Crossover Actors

Chapter 80


Because it made the headlines, many reporters and fans rushed to Sophie after hearing the news, but Lu Wen and Qu Yanting decided to stay in the hotel overnight instead of confronting each other.

All the clothes were sent for laundry, and the two of them wore the same nightgowns, and leaned against the bedside to watch dramas after taking a shower. Qu Yanting hadn't bothered to get a haircut, her half-wet hair fell down and touched her forehead.

Lu Wen couldn't hold back anything and said, "Teacher Qu, do you know 'Wen Qu Xing'?"

Qu Yanting held the phone horizontally, clicked on "play history", and replied: "Well, it is a kind of star, which represents the movement of literature."

"It's not that." Lu Wen twisted his shoulders and explained, with a lively expression, "It's the CP name given to me and you by the fans."

Qu Yanting didn't quite believe it, and said, "I'm not a celebrity."

Lu Wendao: "But you are a screenwriter and an investor, and my fans hope that I can climb your high branch."

What a mess, Qu Yanting said with a smile: "Your fans are very happy with you."

Lu Wen corrected him: "They are our fans."

The latest episode of the online drama started to play, Qu Yanting moved into Lu Wen's arms and leaned against him, Lu Wen's arms wrapped around him, and his chin rested on the socket of his shoulder from behind.

In the picture is Ye Shan's home, and Ye's mother walked into the room of the two brothers. Lu Wen recalled the night of filming this scene, and couldn't help sneaking a glimpse of Qu Yanting's profile from the corner of his eye.

Mother Ye found Ye Shan's notebook.

Qu Yanting stared at the screen expressionlessly, clicking, the second Ye Shan opened the door, his index fingernail slammed on the edge of the fuselage. Then Lu Wen reached up and wrapped his hand.

The two watched the scene quietly, from Ye Mu's questioning, anger, and hysteria, to Ye Shan's fear, humbleness, and complete collapse. In the end, there was only hopeless crying in the air.

Lu Wen's memory of the feeling at that time is still fresh, he was paralyzed by lack of oxygen, and had a splitting headache. It was the first time in his life that he cried so hard, as Ye Shan. He still remembered that after the filming, he ran downstairs to recover, and ran into Qu Yanting hiding under the grapevine alone.

Lu Wen clenched his arms tightly. At that time, Qu Yanting would feel sad when he was watching on the set. How does it feel at this moment? At that time, he was not qualified to understand, so is it possible now

The ear temples were kissed, very lightly, like a feather sweeping, Qu Yanting shook her eyelashes in stress, lowered her eyes, and her eyes fell from the phone screen to the quilt.

Lu Wen asked cautiously: "Teacher Qu, what are you thinking?"

Qu Yanting didn't make a sound, the screen went dark, Ye Shan woke up from the dream in bed, got up, sat at the table and took out an old yellowed envelope.

Sweeping the close-up, two movie tickets were lying on mottled palms, Qu Yanting moved his lips, not knowing whether it was a delayed answer, or a sudden desire to speak.

"My dad works in a movie theater and is a projectionist." He said, "When I was young, I often accompanied him on the night shift and watched a lot of movies. I couldn't understand them when I was young. When I came home from get off work, he hugged me and sat under the vine, like telling a story. Explain it to me then."

Lu Wen could imagine the scene and said, "So you have liked movies since you were very young?"

Qu Yanting said "hmm": "I often say that the people in the movie are so powerful. My dad told me that they all have to listen to the director, and the director is the best. From that moment on, my dream has been to be a filmmaker. famous director."

"At first I was embarrassed to say it, because I was afraid he would laugh at me." Qu Yanting raised the corners of her lips, "Later I wrote it in the composition, and he knew it when he signed the test paper. He said that his dream is also to be a director."

This part was not written in detail in the play, Lu Wen thought it over and said: "The ticket stub of "Echo from Heaven" is your memory, right?"

Qu Yanting said: "My dad promised me that on my eighth birthday, like other parents, I would sit in the screening room and watch a movie with me in a serious manner. "Echo from Heaven" is a new movie that has just been released, and he bought tickets in advance."

That afternoon, Qu Yanting anxiously waited in front of the window for his father to get off work. He waited until it was dark. He couldn't help but call the cinema office, urging him to go home to pick him up.

"I called several times, and my dad coaxed me on the phone, and he would ride back faster."

Qu Yanting let go of the phone, turned around and pressed against Lu Wen's chest, and said, "It's raining, I went to the door with an umbrella and waited for him, but he never came back."

Qu's father died in a car accident on that rainy night. Qu Yanting's mother, Ruan Yili, was hit hard and her living place became a sad place. Six months later, she moved to Sichuan with her two sons.

"After that," Lu Wen was afraid to ask, "your mother treated you..."

There was only one wall lamp on in the bedroom, and Qu Yanting looked blankly at the dusk, and said, "She doesn't care about me anymore, and occasionally looks at me in a daze, and I will avoid it, I can't bear her eyes."

"She loves Xiaofeng very much, and I don't feel jealous, because Xiaofeng is only two years old, and I caused him to lose his father at such a young age. But I envy him, very, very envious."

"I tried my best to please her, or to make atonement, but later she even looked at me in a daze less and less. When I grew up, I spoke and acted like my dad, and she was farther away from me."

"Over time I started having nightmares."

Qu Yanting took a deep breath, diluting the burning in her chest: "After I entered junior high school, her body became obviously worse, fatigue, severe anemia, and maybe other things, but she didn't tell me."

Lu Wen put the phone lock screen aside, and the room was quieter and darker.

Qu Yanting rarely recalled that period of time.

He was still young when his father left, and he didn't know much about death. Compared with being sad, he was more tormented by being alone without his father later, but he got used to it after a long time.

During the summer vacation of the second year of junior high school, his mother passed away, and that was the first time he faced death and corpses.

It was an afternoon, and Ruan Yili was lying on the bed, her long hair was dry, and every inch of her thin body lost warmth. She looked the same as when she was seriously ill, but she would never move or wake up again.

Fourteen-year-old Qu Yanting was terrified, and Ruan Feng was only eight years old. He leaned against him and shivered, losing control in fear and crying.

After Ruan Yili's funeral was over, Qu Yanting forgot how he spent the first three months. He couldn't sleep well, and he didn't eat much. His grades dropped from first to last. Every night he dreamed that Ruan Yili told him to fight mosquitoes, and only after waking up did he realize that his mother was already dead.

His father died, his mother died too.

Eight-year-old Ruan Feng cried night after night, buried in bed, or hid in the closet, and even started to lose his hair.

After three months of turmoil, Qu Yanting's condition began to improve, because he realized that if this continues, he and his young brother will not live long.

He took Ruan Feng to shave his head, and a neighbor who retired from the theater troupe, Ruan Feng often opened the window to listen to the other party's singing, so he accompanied Ruan Feng every night to recite operas and play tricks, and he kept it like this for a whole year.

Qu Yanting often holds Ruan Feng in his arms, reads in his arms, enjoys the shade under a tree in summer, and watches fanciers playing the piano and singing operas in the park. Maybe I hugged too much in those years, but now I feel numb after hugging for a while.

"When my mother was alive, I tried my best to beg her not to hate me." Qu Yanting said, "It was only after she left that I realized that maybe she really didn't hate me. She was too tired and had no energy left."

Lu Wen held the back of his head and rubbed it carefully: "You split that life into two, and it became Ye Shan and Ye Xiaowu."

"Yes." Qu Yanting admitted, "I really started writing in the sophomore year of high school. I was still a minor, and I worked odd jobs in the back kitchen of a fly restaurant every day after school. The smell of fish on my body turned into a smell of oily smoke. I was too lonely in the classroom at the end, so I just went to bed by myself. Write a story."

He invents another self who has what he longs for, family affection, unrestrained, unrestrained, even if it is unmotivated and selfish. He also added the few happy memories, as if weaving a dream with his own hands.

Qu Yanting suddenly said: "Do you know why Ye Xiaowu died?"

Lu Wen asked, "Why?"

"Because I was bullied when I was writing the story, I was worried about tuition fees, and I didn't dare to look forward to the future." Qu Yanting said, "I know that Ye Xiaowu is fake, and I can only persevere like Ye Shan."

Lu Wen asked again: "Is there any relationship between Xiaofeng and Lin Jie?"

Qu Yanting replied: "That is the life I hope he can have, a wealthy family, healthy parents, and close friends."

Lu Wen felt that the body in his arms was softening, and he fell down. He supported Qu Yanting's back and lay down, pressing up to cover him. The fake play is already hard work, but he can't imagine the bitterness he has endured in real life.

"Qu Yanting," he called out affectionately, "Now I say 'I will protect you', will you accept it?"

Qu Yanting shook her head: "I don't want your protection, I want you to give me happiness."

Lu Wen said, "What should I do?"

There was a faint light in Qu Yanting's eyes, like water: "From the moment you appeared, happiness flew towards me little by little."

This is Ye Xiaowu's confession to Qi Xiao in "The First Night". Lu Wen bowed/body, and pecked at the end of Qu Yanting's hot eyes: "The director won't give you the lines."

"Do you listen to the director or me?"

"Listen to you, Director Qu."

Qu Yanting was at a loss for words, and his chest was full of thousands of thoughts, which made him want to cry, but he hadn't cried since his mother died, unless... He shyly raised his hand and climbed onto Lu Wen's shoulder: "Let's do it."

Lu Wen rubbed against him: "Can I?"

"I've been away for half a month too." Qu Yanting imitated, "You... you better feed me."

Suddenly loosening his waist, Lu Wen tore off the strap of his nightgown, caressed carelessly, and smiled softly: "You can't even learn to act like a baby, it sounds like a threat."

Qu Yanting relaxed, opened it, covered his mouth with the back of his hand habitually, and muttered: "It's definitely not as good as your little fans who can act like a baby, what kind of brother and boyfriend are shouting..."

Lu Wen was pleased: "Do you also eat fans' jealousy?"

"No way..." Qu Yanting changed his tone, twisted his waist, "I'll get on my stomach."

Lu Wen held him down: "Just watch me do it like this." Then he turned the topic back, "Then your brother and I are so popular with each other, are you jealous?"

Qu Yanting couldn't help being embarrassed when he suddenly mentioned his younger brother while doing this matter: "Of course not... I don't know how good my brother is."

"Oh?" Lu Wen jerked, "A traditional question, Xiaofeng and I fell into the water, who will you save?"

Qu Yanting said out of breath, "Save Xiaofeng..."

Lu Wen occupied an absolute dominant position, bullied him for a while, and gasped, "Why are you so honest? Can't you lie to me on the bed?"

"I haven't finished yet..." Qu Yanting said, "I'll jump down after saving him... and play with you."

Lu Wen couldn't help his face getting hot, I'm afraid no man can bear it, listening to the words of mandarin ducks playing in the water, doing things that are upside down, he lowered his head and bullied Qu Yanting's thin lips, not to let the other party get angry again.

It's not as fierce as the first time, but tonight it's much gentler, always using the traditional posture that can see each other. Qu Yanting wept and sobbed justifiably, and fell asleep under Lu Wen's kiss.

At three o'clock in the morning, the night view of half of the city was outside the window. Lu Wen took Qu Yanting's left hand and interlocked his fingers.

He thinks that no matter how many roles he plays in the future, "The First Night" will be the most memorable and meaningful play in his life.

It has nothing to do with being popular, I'm just glad that I set foot in the world you used to live in, and I performed a part of your life.

"I met you." Lu Wen said beside Qu Yanting's pillow, "I love you."