Crossover Actors

Chapter 4


Qu Yanting couldn't remember the last time someone called him a brother, so he stopped and turned around again, and he confirmed, "What did you say?"

In order to show his sincerity, and to make up for the lost face at the airport, Lu Wen took the initiative to say: "A crew does not need to keep it secret. My name is Lu Wen, and I will play the leading male lead."

Just as Qu Yanting was about to speak, his cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller showed "Teacher Zeng Zhen". After a glance, he frowned slightly.

Qu Yanting immediately swiped the card to open the door and walked into the room.

"Hey," Lu Wen said, "you haven't answered me yet."

Bang, the door of 6206 is closed.

Lu Wen's tail sound was isolated and dissipated in the corridor, he poked in place sluggishly, the atmosphere and feeling were very much like poking into the exhaust of a Porsche during the day.

"Is there any mistake?" He found a step for himself, "Anyway, we will know after reading the script tomorrow."

Inside the door, Qu Yanting did not turn on the light, and the flickering light of the mobile phone screen was dazzling. He walked to the living room in the dark, sat down on the sofa, and kept his mobile phone ringing.

He pinched the time and delayed until one second before the automatic hangup before sliding the call button.

The surrounding area was dark and quiet, but Zeng Zhen's voice from his mobile phone was exceptionally clear, mellow, and gentle and intimate: "Xiao Ting, it's the teacher. It took me so long to answer the phone, have you already rested?"

With his back against the sofa, Qu Yanting held the phone in his left hand, and drew circles on the armrest of the sofa with his right fingertips, saying, "I'm sorry, teacher, the phone is in the bedroom, I didn't hear it."

Zeng Zhen smiled: "It's okay, I asked you to come to my house for dinner at the beginning of the month, but you haven't come here, what have you been up to lately?"

Qu Yanting replied: "I'm busy with web dramas."

Zeng Zhen sighed helplessly: "Find yourself guilty, obviously you can make movies, but you have to make online dramas. Once you make up your mind and become stubborn, you won't listen to anyone."

"Teacher, I have troubled you." Qu Yanting said, "Thank you for taking me with you, but I want to try a little more."

Zeng Zhen asked: "Do you feel that the teacher is too much and annoying?"

With the sound of rustling, Qu Yanting speeded up his circles, and his fingertips became hot when they rubbed against the cloth. He explained: "Teacher, don't worry too much. I am tired of writing this book, and it is not ideal. I invest and bear it myself. It's just a ticket."

Zeng Zhen laughed again: "The teacher is teasing you. Whether you play tickets or try, I'm just nagging."

"Thank you teacher." Qu Yanting said.

Zeng Zhen said: "I played with Team Leader Zhang today, and he mentioned your filming of an online drama, and said that you asked him to review the script."

Qu Yanting said: "Yes, there are some things that need to be changed, but it's not a big problem."

"I heard what he said." Zeng Zhen said, "I guess you have to talk to the group, so I called you and asked you to come back before you leave."

Qu Yanting said: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I'm already in Chongqing."

"Really?" Zeng Zhen said, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Qu Yanting replied: "Taking it as early as possible will have little impact on the shooting, and it will start up in the past two days, so I decided to come here early."

After ten seconds of silence on the phone, Zeng Zhen said, "Then take care of yourself and don't get too tired."

Qu Yanting's fingers finally settled down, his fingertips were numb and crispy, he straightened his palms a little bit, and he replied: "You and Master also take care of your health."

After hanging up the line, Qu Yanting sat in the dark, and it took him a long time to get up, his steps light and smooth, like a nocturnal cat with no emotion.

As he walked, he unbuttoned the buttons, then the belt and the zipper, and stepped into the bathroom. He threw the hot pot-smelling clothes into the laundry basket, and turned on the light when he got out of the shower.

Wearing a set of silk pajamas, Qu Yanting snuggled up on the bed. He didn't drink black coffee, but he wasn't sleepy. He held the laptop on his lap and opened it, typing the words "Outline of Script Revision".

The sound of typing on the keyboard and the sound of the clock's needle moving are indistinguishable from each other, and neither of them stops.

There are a total of five rooms in the suite. The bedroom has no curtains, and the entire glass window overlooks the distant sky and the surging Jialing River.

The night is like an upside-down ink painting, fading from pure black to light gray, and the sky is about to dawn.

Qu Yanting's limbs were sore and numb all night, and he didn't even have the strength to stretch. He closed the computer and put it next to the pillow, and slipped into the quilt to sleep.

He was thin and well-proportioned, occupying half of the bed in a regular manner, lying on his side with his chin tucked in the bed.

In the corridor, Sun Xiaojian rang the doorbell frantically, but the police did not have the same vigor in their anti-pornography campaign. The door opened suddenly, Lu Wen was wrapped in a nightgown, and said sleepily and fiercely: "It's only half past five, why don't you go to People's Park to do Tai Chi?"

Lu Wen has the urge to get up, at least he complains, and at worst he kicks his head. The symptoms were quite obvious when he was in primary school, and the nanny at home never dared to call him. It is common to delay the first class, which leads to a poor foundation in learning.

Sun Xiaojian entered the room without changing his face, rolled up his sleeves and dragged the three suitcases into the cloakroom without talking nonsense.

After hanging three nightgowns in a row, he couldn't help poking his head out: "Super Star, plus the one on his body, you brought four pieces of nightgown alone?"

Lu Wen was lying on the bed, chanting: "Wear a gray morning robe when you get up, wear a black night robe at night, and wear a white bathrobe after you take a shower. This is your nightgown."

"As expected of a superstar." Sun Xiaojian said, "Things that can be done with a pair of big pants are so troublesome."

After packing his luggage, Sun Xiaojian went into the bathroom to put hot water and squeeze toothpaste. The scripts were scattered on the stool at the end of the bed. He went over to tidy them up and slapped Lu Wen's feet.

Lu Wen's script is full of traces of flipping through. When you open it, you will find that there are cartoon characters drawn in the blank space, and a footnote of "the most handsome in the whole play" is added after the name of the actor, and one page even blacks out all the periods.

Sun Xiaojian was worried: "It's not good for the director to see the script reading today."

Lu Wen sat up, opened his nightgown slightly, revealing the gully in his abdomen, and said, "Then I will sit last."

"I called you at 5:30 so that you could sit last?" Sun Xiaojian was like a mother trying to get her son to enter Tsinghua University, "You are the number one male with a good name, you should express yourself more and let Director Ren shoot a movie I still remember you, understand?"

Lu Wen sneered. He hasn't seen his father for two months, and he hasn't had a phone call. He can't even remember his own father, and he expects the director to remember him

He did remember one thing, and he didn't feel sleepy any more. He said, "Last night, I met a guest who lives in the opposite door in the corridor. Guess who it is?"

Sun Xiaojian guessed: "A big beauty."

Lu Wen rolled his eyes: "It's the person Director Liu picked up at the airport yesterday."

Sun Xiaojian was shocked and said, "Isn't this too coincidental?"

Lu Wen got up to wash up, and Sun Xiaojian followed him and asked, "What do you look like? Does he know who you are? What's his name? Are you a star? Who is playing in the play?"

It's like a big math problem, and Lu Wen only knows the first small question, and replied: "Look... definitely not an amateur."

"No more?" Sun Xiaojian asked, "You didn't say hello?"

Getting angry at mentioning this, Lu Wen said, "I took the initiative to talk to him, but he pretended not to hear."

Sun Xiaojian asked again: "Didn't you tell him that you are the number one male?"

"Of course I told you." Lu Wen said, "Then he went straight back to the room."

Sun Xiaojian's empathy ability is particularly strong, and he said with righteous indignation: "Don't pay attention to him, he is probably a relative with some background, and it is easy to be embarrassed when you bring money into the group. You are the number one male, who is afraid of whom?"

With his toothbrush in his mouth, Lu Wen worried, "He won't add drama to himself, will he?"

"Don't worry." Sun Xiaojian said, "The chief screenwriter is the biggest investor, and he won't be allowed to add plays."

Lu Wen breathed a sigh of relief: "The chief screenwriter is really kind."

The script reading was conducted in a hotel contracted by the crew. Lu Wen left early, and when he arrived, the other actors hadn't come yet. Only the scene manager placed seat cards and mineral water in the conference room.

The reading is not one-time, it may be done multiple times during the shooting, sometimes it is read from the beginning to the end, sometimes it is a scene of the main scene, all according to the director's arrangement.

Lu Wen's position is very close to the director. When he was studying, he always sat at the end, lying down whenever he wanted, but now he can only stay in a well-behaved manner.

The actors arrived one after another, and they simply greeted each other. Anyway, there were plenty of opportunities to exchange pleasantries at the opening banquet. Several directors and camera crews also came, and the meeting room was filled with people, with Ren Shu sitting at the front.

Lu Wen's eyes swept over everyone, three times in total, and made sure that the man who lived in 6206 was not present. Except for non-majeure reasons, the crew requires participation, and the other party cannot sleep in the hotel.

Unless, there is no need to participate in the other party's role.

Lu Wen thought to himself, just make soy sauce when co-authoring and bringing capital into the group

Ren Shu said: "Let's hurry up and start."

Lu Wen withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and opened the script - titled "The First Night".

He plays two roles in the play, playing a pair of twin brothers with very different personalities. The elder brother is Ye Shan, who is calm and introverted, and the younger brother is Ye Xiaowu, who is reckless and stubborn.

After his father passed away, his mother brought Ye Shan and Ye Xiaowu to live in Chongqing. Although life was not rich, the mother and son depended on each other and supported each other. The background begins with the third year of high school and spreads to the university.

Lu Wen is a scumbag, restless and impatient, but he read the script in one sitting when he got it.

He felt that he was very similar to Ye Xiaowu, including personality, behavior, and even dreams.

Lu Wen recalled the two scenes on the day of the audition: one was Ye Xiaowu was caught playing truant, and he made a lot of fallacies, testing his lines; the other was Ye Shan looking at his father's photo, without a single line, testing pure acting.

He played the first part completely in his true colors. In the second paragraph, he held a blank paper and pretended to look at the photo, thinking about his deceased mother, and then he played the part of Ye Shan in a daze.

The reading went on all day, and everyone gradually became tired. Lu Wen read two lines, and his voice became hoarse before noon.

During the break, Lu Wen shared the script and lay down on it, lowering his eyes, and his eyes fell on the cover of the script. Below the title of the film "The First Night" is the name of the chief screenwriter - Qu Yanting - at first glance, it seems that the name has a lot of strokes.

Swallows fall all over the court, but there is a picture unfolding after reading.

Lu Wen couldn't hold back, and painted a little swallow behind "Qu Yanting".

In the bedroom of Suite No. 6206, the mobile phone kept ringing. Qu Yanting slowly turned over after being woken up, opened his eyes, and first saw a gloomy sky outside the window.

The ringing kept ringing, and he frowned in resistance, reaching for the phone from the pillow.

The caller ID has only one word: Ruan.

After seeing it clearly, Qu Yanting's brows and eyes widened, leaned over and leaned against the head of the bed, and when he heard the voice from the mobile phone, he curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled softly.

Wait for the chatter on the phone to finish.

He responded: "I miss you too, see you tomorrow."

The author has something to say: Qu, qu, two tones, copy ten times if you read it wrong, and leave it to me tomorrow morning