Crossover Actors

Chapter 37


The Porsche pulled over and turned off, two streets away from the community, the mottled tree shadows shone on the vicissitudes of the cement road, and there was a similar scene. Qu Yanting glanced out the window and asked, "Where is this?"

The driver brother turned around and said, "The studio, I'm filming here today."

Qu Yanting softened her heart and agreed to Lu Wen to watch the show, but did not pay attention to the shooting announcement. Get off the car and go up the fifth and sixth steps. The entrance is similar to an ordinary storefront, with a narrow sign on the side, and the handwriting has been blurred.

This is a small vegetable market. It has been around for a long time, and it is full of vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and non-staple food. It is crowded and complicated, but it is complete. When Qu Yanting walked in, a mixed sound and smell came over his face.

Group A is at the end of the second column and is getting ready.

Qu Yanting passed one by one stalls, his heels squeaking on the washed checkered bricks, the closer he got to the end, the slower his pace, and he smelled a strong fishy smell.

"Yanting!" Ren Shu saw him, and strode towards him, "This place is shabby, why are you here!"

Qu Yanting did not explain the reason, but said, "I haven't told you about my flight tomorrow morning."

"If you didn't tell me sooner, I'd be afraid of you!" Ren Shu was so anxious that he brushed his hair, "I'll change the show, I'll see you off at night, and I'll take you to the airport tomorrow morning."

Qu Yanting shook her head: "Do what you should do, I'm busy with you."

While speaking, Qu Yanting swept over Ren Shu's shoulders and swept towards the crowd. The outermost circle was filled with chores, and inside were the photography team, lighting engineer, and a makeup teacher in red tiptoeing to touch up the male protagonist's makeup.

The powder puff was slapped softly on the face, and Lu Wen's eyes were also soft. He saw Qu Yanting as soon as he appeared, and he didn't look away.

I sent such a message carelessly last night, but I didn't expect Qu Yanting to agree to it. When I flipped through the filming notice this morning, Lu Wen regretted it all.

The fish stand rented by the film crew was filming the scene of Ye Shan selling fish and killing fish today.

After finishing his makeup, Lu Wen walked through the crowd. He felt sorry that Qu Yanting didn't touch fish and shrimps, and staying here was suffering. But Qu Yanting came for him, and he couldn't help but jump for joy.

Putting his hand into his pocket, Lu Wen stopped in front of Qu Yanting, took out a box of mints at the same time, poured two of them himself, and stuffed the rest of the box to the other party: "Mr. .”

Qu Yanting caught it: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Really not." Lu Wen explained, "What happened last night, I don't remember what to shoot. I just wanted you to come..."

The mints melted slightly on the tip of the tongue, as cool as ice, Qu Yanting opened his mouth a little and took a deep breath. He means what he says, even if the environment is not good, he will finish the scene.

Lu Wen asked, "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning." Qu Yanting replied.

Lu Wen should not be vague: "What time is it?"

Qu Yanting is not stupid, asking the time clearly is just to send me to the airport, there are too many people, he refused in a low voice: "Xiaofeng will send me to the airport."

Lu Wen didn't say any more, he squeezed his mouth so hard that a small wine pit was about to be squeezed out from the corner of his mouth. Qu Yanting has seen such a pitiful face before, and the lethality is beyond the reach of ordinary people, so he turned his face away without being soft-hearted.

"..." Lu Wen said sadly, "Are you really looking at me?"

Casting lightly from the corner of the eye, Qu Yanting said: "A tall man looks like a pillar, don't be cute."

Lu Wen didn't admit it: "I'm showing my true feelings."

"What are you showing to me?" Qu Yanting raised her hand, stretched Lu Wen's collar flat, and patted on that broad and straight shoulder, "Show it to your precious children and girlfriends."


Just as Lu Wen started, the field record urged people to take their positions.

The fish stalls are surrounded by a square, with tables on three sides, next to a seller of kelp and dried shrimps, fresh fish and shrimps are drying on the tables, and live fish are swimming in the large rectangular basins in front of the tables.

Lu Wen went in and sat down with his hands down, the small broken chair creaked. He has never bought vegetables himself, and today is the first time he has set foot in the vegetable market.

In order to perform this scene well, Lu Wen arrived two hours early to observe the expressions, movements and ways of dealing with people of the vendors, and then incorporated Ye Shan's own characteristics and made slight adjustments.

To be honest, Lu Wen was shocked wherever he went. But as soon as it was turned on, he ignored it, picked up a rag to wipe the table, set up the electronic scale, sharpened the kitchen knife, and skillfully opened a handful of plastic bags.

Qu Yanting sank into the folding canvas chair, staring intently at the play, the details of Lu Wen's busy work came to life, he chewed a mint candy, and hooked the corners of his mouth in relief.

An aunt stopped in front of the booth and picked two fish. Ye Shan scooped them up. The plump and live fish jumped happily and jumped back into the water from the chopping board.

Duan Meng took a close-up camera, and his face was splashed with water: "Xiao Lu, brother loves you, take it easy."

Lu Wen took the second shot nervously, and fished the fish on the chopping board. The head and tail of the fish flicked wildly. He held it down with both hands desperately, and forgot to say his lines.

After finally shooting this group of shots, it was time to kill the fish. Lu Wen pressed the fish with one hand and held a knife in the other. The camera zoomed in on him, and he cut off the tail of the fish with a bang.

Qu Yanting: "..."

Lu Wen learned from the nanny before joining the group, but he didn't learn it, so he cut his hand and came to Chongqing directly when he was raised. He said awkwardly, "Director, I don't know how to kill fish."

Ren Shu was in trouble. The owner of the fish stall was a local from Chongqing. He had a big heart. After the handover, he went home to sleep. He looked around and said, "I don't know how to do it either. Who can clean up the fish, teach him."

The people in the production team have a specialization in art, no one is good at it, there are one or two who know it, and they are only at the amateur level. Lu Wen couldn't help feeling anxious, this was the last scene that Qu Yanting stared at him before he left, and he had to perform well.

After catching another fish, Lu Wen pressed the head of the fish with his left hand, scraped the scales with a knife in his right hand, and his arms tensed tightly. Suddenly, the tail of the fish lifted up abruptly, and the blade swiped off the back of his left hand.

Several people around exclaimed, Ren Shu shouted to him: "Xiao Lu! Don't be brave!"

The rubber glove was torn, and Lu Wen took it off, but his hands were not injured. The scene was chaotic and quiet, and everyone was worrying about what to do next.

Qu Yanting poured seven or eight mint candies into his palm and threw them all into his mouth. His cheeks bulged slightly. He got up, took off his coat, and walked away with his sleeves rolled up under the surprised eyes.

Lu Wen mumbled: "Teacher Qu..."

"Get out of the way." Qu Yanting walked in.

The strong fishy smell penetrated straight into his nostrils, and Qu Yanting held his breath, his gloves were broken, and he took the knife with his bare hands.

He caught the flying fish back, but the thing was still trying to escape, he held the handle of the knife lightly in his palm, turned the thin blade up, raised the knife with his hand and dropped it, he took the back of the knife and slammed it hard on the head of the fish!

Everyone stared straight at him, unbelievable that Qu Yanting would do this.

This space is a bit cramped for two adults, Lu Wen is next to him, leaning sideways, inevitably bumping into Qu Yanting's shoulder. He was an exception, neither surprised nor admired, his heart seemed to be pulled.

What have these slender and white wrists and the fingers holding the pen and typing used to do? Are you sacrificing a whole weekend at a young age, working from morning to finish, stained with fishy smell

Lu Wen didn't know, so he didn't dare to guess.

The sleeves of the cashmere sweater were loose and slipped down from the elbows. Qu Yanting rubbed against his waist. After three or two times, his patience ran out, and he stabbed Lu Wen's stomach with his elbow.

"Be more discerning," he said, "Help me up."

Lu Wen encircled Qu Yanting's wrist with one hand, held it tentatively and pushed it upwards, and piled the delicate sleeves back to the elbows. The cuffs were damp and inevitably splashed wet.

Qu Yanting taught him: "Knock the head of the fish first, let it stay still, and then kill it."

The tip of the knife points directly to the gill opening, cuts in through the gap, cuts the gill piece with the tip of the knife, and at the same time turns the fish over, sticks the hooked side of the gill to the chopping board, and chops it off with a "click".

After Qu Yanting finished handling the fish gills, the blade went straight down: "Scrape the scales like this, and scrape along the lines of the fish scales row by row. It won't be clean if you scrape randomly."

Lu Wen listened carefully: "I see."

After scraping the scales, Qu Yanting cut open the belly of the fish to dispose of the internal organs. Fearing that Lu Wen would not remember it, he fished another fish until he taught Lu Wen. When it was over, Qu Yanting casually swung a wedge and stuck the tip of the lower knife on the wooden chopping board.

Lu Wen handed the tissue: "Thank you, Teacher Qu."

The palms were stained and slippery, and the tiger's mouth was rubbed red by the fins. Qu Yanting wiped his hands and said: "If you are not skilled, take a few more. Don't cut your hands. I was scared to death just now."

Continued shooting behind the scenes, Qu Yanting came out and walked out with a bunch of tissues wrapped around him. He stopped on the steps in front of the vegetable market, taking a deep breath of clean and fresh air.

There was a feeling in his chest, and Qu Yanting felt nauseous, and wanted to find something to press. There was a canteen next to him. He bought a pack of cigarettes, and sat on the stone pier by the steps to light one.

The first time I smoked, I was curious about the taste of nicotine when I was a teenager, but it was too tight, and it was a big problem to fill my stomach. Qu Yanting recalled from afar, breathing out milky white smoke.

Before today, he thought that he would never kill fish again in this life, that he would lose this skill after many years. Unexpectedly, that series of movements seems to be engraved in the bone, and it is not easy to erase.

I didn't notice how long it took, but when the filming was over, Lu Wen came out and saw Qu Yanting before he stepped out of the door. The famous brand coat is half open, with a good figure, exhaling a wisp of warm white smoke in the bleak early winter.

"Why are you still smoking?" Lu Wen said in a familiar tone.

Qu Yanting asked, "Is it cool?"

The boy who smoked for the first time only cared about being cool, wishing to imitate Chow Yun-fat in the movie, Feng Shui took turns, Lu Wen finally had a chance to laugh at Qu Yanting's childishness.

An old lady was selling flowers at a stall on the steps. There were two bamboo plaques with white jujube orchids inside. There were bunches of them, threaded with thread. There was no one to patronize for a long time, so Lu Wen bought a bunch.

He showed it to Qu Yanting: "Teacher Qu, see you off."

First, there were carnations held in a wall vase in the hotel, and then there were a bunch of orchids that cost a few dollars. Qu Yanting commented: "You don't choose."

"I don't understand." Lu Wen said rationally, "I can't give you too expensive or too good, it seems that I am fawning on you, not sincere, after all, you are—"

Qu Yanting interjected: "People who are qualified to sneak into you."

Lu Wen was ashamed, he couldn't bear to look back, so why bother to mention it, he pinched the cigarette butt between Qu Yanting's fingers, put the flower string on Qu Yanting's wrist, and said, "Just treat it as a small parting gift."

Qu Yanting asked with a smile: "Can this quality last until I go to the airport?"

"See if you don't care about it." Lu Wen touched the opponent's cuff, "It's all wet, let's go back to the crew and change one."

They didn't take the car, and took a shortcut back to the community through the alley. Qu Yanting entered the screenwriter's lounge and went straight to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Lu Wen went to the dressing room on the second floor, removed his makeup first, and brought two sets of spare clothes in the morning. He changed into one, took a shirt and went downstairs, and knocked on the door of 101.

Qu Yanting was in the bedroom, standing by the bed and folding a small blanket. Out of the corner of his eye, he recognized Lu Wen's outline, and said, "I won't take the blanket away, but leave it here. Anyone who wants to cover it can cover it."

"it is good."

"I haven't finished the snacks and drinks in the refrigerator, so give everyone a share."


"There are two boxes of milk, you can drink it, the box lunch is often spicy."


In the tone of this account, Lu Wen really realized that Qu Yanting was leaving. He cheered up and arranged the last day of getting along properly, and handed over the shirt: "Teacher Qu, let's make do with mine first."

The cuffs of the sweater were cold and smelly, Qu Yanting didn't shirk it, took it over, and said with emotion, "I wore your clothes several times before I knew it, and I will pay you back at the hotel at night."

Lu Wen didn't care: "It doesn't matter if you don't pay it back."

"How can I do that?" Qu Yanting said, "I missed you with a sweater, but today I sent you flowers and a shirt. Your parting gift is rich enough."

"This is a gift set." They were about to leave, and Lu Wen didn't want to hide it. "It's mainly my heart, and the things are just samples."

The curtains were not drawn, the lights were not turned on, and the light in the bedroom was dim. Qu Yanting turned his back, lifted the cashmere sweater and took it off, slightly messing with the hair on the back of his head.

In front of Lu Wen's eyes was a white back, very thin, with a slightly convex spine winding from the waist to the back of the heart, connecting two fan-shaped shoulder blades, like a looming butterfly kite engraved on the back.

Qu Yanting put on a shirt, which was a bit wider, and the cuffs covered the back of his hands. Lu Wen approached, and took out a pair of cuff pins from his pocket. They were custom-made to match the shirt, and he helped Qu Yanting fold it up to fix it.

Lu Wen lowered his head and smelled the faint scent of lavender on the fabric, diffused by the rattan in the hotel cloakroom.

He sniffed and sniffed.

Sensitively aware of this, Qu Yanting curled up her raised hand into a fist, and pulled it back suddenly and forcefully. There was a jingle, and the unfastened cuff pin fell to the floor.

Lu Wen was taken aback: "What's wrong? Is it tied?"

Qu Yanting was on guard and alienated: "What do you smell?"

"It's nothing." Lu Wen was a little confused, "It smells a bit..."

Qu Yanting looked panicked, pushed him away, and strode out of the bedroom.

Lu Wen reacted for two seconds, chased after him, and heard the sound of rushing water.

Walking to the bathroom door, Lu Wen was stunned.

Turning the faucet to the maximum, Qu Yanting bent over and kept scrubbing his hands. His fingernails scratched the skin and left traces. The water droplets splashed on the mirror, and the back of his hands gradually turned red.

He was bewildered and haunted, his fragile nerves were bound by the web of old memories.

Qu Yanting is always enduring, the vegetable market, the cramped fish stall, the live fish flicking its tail, his shabby youth, the pair of cuffs wrapped and eaten away by the smell.

He exhausted all his strength to pretend to be an indestructible wall. At this moment, he was defeated, but he was just a piece of glass with cracks. When touched lightly, the outside and inside were shattered, just like the self-esteem that was all over the ground when he was bullied. .

The sound of the water was frenzied, and Lu Wen's heart contracted violently uncontrollably.

He rushed up and grabbed Qu Yanting's wrist like holding a bouquet of flowers, dripping cold water fell, he pulled those hands towards himself, covering his warm belly.

Lu Wen hugged Qu Yanting stiffly and lightly.

He didn't know how to open his mouth, to ask, to coax, what to ask, what to coax. Drama and reality overlapped countless scenes, and chaotic clues flew past his eyes.

Lu Wen remembered that classroom, in the corner by the window, he picked up the manuscript paper that Qu Yanting had been blown off by the wind.

After a long time, Qu Yanting buried himself on his shoulder and murmured softly, "Why?"

Lu Wenjing listened, accompanied by a beating heart.

"When I was hiding in the last seat and no one was paying attention," Qu Yanting asked bitterly, "Why didn't you appear at the table?"