher Qu who is kind to me."

Lu Wen's heart was as stable as Mount Tai, and there was a bit of consternation on his face. He doesn't take the initiative to gossip, but everyone has a curiosity. He wants to hear about the emotional journey of Qu Yanting and Ruan Feng.

For example, how did you meet? Which side took the initiative? in what way

He understood that Ruan Feng would explain love as kindness.

Ruan Feng took out his prepared remarks: "When I was making a film for the first time, I was fortunate to meet Mr. Qu on the set."

Lu Wenxin said it was a coincidence that he also met Qu Yanting on the set.

"At that time, I was a young rookie, so I couldn't help making jokes, but Teacher Qu didn't blame me for offending."

Lu Wen was slightly stunned, he still remembered the big joke when he joined the group, and Qu Yanting didn't bother with him.

"My acting skills are young and I have encountered many difficulties. Teacher Qu has no airs at all. Every time he takes me aside and tells me about plays."

Lu Wen froze for a moment, feeling something was wrong.

"Working on the set is very hard, and Teacher Qu silently takes care of me."

Lu Wen was completely dumbfounded.

The palms in his pockets were sweating from fear, and he realized that Qu Yanting treated Ruan Feng, who had a crush on him, with such step-by-step help, consideration, and finally capture.

But these piles, one by one, are so familiar and empathetic.

Ruan Feng didn't notice that Lu Wen was already stupid, so he concluded his statement: "That's how we met, Mr. Qu is a low-key person, can you help keep it a secret?"

Lu Wen didn't respond, Ruan Feng asked: "Brother Lu Wen, are you okay? "

The crown of the tooth was grinding, Lu Wen nodded slowly in agreement, and squeezed out "it's okay" from between his teeth.

Ruan Feng frowned: "Thank you, then I'll go first, and treat you to dinner another day!"

The sound of brisk footsteps gradually drifted away and disappeared on a certain floor. Lu Wen was alone in the dark, next to his ears, the words just now repeated repeatedly, hitting his nerves like falling hammers.

The liquid medicine was almost finished, so Qu Yanting put away the order receipt with one hand, including the medical expenses, and he wanted to return it to Lu Wen later.

The mobile phone received several messages from Ruan Feng, and Qu Yanting clicked on it—

Brother, I explained it to Brother Lu Wen.

The script is very real, in line with our identities as screenwriters and actors, and we can't find any bugs.

Brother Lu Wen didn't doubt it, he seemed quite moved.

I'm leaving! If you need anything, you must call me!

Qu Yanting was relieved for the time being, and couldn't help looking at the door. Ruan Feng probably got into the car, so why didn't Lu Wen come back

Whoever he thought would come, Lu Wen pushed the door open the next moment, but didn't come in, and stood at the door of the ward solemnly.

That face was so dignified as if bewitched, Qu Yanting couldn't help guessing, could it be that the number was rejected? "Here is your phone," he said.

Lu Wen seemed to have never heard of it: "I have asked some questions, but I want to confirm it again."

Qu Yanting: "What's the problem?"

Lu Wen took a deep breath and lowered his natural bass.

"I offended you when I entered the group, did you blame me?"

"How can I blame you?"

"Changing the script and adjusting my role, is it public revenge?"

"Of course not, you can ask Ren Shu."

"In the 14th scene, when you hit me, it was just a show? Help me find the feeling?"


"I acted badly, don't you despise me?"

"You just need to be taught."

"You don't look down on me at all?"


"Arranging assistants, is it completely sympathetic to my lack of manpower?"

"I'm also a little concerned."

Lu Wen choked for a moment: "Do you... think I'm handsome?"

The photo of riding a horse surfaced, and Qu Yanting replied: "... very handsome."

After asking the last question, with a "bang", Lu Wen slammed the door and went out.

Qu Yanting was confused and did not understand what happened.

Lu Wen walked to the nurse's station and threw himself on the table, attracting three nurses on duty to surround him. He begged the head nurse, "Sister, I want to measure my blood pressure."

He rolled up his sleeves, wrapped his elbows around the cuff of the blood pressure monitor, looked up at the ceiling, and felt his pulse and heart contract violently.

Soon, the measured values stopped jumping.

The head nurse said: "The blood pressure is not bad, why is the heartbeat so fast."

Lu Wen put his head on the table and covered his chest, his beating heart was within reach.

Can you hurry up

It turns out that everything has traces to follow.

Qu Yanting actually... fell in love with him.

The author has something to say: Qu Yanting is also responsible. Let a not-so-smart person talk to another not-so-smart person. What good things can come out of the conversation