Crossover Actors

Chapter 78


With the sunny and warm sun shining on the ground, Qu Yanting looked at the old man without moving, squinting his eyes slightly, and then showed an unsure expression, and murmured: "Yu... old man Yu?"

The old man squeezed the Coke bottle until it made a loud noise, and said calmly, "Long time no see, even the name has changed?"

Only then did Qu Yanting react, and greeted him with a dazed look, and felt more and more unreal as he got closer: "Yu..." He changed his words in time, "Brother Yu, is it really you? Why are you here?"

The old man spread his hands, smiled more cordially than ever, and said, "I'll pick up the drink bottle."

Qu Yanting's memory was confused for a moment, but he understood it, and laughed after a few seconds. Seeing Lu Wen running towards him, the old man put on his sunglasses again and said, "Your friend is here."

"How do you know him—" Qu Yanting paused, could it be that the old man Lu Wen said he knew... He couldn't help laughing even more happily.

Lu Wen was besieged at the entrance of the alley for a while, and finally got away after taking a group photo. Unexpectedly, after a few minutes of delay, Qu Yanting actually had fun with the old man face to face.

He went straight to Qu Yanting and said happily, "Teacher Qu, why are you here?"

Qu Yanting raised his hand to wipe the sweat from Lu Wen's temples, thinking about being in front of people, he had to take out the tissue in his pocket and said, "Happy ending, wipe off the sweat first."

Lu Wen acted as if no one was there, his eyes were glued to Qu Yanting's body, and he asked happily, "Are you here to pick me up?"

The old man was right in front of him, but Qu Yanting was embarrassed to admit it, and quietly patted Lu Wen on the back to remind him to pay attention. Lu Wen understood in seconds, wiped his sweat and looked at the old man, and said, "Master, are you off work?"

The old man became lifeless again: "Yes."

Lu Wen asked, "What were you enjoying just now?"

"No fun." The old man replied, "The alley is so lively, is the filming over?"

Lu Wen guessed that the other party didn't understand the meaning of "finish", and said: "All the filming is over, sir, I'm leaving today."

The old man said flatly, "Oh."

"Oh?" Lu Wen crumpled up the paper towel and threw it into the trash can beside the wall. "I've been visiting your house anyway."

For the few meals, countless drink bottles, and warming quilts, Lu Wen thought it was nothing to worry about, but visiting and chatting was different, so it meant that the two were considered friends, right? Even if it's just a chance meeting.

The old man said: "What's the matter, let me bow to you?"

Lu Wen curled his lips: "Pull it down."

The old man looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh: "Oh, it's time for me to go home too."

Lu Wen said: "Uncle, see you by fate."

After saying that, he hugged Qu Yanting's shoulders, and he didn't dare to be too intimate, like a buddy with shoulders and backs, he took two steps away and said, "I'll go back to the RV to change my clothes, pack up and take your car and go."

It was still early, and Qu Yanting asked, "Do you still need to go back to the company?"

"No, two days off." Lu Wen was suffocated in the crew, eager to have fun, "Let's celebrate tonight, and then we will live together. I will take you to ride a horse tomorrow?"

Qu Yanting wanted to say that he would go to work tomorrow, but he couldn't say anything to Lu Wen's shining eyes. The point is... He turned around and asked the old man standing there, "Brother, which home are you going to?"

"Brother?!" Lu Wen yelled in his ear, "You are blind! You call him big brother at his age?!"

The old man said: "Which home can I go back to? I haven't changed places for so many years."

Qu Yanting said: "Then I will take you for a ride?"

The old man said, "That's a good feeling."

Lu Wen pulled Qu Yanting's arm: "He lives in Fangcao Hutong! I'll go, do you two speak Chinese? Why can't I understand?"

Half an hour later, the Bentley drove away from the set. Lu Wen sat in the co-pilot wearing a baseball cap, frowning, pulling his seat belt several times and turning around to look at the rear compartment.

The bent body of the old man leaned forward slightly, with his hands in his hands, as if he was sitting under the shade of a tree.

Lu Wen felt so fucking weird, even a little dizzy. On the way back from the car, there was an old man picking up rags in Qu Yanting's car

Did Qu Yanting know the old man? This can only be the reason, but how did they know each other? Could it be that the old man used to collect waste in Linxie Garden? Lu Wen crossed his chest and wondered, by the way, where is this car going

The high speed was very smooth, and Qu Yanting held the steering wheel and galloped towards the city. Occasionally, he caught a glimpse of Lu Wen's puzzled expression, so he tapped his fingers and let out a secret laugh.

Back in the urban area, Qu Yanting rushed to Changfan Road in the south of the city. The old neighborhood has excellent greenery, and the trees lining the road already look like spring. Several old bungalows are located in this area, with prices starting at tens of millions, surrounded by red walls.

Qu Yanting slowed down, stopped outside one of the buildings and turned off the engine.

Lu Wen was completely confused, got out of the car, and followed the old man through the door with Qu Yanting. The old man led them into the house through the garden corridor, steps and porch.

The interior of the bungalow is dazzling, just like the set in a drama of the Republic of China. On the wall of the entrance is a large group photo, black and white, with about thirty or forty people.

Lu Wen didn't see clearly for a moment, walked into the living room, and began to look at other objects.

The old man took off his bag and said, "The nanny has been on vacation for a few days and hasn't come back yet. You can just sit down and I'll wash your face."

After finishing speaking, the old man stepped on the spiral staircase and went upstairs slowly. Qu Yanting sat down on the sofa and took out his mobile phone. The last time the video did not mention the situation of online dramas, he can talk about it now.

Before he could speak, Lu Wen sat down beside him and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?!"

Qu Yanting said: "It's a long story."

"It's a suspense film, right?" Lu Wen raised his arm and drew half a circle in the air, "Then the uncle lives here? Are you kidding me, don't let him take advantage of the owner's inattention..."

Qu Yanting was amused: "Why don't you become a screenwriter with such a rich imagination?"

"I'm afraid I'll steal your job." Lu Wen dared to climb up the ladder, and glanced at the stairs, "Tell me what's going on."

Qu Yanting first asked, "How do you know each other?"

Lu Wen replied: "I just met him on filming. I think he is very hard at such an old age... I just do a little favor and occasionally chat."

Qu Yanting asked again: "Don't you think he looks familiar?"

"...I think." Lu Wen felt familiar the first time he saw the old man. Now that Qu Yanting asked this question, he was even more confused, "But I can't remember—"

Before the words fell, footsteps came from the stairs, and Lu Wen immediately looked up.

Unlike going upstairs, the old man walked down the stairs lightly and steadily, and stopped at the last step. The bloated padded jacket has been taken off, and he has put on a well-pressed shirt and trousers. His back is straightened, and his sagging shoulders are straightened and straightened.

The face was also washed, the thick eyebrows trimmed, the beard shaved, all the makeup removed, and the gray hair brushed back. The sunglasses finally took off, revealing a pair of shining eyes.

The old man stood there, elegant and dignified, with a smile on his lips, both righteous and evil.

Lu Wen was dumbfounded: "Yu... Yu Xiaoqing..."

He finally understood the sense of familiarity. After all, there are almost no one who doesn't know each other when acting or watching.

Yu Xiaoqing walked over, sixty-seven years old but well-maintained, with a figure not inferior to that of a young man. With a dignified manner all over his body, a face that has fought on the big screen for decades and played the leading role in classic dramas, his smile is full of story sense.

He came from a wealthy family. He made his debut as a playboy when he was young, and won a big award for his debut film. Since then, he has been in the limelight all the way, becoming famous and famous, and becoming a top star.

The big group photo in the hallway was taken when he was awarded Best Actor for the first time. All the leading actors were there, and the braided girl inside was Tao Meifan who played Ye Mu.

Yu Xiaoqing sat down on the single sofa and said "wait for a while".

Lu Wen was in a trance. Not only did the old man's appearance change after taking off his makeup, but the key point was that his temperament and energy were completely different. When he opened his mouth, even his voice returned to magnetism.

He met Yu Xiaoqing by accident, and he is still sitting in Yu Xiaoqing's house at this moment, isn't this a dream

Qu Yanting ignored Lu Wen, made up for the belated greetings, and called, "Brother."

Yu Xiaoqing looked at him with a smile and said, "How many years have we not seen each other?"

Qu Yanting did the math: "It's been thirteen years."

"It's a good thing you still recognize me." Yu Xiaoqing crossed her legs, "If you didn't send me gifts every Spring Festival, I would have thought you had forgotten me."

Qu Yanting smiled and said, "How could that be?"

Lu Wen finally regained his sanity, looked back and forth between Qu Yanting and Yu Xiaoqing in a daze, and asked in a very confused way: " know each other?"

"Yes." Yu Xiaoqing replied, "We have known each other for many years."

Lu Wen didn't know why he was excited: "How did you know each other?!"

Qu Yanting said, "It's basically the same way as yours."

When Qu Yanting was a sophomore in college, he worked part-time at KFC every night, and there was a homeless man who went to the store to rest in the early hours of the morning. The store manager asked him to drive people away, but he couldn't help but ensure that the homeless would be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting after they left, so he had to work overtime every day.

Later, the poor homeless man was hungry, and Qu Yanting gave him his boxed lunch. After nearly a month, the homeless man changed into Yu Xiaoqing.

Qu Yanting was as stupid as Lu Wen is now, Yu Xiaoqing wanted to give him money as compensation, but he confiscated it, and only wanted a signature.

Afterwards, Yu Xiaoqing went to make a movie, and that movie was called "Worthless". He played a homeless man and won the best actor award at Cannes for that role.

"I still remember." Yu Xiaoqing said, "I ate your boxed lunch, fried rice with eggs in soy sauce, at the corner seat. I thought at the time that there were too few eggs."

Qu Yanting blushed with a smile: "Then you insisted on treating me to a big meal, it was quite scary."

Yu Xiaoqing said: "If you are rich, it is a kindness to help me, but if you are in poverty, it is a great kindness, not to mention that you were only a nineteen-year-old child at that time."

Time passed quickly, Qu Yanting said: "It's been more than ten years, so don't mention it."

Yu Xiaoqing shook her head: "But I never forgot that you said you liked my movies."

"Brother," said Qu Yanting, "it's quite normal to like your movies."

Thirteen years ago, Yu Xiaoqing went to experience the life of a homeless man. She had no food for a few days, and when she was about to faint, she passed KFC and met Qu Yanting. He repeated what he said thirteen years ago: "I owe you your kindness, and I will definitely repay you."

At that time, Qu Yanting was still very young, so he just said no. Yu Xiaoqing asked him if he was studying, only to find out that he was a student of the director department.

Lu Wen was silent for a while, fascinated by what he heard: "And then?"

"Then we made an agreement." Yu Xiaoqing said, "I promise, when you graduate and become a director in the future, I am willing to act in a movie directed by you."

For a student who studies directing, this is like a pie in the sky, and Qu Yanting was indeed so excited that he didn't fall asleep for several days. As he recalled, he put his palm on his trousers, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Yu Xiaoqing sighed: "You don't have a mobile phone, so I left you this address so that you can find me in the future. As a result, thirteen years have passed, and I didn't expect to meet again at this opportunity."

Qu Yanting called the homeless man "Big Brother", but the address remained the same later on, and he and Yu Xiaoqing were both old friends and gentlemen.

Of course he remembered the previous agreement, but he could only hypocritically say "the world is unpredictable", so he never visited the door, and only sent some gifts every year as greetings.

Qu Yanting pursed her lower lip: "After I graduated... I switched careers to be a screenwriter."

Yu Xiaoqing had heard about it a long time ago, but he didn't know the reason, and it was hard for him to ask, "Then is there any chance for my promise to be fulfilled?"

Qu Yanting said with a little difficulty: "It's been so many years, brother, don't worry about it."

Lu Wen listened carefully, and the sudden quiet atmosphere made him a little cautious. When he accidentally met Yu Xiaoqing's gaze, he grinned and laughed foolishly.

Yu Xiaoqing was amused by him: "What about you?"

Lu Wen: "Huh?"

"The old kindness is him, and the new kindness is you." Yu Xiaoqing said, "Don't you need me to take it to heart?"

Lu Wen shook his head resolutely. He is not a living Lei Feng. Of course, such a strange thing must be grasped. He boldly replied: "Old Yu, I want to make a movie with you."

Yu Xiaoqing said with a smile: "The tone is not small, I don't make all kinds of movies."

"I know." Lu Wen quietly pressed Qu Yanting's back.

"If Mr. Qu becomes the director one day, let's see you on the set."