Crossover Actors

Chapter 85


Lu Wen and She feared that the young writer would meet in the afternoon of the next day, so he was a little anxious, but he only had two precious days of vacation, and he was not sure if he would be free in the year of the monkey.

Besides, regarding the decision to meet, both parties are a little impulsive, and they may lose their mood if they calm down after a long delay.

It happened to be Saturday, Qu Yanting fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up, Lu Wen was fully dressed and ready to leave. At 7:30, he stretched out his wrist, which was scratched by the tie last night, and asked, "Where are you going so early..."

Lu Wen knelt down and grabbed the pillow, and said, "I'm going back to my home company. I have too much work recently, so I will ask financial and legal affairs to help me through it."

It's business, Qu Yanting said: "Okay, then you can go."

Lu Wen kissed him on the forehead and said, "Sleep a little longer, I will close the door gently."

The driver was waiting downstairs, and Lu Wen didn't realize until he got in the car that he didn't seem to have told Qu Yanting which company his family was, and Qu Yanting hadn't asked him either.

After not going to Huanlu for a long time, Lu Wen first accompanied Lu Zhanqing to have breakfast in the restaurant of the headquarters, and then had a meeting. His image of "a prince who is not doing business properly" has never faded, and he reclined on the sofa chair to catch a good night's sleep.

Half a year ago, the company launched the "Huanlu Culture" section and got in touch with art investment, so there are always fresh auction albums in Nanwan's home. Lu Wen saw a lot that fell in love at first sight earlier, and he kept thinking about it, and the auction happened to be held today.

Around ten o'clock, Lu Wen finished the meeting and went to participate in the auction. He didn't want to make news again, so he signed a non-disclosure agreement for competing products after the auction.

At noon, I received a call from Sun Xiaojian. Several contracts were drawn up, and I could stamp the official seal after I signed them. Lu Wen drove to Aijian, got two endorsement contracts, and one starring contract in "Before and Behind the Stage". After signing, he ate McDonald's with Sun Xiaojian.

After tearing apart the ketchup, Lu Wen said, "I finally had a two-day rest, so I have to come over."

Sun Xiaojian said: "Nonsense, how can you come here when you are running for the announcement?"

Lu Wen took a bite of his Big Mac. The weather was warm. He was wearing a loose-fitting red shirt as a coat, with a T-shirt under the open neckline, and slim jeans and canvas shoes underneath. He looked very youthful.

Sun Xiaojian asked casually, "Anything else to do this afternoon?"

"Well, let's go after eating." Lu Wen chewed the beef patty, "Hey, have you met the netizens?"

Sun Xiaojian sipped his Coke and said, "Yes, I met someone in the school forum in the second year of junior high school, we chatted on QQ, and we met at the ramen restaurant in front of the school after chatting for two months."

Lu Wen gossiped: "How is it? How does it feel?"

"I was very surprised at the time." Sun Xiaojian replied, "The grandson is in the class next door, and there was a fight between classes to fight for the court. But we made peace, he treated me to a bowl of ramen, and I treated him to a pot helmet. "

Lu Wen was so happy to hear that, he said inadvertently: "I want to meet netizens too!"

Sun Xiaojian didn't take it seriously, took a French fries and tapped it in the air, and said: "The Internet was not so complicated at that time, but it is not so complicated now. Eight out of ten netizens are liars, four are cheating money, and four are cheating sex."

Lu Wen said, "That's right, there are two left."

"Those two cheat money and sex."

Lu Wen wasn't afraid at all, even if the little writer was really a villain, he didn't have to worry about it given his height and physique, and the place they met was very safe, and they could call for help from the crowd with a single voice.

Glancing at his watch, Lu Wen took the unfinished half cup of Coke and said, "I won't talk to you anymore, just take it out."

The white soft-top sports car slides into the street. Lu Wen likes to drive this car most in spring and summer, especially when it is turned into an open top for a ride in hot weather. He took turns driving each car, changing frequently enough that Yu Ji would not recognize him.

The scorching sun was just right, he was driving skillfully in a pair of black supercars, he sped through most of the block, circled carefully around the destination, and slowed down to stop after confirming that no one was following the car.

I found a shade, turned off the fire, and the front is the main entrance of the meeting place.

-People's Park.

The reason why I chose this place is because there are many middle-aged and elderly people in the park, it is not easy to recognize him, and the place is spacious, unlike cafes where you will have close contact, the focus is on outdoors and safety.

Lu Wen put on a baseball cap and lowered the brim of his hat to get out of the car. He hadn't been here for twenty years. The scene at the door was not much different from when he was a child. There were still uncles selling candied haws, cotton candy and hydrogen balloons.

Lu Wen thought, it's not good to meet empty-handed for the first time, right? Mainly he wants to eat a little bit. He went to the candied haws stall and took a look. The hawthorn was afraid of being sour, so he said, "Master, I'm here to string strawberries."

Moving to the side of the cotton candy cart, he said, "Here's a mango flavor."

Lu Wen held a ball of yellow marshmallows in his left hand and rock candy strawberries in his right, and walked into the People's Park at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Qu Yanting had just left the house, and got up in the morning to revise the manuscript for the second time. The efficiency was not high, and she was a little nervous before going to the appointment. After searching the Internet for some news about the meeting of netizens, she became even more nervous.

He has never been an optimist, and always plans for the worst in everything. If the little singer's identity is false and a liar, how will he deal with it? How to successfully turn the other party over to the public security organ

Qu Yanting drove wild and unconstrained, and comforted herself. They knew each other through the public welfare website jointly established by the Cedar Tree Project and Wenjia Foundation. Most people don't know the existence of the website.

After driving through the last street, Qu Yanting parked the car at the gate of the park, held the steering wheel and slowly got out of the car. There was a white supercar parked ahead, and he glanced around as he circled the front of it.

Probably because of the sun, Qu Yanting felt his mouth and tongue were dry, so he bought a bottle of soda at the cold drink shop next to the door, and when we met... so he bought another bottle for the little singer.

People's Park covers a large area and has been around for a long time. Lu Wen watched the old men whip their tops in the circular square known as the "Little Temple of Earth". The whips slammed on the ground and made a crisp sound. He suddenly wanted to ride a horse. Last time he said he would take Qu Yanting to ride a horse. coming.

After eating the rock candy strawberries, Lu Wen left the main road and strolled along the thick shadow of the trees to "Xianletai".

Xianletai is for people to sing in the morning, a group of fanciers sing opera in the morning, and open-air karaoke in the afternoon, where grandparents and grandparents gather together to sing karaoke songs.

Lu Wen sat on the bench and listened to the song "Night of the Military Port". He hummed the next song of Teresa Teng, shaking the marshmallow.

He and the little writer made an appointment near the rockery, but he did not expect that the park had been renovated once, and a nine-curved corridor was paved under the rockery, like a maze.

Qu Yanting was already dizzy, and a layer of mist oozed from the glass bottle of iced soda. He held one in each hand and looked for the signposts in the huge park.

Passing by a garden, there were as many people as a job fair, and it seemed that an event was being held. Qu Yanting went to the door to ask for directions, and stopped an aunt: "Auntie, do you know where the rockery is?"

The aunt looked at him with a smile, and said: "There are rockeries around half of the lake, but it's too big."

Qu Yanting asked, "Then which direction should I go?"

"Go east." The aunt said kindly, "Young man, how old are you?"

Qu Yanting replied: "... immediately thirty-three."

The aunt said happily: "Oh, just the right age, what education?"

Qu Yanting didn't know why: "Master's student."

"Education is good too," the aunt asked, "Are you a local?"

Qu Yanting's household registration was changed to Sichuan and said, "No."

The aunt suddenly became very worried: "That's not convenient, but you look really good, what do you do?"

Qu Yanting was confused: "You are..."

The aunt showed the photo and resume in her hand, and said, "This is my daughter, if you like it, let's add a WeChat?"

It turned out to be a blind date! Qu Yanting thanked him, turned around and left, all the way east, the phone vibrated in his trouser pocket, and received a QQ message.

Unlucky Little Singer: I'm here.

Social Fear Young Writer: I'm coming too.

Unlucky little singer: I'm in the pavilion of "Quiet Zhiyuan".

Social horror writer: OK.

There were only two old men playing chess nearby. Lu Wen took off his baseball cap and sunglasses, rubbed his hair, and looked around in the pavilion with his legs crossed.

I was so bored, I secretly tore a piece of marshmallow to eat.

Why don't you come, don't regret it halfway.

About ten minutes later, a figure finally appeared in the winding corridor. Lu Wen looked over, and as the person approached, why did the height and silhouette look familiar

That pair of pure white track pants, why are they so similar to the ones Qu Yanting wore after his legs were worn out

Lu Wen ran out of the pavilion and walked through a section of the corridor to see it clearly. If it doesn't look familiar, it's fucking strange. He shouted: "——Qu Yanting!"

Qu Yanting was startled, seeing him, Ruifeng's eyes became almond-shaped: "Lu Wen?!"

The two stared at each other with a distance of three or four meters. When they got closer, they hesitated and didn't know what to say. Qu Yanting asked, "... why are you here?"

"I..." Lu Wen hesitated.

Qu Yanting frowned: "You followed me again!"

"Damn! Who is following you!" Lu Wen frowned, "It's clear that I came first!"

Qu Yanting said, "Then why are you here?"

Fearing that it would get darker, Lu Wen admitted, "I have a date, can't I?"

Qu Yanting didn't believe it: "You are a celebrity asking someone to go to the park?"

"What's the matter? Are you looking down on the park?" Lu Wen poked his neck, "Don't just judge me, why are you here?"

Only then did Qu Yanting die down, and said a little weakly, "I also...have an appointment with someone."

Lu Wen frowned and said, "Who are you dating?"

Qu Yanting asked back, "Who are you dating?"

I haven't seen it yet, and I can't make a conclusion about how the person is. Lu Wen said, "I think I will introduce it to you later."

"Me too." Qu Yanting said.

It was evenly evened out, but Qu Yanting noticed the marshmallow in Lu Wen's hand, and suddenly felt a little upset: "You still buy marshmallows for the date? Are you romantic?"

Lu Wen retorted: "This, this yellow is all pigment, what's so romantic! What do you mean, invite someone to drink soda? You are very considerate?"

"I, I'm because," Qu Yanting said, "the second bottle is half price!"

Fortunately, no one passed by, otherwise I thought there was something wrong with these two people. After breaking up for a while, the two became entangled, should they go their separate ways and go to appointments, or stay together

Qu Yanting looked at the plaque on the pavilion in front of him, and the four big characters "Quiet Zhiyuan" were very eye-catching, but there was no one in the pavilion, and the little singer didn't know where to go.

Lu Wen looked around along the corridor, but there was no figure who appeared to be a young writer.

The two of them walked into the pavilion side by side, and each of them sat down against the fence, occasionally looking for someone, occasionally looking at each other, and they stayed awkwardly for a quarter of an hour.

Lu Wen couldn't take it anymore, if he didn't come again, he would go on a date with Qu Yanting, open QQ and send a message to the little writer: Dear, are you still coming

Qu Yanting took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and replied: I'm here.

Unlucky Little Singer: Where have you been

Social fear young writer: We have arrived at the pavilion.

Damn it, Lu Wen looked around again: Why didn't I see you in the pavilion

Qu Yanting frowned, did he find the wrong place? Isn't it quiet and far-reaching

The two picked up their mobile phones at the same time, and were about to look for them. Lu Wen said, "Well, he must be a road idiot. I have to look for it."

"Oh." Qu Yanting scratched his forehead, "My friend is not very good either, I'll take a look around."

They broke up in the pavilion, one walked the east corridor, the other walked the west corridor, turned back to back, Lu Wen sent a message to the little writer: Where are you, I will go to find you.

Qu Yanting bowed her head and replied: Let me find you, where are you

Lu Wenwen was in a hurry, no matter how many people there were, he sent a series of numbers while walking, and said: My mobile phone number, look for it while calling.

Qu Yanting felt that the number was inexplicably familiar, hesitated for a moment, clicked to call while walking, jumped to the dial page, and the screen automatically displayed - "Lu Wen".

He stared at the two words but didn't react, when Lu Wen's cell phone rang a few steps behind him.

"Ah?" Lu Wen turned his head, "Why are you calling me?"

Qu Yanting turned around slowly, and asked in a daze, "Are you... the unlucky little singer?"

Lu Wen froze, stunned and shocked.