Crossover Actors

Chapter 43


Lu Wen slept until dark, feeling very at ease. On the way, sister Lingling quietly came in to tuck him in the quilt, fearing that he would be hungry when he woke up, so she prepared refreshments and put them on the bedside table.

He turned over and leaned against the high upholstered head of the bed, his nightgown was ripped open, exposing his chest and abdomen.

Lu Wen took out his mobile phone and opened the four-person WeChat chat group. They were busy at the end of the year, but the group was quiet for a while. He first tested the loyalty of the friendship he hadn't seen for several months.

Lu Wen: Brothers, I finished filming in Chongqing!

Within half a minute, Gu Zhuoyan appeared first and replied: Send me the flight.

Lu Wen: Pick up the plane

Gu Zhuoyan: Nonsense, hurry up.

Even Yiming also appeared. As a star hotel, Shaodong has provided them with leisure venues since junior high school, and asked: Come to my place to gather, or to whose house

Gu Zhuoyan: Go drink at your place.

Lian Yiming: There is plenty of wine, and I ask the restaurant to prepare ingredients in advance.

Gu Zhuo said: Mingzi, are you going to pick up the plane

Lian Yiming: It is necessary.

The screen scrolled up the conversation between the two, and Lu Wen was not unimpressed, but Su Wang never froze. Since that night of "cutting the mat", Su Wang hadn't talked to him for several months.

Lu Wen edited: Look, are you there

Lian Yiming: Squeak, buddy.

Gu Zhuoyan: @苏惠, what

Called by the three of them in unison, Su Wang reluctantly joined the group chat, and replied coldly and rationally: Uncle Lu hasn't seen his son for a few months, do you still need to pick him up

Lu Wen seized the opportunity to sum up: Among the four of us, you are the smartest.

Su Wang: So you chose me as your girlfriend

Gu Zhuoyan: Oh

Lian Yiming: Wait a minute, both of you.

Gu Zhuoyan: When did you bend

Lian Yiming: It was so sudden.

Lu Wen couldn't handle the three mouths, and typed a long sentence: It's all a misunderstanding! I'm back today, Sophie will talk face to face tomorrow night, see you soon!

Stomach growling, Lu Wen got out of bed with tea, went to the restaurant to add a bowl of soup to go with it, Lu Zhanqing went to the company in the afternoon, had a social event, and hadn't come back yet.

Sister Lingling couldn't stop worrying: "Xiaowen, play on your phone after eating."

"I don't understand," Lu Wen swiped the screen, "Playing with your phone while eating can refresh you."

Sister Lingling brought him some fruit and said, "Go to Zishan tomorrow to have a look. The water, electricity and network are all installed, coffee machines, aromatherapy machines and other small appliances are also available, and daily necessities are also bought."

Lu Wen didn't listen carefully: "Just tell me what I'm missing."

"There should be no shortage." Sister Lingling said proudly, "I personally made the list and bought all the things you can use in your daily life. The flowers should be fresh, and I will order them for you when you check in."

Lu Wen's left ear went in and his right ear went out, his attention was all on his mobile phone, he logged into QQ, and he sent a message to the social fear writer.

Unlucky Little Singer: Good evening, have you eaten yet

Lu Wen knew that the other party was slow, and every time he waited for a reply, he would think of Qu Yanting answering the phone. He was very patient, chewed two cream tarts, wiped his hands and clicked on the conversation.

Socially afraid young writer: Not yet, working overtime.

Unlucky little singer: After working so hard, you must be rich.

Socially afraid of young writers: I would like to borrow your good words.

Unlucky Little Singer: I have nothing to do. I have two days off. If you want to chat, you can find me.

Social Fear Junior Writer: Okay, thank you.

Pressing send, Qu Yanting glanced at the date displayed on the computer screen, it was Friday, and he was so busy that he passed the week unconsciously.

It was getting late, and Qu Yanting was tired of driving, so he stayed overnight in the studio, checked the surveillance at home, found that there was enough water and food, and remotely turned on a small wall lamp for Commander Huang.

It rained a little in the early morning, and it was almost dry at dawn. Qu Yanting took a shower and finished all the finishing work of the script. In the afternoon, he locked the door and left to go to Wang Mingyu's appointment.

Passing through the department store, Qu Yanting went in and bought a small gift in order not to come empty-handed. It was dusk when we arrived at Zishan Mingzhu, and we slowed down outside Gate No. 1. From the height of the off-road vehicle, there was a short supercar blocking in front of us.

The phone was on, and Wang Mingyu sent a message, asking how long it would take to arrive.

Qu Yanting was a little annoyed, and after replying, he threw the phone on the center console with a "boom". The supercar finally moved, drove in one by one, and drove forward along the Yangliu embankment.

The sports car with a red body and a black top was only a little faster than an electric motorcycle. However, this lap was a narrow one-way street, and Qu Yanting was blocked behind.

The awareness of supercars is not bad, and the acceleration of the Mercedes-Benz immediately pulls away for a while. Qu Yanting is rarely impatient, so he keeps up and gradually shortens the distance.

Near the No. 2 gate of the villa garden, the supercar suddenly slowed down.

It was too late for Qu Yanting to slam on the brakes, and bumped into him.

It wasn't too heavy, and when he shook the supercar, his palms were sweating. Firstly, he was worried about the safety of the driver, and secondly, he had to deal with disputes with strangers, so his heart sank.

Taking a deep breath, Qu Yanting opened the door and got out of the car.


Lu Wen raised his head from the steering wheel, clutching his tall nose, lest it be broken. He is not familiar with the road, so it is natural to drive slowly while watching, but he will not be rear-ended, right

Rubbing his nose with his right hand and pushing the door hard with his left hand, Lu Wen got out of the car with a long leg and wanted to see the driver who caused the accident.

Turning around imposingly, he froze.

A few steps away, Qu Yanting was at the rear of the car, and the sky behind was filled with fiery red sunset glow.

The two hadn't seen each other for months, and no one expected to meet again in this way. They stared blankly at each other until Lu Wen's hands were sore and he dropped his right hand from his face.

Qu Yanting rushed over immediately: "You have a nosebleed!"

Lu Wen said "ah", and Qu Yanting covered the tip of his nose with a handkerchief. The soft cotton cloth exuded a scent of saponins amid the smell of blood. He raised his hand again, but it covered the palm that Qu Yanting was holding onto him.

Lu Wen moved his lips and called sullenly, "Teacher Qu."

"Does it matter?" Qu Yanting worried, "Do I need to go to the hospital?"

Lu Wen bowed without showing any trace, as if he was afraid of Qu Yanting's hands getting sore, he brought his face closer, covered it for a while, then moved away bit by bit, holding Qu Yanting's wrist, the bleeding had stopped.

Qu Yanting asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Huge pain." Lu Wen was pretending, but after he finished speaking, he gritted out a row of teeth uncontrollably, and the surprise of meeting came back, "Teacher Qu, I really didn't expect to meet you."

Coincidence and humor each accounted for some points, and Qu Yanting also laughed: "When did you come back?"

"Yesterday morning." Lu Wen gestured with his thumb to the No. 2 door behind his head, "I'm about to move in, let's go around today."

Qu Yanting was surprised: "You want to move into Zishan?"

Lu Wen nodded and asked expectantly, "Do you live here too?"

"No, I'm going to my friend's house." Qu Yanting replied, "It's actually my master's house."

Lu Wen knew that it was Zeng Zhen and Wang Mingyu. He thought he would be very excited about being neighbors with the famous director Jin Bian, but he confirmed that Qu Yanting didn't live here, so he seemed more disappointed.

It was inconvenient for two cars to occupy the road, so we drove into the park first. Lu Wen told Qu Yanting's door number that he was fine, and asked Qu Yanting to go to the appointment and find him after the end.

Arriving fifteen minutes late, Qu Yanting did not explain to Wang Mingyu, only apologized.

At the end of the year, the nanny went home to celebrate the New Year, Zeng Zhen was on the set, and the whole villa was empty. Wang Mingyu hadn't eaten dinner yet, and was tearing open the gifts that Qu Yanting bought on the dining table.

In the open kitchen, Qu Yanting took out a box of wontons from the refrigerator and asked, "Teacher, how many do you want?"

Wang Mingyu said: "Ten, plus chopped green onion."

When the small pot was boiling, Qu Yanting chopped green onion and pickled vegetables, mixed the soup base, and waited for Wang Mingyu to bring the hot bowl to the table, and then he went to boil water to make tea.

"Yanting," Wang Mingyu said, "What do you think of this book?"

Qu Yanting fiddled with the tea leaves in the pot with a small clip, and answered hypocritically and gracefully: "It can be improved."

Wang Mingyu smiled and said, "You mean that garbage needs to be recycled."

Qu Yanting twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, neither admitting nor denying it, Wang Mingyu said this, which showed that he understood the value of that book, and he just waited for the next word honestly.

After taking two sips of hot soup, Wang Mingyu said, "This bowl of wontons sells for more than ten yuan in a breakfast shop, but the price in a big hotel will double."

Qu Yanting put the lid on the teapot, pressed the iron cover tightly and buckled it tightly. He had nothing to say, poured hot water into the teapot, and squeezed out an inconspicuous response amidst the sound of water flowing, "En."

Wang Mingyu said: "Yanting, how about giving this script a title?"

Qu Yanting doesn't care about all sorts of reasons for flattering people and attracting investment. He cares about his own principles and reputation. "Master," he was still tactful, "I'm not good at idol dramas."

But Wang Mingyu made it clear: "You set the price."

Qu Yanting picked up the wooden tray and served tea with smoky smoke. The trees outside the window were bleak, making him feel cold even in the well-heated room. After a long while, he said firmly, "Master, I don't want to do this."

"Yanting," Wang Mingyu advised him, "you don't have to resist."

In Qu Yanting's heart, it is very difficult to do a job and love a job. Many people will never find a job they really like in their lifetime. He had no choice but to change careers at the beginning, but after working as a screenwriter for these years, it cannot be said that he has no feelings.

"Master," he said, "the industry environment is not very good. I can't control other people, but I don't want to participate in this kind of behavior."

Wang Mingyu put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and persuaded: "You think too seriously, which well-known screenwriter has not named a few books? The market environment drives market behavior. Going with the flow may be against your will, but you can go against the flow." It's easy to drown yourself."

Qu Yanting poured tea silently.

"Besides," Wang Mingyu said, "to be a human being, you must know how to repay your kindness."

Qu Yanting's face was expressionless, but the tea soup poured out of the spout trembled for a moment. After pouring it down, he withdrew his hand, using force until his white nails gradually returned to blood.

He compromised: "I will think about it again and give Master an answer tomorrow."

"Okay, you have always been sensible." Wang Mingyu picked up the tea, "Among the students supported by your teacher and I, you are also considered to be promising."

The dusk was driven by the night, Qu Yanting came out of the villa, it was already dark, he sat in the driver's seat, and stayed alone in the enclosed space for a while, before starting the engine.

Go straight and turn left, and find the No. 3-19 that Lu Wen said. Qu Yanting turned off the engine and got out of the car. The garden gate was unlocked, and there was a row of spotlights on the lawn path inside, illuminating the white villa clearly.

Qu Yanting felt familiar in a trance, but before he remembered, Lu Wen waved in front of the wide open door.

The empty house was extremely deserted. Lu Wen turned on all the lights, took out a pair of slippers prepared by sister Lingling, and Qu Yanting put them on.

Qu Yanting asked, "Why don't you check the car first?"

"It doesn't matter." Lu Wenhun didn't care, "Let the driver drive to the car shop for repairs tomorrow."

Qu Yanting said: "How much repair fee is needed, I will transfer it to you after repair."

As he spoke, he walked into the living room. The overall color was colder, and it was decorated according to Lu Zhanqing's taste. Lu Wen took Qu Yanting to visit the house, and at the same time couldn't help gossiping: "Teacher Qu, did you meet Director Zeng just now?"

"No, he's not at home."

"that's too regretful."

Qu Yanting couldn't understand it, and was afraid that Lu Wen would continue to talk about it, so he changed the subject and asked, "I'm thirsty, do you have anything to drink?"

Lu Wen led him into a large kitchen with dozens of square meters. The back garden was outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. He took a cup from the disinfection drawer and said, "Just try this coffee machine."

Qu Yanting said: "Don't make such trouble, mineral water will do."

Lu Wen had no choice but to give up, opened the cold drink refrigerator and took out a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Qu Yanting. It was the same at the swimming pool last time, Qu Yanting said casually, "Are you used to screwing girls?"

The person who was so in love with everyone collapsed at Jiangbei Airport, Lu Wen replied truthfully: "Don't talk nonsense, I learned this in etiquette class when I was young."

Qu Yanting asked with interest: "What else have you learned?"

Lu Wen doesn't have serious knowledge, but understands the mess: "Take social interaction as an example, you can show boredom, but don't show fear."

Feeling being alluded to, Qu Yanting drank water guiltily.

Lu Wen said: "I'd rather sit still at a banquet, and don't play with watches and accessories, so that people can see your suffering."

Qu Yanting felt even more guilty.

"If someone says something ugly," Lu Wendao, "pretend not to hear it, and if the other party says it a second time, it will only make him appear thick-skinned."

Qu Yanting's frivolous mask was accidentally taken off, showing a little helplessness, as if confiding and asking for advice: "What should I do if someone forces me to do something I don't want to do?"

Lu Wen didn't have a theory to deal with, and only had an impulse in an instant: "What happened?"

Returning to his senses, Qu Yanting shook his head. He avoided Lu Wen's sight and turned away from the kitchen island group. There is a glass staircase by the wall, and he pretended to be curious and said, "Can I go upstairs to visit?"

Lu Wen replied sullenly: "No one stopped you on the roof."

The second floor is mainly bedrooms. Lu Wen's master bedroom has a balcony, and there is a dressing table for male stars on the wall. There is a set of unopened skin care products on the table. Sister Lingling wasn't bragging, she really didn't lack anything.

Lu Wen said pickily: "The bed is a bit hard."

Qu Yanting's experience: "If you sleep for a long time, you will suffer from back pain."

The two sat down side by side by the bed and flicked it. Qu Yanting reached out and unscrewed the bedside lamp. The halo was a mild light yellow.

The bedside table is new, and the matching key has not been pulled out in the drawer lock. Lu Wen thought it was ugly, and said, "Mr. Qu, you are close, help me pull it out and throw it in the drawer."

Qu Yanting did as he did, pulled out the key and opened the drawer.

They all thought the drawer was empty, but unexpectedly, there were remote controls, alarm clocks, spare batteries, notepads neatly placed inside, and two boxes of Okamoto safes/sets in the middle.

Lu Wen was dumbfounded, and sister Lingling's words sounded in his ears: Buy everything you can use.

he and I… "

Qu Yanting put the keys away, closed the drawer, and said, "There are many celebrities living in Zishan, and entertainment reporters like to follow them. Be careful when you bring people home."

Lu Wen felt wronged: "Who shall I take? I'll take you!"

"What are you excited about?" Qu Yanting said, "It's normal for a single man in his twenties to bring someone home occasionally."

Lu Wen turned sideways, rubbed against Qu Yanting's leg, and asked tit for tat: "Then you are in your early thirties, do you often bring people home?"

Qu Yanting said, "It's none of your business."

Lu Wen asked again: "Then do you have a girlfriend?"

Qu Yanting still said, "It's none of your business."

Lu Wen said rebelliously: "You hit me so hard, can I ask?"

"Don't ask about privacy." Qu Yanting is always reasonable, "You buy condoms, but you ask other people's girlfriends, why didn't you take logic classes when you were young?"

Lu Wen couldn't make up his mind, he was panting heavily, his nose felt hot and blood was about to drop again, he turned his head suddenly, and he noticed the mineral water bottle that Qu Yanting had been clutching.

There are marks on the body of the glass bottle, just like the wine glasses at the finale party, it is the sweat of the palm.

Lu Wen confirmed that Qu Yanting had something on his mind, contacted the unfinished words downstairs, pondered for a moment, and put aside what he had said: "See if this logic is correct."


"If someone bullies you, just tell me."

Qu Yanting didn't know where to look, and asked why.

-I protect you.

"Because I pissed you off by saying those four words last time." Lu Wen replied in a low voice, "So I dare not say it."