Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 101


"It turns out that Xiao Xiyu already knows about it..." Surprisingly, when Lei told Mrs. Teague about Zesheng's information, she was not surprised at all, but instead sighed melancholy, "This child is really... too... So smart!"

"Ah? Mrs. Teague, you already know?" Ray was surprised.

"Of course, my husband died at sea inexplicably. As a wife, of course I should investigate carefully." Mrs. Teague said calmly, "I was sure from the beginning that this was not an accident, but a conspiracy, and then in the spirit of 'Who gets it? The good thing is, whoever is more likely to be suspected will be more likely to be suspected. We first started investigating from the Noble Lady Church, and we quickly found clues."

She smiled slightly: "Although I have retired for many years, I was once a senior adventurer after all. When I traveled around as a ranger, I was still somewhat famous. My investigative efficiency is higher than that of the fledgling one on Xiaoxi Island. The guy is much taller."

Lei suddenly realized it and couldn't help but smile.

All this time, he had subconsciously ignored Mrs. Teague's strength, but he never thought that if she was just an ordinary woman, how could she chat and laugh with a group of extraordinary adventurers? Knight Parn is a high-level warrior, and Mrs. Teague is at least an intermediate-level adventurer. She is probably on the same level as her husband!

"Since you already know, why haven't you said anything yet?" he asked with some confusion.

"Who should I tell?" Mrs. Teague sighed sadly. "The children are too weak to know that this kind of thing is harmful to them. Didn't those old friends I know die with Parn?" In the sea, I threw myself at the Noble Lady Church. I can only keep this secret in my heart, wait until the children grow up, settle them somewhere else, and then find someone to investigate."

"But you should at least tell me!" Lei said, "Now that this kind of thing has happened to me, I can never turn a blind eye! And my strength is also good - even if I can't, there are still my companions. It's really no longer possible, You can also ask our Lord to come forward..."

"You are a true knight! But I don't want to put others in danger for my own sake."

Lei couldn't help laughing: "Mrs. Teague, since you admit that I am a knight, you should know that for a knight, whether to take care of something is not determined by whether the person involved entrusts it, but whether he I think this matter should be taken care of and decided.”

He stood up with a solemn expression: "As a knight, I cannot turn a blind eye to the evil conspiracy happening in front of me! I swear on my honor that I will do my best to expose the possible conspiracy! Give the criminals the punishment they deserve. !”

When it came to this, Mrs. Teague had nothing to refuse.

A knight's oath of honor cannot be refused. It would be an insult to Ray's honor if she persisted in refusing his help.

Now that a consensus has been reached on the most critical issues, subsequent matters will be much simpler.

Mrs. Teague told Lei the information she had obtained. Compared with Zesheng, the information she collected was much more detailed, especially some key matters, which made Lei's eyes light up.

For example, she found out who was in contact with the businessman who initiated the voyage.

That man's name is Sean Riley, he is the son of the Lord of Gars City and has been responsible for the commercial affairs of Gars City. In order to open up trade routes, he sailed to the Mystic Tower Federation, and happened to meet the businessman who went to Baita Port to do business, and the two sides established a line.

If there is any conspiracy behind this incident, Sean Riley should not be able to escape the involvement. Maybe he was the officiant's partner.

Lei nodded slightly: "This information is so important! Now I finally have a breakthrough! Steele and I will set off in a moment to talk to this Sean Riley."

"He is not here. Now he is either in Gars City or Yunta Port."

"Yunta Port? Didn't they set up the line at Baita Port?"

"Baita Port is the most important port in our federation. It is a mixed bag of good and bad, and there are countless powerful people and organizations. In order to ensure their interests and safety, of course they will not choose this port as a transit point for trade routes." Mrs. Teague said with a smile, "Although Yunta Port is not big, it is enough for a merchant fleet. More importantly, the ruler of Yunta Port is only a senior mage. Even if something goes wrong, it is still better than the legendary mage. A lot more to handle—at the very least, his appetite must be much smaller.”

Lei nodded gently, indicating that he understood, and asked if there was anything else that needed attention.

"There's only one thing left," Mrs. Teague said with a smile. "We, the whole family, will do it with you."

"What?!" Lei was shocked, "How can this work! I trust your strength. Miss Liv can be regarded as more or less capable in combat, but how can Nisi participate in such a risky thing!"

"You stood up for us and took risks to investigate the conspiracy and the cause of my husband's death. Reasonable and reasonable, I cannot just let go and sit at home and watch you take risks, so I must go with you." Mrs. Ge said calmly, "I'm leaving. Liv and Nisi's strength is simply not enough to protect themselves. Leaving them here is simply giving them to the enemy to be used as hostages or even killed, so I must take them with me." .”

"... There is no need for you to follow me. Please believe in your strength."

"This has nothing to do with your strength. Just as you, as a knight, have your principles and honor, I, as Parn's wife, also have my principles and honor." Mrs. Teague was not moved at all, although her tone was very calm. , but it was as if it was categorical and there was no room for discussion, "If you think we are a burden, we can follow you from a distance and will not cause you any trouble. But please forgive me, I think that if we act together, It’s actually the safest option.”

Lei frowned and looked at Steele who had been listening quietly next to him, hoping to get her support.

However, Steele supported Mrs. Teague instead: "Mrs. Teague is right, and I agree with her. It is safest and most reliable if we act together."

Lei didn't expect that Steele actually said the same thing, so he had to ask Sui Xiong for instructions again.

"Is there any problem with this?" Sui Xiong asked in confusion, "Isn't it natural for a wife to avenge her husband and investigate the cause of her husband's death? It is natural for a daughter to avenge her father and investigate the cause of his father's death. As for Xiao Nisi , should you leave her alone at home?"

"But... it's too dangerous! A fierce battle might break out!" Lei was going crazy. "Why haven't any of you thought about the danger? Nisi is still so young!"

Sui Xiong finally understood what he meant and couldn't help but yell: "Damn! Your eyes are on the top of your head, right? You look down on me, brother! Even if you can't handle it, you still have me! No matter how fierce the battle is, Can I still not be able to protect a little girl?"

Lei was scolded by him and laughed sarcastically.

So the matter was settled. Mrs. Teague was also a resolute person, so she immediately took Nisi to pack her luggage and collected almost all valuable or commemorative things in the house. When Liv and a few friends paid off their debts and came back with a smile, they were stunned to see that the house was empty and about to move.

"What... what's going on?" she asked quietly, "Are we moving?"

"It's not about moving, we are going to Yunta City." Now that the matter is over, Mrs. Teague certainly has no need to keep it secret anymore. "There are some doubts about the death of Parn and the others. Mr. Lei agreed to our request. He and Si Miss Till will accompany us to Yunta Port to find possible insiders and trace the truth of the shipwreck."

Liv stared blankly at her mother who had put on leather armor and was carrying a long bow, a quiver on her shoulder, and a rapier. She had also put on a small leather armor, and was holding a hand with a smile. Niss, who was running around with a small toy-like shield, couldn't help but doubt her own eyes - what on earth was going on! She never knew that her mother was actually a ranger! And my sister’s leather armor must have been prepared a long time ago!

"... Wasn't the fleet attacked by the 'Undertide' Tomsar?" she asked.

"Things are a bit strange and there are doubts." Mrs. Teague said, "Since there are doubts, I will pursue it!"

Liv frowned, and after a while, she nodded and said firmly: "Okay, let's go without further ado!"

Sui Xiong couldn't help but raise his thumb in his mind and said quietly to Lei: "This little girl is also very decisive, and her tutor is good!"

"Well, I'm just a little worried." Lei said with a wry smile, "I don't know why, but I always have an ominous premonition."

"Bah, bah, bah! You are such a knight. When did you change your career to become a magician? You still have an 'ominous premonition'... Brother, I don't have any ominous premonitions. Where did you get the bullshit premonition!"

Lei dumbly smiled to himself and suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

As His Majesty said, with Him walking all the way, what danger can there be? If the protection of a god is not safe enough, nothing and no place is safe in the world.

"Maybe I really thought too much..."

"Of course!" Sui Xiong snorted, but couldn't help but secretly cast a divination spell.

Unfortunately, because of being involved in that conspiracy, the divination spells were interfered with and it was impossible to determine the good or bad luck of this trip.

"The spell is not easy to use, it's really inconvenient!" He couldn't help but mutter in his heart, "Oh! When I didn't know how to divination, I lived in a haze and never felt any inconvenience. Now that I can divination, I can't divination when encountering big events. , I feel a little worried..."

He couldn't help but think of the divination he made before setting off. At that time, he was divining "whether the trip would go well." The result was "success and unexpected gains."

Judging from the current situation, Lei and Steele can indeed be called an "unexpected gain", but the original goal of this trip failed... So, what does the "success" that was originally predicted mean

well! Not only are mortals unable to do this job well, but gods are also unable to do it well!