Crossover Actors

Chapter 35


Lu Wen grasped the two skirts on Qu Yanting's chest, his knuckles touched the shirt, and the material was softer than he imagined. The ten fingers were loosened, but not retracted, evoking two light streamers.

No wonder the open-angle collar is beautiful, the sunken half of the collarbone, the white triangle area, and the Adam's apple that slides up and down are all exposed. Lu Wen tried to tighten the streamer and pulled it.

Qu Yanting thought he was making trouble and blamed him for being childish: "How old are you?"

"You are young and full of energy." Lu Wen coordinated his hands and mouth, bragging and continuing to tug, "It's cold outside, put on your little fairy ribbon."

Qu Yanting was depressed all night, and finally the corners of her lips curled up generously, which made Lu Wen laugh angrily. He held up the folded pocket square, afraid that it would fall apart, so he didn't change hands, and stuffed it into Lu Wen's pocket on his chest.

After putting on the overcoat, Qu Yanting tied the two long ribbons in a knot, and said helplessly, "It's for decoration, it can't cover anything."

Lu Wen raised his eyebrows, and this person knew he couldn't hide it? He has to interfere with other people's dressing: "I'm sick, I don't know how to cover it tightly."

Qu Yanting changed the subject: "What a coincidence, our coats are all black."

It's too clumsy, Lu Wen raised the bar: "What's more coincidental, both of us are men."

A few rambling words seemed to be more effective than the forty minutes in the cubicle. Qu Yanting calmed down, raised her hand to brush through the messy hair, and put all the embarrassment of tonight behind her.

The two of them left halfway, and the driver of the film crew didn't know where he was spending his time, so he didn't call a car at all.

Walking through the back door of the building, you will come out of the bustling business district, with bright lights on the pedestrian street, department stores, restaurants, luxury stores, and tourists in twos and threes at night.

It's rare to be so leisurely since joining the group. Lu Wen and Qu Yanting walked side by side, and neither of them was in a hurry. Next to the flower bed sat an old couple walking their dog, the leash was tied to the handrail, and the puppy rushed to them as they passed by.

Lu Wen squatted down on one knee, and with his big hand, he could rub the head of a small dog stupidly. He touched it and said, "The hair is quite slippery."

Qu Yanting squatted beside him, echoing, "The eyes are quite big."

Gao Leng's little male dog, confirmed to be two old leftover men, twisted his ass and went back. Lu Wen and Qu Yanting were speechless, got up and walked forward, Lu Wen said angrily: "This dog is no good, I won't keep it if you give me two hundred."

Qu Yanting asked: "How about two hundred and five?"

Lu Wen puffed smoke from his nostrils, but his heart fell back to his stomach. Qu Yanting's ability to hurt him showed that he was in a good mood.

Seeing that Lu Wen was silent, after three or five steps, Qu Yanting touched the opponent's elbow, and couldn't help worrying after the run: "Unhappy?"

What's the matter, but no one wants to resist the feeling of being cared about, Lu Wen deliberately kept his face sullen and didn't answer.

The last time Qu Yanting coaxed someone seriously was more than ten years ago, and the target was the younger brother of a primary school student. He was silent for a while at a loss, unable to think of any other way.

Lu Wen walked on his own, but was suddenly stopped by Qu Yanting and stopped under the tree facing each other. What to do, say sorry? Can I make a nice addition? Could it be that you acted like a baby to him in the street

Qu Yanting's tricks are the same as ten years ago, using small objects to attract the opponent's attention. Back then it was bubble gum, cards and cars, now he has nothing but a cell phone.

He opened the album, selected a furry photo, and held it up to Lu Wen: "Let you see my cat."

Most of the wild cats in the countryside are picked up, and they are bred to be fat and strong. Lu Wen can't appreciate its beauty, but only appreciates Qu Yanting's poor donkey skills.

Forget it, he took the initiative to go down the steps: "It's so cute."

Qu Yanting thought the method was brilliant, and asked, "Do you like it?"

"I like it." Lu Wen couldn't tell who was coaxing whom, "The filming is really good."

Qu Yanting gave up and lowered her head to fiddle with the phone. Lu Wen sighed softly, he only blamed Lu Zhanqing for not shaping his character well, for being too easily manipulated by others.

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang and received a WeChat reminder. Lu Wen took it out and opened it, and a small red circle was displayed in the "new friend". He clicked on it, and it was a friend request.

The note reads: I am Qu Yanting.

Lu Wen was a little unbelievable, like frantically looking for something, but couldn't find it no matter what, and when he forgot and gave up, it would show up on its own initiative.

Lu Wen didn't make a sound, and didn't look at Qu Yanting who was a step away, afraid that the other party would regret it in the next moment, so he hurriedly pressed "Agree".

Added successfully.

Immediately afterwards, Qu Yanting sent a photo of the fat cat.

Lu Wen was also afraid that Qu Yanting would delete him just to post the photo, so he stared at the page for a while, and tentatively replied: What's its name

Qu Yanting raised his head and said with a smile, "You can just ask me if you don't."

Lu Wen asked without paying attention: "You won't block me, will you?"

Qu Yanting was stunned for a moment, and said with some leeway: "As long as you don't mess with me..." The words were swallowed in his throat, and the traces of what Lu Wen did tonight were still clear, and he couldn't help changing his words, "You are not innocent, I still Block what are you doing."

Regardless of praise or criticism, Lu Wen was relieved by Qu Yanting's words, and the fat cat seemed to be more pleasing to the eye.

Continue to walk forward, the pedestrian street is not convenient to take a taxi, they walked a long way either talking or silently.

Passing by a hot pot restaurant, red lanterns were hung beside the black plaque, and the spicy aroma wafted around, making Qu Yanting slow down. After only two glasses of wine at the party, he was hungry.

Lu Wen didn't eat anything, he sniffed it, and felt a little embarrassed about Chongqing hot pot. Just when he sighed in his heart, "How spicy it is", Qu Yanting walked up to the door like a young master and a dignified famous actress steps.

"I said Teacher Qu..." Lu Wen tried to rein in the precipice.

Qu Yanting turned around and beckoned him: "Let's go, I invite you."

The small private room on the second floor is simple and simple in decoration, with square tables and long benches, and the cold wind blowing through the sliding windows. Putting the coat into the rattan basket, with the cuffs folded a few times, Qu Yanting is much more comfortable than sitting on the velvet sofa.

With a pencil in his hand, he ticked off the menu, and ticked off a list of must-order hot pot dishes. When he looked up, Lu Wenheng was playing games with his mobile phone, and he helped out: "What do you like to eat?"

Lu Wen replied: "Clear soup."

"...Okay." Qu Yanting modified the bottom of the pot, "Let's come to Yuanyang."

There was a commotion downstairs, Qu Yanting was holding a cup of tea, looking down, it was the end of the dinner party of seven or eight young people, and the drunk people were drinking crazy.

The dishes were served one after another. The mandarin duck pot was half crimson and half milky white, and the two fragrances blended together. Except for the time in the hospital, this was the first time that Qu Yanting and Lu Wen had dinner at the same table formally.

The two pairs of chopsticks do not interfere with the water in the well, and Qu Yanting simmered in the red soup and dipped in the dried chili dish. The pearl-colored clothes on her body were so clean, and her thin lips were very bright.

Lu Wen scooped up a piece of beef and put it on a plate to dry. He moved slowly, eating the hot pot absent-mindedly.

In fact, he was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to ask questions.

Regarding Qu Yanting's performance and reaction tonight, as well as Qu Yanting's resistance to the doorbell and ringtones, he didn't think these were normal, but he couldn't conclude that they were pathological. He wanted to know more.

In addition, some of the traits of Ye Shan and Ye Xiaowu are projected on Qu Yanting. Is it a pure coincidence, a source of inspiration, or a record of self-experience? If it is the latter, which part is creation and which part is Qu Yanting's real life

Lu Wen thought over and over again, afraid of saying the wrong thing recklessly, afraid of touching Qu Yanting's privacy, he couldn't speak for a long time.

After eating a plate of prawns, like drinking three rounds, he mustered up the courage to call out "Teacher Qu".

Qu Yanting raised his head through the curling white heat, with thin sweat on his forehead, completely different from the sweat of singing on the stage. He was relaxed and natural, with his lips and teeth slightly parted defenselessly, exhaling a spicy breath.

Thousands of words were choked up, and Lu Wen couldn't ask a single word.

Whether he was cowardly or timid, he changed his mind at this moment. His curiosity and concern are not important, he wants Qu Yanting to eat this meal without burden, and leave the hot pot restaurant still physically and mentally comfortable.

"What's wrong?" Qu Yanting asked.

Lu Wen took out a tissue: "Wipe off your sweat."

"Thank you." Qu Yanting suddenly smiled, red lips and black eyes, bright and vivid under the lamp, "I ordered a pig's brain for you."

Lu Wen was a little stunned: "Huh?"

Qu Yanting said: "Complement the shape with the shape."

Lu Wen suddenly felt that he really made a mistake: "...that's too much."

Qu Yanting picked it up from the dining shelf, a small portion, like a brain, those who love it covet it, and those who don't love it stay away.

Lu Wen frowned and curled his lips, feeling extremely disgusted, as if Qu Yanting dared to put his mind in the pot, and he would walk away the next moment.

At the critical moment, the mobile phone rang and floated out of the rattan basket muffled.

Lu Wen's cell phone was on the table, and he immediately helped to lift the cover gleefully. Qu Yanting put down the pig's brain, and reluctantly took out the mobile phone from his coat pocket.

The word "Ruan" flashed on the screen.

Lu Wen caught a glimpse, and his body, which was heated by the hot pot, suddenly cooled down.

As if waking up from a dream in the middle of the night, and also like a slap in the face, all the things he didn't worry about tonight were resurrected, replacing the hot red and white mandarin ducks, lying between him and Qu Yanting.

"Hello?" Qu Yanting slid the call button.

The party is not over yet, it is inconvenient to call outside, Ruan Feng's voice is a little soft: "Brother, I called you, why didn't you answer?"

This is the second call. During the first call, there was noise downstairs, but Qu Yanting didn't hear it. He explained: "It's not quiet around here, it's not on purpose."

"Then where have you been?" Ruan Feng said, "I've searched for you several times."

Qu Yanting said: "After singing, I will leave first."

Ruan Feng was concerned: "Are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." Qu Yanting turned her head, and there was a faint moonlight outside the window.

Lu Wen's expression was gloomy, he was not deaf, he could hear Qu Yanting's tenderness and love for Ruan Feng, and it was in front of his face. For a second of distraction, the beef on the tip of the chopsticks slipped to the bottom of the soup.

There were some noises, Ruan Feng asked: "Brother, are you in the hotel?"

"Eat hot pot outside." Qu Yanting habitually urged, with a paternalistic commanding tone, "You drink less."

"I see." Ruan Feng couldn't help but wonder, "Brother, do you eat hot pot alone?"

Qu Yanting replied: "I am with Lu Wen."

Across the table, Lu Wen suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Qu Yanting in disbelief. what is this? Qu Yanting was alone with his "new love" who didn't leave a word, and he still had to tell his old love clearly? !

After hanging up the thread, Qu Yanting picked up the chopsticks again, only to realize that the table was eerily quiet, Lu Wenshi was motionless like a statue, his eyes were burning, and he was about to burn him out of the hole.

Qu Yanting was furious: "Why don't you eat?"

"Can I still eat it?" Lu Wen asked back, suppressing overwhelming emotions, "Teacher Qu, it was Ruan Feng who called you just now?"

Qu Yanting nodded, showing a trace of confusion: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Wen said with difficulty: "I'm very bad, I'm going to die of pain these two days."

Qu Yanting became more and more confused: "What happened?"

"What do you think?" Lu Wen asked again, "Don't you understand?"

Qu Yanting was a little puzzled, he was eating hot pot in a good way, why did he go crazy after answering Ruan Feng's phone call? Could it be... He probed: "Is it related to Ruan Feng?"

Can't bear the showdown at last? Lu Wen took a deep breath, and didn't want to continue to play dumb: "Yes, of course it has something to do with him."

After a pause, he said sonorously, "It's more about you."

"Me?" Qu Yanting put down his chopsticks.

Lu Wen questioned him: "Why did you tell Ruan Feng to be with me?"

Qu Yanting felt dizzy: "Because I am with you right now."

"Why did you tell him!" Lu Wen became excited, "Have you considered Ruan Feng's feelings? Have you ever thought that he would mind?"

Qu Yanting was puzzled: "Why would he mind?"

Lu Wen roared roughly: "But I will!"

Qu Yanting picked up the herbal tea and drank the whole cup. Suspecting that the clear soup pot was mixed with fake wine, he picked up the teapot and poured the second cup. Lu Wen grabbed his wrist and clamped him firmly.

Their eyes met, and there were sparks in Lu Wen's eyes. From the moment he saw through Qu Yanting's intentions, he shouldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Even though Ruan Feng didn't mind, he couldn't accept it.

Qu Yanting wanted to step on two boats, but he would rather die than be a third party.

Lu Wen has never been so serious: "Teacher Qu, you hinted at me that I am very similar to Ruan Feng. Let me tell you, you are wrong."

Qu Yanting opened his eyes wide, he hinted something, didn't he say it clearly

"I am not the same as Ruan Feng at all. He is tolerant of my narrowness, he is generous and I am stingy, and he does not disobey your wishes, but I can't fucking accept it!"

Qu Yanting broke free: "What's the matter with Ruan Feng?!"

No matter what the consequences will be for him, the big deal is not to shoot, it doesn't matter if he is banned and withdrawn from the circle! Lu Wen couldn't hold back any longer, and shouted loudly: "I already knew about the relationship between you two!"

Qu Yanting froze for a moment, his eyes fixed, it was too sudden and unexpected, he hoped that Lu Wen was joking: " know?"

"Yes, I already knew." Lu Wen said firmly, "There is no impenetrable wall in the world."

Qu Yanting panicked for a moment, and quickly calmed down. His first reaction was to hide it. He said neither humble nor overbearing: "Keep it secret for us, okay?"

Lu Wen didn't intend to speak out, he rolled his Adam's apple, and the subwoofer rubbed a little hoarse, as if it would hurt when he said it: "Then you... don't provoke me in the future."

"I provoke you?"


"What did I provoke you for?"

"What do you say, you tell me plays, arrange assistants for me, and I know what you mean by everything you do to me."

"… What's the meaning?"

"You still pretend!"

"What am I pretending to be?"

"Do you have to be explicit? Don't use what you did to Ruan Feng to deal with me, I don't need it. You treat Ruan Feng well on one side and take care of me on the other side. Who do you think I am?!"

"Is there any conflict between being nice to Ruan Feng and taking care of you?"

At this point, Lu Wen didn't understand why Qu Yanting was still talking hard, and his tone was so wronged that he could twist the water: "You let me go! I don't want to!"

Qu Yanting: "I—"

"You insist on provoking me, don't you!" Lu Wen was completely ruthless, "Then you and Ruan Feng will break up first!"

Endured to the limit, Qu Yanting finally broke out: "There's something wrong with your mother, why did my brother break up?!"

"Dear… !"

With a bang, the teacup was knocked over.

Lu Wen bit his tongue in shock, his face full of astonishment.