Crossover Actors

Chapter 90


Lu Wen lowered his head, forcing himself to clear out irrelevant thoughts, and when he raised his head again, he focused on the camera. Everyone waited for the director's order in silence, and the whole old factory seemed so quiet that dust could be heard flying.

Zeng Zhen edited a scene, the scene is a train station toilet, the male protagonist walks in after stealing, and meets the plainclothes policeman who has been suspended and returned to his hometown, and the two confront each other silently with their sensitive intuition.

Lu Wen relaxed every muscle group in his body, slumped his shoulders and bent over to make a gesture of washing his hands, raised his eyes to look in the mirror, and his eyes showed sharpness and frivolity after he got his hands.

Suddenly, his eyeballs slanted to one side, and he saw the "plain clothes" approaching. Lowering his head and continuing to wash his hands, the stretched back of his hand gradually bulged with blue veins, stretching into a smooth line along the forearm muscles.

Lu Wen uses his body to express tension, but his expression is mediocre and calm, and the state formed by retracting and releasing is contradictory and harmonious. Straightening up, he shook his hands and looked up in the mirror again.

Directly ahead, Zeng Zhen stared at the monitor and said, "Stop, come to the section in the carriage."

It was interrupted suddenly, but there was no comment on good or bad, and a silent pressure flowed on the scene. Lu Wen took a breath, and entered another situation as soon as possible.

In the sleeper car, the male protagonist and the plainclothes bed face each other, eating instant noodles and drinking beer together, the male protagonist chats about his hometown, old father, and childhood sweethearts in a slightly drunken way, and finally weeps uncontrollably.

It is difficult to act in a play within a play, because the hero is crying for plainclothes to watch on purpose. Lu Wen took off his coat and threw it on the concrete floor, and sat down with one leg bent, like sitting on the lower berth of a train.

Alcohol hiccups, nose blowing, mouth foam when excited... Lu Wen first became the hero, and then turned into an ordinary tourist in the disguise of the hero, completely abandoning his image and shedding false tears.

After finishing his lines, he rubbed his sleeves and looked sideways out of the window.

Another drop of warmth fell from the corner of his eye, and the last drop was real.

Lu Wen is very good at crying, Ye Shan cried in pain, Ye Xiaowu cried stubbornly, and cried angrily in "Right and Wrong", this real and fake crying scene is a new experience.

Zeng Zhen yelled "stop", and the audition was over.

Lu Wen got up with his coat covered in dirt. He didn't know how long the audition took, maybe a quarter of an hour? I didn't play immediately, and I was a little confused standing where I was.

Sun Xiaojian came over to help him, and they walked towards the camera together. Across the table, he was only one meter away from Zeng Zhen, and he could clearly see the lines at the end of his eyes and the stubble on his chin.

Zeng Zhen wore glasses, cast a glance from behind the lens, and stayed on Lu Wen's face for a few seconds.

Next, I have to go back and wait for the notification. Sun Xiaojian communicated well with the crew. Before leaving, he didn't dare to ask Zeng Zhen, but asked an assistant director: "Time is tight, is Lu Wen's performance okay?"

The assistant director said "not bad", his tone was not perfunctory.

Lu Wen put on his baseball cap and walked out of the studio, and relaxed in the sun belatedly. He put his coat in the trash can in disgust, and said, "I knew I would wear an old one."

Sun Xiaojian scolded "prodigal son" and asked, "How do you feel about yourself?"

"It's not bad." Lu Wen commented, "I can't talk about satisfaction or regret, it's relatively peaceful."

Sun Xiaojian said worriedly: "Is it not going to be smashed? I think your acting is pretty good?"

Lu Wenbai glanced at him: "You know what a fart, this is called normal heart."

Qu Yanting taught him before that a good actor is like a glass of white water. Each character is a condiment put into the water, which turns into a different color and taste, and then settles back into a glass of white water.

After getting into the business car, Lu Wen took out an interview draft from his bag, and he can call it a day with another interview today. The front of the car turned slowly, and he asked, "By the way, how long will it take for the crew to give the result?"

"Three or two days." Sun Xiaojian replied, "It is said that I have tried several times, and this is your last wave."

Lu Wen shook the manuscript in his hand, glanced out the window inadvertently, and saw a person walking past the car head-on. He pulled Sun Xiaojian and said, "Hey, look at that man."

Sun Xiaojian pushed his glasses: "You know... huh? Looks familiar?"

Lu Wen felt the same: "I also think I've seen it somewhere."

He searched in his mind, but there were too many staff members he saw every day, and he couldn't remember them all at once. Sun Xiaojian reminded: "It's useless to think about it, hurry up and read the manuscript!"

After finishing the interview in the afternoon, Lu Wen went back to the company and drove his own car. Ruan Feng started construction at Feiheng Store two days ago, and Linxie Garden finally had his place.

After buying some snacks on the way, Lu Wen took the safe passage to climb up to the ninth floor, and took out the key given by Qu Yanting. In fact, he asked for it on his own initiative. If Ruan Feng has it, he should have it too.

Qu Yanting stayed in the study and didn't move when he heard the commotion. Not long after, Lu Wen came in after washing his hands, and asked, "Writer, where are you doing creation?"

Qu Yanting minimized the page and responded. Lu Wen was keenly aware of it, rushed in and said, "Did you turn it off? What are you doing? What are you searching for? Are you still watching a movie?"

"No..." Qu Yanting picked up the water glass and took a sip.

Lu Wen walked around behind the desk, confirmed that there was only one script file open on the computer, and muttered, "Then why are you nervous? You thought you were reading something good behind my back."

Qu Yanting laughed: "I am changing the script, are you tired, go and rest for a while."

Lu Wen said: "I'll accompany you." The main reason was that he was afraid of being bored, so he held Qu Yanting under the armpit with both hands, carried him away from the chair, sat in and spread his legs and put Qu Yanting in front of him.

Feeling weightless for a while, Qu Yanting had already been robbed of his seat when he recovered, and said helplessly, "Don't accompany me, I can't write because someone is staring at me."

"That shows that you lack concentration," Lu Wen said, "What's that called, Hongxiu Tianxiang is by your side."

Qu Yanting twisted his thigh, but unfortunately it was too strong to be twisted, and said angrily: "You still have red sleeves to add fragrance... You just forget about your beauty."

Lu Wen leaned over Qu Yanting's protruding shoulder blades, warmed his hands around Qu Yanting's abdomen with a big wrist, and said, "Oh, change it quickly, or I'll go to the balcony to water the flowers."

Huadu was half dead, Qu Yanting didn't dare to say anything more, clicked on the script and continued to revise, with both hands clenched above the keyboard, he didn't type a word for a long time.

Lu Wen tilted his head, resting his chin on Qu Yanting's shoulder, and gradually saw the content of this scene clearly, and felt compelled to feel at ease, it turned out to be a bed scene.

This scene is in the second half of "Hiding", with strong emotional and visual expressions. Qu Yanting stroked the keyboard and typed an explicit line in a hurry.

Lu Wen originally only wanted to pester the other party, but now he stared at the screen seriously and asked, "Is Meng Chuntai the hero?"

"Yeah." Qu Yanting revised a word, felt the hand on his belly pinch him tightly, and with a clear sound, he heard Lu Wen swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Is Chen Bizhi the heroine?" Lu Wen asked again, "She... so hot."

Qu Yanting didn't answer, and continued to revise. The role of women in this story is not too much, but it is very important. After changing the first few sentences, he really entered the sex scene, and he pursed his lips.

With pain in his shoulder, Lu Wen suddenly gnawed on him, grinding his cotton T-shirt and flesh and muttering: "She is too unrestrained."

"Fuck, Meng Chuntai has something."

"Your mother is so fierce."

"Damn, why is it so dirty?"

A small patch of the shoulder was moistened by the lips and tongue, and it was hot, and Qu Yanting's arms were tingling and numb. All of a sudden, Lu Wen didn't know if he was bored, or panicked with embarrassment, and buried his face in the junction of his neck and back.

Lu Wen said in a muffled voice, "Qu Yanting, so the book you wrote is so wild."

"..." Qu Yanting couldn't tell whether it was a compliment or a derogation, and explained, "Because Chen Bizhi is a prostitute."

Lu Wen raised his head: "Meng Chuntai is whoring?"

Essentially, yes, but emotionally, it’s not just that. Before Qu Yanting could come up with an accurate description, Lu Wen urged: “Go ahead and change it. It’s cool, there’s still a while after it’s cool.”

This paragraph is a pure line dialogue, straightforward and rough. Qu Yanting typed the word "brother", which is Chen Bizhi's playful and charming name for Meng Chuntai.

Behind him, Lu Wen said in response to the situation: "Brother, can this be broadcast?"

Qu Yanting couldn't bear the disturbance: "Yes."

Lu Wen didn't believe it: "Don't fool me."

Qu Yanting said: "It depends on how to shoot, but first of all, the writing must be in place, so that the director understands the various degrees of the scene, so that he can make the most appropriate adjustments."

After changing the whole scene, Lu Wenlai read it back and forth three or four times, and said: "In "The First Night", it only takes three or two lines to write a kiss scene, and now I am familiar with serious sex scenes, tsk tsk tsk."

Qu Yanting shared the computer and said, "'re a fart."

Lu Wen said: "I praise you for making great progress!"

It was getting darker and later, and the night fell slowly after dinner. Lu Wen ate some snacks and felt a little full. Qu Yanting accompanied him for a walk by the lake.

There is a half-circle wooden path along the lake, which creaks when stepped on for a long time, and a small lantern a few meters away can only vaguely illuminate the figure of a person, so Lu Wen put his shoulder on Qu Yanting's shoulder with reassurance.

Tired of walking, rest your feet on the swing chair, the night breeze on the lake is gentle, and a peach tree full of flowers next to it keeps falling petals. Lu Wen caught one, smelled it, and scratched Qu Yanting's palm with the calyx.

In the small square behind, there were aunts dancing, children on the pier on the right were playing, and couples were strolling past in front of them. Lu Wenyin grabbed Qu Yanting's hand in the darkness and yelled.

When Qu Yanting turned his face slightly, he kissed the corner of the other's lips.


Qu Yanting, who finished writing the hot script, closed her eyes purely at this moment.

They sat on the chairs for a long time, until late at night, there were no people around. Lu Wen took out his phone to check the time, and accidentally clicked on a popular tweet.

On the entertainment headlines after nine o'clock, Zeng Zhen and Jin Yanyu appeared together in a certain restaurant. The candid pictures were a bit blurry, but Lu Wen could tell that Zeng Zhen hadn't changed clothes, so he probably went to an appointment after he was busy.

He suddenly remembered that the familiar person outside the studio was Jin Yanyu's assistant when he was recording a reality show. He showed the news to Qu Yanting and said, "This is the first time your teacher and Jin fool have been photographed."

Qu Yanting's expression was obscured by the night, and he said flatly: "I thought they were over."

"Jin Yanyu didn't get abandoned even after making troubles. It seems that Zeng Zhen likes him quite a bit?" Lu Wen analyzed, "Damn, then I have a problem with him, why would Zeng Zhen choose me?"

Qu Yanting said casually, "I don't know."

Lu Wen turned off the phone: "It's over, he must be looking for Zeng Zhen to blow the pillow and make me lose the election."

Qu Yanting: "It's possible."

"It seems that there is no need to wait for the result." Lu Wen said depressedly, "No wonder you don't want me to audition, I forgot about this, but—"

Qu Yanting said, "But what?"

Lu Wen wanted to ask what the phrase ""Hiding" will never be the next "Shadowman"" means. "Shadowman" won the award and was the first box office in the same period. Why is "Hiding" definitely not the next one

But he eavesdropped on Qu Yanting's phone call, so he swallowed the second half of the sentence temporarily and said, "It's's getting late, let's go home too."

Qu Yanting's legs were numb from sitting, and he staggered a step on the uneven wooden path. Just as he stood firm, Lu Wen stood in front of him and squatted down. He leaned on the broad back, and lightly hugged Lu Wen's shoulder with his body.

The weight of the two people made the wooden path louder, and Qu Yanting tilted his head and asked, "If you can't be chosen, are you disappointed?"

Lu Wen replied: "A little bit, I prepared it carefully, and I feel that the acting is not bad." He rubbed his thigh in the palm of his hand, "It's okay, just forget it if you can't choose, I will try the next one."

Qu Yanting said, "Which one is next?"

Lu Wen smiled and said, "After you find a director you like, recommend me. I'll try Meng Chuntai."

Qu Yanting imitated him: "Damn, I'm your plan B, you're so beautiful."

"I'm not beautiful, will you take me as an inspiration?" Lu Wen weighed his hands, "Don't think I can't see it, the bed/scene moves, aren't they written according to my habits?"

"I..." Qu Yanting whispered, "I can't refer to others."

Lu Wen said: "You are Wenquxing, and I am your muse!"

Qu Yanting said: "You are my fallacy."

Turning a corner in silence, the moonlight was bright, Lu Wen lowered his tone: "Hey, have you ever thought about making "Hiding" by yourself, without considering any other factors, have you thought about it?"

After being quiet for a long time, Qu Yanting replied: "I'm afraid I don't have the courage. I've worn away too many things in the past ten years, knowledge, skills, aesthetics, style..."

He spoke slowly, metaphorically: "Can a chef who hasn't held a knife for more than ten years still cook good food?"

"Not necessarily." Lu Wen retorted, "I've been a virgin for nearly thirty years, isn't it amazing for the first time?"

Qu Yanting punched him hard: "You go!"