Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 10


So the battle once again fell into a repetitive process: the lumberjacks - baldheads with a few elites - the lumberjacks, repeated in this cycle, like a meat grinder, destroying the skeletons that kept rushing up.

However, without the defense of the wooden fence, relying solely on manpower to resist the endless army of skeletons was not a good choice after all.

As the fighting continued, more and more loggers began to be injured. Due to the impact of their injuries, their physical strength declined rapidly. There were fewer and fewer lumberjacks able to continue fighting, and Baldhead's rest time became shorter and shorter. Eventually, he had to fight on the front line all the time, relying on his own personal bravery to maintain the front line from collapse.

This bald man was indeed a tough guy. As the battle continued, the wounds on his body continued to increase and gradually became stained with blood. But he gritted his teeth and not only did not retreat, he did not even show any sign of weakness and fought hard.

But courage alone is not enough. Looking at the increasing wounds on his body and his gradually slower movements, you know that he will not be able to hold on for long.

Seeing that the bald head could no longer hold on, Sui Xiong nodded secretly and jumped out from the depths of the woods.

Maybe the village had other methods, but Sui Xiong couldn't just watch a hero fight bloody battles to protect others while he stood idly by.

The huge body stirred up strong winds, and the huge tentacles waved, breaking trees and overturning the ground, leaving terrifying traces on the earth like a tornado passing through, pushing Sui Xiong forward quickly, and in a moment he had crossed a distance of almost ten miles. He rushed to the open space in front of the village.


The giant jellyfish yelled the lines of the game in a language that no one in the world could understand, raised its tentacles, and smashed them hard at the skeletons that gathered in a group and rushed towards the village gate.


At least hundreds of skeletons were smashed to pieces by this blow, and even the ground was smashed into deep depressions. The majestic power of the giant beast was fully demonstrated in this blow.

For these guys with only bones left, the giant jellyfish is really too powerful.

"Kou Jie! You losers have seen it! I am a strong, super strong, irresistible and absolutely powerful mouth!"

Sui Xiong laughed, waving his tentacles and beating them, until the skeletons were defeated. Although he actually only used a small part of his strength, this level of power was enough to sweep through thousands of armies.

The villagers who were originally struggling were stunned. They never expected that things would turn to such a turn.

A Garen jumped out of the grass. Game veterans have experienced it. However, a big dragon fell from the sky. Who would have thought of such nonsense

Fortunately, Sui Xiong transformed this body into a rather gentle one. Apart from its large size, there is nothing particularly ferocious or vicious about it. It has a thick skin, simple color, and no patterns or deformities on its body. It is nothing more than a big thick body. It's just a tentacle monster. In comparison, those skeletons are actually more terrifying.

It's like an elephant and a mustached dog. Although the elephant is much larger than the mustached dog, and its combat power can kill the mustachioed dog in an instant, in terms of appearance, the elephant is much more amiable than the mustachioed dog.

Especially when the elephant is still protecting you from the moustache.

Many villagers cheered as they watched Sui Xiong sweep through thousands of troops, waving his tentacles in all directions and causing bones and debris to fly all over the ground.

However, behind the crowd, in the stone room where Sui Xiong's soul could not penetrate, a pair of old eyes not only showed no joy, but were filled with shock and anger.

"What a hell! Where did a legendary creature come from!" The chief priest of the Night Watch Church in Baiye Village stared fiercely at the giant beast that was killing everyone in the group of skeletons, and his beard was so angry that his beard was trembling.

He spent a lot of time and effort, a lot of resources, and arranged several back-ups, preparing to take advantage of the siege of the skeleton army on Ashes Night this year to greatly increase the level of belief in his gods in the village and develop more fanatical followers. , and by the way, kill the bald man who is always encouraging the villagers to be independent and self-reliant, which greatly hinders his missionary work.

Everything was going smoothly at first, but as long as he went according to plan, the bald man would be doomed soon. When he activated his trump card and appeared as the savior, the villagers would definitely bow down and bow down - oh, no, they had already bowed down and bowed down. It’s just that they are not sincere enough. They must worship sincerely and dedicate everything to His Majesty just like you do. Only then can your great Majesty gain more faith and be able to practice your own life values in a short time. After my short life is over, I head to His Majesty’s Kingdom of God with my head held high...

He had everything prepared, step by step, and under control.

But, this damn monster ruined everything!

hateful! This huge body and powerful power should be a ferocious legendary monster no matter how you look at it. It should be a monster that makes people miserable and makes people fear and tremble. But how can it protect humans!

The chief priest, who is covered in black robes, is very old. When he was young, he was an adventurer, traveling around the continent, spreading the power of the gods he believed in, while amassing wealth and increasing his power. He has also seen those huge monsters. They have desperate power. They use their power to do whatever they want and are arrogant and domineering.

But now, he saw a monster beyond his imagination.

Powerful, but not vicious, but friendly.

More than once, he saw the monster deliberately avoid harming the villagers during the battle. Sometimes it would rather suffer a small loss and be attacked by the skeleton a few times, but would also try to protect the villagers.

There is no doubt that this is a monster in the good camp. Perhaps it is not a human being, but comes from some world full of glorious peace and warmth.

Celestial creatures? Celestial jellyfish? Never heard of it...

A little doubt, but more anger. For the old priest who has experienced many ups and downs and failures, the failure of his plan is actually not a big deal. He can tolerate failure even when he is about to succeed. It is more of a disappointment for the future.

Since that big guy is so friendly to humans, he is likely to stay in this area and become a role similar to a patron saint. With its protection, the nearby villages will no longer need to rely on divine power to survive the crisis. This may not be a big problem for the Good God Church, which is good at treatment and other methods, but for the Evil God Church, which relies on fear and threats to maintain its existence, it is simply a disaster!

Not to mention that good and evil have been mortal enemies since ancient times. This kind monster even fights and kills relatively less evil undead souls. Will it show mercy to myself, the evil priest of the evil god who is so evil that his heart and lungs are completely black

I'm afraid that after it wipes out the skeleton army, it will destroy His Majesty's holy residence at dawn...

The old priest's chest heaved violently like a blacksmith's bellows, and his anger burned like a furnace fire with enough wind, making him almost go crazy.

Absolutely intolerable!

Fear and anger made him walk around impatiently, and also made the surrounding girls who were serving as altar men feel uneasy. Fortunately, he quickly woke up and regained his composure.

Anger cannot solve the problem, but will bring more problems. He needs to calm down now. Things are not completely hopeless yet.

At this time, the power of mortals is useless, and we can only pray to the great gods for wisdom.

"Loyal night watchman, sleepless one guarding the Holy Gate, your servant prays here. The servant's small wisdom is no longer enough to deal with the situation at hand. I pray that you will guide your great and vast wisdom and tell the servant what to do!"

His prayers went unanswered at first, but soon the small shrine began to glow with a strange light. The light was pure black, but it was inexplicably dazzling, with warmth and coldness coming out at the same time, which was very strange.

Along with this strange light, there was also an inexplicable will. This will came into contact with the old priest and disappeared immediately, along with the strange light, as if it had never appeared before.

"Strange! Is it my imagination?" When the light appeared, Sui Xiong felt that the aura that made him hate suddenly strengthened. He subconsciously looked at the stone house, but he didn't see anything special. When he planned to take a closer look, When he took a closer look, the aura had disappeared and everything was as usual, which made him wonder if he had just had an illusion.

However, this thought was only fleeting. It was not an easy task to deal with the skeleton army while properly protecting the villagers. At this moment, he was suppressing most of his strength, which was even more difficult. There was really not much room for distraction.

Anyway, the days are long and there is plenty of time to communicate slowly, so he is not in a hurry.

But he was not in a hurry, but his enemy was.

In the stone house, in front of the shrine, the old priest who had closed his eyes to pray opened his eyes. There was no longer worry and anxiety in his eyes, but a look of ecstasy.

"Great! The time to go to my Lord's Kingdom has finally arrived! The most glorious moment in my life has finally arrived!"

He laughed, opened the box where he kept his treasures, and took out a wooden stick.

There are many stains on the black wooden staff. If you look closely, they seem to be the traces left after the blood has dried. The smell of blood in the air also proves this. One section of the wooden stick is extremely sharp, and there are two blood grooves. Once it pierces the prey's body, blood will spurt out along the blood grooves, soaking the special patterns on the wooden stick. Those "patterns" can convert blood into magic power, quickly build a miniature sacrifice circle, and turn the victim into a sacrifice to the evil god.

Many years ago, when the old priest was still a young priest, he spent a huge price to ask an equally evil magician to make this wooden staff. He named it "Sacrifice" and used it to complete the work. Many sacrifices were made, and the gods were pleased with these sacrifices more than once.

The reason why he was able to become the chief priest of a holy place with mediocre qualifications was largely due to this wooden staff.

And today, he will use this wooden staff again.

This time, he will offer the best sacrifice!