Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 105


Randolph's information can be summarized into three points:

First, Sean Riley may have foreseen the shipwreck.

Second, the shipwreck was most likely arranged by the chief priest of the Church of the Noble God.

Third, Sheen will be leaving here soon.

"Taken together, I think Sean Riley is highly suspicious." After temporarily settling in the hotel, Lei told all the information, and then gave his analysis, "This matter is probably between him and The officiant co-planned it.”

Everyone has no objection to his analysis. After discussion, they decided to visit the Garth Chamber of Commerce—the Chamber of Commerce established here by Sean Riley—the next morning. If nothing unexpected happens, where should Sheen be based

However, accidents always happen. When they arrived at the Garth Chamber of Commerce the next morning, they were told by the doorman that President Sheehan was busy arranging the next business trip and had no time to receive guests.

Lei frowned and signaled to Steele. Steele, who had already developed a tacit understanding with him, immediately stepped forward and used her charm ability on the guard.

Steele's charm ability is powerful and is the embodiment of her "Holy Spirit" essence. If you want to resist her charm, even the legendary strong people may not be able to do so. The guard was just a strong man. He had just stepped into the ranks of "professional adventurers". His strength was even worse than Liv's. How could he resist

Just after meeting Steele's eyes for a second or two, his eyes became dull and he completely lost his clarity.

"Is President Sheen here?" Steele asked softly.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in a few days."

Lei frowned and asked, "Then who can see him?"

"He said he wasn't feeling well during this period and he didn't see anyone."

"Is he feeling unwell? That's not what you said just now!"

"This is what the president told him before. He said that if anyone wants to see him, just reply, 'The president is busy arranging business and has no time to receive guests.'"

Lei frowned again and asked, "Where does he live?"

"The president lives in the room on the second floor near the seaside."

Lei nodded and looked at Sui Xiong: "Your Majesty, can you please check that room?"

Normally, Sui Xiong shouldn't be troubled by such a small matter, but his heart was full of bad premonitions at the moment, and he didn't want to wait for a second longer.

Sui Xiong used soul sensing to check the room and found that there was no Sean Riley in it at all, but there was a gray-haired old man lying on the floor with a dagger stuck in his vest. He had been dead for several days. It's just that the body was sealed by magic, so it never rotted.

Sean Riley is the son of the Lord of Gars City. According to common sense, no matter how old he is, he cannot be an old man. So who is this old man? Why would he be killed in Sheen's room

Sui Xiong cast a spell to project the old man's back in the air, and asked the guard about the old man's origins. I learned that the old man turned out to be the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, responsible for the daily affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, and a close confidant of President Sheehan.

"Kill and silence!" Lei said coldly, "It seems that Sheen has run away!"

After a while, the entire Gars Chamber of Commerce was in chaos. The president disappeared and the vice president was killed. News like this immediately caused panic.

Sui Xiong and the others summoned everyone from the Chamber of Commerce and asked them one by one.

After a while, they finally asked about Sheen's whereabouts - a guard responsible for night patrol had encountered the hooded vice-president leaving in a hurry one night eight days ago. After analysis, Sui Xiong determined that there were traces of being confused by spells on his body. Combined with the inference of the vice president's death time, it was estimated that Sheen killed the vice president and used magic to change into his appearance and left.

It's just... Why is Sheen so anxious to escape? Or even use such means? What secret was he trying to hide by killing his cronies

"No matter what secret he has, this is the only clue we have now. We can only go after him." Lei Luo made a decision after thinking about it. "The target of his escape is probably Gals City. We can just catch him." !”

"Do you want to fly along the route?" Sui Xiong asked.

"It's inconvenient for so many people to fly together." Lei said, "Since he has been running away for eight days, there is no need to worry about a day or two. Let's get ready and set off by boat to Gars City!"

So everyone made preparations individually. Things such as carriages, horses, and tents that were not convenient for taking a boat were sold, and they also had to look for a boat to go to Gars City.

However, they did not find a ship heading to Gars City. An experienced old captain suggested that they take a boat to Baita Port first, then take a boat from Baita Port to Dhaka Chamber of Commerce, and then take a boat from Dhaka Chamber of Commerce. Go to Blue Moon Kingdom. After arriving at the Blue Moon Kingdom, I believe I will be able to find a ship to Gars City.

"This is not a waste of time." The captain said, "It will only delay us for seven or eight days on the road at most. For a long journey, it is nothing at all."

What he said made sense, and the matter was decided.

That afternoon, they boarded the ship and sailed towards Baita Port.

The distance from Yunta Port to Baita Port is not far. The customer's mixed ship sailed smoothly in the calm offshore waters. The ship has been traveling between the two ports all year round. Both the captain and the sailors have accumulated rich experience. For them, this sea area is It's like your own backyard, knowing almost every rock and undercurrent. Sailing on this ship is not only safe, but also quite relaxing and enjoyable, just like traveling.

After changing ships from Baita Port, the situation was almost the same. To the east of the Mystic Tower Federation, there is a small country called "Dhaka Merchant Alliance". It was founded on maritime transportation and its navigation industry is extremely developed. For a long time in the past, only the ships of the Dhaka Merchant Alliance could bypass the dangerous Iron Cliff Mountains and reach the Blue Moon Kingdom in the east of the mainland, thereby monopolizing the maritime trade in this section.

After almost twenty days of sailing, being stuck on a small sailboat, people would inevitably become a little lazy, even Mrs. Teague and Liv were no exception, and Steele turned into a pig without moral integrity. , playing with Xiao Nisi all day long to pass the boring time.

Of course Lei would not be like this. While he was learning sailing skills from the sailors with great interest (the captain's sailing skills were kept secret), he was also teaching his new disciples to practice martial arts. In his free time, he would sit on the side of the boat and fish, and he was not bored at all. .

Compared to Liv who has become a bit lazy, Rank is much more diligent. He would exercise hard every day, and would rest until he was exhausted every time. After resting, he would continue to exercise. Calculating carefully, he would practice for about ten hours a day.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off and every drop of sweat will not be in vain. In just twenty days, his swordsmanship has made great progress. In Lei's words, he "finally looks good", and in the sparring with Liv, he was no longer suppressed and beaten by one side, but could be both defensive and offensive, even if he was temporarily at a disadvantage. He was running around in a hurry, and he did look a bit like a swordsman.

But after they transferred to the sea ship from the Dhaka Merchant Alliance to the Blue Moon Kingdom, their living conditions were not so comfortable.

They were on a purely passenger ship. Although the ticket was expensive, the cabin conditions were absolutely first-class. Except for the slightly smaller space, the decoration and appliances were no worse than ordinary hotel rooms. However, the captain was a very strict old man. He was very stubborn and stressed all day long that "the sea is dangerous" and did not allow passengers to move around on the deck.

Even Lei couldn't bear being trapped in the cabin for a long time. As for Sui Xiong, he simply returned to the sea, transformed into a look suitable for underwater operations, and wandered around.

Anyway, with him watching, what danger could there be to this ship

But he was optimistic too early.

When the ship sailed through the "Hell Bay", the most famous reef group in the Iron Cliff Mountains, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the calm sea surface also rolled up. Waves followed one after another, as if in the blink of an eye, the ship sailed Into the storm.

The captain was shocked and immediately asked all the sailors to take action. While furling part of the sails, reducing the ship's speed and avoiding danger, he also strengthened his observation of the sea surface and carefully avoided reefs and things that might be more dangerous than reefs.

Because of their strong strength, both Ray and Mrs. Teague were invited to the deck to be on guard with the boatswain.

"Have you encountered a sea monster?" Lei asked curiously and excitedly.

He has been adventuring for so many years, killing mountain monsters, fighting dragons, and meeting gods, but he has never encountered a sea monster!

The boatswain's weather-beaten face was full of solemnity, and he said worriedly: "It is indeed a sea monster, and not an ordinary sea monster. Maybe it is the 'Raging Tide' Hemsala."

"Heimsala? Is he the one with the same name as 'Undertide' Timsal?" Lei was stunned for a moment, and when he got a positive answer from the boatswain, he couldn't help but become more curious.

"Raging Tide" and "Undertide" are the two most famous sea monsters in the main plane. They are not only powerful, but also have many legendary stories. But until now, no one has figured out what they look like or what their true form is.

Of course Lei knew that with his own strength it was absolutely impossible to spy on the true form of the legendary sea monster, but there was still His Majesty the Mask of the Void here! Your Majesty will be curious to find out what happened. When he sees it, how can he not tell him

"I never thought that I would encounter such a good thing when I go to sea!" He couldn't help but laugh, "Maybe... I will become the first mortal in the world to know the true form of 'Rage Tide'!"

He conveyed the words of the boatswain to Sui Xiong through his spiritual connection. Sui Xiong was really curious and went straight to the center of the storm to find out what was going on.

In the center of the wind and waves, he saw a continuously churning magic power, driving a mass of sea water around him as if it were boiling. And there is a small whirlwind surrounding the boiling sea water, forming a tiny tornado.

Looking carefully, there is a ray of divine power at the core of that mass of magic power. It is stable and calm, not as fierce as sea water and whirlwind, and even motionless, as if fast asleep.

"Hello, is this Heimsala?" Sui Xiong tried to send out his thoughts and say hello to it.

When his thoughts touched the magic power, the ray of divine power in the center swayed a few times as if awakening, and then a reply came.

It was a very vague and confusing thought, generally speaking, it was about.
