Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 109


The "Shadow Demon King" is a weird and powerful monster. According to people who have encountered it, it has a human-like appearance, like a black and red figure. But this form is not fixed and can be changed at will. It usually likes to hide in the shadows, not necessarily for ambush or sneak attack, it is just a hobby.

It is said that it is an undead monster, so it is full of resentment towards the living. Although it has terrifying power that can crush even a mountain, it is keen on killing its targets by devouring life force. And its most terrifying ability is its ability to pollute and bind the souls of those it kills, turning them into shadow soldiers.

This terrifying monster has lived in the Ash Forest for more than two hundred years. It has launched attacks on various pioneer villages and towns more than once. It has even crossed the mountain pass to wreak havoc in the Gold Coin Federation. Back then, it destroyed several cities in one fell swoop, forcing the patron saint of the Gold Coin Federation, the god of commerce and wealth, to descend into avatars, only to repel them.

From then on, what was originally called the "Shadow Monster" became known as the "Shadow Demon King". Some villains even believed in it and used living people as sacrifices to obtain the power of shadows from it. poisonous dagger.

As a typical representative of the evil power of the Ash Forest, it and several other good or evil monsters form the high-end force group of the entire Ash Forest.

As for Ice Dragon Snowflake, strictly speaking, she is still far away from this group.

So when the Shadow Demon suddenly attacked, even if the two strongest members of the Masked Void Church were present, they were unable to provide effective resistance.

It was a bright and sunny morning, and Rhodes was training with the recruited pioneers - even if he chose to set off in the relatively warm summer, it was still not easy to open up villages and towns in the cold north and deal with the inherent risks in the Ash Forest. Easy things. This requires a lot of training so that everyone understands what to do in normal times and how to deal with special situations, so as to increase the chance of success in pioneering and avoid failure.

After all...if it fails, hundreds of lives will be lost!

They established a temporary village about one day north of Rye Town. The villagers were busy, doing a lot of work that was not needed for the time being, in preparation for future pioneering.

Gerald was leading a group of strong men for combat training. Their fundamental goal was not to establish a pioneer village, but to establish the Church of the Mask of the Void. For this, of course, a group of people capable of fighting are needed to form an order of protective knights.

Xuehua is dealing with government affairs, generally finance, materials and personnel. She hated this kind of tedious work, but until Sui Xiong got back the Parn Knight who was said to be good at government affairs, these things could only be done by her or Rhodes. Rhodes is also responsible for training civilians. Compared with the boring government affairs, those tasks are more tedious and boring, especially dealing with those stupid mortals who lack education, which is even more frustrating.

Xuehua once tried it, but found that those guys couldn't even distinguish a simple concept of "left and right". Just to popularize this concept, it took her several days, and in the end she was so angry that she almost killed someone. After that, even if Rhodes was willing to exchange jobs, she would definitely refuse.

Hail and Shuang are still looking for a suitable place to develop, and have found several targets for the time being, but none of them are very satisfactory, so they continue to search in the north and cannot come back for the time being.

I have protested several times for this reason. I don’t know how much I have thought about reasons such as “lack of sleep is the enemy of beauty” or “children will not grow taller if they don’t sleep enough”. Shuang, on the other hand, always had a bad look on his face, clearly writing "I'm unhappy" on his face.

In fact, they are not the only ones who are "unhappy". The armored demon Phil is also quite dissatisfied with the fact that he has to look after the store and has reduced his time to serve the flower fields in the temple. However, he is kind and easy to talk to.

Originally, this day was supposed to go through as usual, as unremarkable as ever, as boring as ever. But on that peaceful morning, something unexpected happened.

From the shadow of a house, a red-black figure emerged. It smiled strangely and waved its hand. Countless shadows emerged from the shadows of various sizes all over the village, and immediately threw their faces at everyone around them. The creatures attacked.

In just an instant, more than half of the pioneer team that Rhodes had worked so hard to recruit were killed or injured, and less than one-third of the lucky ones escaped the attack of the shadow soldiers.

But the shadow soldiers continued to appear, increasing in number.

Seeing this scene, Rhodes was so angry that his eyes turned red. Without saying a word, he pulled out his dagger and started fighting with the shadow soldiers. After Gerald swung his battle ax and defeated the shadow soldiers in a circle around him, he hurriedly ran around the village, killing as many of the monsters that suddenly attacked as possible and protecting the villagers.

The person who really improved this situation was Satan. As soon as he discovered the problem, he immediately activated the scroll he had prepared in advance, and released more than ten light balls that emitted dazzling light like the sun in one breath. at. The light sources interweave with each other, erasing most of the outdoor shadows.

As for indoors... I guess there aren't many people left...

His magic was used accurately, and he was able to restrain the elusive shadow soldiers in an instant. The combat effectiveness of these shadow soldiers is not very strong. They rely solely on their ability to pass through the shadows and escape from the shadow plane into the main plane in order to catch others off guard. At this moment, all the shadows were erased, and many moving shadow soldiers were also cut off, turned into a puff of smoke, and disappeared without a trace.

The red and black figure let out an angry roar. In just that moment, it lost about one-fifth of its shadow soldiers, which was a heavy loss.

So it took action in person, turning into a deep black shadow and heading straight towards Satan who was casting a spell.

It came so quickly and without any warning that Satan didn't even have time to react.

Facing this demon king who has been ravaging the world for hundreds of years, even though he had put several layers of defensive spells on his body in advance, it still had no effect.

With just one blow, his body was shattered like a piece of paper that had been cut randomly with scissors. Blood overflowed from countless wounds, but it was sucked dry before he could even hit the ground. His whole body instantly became as rotten as a piece of wood. It dried up and fell heavily to the ground, breaking into countless large and small pieces.

Only then did Satan react. Facing the sudden arrival of death, he unexpectedly felt very calm.

"Ah... is this death? Haha, it doesn't seem to be scary..."

However, he obviously calmed down too early. A gloomy black energy spread from the red and black figure and tightly wrapped around his soul. Negative energy as deep as the sea poured into his soul crazily. Almost in an instant, his soul was completely contaminated by negative energy and turned into a twisted evil spirit.

Before being contaminated and transformed, he only had time to pray one last time: "My Lord! Please save my soul!"

After killing Satan with one blow and polluting his soul, the red-black devil finally vented some of his anger and then turned his attention to a more valuable target.

For example, the giant dragon that appeared with the cold air, as clear as ice crystals. Or the giant roaring towards us, battle ax in hand.

Snowflake and Gerald noticed the presence of the Shadow Demon almost at the same time, and rushed towards it in unison. One of them breathed out extremely cold ice flames, and the other fully stimulated the surging divine power on the battle ax specially made by Sui Xiong. The cone-shaped blue-white flames turned everything in its path into ice, turning the red and black flames into ice. The Demon King was completely shrouded inside, and the golden battle ax was like a bolt of lightning, striking towards its head.

Both of them are strong men in the legendary realm. The power of a joint attack is simply daunting. But facing the Shadow Demon King, such an attack has no effect at all. The red and black figure just waved his hand, and the shock wave turned into negative energy. The ice flames scattered in all directions and turned into countless ice shards, which were flying like a heavy snowfall. Gerald couldn't even get close to him, and was directly blasted away with his axe, and then collapsed. Several wooden houses finally fell into ruins.

The power of the Shadow Demon is simply incredible!

With a casual blow, the alliance between Snowflake and Gerald was broken. The red and black devil smiled proudly, and his sinister eyes fell on Snowflake.

The soul of an ice dragon might be a good collectible.

But before it could take action again, with a loud thunderous noise, a blue-white thunder fell from the sky and struck hard at it.

Sui Xiong had been floating high in the sky, constantly absorbing magic power, and slowly converting it into divine power to enhance his own strength. This is his practice, just like it was in the Ice Trench.

It was precisely because of his concentration on training that when the Shadow Demon King came to attack, he was unable to react immediately. It wasn't until the believers suffered heavy losses that they woke him up from his practice and hurriedly descended to the ground.

But just as he rushed towards the ground, Satan had been killed, and then Snowflake and Gerald were also defeated.

Sui Xiong was so angry that he almost went crazy. While speeding up, without saying a word, he struck down hard with a divine thunderbolt.

Because he was so fast, he even broke the sound barrier and made a huge roar.

The divine thunder has its own tracking effect, and there is no possibility of "dodge". The Shadow Demon seems to have some understanding of Sui Xiong's situation, and has no intention of dodge. With a wave of his hand, a deep and dark wave of negative energy rises into the sky. , and crashed into the divine thunder.

The two forces collided fiercely. There was no sound, but the surrounding space was distorted and blurred. The scene of the shadow plane could even be seen from the distortion.

The first blow of the battle between the two sides shattered the space barrier of the main plane and opened the passage to the shadow plane.

But this was just the beginning. After half a second at most, a tentacle as big as a towering ancient tree roared down and hit the red and black figure.

Only then did Sui Xiong's roar reach the ground.

"court death!"